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Orobinskaya, I. V. (2013). Peculiarities and Analysis
of Implementation of Different Tax Regimes
for Agricultural Goods Producers in Russia. Taxes and Taxation, 2, 85–95. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=62384
In Russia agricultural industry is subject
to tax just like other economic sectors. At
the same time, agricultural sector traditionally
has certain tax rebates and a special tax regime
due to specific features of agricultural production,
in particular, seasonality, dependence on
the weather and peculiarities of agricultural
production facilities. Throughout the period of
economic reformation, Russia has been trying to
create the system of taxation which would take
due account of agricultural production features.
Therefore, the article describes special features
and provides a profound analysis of positive
and negative sides of implementing different tax
regimes by agricultural goods producers in the
Russian Federation.
taxes and taxation, Single Agricultural Tax, tax payments, tax burden, agricultural goods procedures, Value-Added Tax, Income Tax, Land Tax, Transport Tax.
Aguzarova, F. S. (2013). Luxury Tax: Social Aspect. Taxes and Taxation, 2, 96–99. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=62385
Tax transformation has always been a
special issue for the Russian Federation and has grown especially severe presently. This is caused
by the new luxury tax and the idea of combining
the two taxes, individual property tax and
land tax into a single property tax. The author
of the article studies the problems of reformation
of tax system from the point of view of social
security and proves the need in supporting
local budgets through increasing tax revenues.
The present article contains not only research
opportunities, but also recommendations in the
sphere of formation of tax justice. The author’s
ideas can be successfully used by legislative authorities
of the Russian Federation. The author
makes certain conclusions about the relevant
nature of this issue and points out that it will be
soon implemented in practice.
tax, taxation, income, luxury, real estate, equity, efficiency, the balance, of the budget.
Gidirim, V. A. (2013). Corporate ‘Residence’ Taxation
in International Tax Law. Taxes and Taxation, 2, 100–120. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=62386
It is the first time in Russian theory of
taxation and taxation law that someone provides
a detailed description of a modern theory of residence
used in developed tax systems of Western
countries. We do not have such a conception in
Russian taxation law, this is quite a gap in tax
regulation of economic activities and provides numerous
opportunities to avoid paying taxes. The Ministry of Finances of the Russian Federation
has declared about the need in implementing this
concept in the Tax Code of the Russian Federation
as the ‘Fundamental Objectives of Taxation
Policy in 2013 -2015’. In this regard, the article is
of great interest for all who are interested in modern
problems of international taxation policy. The
author of the article analyzes not only conceptual
grounds of tax residency of legal entities, but also
summarizes judicial practice of different countries
practicing this system of taxation. The author also
provides critical commentary about adequacy of
this conception in modern high-tech international
economy and the epoch of e-commerce.
taxes and taxation, residency, taxes, OECD commentary, management and control, tax administration, location, dual taxation, efficient management, avoidance of dual taxation.
Bartashevich, S. V. (2013). Tax Liability: Definition,
Role in the System of Tax Phenomena and Delimitation
from Related Categories of Tax Law. Taxes and Taxation, 2, 121–127. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=62387
The article studies the definition of tax
liability and its place in the theory of tax law
and experience in the application of tax regulations
as well as its relations with related categories.
The author carries out the critical overview
of various approaches to definition of the term
‘tax liability’. Based on the analysis, the author
describes the legal nature of this term which is
similar, but not equal, to such categories as ‘legal
rights’ and ‘legal obligations’. The author
proves that tax liability is an independent term
and provides his own definition of this term.
taxes and taxation, liability, obligation, law, legal relations, definition, requirement, law, taxpayer, tax authority.
Akopdjanova, M. O. (2013). Disposition of Article 199
of the Criminal Code of Russia on Responsibility
for Tax and Levy Evasion by Physical Entities. Taxes and Taxation, 2, 128–136. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=62388
The article is devoted to the questions
about the blanket disposition of the Russian criminal
law on responsibility for tax crime and main
characteristics and features of such actions. The
author also analyzes the origin and peculiarities
of execution a tax responsibility. As a result of
studying the current criminal and taxation laws
and law enforcement practice the author concludes
that there is a need to improve a number of
legal acts regulating the process of paying taxes.
In conclusion, the author says that it is possible to
prevent the aforesaid tax crime through increased
control and interaction between law-enforcement
and tax authorities ensuring the discovery and
elimination of criminogenic factors. Since the
provision in Article 199 of the Criminal Code of
the Russian Federation has the ‘blanket’ nature,
the former can be used and improved taking into
account the provisions of existing taxation legislation
of Russia and law-enforcement practice
in a proper sphere. It would allow to specify the
features of a definition of such taxation crime.
legal studies, disposition, article, taxes, levies, crime, responsibility, practice, legislation, improvement.
Ivanov, O. S. (2013). Comparative Analysis of Tax Policy
in BRICS Countries of Special Economic Zone. Taxes and Taxation, 2, 137–154. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=62389
Global financial crisis of 2008 aggravated
the main problem of the Russian Federation,
i.e. excessive dependence of Russia on oil and gas price on the global markets which poses
risks to Russian economic security. At the present
time, the most topical issue is the development
of the integral tax policy in the sphere of
foreign economic activity which would intensify
the development of competitive trades in Special
Economic Zone for the purpose of further
diversification of Russian export, attraction of
foreign investment and increase of the share of
reinvested revenues received by foreign investors
into Special Economic Zone. The purpose
of the research is to study the system of taxation
of Special Economic Zone in BRICS countries,
to define the reasons of inefficiency of SEZ in
Russia based on foreign experience, to develop
measures increasing the share of reinvested revenues
into SEZ and efficiency of scientific and
technological cooperation. The object of the research
is the present system of taxation in SEZ
of BRICS countries. The subject of the research
is the rebates and preferences provided by SEZ
constituents in BRICS countries. The results
of the study are as follows: The author summarized
the experience of formation of SEZ in
BRICS countries. Based on that experience, the
author defines the main reasons of inefficiency
of tax and customs preferences of SEZ in Russia
as well as rebates which would encourage the
development of productive, scientific and technological
cooperation and increase the share of
reinvested revenues of SEZ residents.
taxes and taxation, Special Economic Zone (SEZ), BRICS, Free Economic Zone (FEZ), taxation, World Trade Organization (WTO), rebates, preferences, efficiency, residents.