Rumyantsev D.E., Epishkov A.A..
The Influence of the Forest Factors on the Variability of the Tree-ring Chronologies of the common Pine in the conditions of the Muromtsevo District Forestry of the Vladimir Region
// Agriculture.
2022. № 1.
P. 37-53.
DOI: 10.7256/2453-8809.2022.1.38494 EDN: WRPIPN URL:
Comparative analysis of tree-ring chronologies on the variability of the short-term component is based on the calculation of synchronicity coefficients. The study of the regularities of the variability of tree-ring chronologies on this basis in natural cenopopulations is important for establishing the reaction rate of this indicator. This is significant for the further progress of dendrochronological and dendroclimatic studies, improving the methods of forensic botanical examination using dendrochronology methods. In the study, this issue was studied on the basis of chronologies from different phytocenoses with the predominance of scots pine in the stand. The trial areas were located on the territory of the Muromtsevo forestry of the Vladimir region. The study was carried out as part of the implementation of R&D Rosleskhoz (2008-2011). The main parameters of the frequency of occurrence of different variants of the values of the synchronicity coefficient were established. The regularities of the frequency of occurrence of different values of the synchronicity coefficient depending on the type of forest are also established: The range of variation of values between groups from different types of forest is small and amounts to several percent. The data obtained are important for solving the following practical tasks: monitoring the accuracy of measurements of annual rings on individual wood samples; establishing the date of termination of cambial activity in the trunk of a tree; establishing the date of construction of wooden buildings; dating of archaeological wood; dating the time of creation of art objects; diagnostics of the condition of the tree at the time of cutting; establishing the time of cutting the tree; establishing the drying time a tree.
dendrochronology, dendroecology, annual rings, synchronicity coefficient, cross-dating, forensic botanical examinations, common pine, Muromtsevo forestry, radial gain, dendrochronological information
Kudelkin N..
Legal protection of plants from hazardous organisms
// Agriculture.
2019. № 2.
P. 33-38.
DOI: 10.7256/2453-8809.2019.2.32451 URL:
The author studies the issues of legal protection of plants from hazardous organisms including alien species, whose invasions threaten biodiversity. Such a situation determines the complex research object - the relations emerging in the field of protection of plants from hazardous organisms. The problem of protection of plants from hazardous organisms is a complex problem, as it threatens crop plants as well as forests, and flora out of forests. Such relations are regulated at the international and national levels. The author uses a set of various methods, logical techniques, and means of cognition: general scientific and special legal including the formal legal and comparative legal research methods. At present, there’s a need in Russia for the development of the legislation guaranteeing an appropriate level of protection of crop plants from hazardous organisms, which are not quarantine objects. This problem can be regulated as in a fleshed-out law and together with the questions related to plant quarantine. The development and adoption of the law “On Flora” with a special attention given to the issues of the protection of out-of-forests flora, and their protection from hazardous organisms, are topical for the Russian Federation. The author suggests that, for the purpose of the increase of effectiveness of the struggle against hazardous organisms, the use of toxic substances should be allowed in forests if the use of other means is ineffective, and the potential risk of the use of toxic substances is lower than the expected useful effect.
legal protection, plant world, plant protection, infestations, alien species, harmful organisms, plant pests, plant, forest, environmental protection
Shugurov M.V..
International transfer of technology in the sphere of sustainable forest management: international legal principles (the work is supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, project No 17-03-00400)
// Agriculture.
2017. № 3.
P. 9-32.
DOI: 10.7256/2453-8809.2017.3.23719 URL:
The research subject is the set of international legal obligations in the sphere of international cooperation in transfer of technologies for sustainable forest management in the context of realization of the sustainable development strategy. The author considers the general system problems of sustainable forest management and the problems faced by developing countries, particularly – the need to form and develop technological potential, which helps harmonize economic, ecological and social dimensions of development. Special attention is given to the development of international politics in the sphere of transfer of eco-friendly technologies in forest management. It is based on international legal obligations contained in international program strategical sources and agreements. The author proves that intersectoral nature of international forest policy is its peculiarity. It determines the peculiarities of international transfer of the related technologies. The research methodology is based on the system approach, which helps reconstruct the diverse set of international legal principles of international transfer of forest technologies. These principles solve the problems of transition to sustainable use of forests. Besides, the author uses the principle of historicism, which helps study the evolution of policy of international transfer of technology in the forest sector. The author uses the comparative method to analyze the specificity the international regime of transfer of forest technologies compared to the international transfer of technology in other sectors included in the sustainable development agenda. The scientific novelty of the work consists in the analysis of international legal principles of international politics in transfer of forest technologies. The author’s special contribution is the conclusion about the need to focus on the issues of scientific research and development and transfer within the International Arrangement on Forests and especially the UN Forum on Forests. The author emphasizes the importance of convergence of new technologies, on the one hand, and the traditional knowledge of indigenous people, on the other.
scientific and technological cooperation, eco-friendly technologies , climate change, developing countries, sustainable development, forest management, capacity building, logging, biotechnology, Forum on forests