(2009). Theses of speeches of participants of the first Russian-Ukrainian symposium «Theory and Practice of Tax Reforms». Taxes and Taxation, 8.
The review includes theses of two «roundtables» on topics: «Topical problems of theory of taxation and tax policy in the conditions of global financial instability» and «Reforms of tax systems and tax regulation». The review includes theses of speeches of I.A.Mayburov, D.A. Tatarkin, G.A. Agarkov (Ekaterinbourg), I.V. Gorsky, T.F. Yutkina, L.I. Goncharenko, V.V. Zozulya, I.A. Zhuravleva, M.R. Pinskaya (Moscow), Krisovaty, A.I., Kirilenko O.P., (Ternopol), Barulin S.V. (Saratov), Varnalia Z.S., Serebryansky, D.N. (Irpen), Mironova O.A., Khanafeeva, F.F. (Yoshkar-Ola), Alekseeva I.V. (Lvov), Romanovsky M.V., Petukhov, R.A. (St. Petersbourg), Melnik V.N., Sokolovskaya A.M., Efimenko, T.I., Danilova, A.D. (Kyiv), Vishnevsky, V.P. (Donetsk), Y.B. Ivanov, O.S. Vinnikova, V.Y. Zaruba, N.V. Kuzminchuk, A.N. Tischenko, A. Merkho (Kharkov), Busse, R (Galle).
The review is prepared by the Doctor of Economical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of the Organization of Tax Investigations of the Urals State Technical University named after the First President of the Russian Federation B.N. Yeltsyn I.A. Mayburov, and Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Renowned Economist of Ukraine, Head of the Department of Taxation of Kharkiv State Economical University Y.B. Ivanov.
Keywords: symposium, Russia, Ukraine, tax, theory, reform, politics, globalization, crisis, administration.