Mukhametova S.V., Kurnenkova I.P., Ignatova O.I..
Vital state of plantings along Karl Liebknecht Street in Yoshkar-Ola
// Agriculture.
2025. № 1.
P. 1-13.
DOI: 10.7256/2453-8809.2025.1.73284 EDN: KBMUTL URL:
The street greening is a means of improving the urban environment and is of great ecological importance. At the same time, anthropogenic stress leads to a decrease in the living condition of plantings and their resistance to adverse factors of the urban environment, including pathogens and pests. The presented study provides the vital condition analysis of woody plants growing along Karl Liebknecht Street in Yoshkar-Ola (Mari El Republic) in 2024. The object of the study was plantings on landscaping strips along the roadway. The sanitary condition was assessed according to the 5-point scale given in the Rules of Sanitary Safety in Forests (2020). The main part of the plants (87%) belongs to the second category of sanitary condition. 28 dead specimens (3%) were found, they must be removed and replaced with new plants. In general, the living condition of the studied plantings at this facility is assessed as weakened, which indicates a good environmental situation on K. Liebknecht Street. The most frequent damage to tree trunks are gnarled hollows and deadwood, various species of aphids are most widespread on the leaf apparatus. A negative fact is the forced pruning of birch trees located under power lines because it negatively affects the vital condition of plants and reduces decorative effect. Rowan plantations are severely weakened, and the condition of maples, apple trees, and lime trees is slightly better. The shrubs on the surveyed street are generally in better condition than the trees. It is necessary to carry out agrotechnical measures for the care of plantings to increase their viability. Studies of plantings condition of K. Liebknecht Street were conducted for the first time, in the future similar studies will be carried out on other streets of the city.
landscaping strips, plant damage, diseases and pests, categories of condition, sanitary condition, woody plants, city streets, urban plantings, green spaces, tree pruning
Valabugina N.R., Muhametova S.V., Granitsa Y.V..
The vital condition of plantings on the territory of Secondary school No. 2 named after Tikhomirovoy O. A. in Yoshkar-Ola
// Agriculture.
2024. № 2.
P. 52-59.
DOI: 10.7256/2453-8809.2024.2.73206 EDN: VXSMRR URL:
Since children and teaching staff spend a significant amount of time in the schoolyard, it is important to maintain a healthy state of green spaces, which is directly related to maintaining ecological balance and improving the quality of the environment. The presence of green areas on school grounds has a positive impact on the health of students, as they spend a significant part of the day inside school premises and need fresh air. In addition, the green areas serve as training grounds for classes in biology, ecology and other subjects. This study is devoted to the study of the territory of secondary school No. 2 in Yoshkar-Ola (Republic of Mari El), located at 46 Osipenko St. and named after O.A. Tikhomirova. In the period 2022-2023, an inventory of woody and shrubby plants was carried out using generally accepted methods [9], and an inventory plan and statement were compiled. Thus, the condition of the tree and shrub plantations on the territory of school No. 2 in the city of Yoshkar-Ola, named after O.A. Tikhomirova, can be assessed as satisfactory. At the same time, the largest number of trees and shrubs belongs to the second vital category, where species such as hanging birch and small-leaved linden predominate. The number of drying plants is minimal – only one specimen of a cultivated apple tree. In general, the environmental situation on the territory of the educational institution is favorable, creating optimal conditions for children and teachers to stay outdoors. However, it should be noted that certain areas of the schoolyard could be improved by planting new ornamental shrubs. This would not only diversify the flora of the area, but also make it more attractive from an aesthetic point of view. In addition, such an event would help to increase the level of biological diversity on the school grounds, which would have a positive impact on the overall environmental situation.
green spaces, category of green spaces, woody plants, school, urban plantings, school grounds, status category, the condition of the plantings, range of plants, inventory
Okach M.A..
Variation and correlation between the parameters of the bulbs of the Oriental hyacinth and the amount of precipitation
// Agriculture.
2024. № 1.
P. 25-32.
DOI: 10.7256/2453-8809.2024.1.71958 EDN: GLZLOI URL:
The area of the Oriental hyacinth is located in the Mediterranean dry subtropical climate zone, with dry summers and rainy winters. The Mediterranean region is characterized by an average monthly temperature of 20-25 °C in summer, 5-12 °C in winter, and an average rainfall of 400-600 mm per year. A long period of drought contributed to the formation of a special life form in the oriental hyacinth – bulbous geophyte. Despite growing in a warm subtropical climate, hyacinth belongs to cold-resistant ephemeroids, which allows it to undergo primary introduction in the temperate continental climate of the Republic of Mari El. The main method of reproduction of hyacinth, within its natural range, is vegetative division, with the formation of daughter bulbs. In natural habitat, the coefficient of vegetative reproduction is influenced by air temperature and precipitation during the active growing season. The purpose of the work was to identify the dependence of the productivity of the Oriental hyacinth on the amount of precipitation in the conditions of the Republic of Mari El. Work on the identification of dependencies was carried out in the period 2012-2015 in the open ground of the botanical garden-Institute of the State Technical University of Yoshkar-Ola. During the work, biometric parameters such as the diameter and height of the bulb, as well as the number of bulbs in one nest, were taken into account. As a result of the work carried out, it was revealed that: the level of individual variability in bulb diameter in most varieties of oriental hyacinth is included in the norm of variation, this indicates the suitability of environmental factors of the region of introduction for this parameter; the number of daughter bulbs in the nest is characterized by a high level of variability and depends on environmental conditions; the reproduction coefficient of hyacinth varieties is strongly influenced such an environmental factor as the amount of precipitation during the growing season (66.7% – 73.7%). The identification of dependencies between the amount of precipitation and the productivity of vegetative reproduction, in the conditions of the Republic of Mari El, will allow us to assess the effectiveness of the primary introduction of Oriental hyacinth. The obtained data can be used in the development of agricultural techniques for growing Oriental hyacinth in conditions of introduction.
biometric indicators, individual variability, botanical garden Institute., coefficient of vegetative reproduction, introduction, precipitation, ephemeroid, bulbous geophyte, Hyacinthus orientalis, botanical garden Institute
Murzabulatova F.K., Polyakova N.V..
The seed quality of Deutzia Thunb. in the conditions of the Bashkir Urals
// Agriculture.
2024. № 1.
P. 33-42.
DOI: 10.7256/2453-8809.2024.1.72293 EDN: JUNIAS URL:
Representatives of the genus Deutzia are widely used in decorative gardening in European countries. In regions with a more severe climate, the plants are less viable. Probably for this reason, this crop is poorly studied and practically not used in landscaping in northern latitudes. However, a small group of species of the genus Deutzia has broad adaptive properties when grown in new climatic conditions. Therefore, at the moment there is a need to assess the quality of seeds of some types of action in the conditions of the Southern Urals. The aim of the work is to identify the characteristics of the quality of seeds of resistant species of the genus Deutzia for cultivation in the Southern Urals. The material for the study was the seeds of 3 species of deuterium cultivated in the South Ural Botanical Garden-Institute of the UFIC RAS and most adapted to the climate of the area of introduction: D. parviflora Bge., D. parviflora var. amurensis Rgl., D. glabrata Kom. The seasonal rhythm of plant development was studied according to the generally accepted method of phenological observations; winter hardiness was determined on a 7-point scale of the Main Botanical Garden of the Russian Academy of Sciences; seed weight was determined by weighing: the result was the average weight of 3 canopies of 1000 pieces; seed germination and germination energy were determined according to GOST. The seeds of the studied species of deuterium are approximately the same and average 0.03 g, but the seed weight of D. parviflora var. amurensis is slightly lower compared to the other two species. Laboratory and soil germination in D. parviflora has maximum parameters (about 67%), also in this species the maximum germination energy is noted (31%), the minimum values of this indicator are recorded in Deutzia glabrata (15%). The laboratory germination of seeds after 1 year of storage remains relatively high, but after 2 years of storage it decreases sharply, and after 3 years the seeds no longer germinate. Thus, the studied types of actions are promising for introduction into culture and wide application in landscaping of settlements of the Republic of Bashkortostan.
Republic of Bashkortostan, seasonal rhythm of development, germination energy, germination, winter hardiness, seeds, mass, landscaping, ornamental shrubs, Deutzia
Mukhametova S.V., Rusyaeva D.M..
The calendar of Spiraea flowering in the Mari El Republic
// Agriculture.
2024. № 1.
P. 11-17.
DOI: 10.7256/2453-8809.2024.1.71800 EDN: IJJDWE URL:
Spiraea are beautifully flowering shrubs that are valued for their high decorative value, a variety of bush shapes and flower colors, abundant flowering, unpretentiousness and high resistance. The exact dates of flowering may vary depending on the climatic conditions of region, so the study of flowering periods in a particular region of introduction is relevant. The purpose of the study was to determine the flowering dates of the species Spiraea in the Botanical Garden-Institute of the Volga State University of Technology (Yoshkar-Ola, Mari El Republic). The observations were carried out in 2023. The objects of the study were 56 species and varieties in the exhibition "Fruticetum". The duration of flowering was 3 months – from May 6 to August 5. In the period up to mid–June, mainly plants with white flowers bloomed, and only 2 species with pink ones – S. Billardii and S. Densiflora. Since the second half of June, the flowering of pink-colored Spireas has prevailed. The distribution of the studied Spiraea into groups with early, medium and late onset and end of flowering has been carried out. A flowering calendar has been compiled. The species S. corymbosa had the longest flowering (56 days), also long-bloomed S. Rubella, S. Latifolia, S. Bumalda and its cultivar 'Antony Waterer', S. Salicifolia and its cultivar 'Alba', S. Humilis, S. Lemoinei, S. Syringaeflora, S. Rosthornii. The data obtained are of value to specialists in the field of landscaping. A limited number of Spiraea species are used in the plantations of settlements of the Mari El Republic, and thanks to the extensive collection of Botanical Garden-Institute, it is possible to enrich the range of Spiraea in urban plantings.
botanical garden, spiraea, blossom, phenological observations, landscaping, ornamental shrubs, duration of flowering, flowering dates, introduction of plants, exposition
Golomidova T.M., Mukhametova S.V., Kurnenkova I.P., Sukhareva L.V..
Diseases and pests of clematis from the collection of the Botanical Garden-Institute of VSUT (Yoshkar-Ola)
// Agriculture.
2023. № 2.
P. 1-19.
DOI: 10.7256/2453-8809.2023.2.43591 EDN: SXJWZQ URL:
Clematis is one of the highly ornamental plants used in landscaping, but they are often susceptible to diseases as a result of abiotic and biotic factors action. The article presents an overview of diseases and pests of clematis. Among them, wilt is especially dangerous, which leads to a sharp withering of plants. Also, clematis can be affected by rust, powdery mildew, gray rot, various types of spotting, etc., as well as pests nematode, worm, aphids, spider mite, slugs, etc. Information on pest control and diseases of clematis is presented. Possible signs of weakening of non-infectious plants are indicated. The diseases identified during the visual examination of clematis in the Botanical Garden-Institute of VSUT (Yoshkar-Ola) are given. The plants grow on the lianas site of the Fruticetum exposition. Wilting was observed in plants older than 20 years: symptoms were detected in 1/3 of plants. Most of the collection plants showed signs of spotting. In some varietal clematis, small-leaved was observed. Damage by leaf-eating insects and mice, as well as mechanical damage from hail and rain were revealed. Agrotechnical measures carried out for the prevention of diseases are presented. The obtained data can be used in the practice of growing clematis at the landscaping facilities of settlements in the region.
growing plants, agrotechnical measures, preventive measures, control measures, pests, diseases, treatment of plants, liana, Clematis, botanical garden
Rumyantsev D.E., Lyapicheva M.A., Illarionov D.V., Lebedeva E.M..
The correlation in the dynamics of the growth of European spruce and the dynamics of potato and winter rye yields
// Agriculture.
2023. № 2.
P. 49-61.
DOI: 10.7256/2453-8809.2023.2.69664 EDN: VGUEGV URL:
The subject of the study was the meteorological conditionality of fluctuations in the radial growth of European spruce in a single local old-age stand, as well as the conjugacy in fluctuations in the growth indices of European spruce and crop yield indices (winter rye, potatoes) over an 80-year time interval. The study uses time series of yields of winter rye (Secale cereale L.) and potatoes (Solanum tuberosum L.) obtained in the long-term experience of the Timiryazev Agricultural Academy (originally laid down by D.N. Pryanishnikov) for the period 1912-1991. The long chronology of the European spruce (Picea abies (L.) H.Karst.) was obtained on the basis of cuts selected after the wind in the Alekseevskaya grove of the Losiny Ostrov National Park and covers the period 1812-2017. To identify the conjugacy between fluctuations in the indices of radial growth of spruce and meteorological parameters, as well as to identify the conjugacy in fluctuations in the indices of growth of spruce and Correlation analysis was used for the yield indices of winter rye and potatoes. Correlation analysis showed that the formation of spruce growth is positively influenced by elevated temperatures in December and January, negatively affected by elevated temperatures in June in the calendar year of the formation of the annual ring and elevated temperatures in August in the year preceding it. Reliable correlation coefficients of spruce growth indices with monthly precipitation amounts were not found in the ecotope under consideration. Significant correlations were revealed between the dynamics of spruce growth indices and the dynamics of crop yields: the relationship with potato yields in the experiment without lime, without crop rotation and with the application of NPK fertilizers and manure (correlation coefficient 0.22) and the relationship with rye yields in the experiment without lime, without crop rotation and without fertilizers (correlation coefficient 0.23).
Timiryazev Agricultural Academy, Moose Island, productivity, potato, winter rye, dendroclimatology, dendrochronology, radial increment, Norway spruce, ecological physiology of plants
Nikitina A.D., Mukhametova S.V., Okach M.A..
Dahlias collection in the Botanical garden-institute of VSUT (Yoshkar-Ola)
// Agriculture.
2023. № 1.
P. 14-21.
DOI: 10.7256/2453-8809.2023.1.40923 EDN: CWDGWP URL:
Dahlia Cav. is a beautifully flowering perennial plant from the family Asteraceae Dum. It has storing root tubers that do not survive during the winter in the open ground of central Russia. This crop is characterized by a high variety of colors, shapes and sizes of inflorescences, different plant heights, long-term stable decorative effect from the beginning to the end of the growing season. The purpose of the study is to analyze the Dahlia × cultorum collection in the Botanical Garden-Institute of the Volga State University of Technology (Yoshkar-Ola, Mari El Republic). As of 2021, plants of 32 cultivars were grown in the exposition «Ornamental Herbaceous Plants», each cultivar is represented by 1-5 plants. It is established that the available cultivars belong to 6 classes according to the structure of inflorescences, the largest number of them belong to the class of Decorative and Semi-Cactus (12 and 8 names, respectively). According to the color of the inflorescences, the largest number of cultivars has bicolor inflorescences. The small-flowered cultivars dominated according to the inflorescences size. In general, most cultivars with large and medium-sized inflorescences have a decrease in their size. We can replenish the collection with varieties from the smallest represented classes, as well as the missing 6 classes. The results can be used in the practice of settlements landscaping of the Mari El Republic and nearby regions.
exposition, classification, variety distribution, collection analysis, plant cultivation, inflorescence color, inflorescence size, inflorescence shape, Dahlia cultorum, botanical garden
Okach M.A., Mukhametova S.V., Egoshina E.A..
Phenology of Daffodils varieties in the Mari El Republic conditions
// Agriculture.
2023. № 1.
P. 32-43.
DOI: 10.7256/2453-8809.2023.1.43655 EDN: UCDKQU URL:
Daffodils are decorative spring-flowering bulbous plants characterized by unpretentiousness to growing conditions, abundant flowering and variety of flower shapes. The timing of their flowering depends on varietal characteristics, weather conditions and climatic conditions of the growing point. The purpose of this article was to study the seasonal development of 6 Daffodils varieties in the Mari El Republic. Observations were carried out in the Botanical Garden-Institute of the Volga State University of Technology (Yoshkar-Ola). The objects of the study were varieties: small-cupped– 'Carnmoon' and 'White Lady', large-cupped – 'Duke of Windsor' and 'Odense', double – 'Texas' and 'Yellow Cheerfulness'. Observations were carried out in 2014-2019 according to the methodology of the Main Botanical Garden of the Russian Academy of Sciences. It was found that the varieties starting vegetation later had a longer vegetation period. The dates of the beginning and mass flowering correlated with the dates of complete leaf death. The variety 'Yellow Cheerfulness' had the late passage of all studied phenophases, as well as the shortest duration of vegetation and growth. The variety 'Odense' was characterized by the early end of leaf growth, budding and flowering. The variety 'White Lady' had a long vegetation period and the leaf growth period, a late flowering end and a long flowering duration. The short duration of flowering is established in the variety 'Carnmoon'. The data obtained are of interest in the practice of daffodils growing in the settlements of the Mari El Republic.
flowering dates, duration of flowering, leaf growth, duration of vegetation, phenological observations, growing plants, seasonal development, daffodil, bulbous plants, botanical garden
Okach M.A., Egoshina E.A..
The growth and development dynamics of small fraction bulbs of Hyacinthus orientalis
// Agriculture.
2022. № 1.
P. 10-16.
DOI: 10.7256/2453-8809.2022.1.38133 URL:
Hyacinthus orientalis is a valuable decorative bulbous plant. One of the main limitations of its widespread use in landscaping is the low coefficient of vegetative reproduction and the high cost of planting material. Hyacinths are usually grown with the annual digging of bulbs in summer and planting them in autumn. The article presents the results of experience in growing bulbs of small hyacinth fraction with various agricultural techniques. The experiment was carried out in the period 2016-2018 in the open ground in the Botanical Garden-Institute of VSUT (the Mari El Republic). The dynamics of growth and development of 6 hyacinth varieties bulbs was studied during two-year cultivation with annual digging and without digging. It was found that the weight of bulbs of all studied hyacinths varieties increased intensively during two-year cultivation without annual digging. In the experiment variant with annual digging of bulbs weighing 7.3-8.5 g (first size), the formation of baby bulbs was noted only in the varieties ‘Eros’ and ‘Lady Derby’, without annual digging – in the varieties ‘Carnegie’, ‘Lady Derby', ‘Madame Sophie'. The weight of the bulbs of the second size (from 3.8 to 4.5 g) for 1 year of cultivation increased by an average of 1.6 times. Bulbs weighing up to 2 g (third size) for 2 years of cultivation are able to increase their weight by 3 times. Bulbs of terry varieties ‘Rosette’ and ‘Madame Sophie’ weighing up to 2 g grew better during two-year cultivation without annual digging. The data obtained can be used in the cultivation of hyacinths in decorative nurseries.
introduction, coefficient of vegetative reproduction, growth dynamics, botanical garden, bulbous plants, agrotechnics, bulb mass, oriental hyacinth, open ground, growing
Botova A.V., Mukhametova S.V..
Dynamics of gladiolus leaves growth
// Agriculture.
2022. № 1.
P. 17-26.
DOI: 10.7256/2453-8809.2022.1.38291 URL:
Gladiolus L. are beautifully flowering perennials that do not overwinter in the open ground in the conditions of central Russia. Its varieties are characterized by a huge variety in the height of the peduncle, the color scheme and the corrugation degree of the flowers. The disadvantage of this crop is the complexity of the annual digging and planting of corms. The purpose of the article is to study the growth dynamics of real gladiolus leaves in the open ground. Leaf height measurements were carried out after 15 days in the process of growing plants on ridges. The objects of the study were 9 varieties: 'Aurora', 'Granatovyj braslet', 'Grad Kitezh', 'Devichi tajny', 'Dolgozhdannyj debyut', 'Majya Plisetskaya', 'Tanyusha', 'Shapka Monomaha', 'Noon Moon'. The study showed that the most intensive growth of gladiolus leaves occurred after the emergence of sprouts. On the 20th day after planting, the plants reached about 1/3 of their final height, and on the 35th day – 50%, after 2 months – the height was almost 90%. Most varieties were characterized by the greatest increase in the first accounting period, in the future its value decreased, reaching a minimum in the last accounting period. In the process of growth, the taller varieties remained tall, the shorter ones remained stunted. At each date of the study, 'Devichi tajny' had the highest height, 'Grad Kitezh' had the lowest height. The obtained data can be used in the cultivation of gladioli in nurseries and landscaping location.
floriculture, botanical garden, planting plants, length of increment, growth dynamics, cultivation, height, leaves, variety, gladiolus
Serebriakova N., Surova E..
Classification of arboreal taxa for landscaping in Central Russia based on leaf coloristics
// Agriculture.
2021. № 4.
P. 50-58.
DOI: 10.7256/2453-8809.2021.4.37834 URL:
Color affects the psychological and physiological state of a person and is one of the powerful factors that form a comfortable visual environment. Currently, color-leaved taxa are actively offered by nurseries and are used in landscaping. At the same time, the color characteristics of taxa are very diverse, are quite subjective, which makes their selection and application difficult. The purpose of the work is to analyze and classify the modern varietal variety of the wood assortment for the middle part of Russia by the color of ripened leaf blades. The analysis was carried out according to descriptions and photographs presented in information sources and catalogues of nurseries. It has been established that the modern coloristic diversity of arboreal taxa is great, there are discrepancies in the description of foliage color, there is no classification. The classification of the colorist of taxa by visual perception, convenient from a practical point of view, has been developed, reduced to the main color groups: green, blue (silver), whitish, whitish-pink, yellow, purple. The peculiarity is that variegated taxa are included in these groups in accordance with their color perception: yellow-mottled and yellow–bordered taxa are classified as yellow, taxa with white inclusions and fringing are whitish, and so on. It can be recommended to nursery farms to apply the developed classification when selling planting material, landscape firms and gardeners when selecting and composing plant compositions.
variety, landscape design, color groups, woody plants, leaf color, classification, nursery, cauliflower taxa, coloristics, landscaping
Anisimova M.A..
Analysis of landscape areas on the territory of secondary school #19 of the city of Yoshkar-Ola
// Agriculture.
2021. № 3.
P. 1-10.
DOI: 10.7256/2453-8809.2021.3.36525 URL:
The research object is the territory of the secondary school #19 of the city of Yoshkar-Ola. The topicality of the research is determined by the necessity to reconstruct the existing landscape areas on this territory. For the project “The reconstruction of landscaped areas and improvements on the territory of the secondary school #19”, the authors have reviewed the landscaped areas. The analysis uses complete enumeration based on mensurational description. During the analysis, the authors defined species, taxonomic characteristics, sanitary and hygienic and esthetic values of each taxon. 290 woody plants were examined. Based on the acquired data, the authors analyzed the current landscaped areas on the territory and formulated the following conclusions: the density of plantations is much lower than the recommended values; the authors noticed only the traces of a green fence. However, the average values of the sanitary condition are 2 and 1, which means that the landscaped areas are in a good condition, and the species composition is in line with recommendations. Due to the fact that the school territory radius is 2 km, the condition of landscaped areas requires special attention. The scientific novelty of the research is determined by the fact that the landscaped areas on territory in question need to be reconstructed.
decorative assessment, analysis of woody plants, landscape architecture, the state of green spaces, the city of Yoshkar-Ola, school territory, green spaces, inventory, reconstruction project, urban landscaping
Mukhametova S.V., Veselova K.A., Sukhareva L.V..
Deutzia in the Mari El Republic
// Agriculture.
2020. № 4.
P. 1-11.
DOI: 10.7256/2453-8809.2020.4.34972 URL:
Deutzia is an ornamental flowering shrub valued for its abundant long-term flowering and the elegance of flowers shape. The research objects are the plants of 3 species and 1 variety of Deutzia in the Botanic Garden-Institute of VSUT (Yoshkar-Ola, Mari El Republic). Plants aged from 38 to 45 years grow in the exhibition “Fruticetum”. The study was conducted in 2015-2019. The height and diameter of plants crowns, their winter hardiness for the period from 1981 to 2019, the morphometric indicators of leaves and inflorescences, the possibility of vegetative propagation by herbaceous cuttings, and the size of annual plants were studied. According to the study results, the most hardy is Deutzia of Amur, which forms the highest shrubs. The long-leaved Deutzia has the longest leaf blades, Deutzia scabra ‘Plena’ has the smallest leaves. The long-leaved Deutzia has the largest inflorescences, Deutzia of Amur and Deutzia scabra ‘Plena’ have the smallest ones. Deutzia magnifica and Deutzia scabra ‘Plena’ have ornamentality advantage over other species due to the double flowers. For the maximum display of ornamental qualities, the plants need a successful overwintering. The greatest ability to reproduce by herbaceous cuttings is noted for Deutzia scabra ‘Plena’. The results of this study are important for the Deutzia application in the garden and park construction. In the landscaping of the republic settlements Deutzia is recommended for the target assortment.
inflorescence size, flowering, leaves size, decorative qualities, growth, winter hardiness, Deutzia, breeding, green cuttings, rooting
Okach M.A., Mukhametova S.V., Kharisova K.V., Polkanova A.S., Yakupova G.I..
Medium-grown daylily flowering in the Republic of Mari El
// Agriculture.
2020. № 3.
P. 1-6.
DOI: 10.7256/2453-8809.2020.3.33772 URL:
Daylily (Hemerocallis) is a perennial herbaceous plant widely used in landscape gardening. Daylilies are prized for their long term flowering mainly in late summer and low maintenance cultivation. According to flower spike height, the varieties are divided into runt, medium-growing and tall. The article contains the results of the study of 21 medium-growing daylily varieties’ terms of flowering in the botanic garden of the Volga region State University of Technology (Yoshkar-Ola, the Republic of Mari El). The research was conducted in 2015 - 2017. The calendar dates were converted into a continuous series. All varieties were classified as early, medium or late according to the terms of the beginning and the end of flowering and its duration. During three years of research, the earliest beginning of the phenological phase was registered in 2016, and the latest one - in 2017. The early beginning and ending of flowering were typical for the varieties “Dr Regel” and “Royal Sovereign”. The late beginning of flowering was registered for the “Country Club” variety, and the late ending - for “Sandalwood”. Other varieties were classified as medium-term. The varieties “Royal Sovereign”, “Tejas”, and “Sugar Candy” are characterized by a short flowering period, while “Sandalwood” and “Derby Bound” - with a long one. It was established that the late-flowering varieties are characterized with a longer flowering period.
phenodate, flowering duration, seasonal development, phenological observations, flowering, Hemerocallis, daylily, perianth colour, variety, botanical garden
Stepanova A.A..
Features of the legal regulation of harvesting wild plants as a type of entrepreneurial activity
// Agriculture.
2020. № 1.
P. 33-41.
DOI: 10.7256/2453-8809.2020.1.33299 URL:
In addition to timber harvesting, Russian laws also provide for other types of forest management that have a less harmful impact on forest ecosystems. The forests of our country have a high potential for wild forest resources. The demand for this type of product is growing every year. Berries and nuts exported from Russia have gained popularity in foreign markets. This industry is economically and socially significant, and its development will contribute to employment and income growth, regional development, and the creation of an organic market in our country. The legislator considers it necessary to develop and support entrepreneurs engaged in harvesting wild plants. But, to date, this industry is still poorly developed. This is facilitated by an insufficiently developed legislative framework that does not take into account the nuances of this industry, confusion in the powers of state authorities that are responsible for this area of business, the unavailability of state support measures for people engaged in harvesting non-wood forest resources, the complexity of assessing the potential of wild forest food and medicinal resources in the forest area, the complexity of legalizing activities for harvesting and processing wild plants, the lack of funds for deep processing of wild plants, as well as a number of environmental issues, economic and social factors. The article analyzes the problems that are an obstacle to the development of this branch of business in the harvesting of forest food resources and medicinal plants and suggests possible ways to solve them.
entrepreneurial activity, wild plants, gathering, harvesting, medicinal plants, legal regulation, forest food resources, forest, environmental protection, timber
Suchkova A.A., Granitsa Y.V..
Use of weed plants in landscape gardening
// Agriculture.
2019. № 4.
P. 1-9.
DOI: 10.7256/2453-8809.2019.4.33024 URL:
The research subject is weed plants which are usually eradicated in vegetable gardens, but few people think about the possibility to use them in landscape gardening and agriculture. Nowadays unusual forms and varieties of plants which used to be considered as weed are becoming popular among the customers. Weed plants increase soil fertility and enlarge its active layer; they decorate gardens because of their wide range of colours. Due to their tolerance to ecological factors, weed plants can be used in any part of the garden. The purpose of this research is the analysis of decorative value and ecological properties of 27 species of weed plants which can be used in landscaping, and the development of a project of an exhibition garden with them. The article represents the project of the “Second chance” garden which takes into account the combination of colours, the correlation of heights and the duration of decorative properties of plants. The scientific novelty of the research consists in the fact that at the moment, the use of weed plants as decorative elements in landscape gardening and agriculture is becoming a trend of landscaping. The exhibition garden with a total area of 426.6 square meters is designed in a landscape style. It is planned to set out plants on seed tapes and in containers which ensure the best visibility and are suitable for transportation. The authors suggest using red arches with local lighting which give the garden an aesthetic appearance. To contemplate such plants, foreign and Russian plant breeders breed new varieties. The article also contains the blooming schedule for weed plants and the summary of their ecological properties.
exhibition garden, project, environmental design, decorative floriculture, flowering calendar, ecology, ecological garden, weed plants, decorative terms, agriculture
Rednikova T.V..
Plant genetic resources in agriculture: problems of legal regulation
// Agriculture.
2019. № 3.
P. 7-14.
DOI: 10.7256/2453-8809.2019.3.32534 URL:
Conservation of plant genetic resources is an important component in addressing the challenges of ensuring food security in each state. Special attention is paid to the analysis of the use of banks of plant genetic resources as one of the effective methods of preserving the genetic diversity of both cultivated and wild plants. Traditionally existing institutions such as Botanic gardens and specially protected areas play a role in the conservation of plant genetic resources in situ. The author uses general scientific and special methods of jurisprudence including the formal-legal and comparative-legal methods, to analyze the state of legal regulation of the treatment of plant genetic resources both at the international and national level. Scientific achievements in the field of genetic research are developing at a rapid pace. Legal regulation in the field of handling plant genetic resources needs to be significantly improved. When developing legislation in this area, it is necessary to take into account its interdisciplinary nature and draw on the experience of scientists and practitioners involved in the management of plant genetic resources.Legislation in the field of handling genetic resources, including the creation of genetically modified organisms with specified properties, should be as comprehensive as possible, as well as provide a comprehensive assessment of possible risks to the environment and human health, as well as unified approaches to the organization of scientific research in this area.
genetic studies, biodiversity, legislation, legal regulation, agriculture, data banks, genetic resources, plants, food safety, environment
Onuchina O.L., Korneva I.A..
Red clover varieties resistance to the stress factors of acid thatch-podzolic soil
// Agriculture.
2018. № 2.
P. 1-8.
DOI: 10.7256/2453-8809.2018.2.28120 URL:
The research was held in 2014 - 2017 on the experimental field of the Falyon plant-breeding station (Falyonki village, Kirov region). The research subject is the recognized and appreciable varieties of red clover. The nursery-garden for ecological variety testing was founded in 2014 on strongly acid thatch-mesopodzol soil (pH 3.92, the content of mobile aluminium ions - 27.48mg per 100 g of soil). The purpose of the research is to evaluate the varieties of red clover according to their economic features on a natural acid field; to detect the varieties resistant to stress factors of acid soil. Red clover varieties have been tested on the base of the first, second and third year grass in terms of double-cutting regime. The registration field plot is 5 square meters, fourfold tier. Registration, evaluation and observation are based on the methodology of the National Research Institution of Forage Crops (2002). The varieties of red clover, resistant to soil stress factors, have been selected. The late-ripening varieties: Vityaz, Kirovskij 159, Falyonskij 1. The middle-late varieties: Orpheus, P-1/09 and Tryphon. The early-ripening varieties: Kudesnik, P-15 and Green, which are notable for frost-resistance (94.0...98.7%) and ability to produce 16.1...20.5 tons of dry basis and 1.91...2..57 tons of crude protein per hectare in sum for three years without agnonomical amelioration.
root rot, crude protein, productivity, winter hardiness, variety, aluminum ions, soil acidity, red clover, vegetation period, meteorological factors
Pashchenko V.F., Syromyatnikov Y.N., Khramov N.S..
Physics of the Process of a Work Tool with a Flexible Element Getting into Contact with the Soil
// Agriculture.
2017. № 3.
P. 33-42.
DOI: 10.7256/2453-8809.2017.3.24563 URL:
The object of the research is the process of a work tool of a tillage machine with a flexible element getting into contact with the soil. The subject of the research is a physical model that allows to analyze the process of a work tool with a flexible element getting into contact with the soil and mechanical and technological methods of improving the process of soil cultivation. The cable with a cross section area in a form of a circle is viewed as a wedge with a dull edge. The authors of the article pay special attention to the theory of granular medium statics. The extreme limit state at which even the slightest change in the volume and surface forces distorts the balance of the granular medium is especially interesting and useful for composing mathematical models of a work tool getting into contact with theh soil because pressure forces reach the highest point at such moments. The authors carried out their theoretical research using the method of the mathematical mechanical modelling of work tools getting into contact with the soil. The authors discover the dependence of the wedge cutting pressure on the cutting angle and depth. They prove that when the cutting angle is reduced, the cutting pressure of the soil goes down to the minimum at first but grows endlessly afterwards. The soil cutting effort is composed of two elements, the soil destruction effort and the effort to overcome the frictional force of the soil against the wedge. When the cutting angle is reduced, the soil destruction effort decreases while the effort to overcome the frictional force of the soil against the wedge increases. The sum of these two elements is equal to the minimal effort of the wedge cutting the soil.
internal friction angle, elementary area length, extreme limit state, dependence of cutting pressure, normal stress, process, wedge, draft resistance, work tool, weed control