Tinyakova E.A..
Perspective vectors of developing agriculture in fairs, festivals and exhibitions (Russian and foreign approaches)
// Agriculture.
2024. № 2.
P. 37-51.
DOI: 10.7256/2453-8809.2024.2.72375 EDN: WAMLJA URL:
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The article examines the trend of summarizing agricultural productivity in the format of fairs, festivals and exhibitions, emphasizes the acquired new features of this activity. The fair is a special, many times enlarged market with an atmosphere of festive trade, which activates the conclusion of trade deals and gives increased dynamics and expansion of the trading space. The agricultural festival also includes extensive trade, but the festival's retail space is clothed in an attractive shell of a theatrical spectacle with various cultural events. An agricultural festival is closer to urban sociality than a market. And it carries a huge potential for entertainment. A distinctive feature of agricultural exhibitions is that they carry a much greater scientific potential compared to the other agricultural events. The material elaborated for the article leads an analytical line from history to the present. Agricultural fairs, festivals and exhibitions are considered in comparison of the Russian approach to holding such events with foreign ones, more European, however, modern agricultural traditions of the American continent are not ignored, especially with the high productivity of the agricultural sector of the United States of America. When analyzing these forms of exposure of agricultural achievements, agricultural crops are highlighted that focus such large agricultural events. The agricultural exposition in various forms is analyzed in the article within the framework of fruit and vegetables production. When considering the three largest and most popular agricultural events, the author emphasizes the international format of this activity in her conclusions, one of the gaining power features being agricultural tourism. Agriculture is a fruitful environment for building successful international contacts, because it provides the food industry, thus taking a leading role in supporting people's livelihoods.
agricultural achievements, agricultural tourism, experience exchange, fun installations, hold an event, organization, presentation of research innovations, agricultural exhibitions, agricultural fairs, agriculture
Semenova I.V..
Aquaculture in the structure of the agro-industrial complex of the Russian Federation: the current state of legal regulation
// Agriculture.
2024. № 2.
P. 14-24.
DOI: 10.7256/2453-8809.2024.2.72551 EDN: YGNKFK URL:
The author describe the features of the legal regulation of aquaculture (fish farming). For the Russian Federation, fish farming is mainly at the stage of formation. The author analyzes the basic concepts used in the field under consideration and draws a parallel with similar terms used in the field of fishing. The author considers the configuration of the current legal regulation of aquaculture, as well as the prospects for its development. Special attention is paid to modern legislative gaps and topical issues that need to be addressed by the legislator, and the main directions for improving legislation in this area are outlined. In addition, the main environmental risks of aquaculture in case of non-compliance with legal requirements are identified. The methodological basis of the work is: general scientific dialectical, as well as private scientific methods of cognition - formal legal and comparative legal methods. It is noted that currently aquaculture in the Russian Federation is at the stage of evaluating and comprehending previously adopted legislative acts and measures of state support. The author formulated the main issues in the field of legal regulation of aquaculture, which require special attention for the development of this area of the fisheries complex. So, in particular, they include certain aspects of regulating the turnover of fish farms, measures taken to provide Russian fisheries with high-quality feed and planting material, the need to take new measures in the field of agricultural insurance for aquaculture, and others. The paper identifies the main problems hindering the stable and effective development of domestic aquaculture, as well as provides proposals and innovative technologies that contribute to their resolution.
aquaculture facilities, fishponds, legal regulation, state support, development, food security, fish farming, aquaculture, aquatic biological resources, fish farms
Bogolyubov S.A..
Studies of problems of agrarian law (based on the works of O.L. Dubovik and other professors)
// Agriculture.
2023. № 1.
P. 22-31.
DOI: 10.7256/2453-8809.2023.1.43705 EDN: UCAFRR URL:
The state and development of the socio-economic situation in the country depends on various factors, including scientific support, qualified preparation and implementation of legislative acts. The interdisciplinary approach to the theoretical consideration of the problems of agrarian, land, environmental, international and other branches of law, conducting comparative legal studies of Russian legislation and legislation of foreign countries, supranational entities bring success. The logic and versatility of studying trends in changes in legal life, the timeliness and adequacy of responding to them are conditioned by studies of constitutional, civil, administrative, criminal, and other rules, norms and principles that make up a complex, integrating a variety of legal institutions and categories of agrarian legislation. It has its own subject, specific methods of regulation, a coherent set of regulatory legal acts. The interaction of legal science and legal realization in the field of ensuring food security and independence of the country is achieved by discussing and trying to solve emerging issues of a tactical and strategic nature at international and All-Russian scientific and practical conferences that receive rapid application, implementation, and operational reflection in the media. In different periods of the development of the agro–industrial complex, the most pressing problems of legal regulation were put forward for consideration - the delimitation and protection of property rights, the organization and improvement of the efficiency of agricultural production, affordable forms of land management and registration of real estate, administrative and criminal legal means of ensuring freedom of economic activity not prohibited by law. For half a century, topical theoretical and legal and applied problems in the field of agrarian, land, environmental law have been considered by O.L. Dubovik, Doctor of Law, Professor of the Institute of State and Law of the Russian Academy of Sciences. She is known for numerous in-depth consistent developments of lawmaking, mechanisms of law enforcement, effectiveness of law enforcement, prevention and suppression of corruption, crimes, and other offenses.
agriculture, environment, legislation, law, natural resources, development of agriculture, protection of land, environmental quality, agrarian sphere, protection of the environment
Bogolyubov S.A..
M.I. Kozyr's Agrarian Law Ideas are Confirmed
// Agriculture.
2022. № 2.
P. 34-41.
DOI: 10.7256/2453-8809.2022.2.39397 EDN: XDJXMV URL:
The works and activities of M.I. Kozyr, Doctor of Law, Professor, remain in the history of agrarian, land, and environmental law. Mikhail Kozyr's initiative, energy, organizational abilities were manifested in creative scientific and practical searches, numerous articles, textbooks, comments on laws, making legislative proposals, trips with scientific landings to republics, territories and regions of the USSR, on foreign business trips, participation in Italian and European agrarian unions. He appreciated, developed, promoted and taught collective farm – agricultural – agrarian law; developed new approaches to the legal provision of food security in Russia, clarifying the subject and methods, improving the quality of acts of agrarian law, implementing the norms of civil, administrative, land legislation in the legal institutions of agrarian law. M.I. Kozyr sought the restoration of agrarian law as a teaching discipline in law higher educational institutions. Currently, the ideas of M.I. Kozyr are recognized in the Russian legal, agrarian community: agriculture is included in paragraph "d" of Article 72 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation on the joint jurisdiction of the Russian Federation and it's subjects ; agriculture is included in the nomenclature of scientific specialties for the defense of dissertations; the multi-vector nature and importance of studying legal issues of agriculture, justification of ways to improve efficiency of legal regulation of economic activity in the agricultural sector of the economy. The professor's followers and students continue to provide scientific and legal support for the development of agriculture in Russia.
creative environment of search, practice, science, agricultural cooperation, field of knowledge, branch of law, agrarian law, agriculture, legislation, benevolence and exactingness
Chupina I.P., Zarubina E.V..
// Agriculture.
2021. № 2.
P. 14-18.
DOI: 10.7256/2453-8809.2021.2.36188 URL:
The article considers the model of development of agricultural enterprises in Russia, proposed by the outstanding agricultural economist A.V. Chayanov. The authors demonstrate the relevance of A.V. Chayanov's ideas for solving modern problems of import substitution and ensuring food security facing domestic agriculture. It is argued that today the socio-economic model of agricultural enterprises in Russia, developed by A.V. Chayanov in the 1920s-1930s, is still extremely relevant and in demand. According to Chayanov, the core of such the model is a family labor-based peasant farm. The authors claim that A.V. Chayanov used a large factual material to prove that the way to increase the efficiency and innovative development of agriculture in Russia lies through the increase and strengthening of farms, their support at the government level, as well as their association into production and consumer cooperatives. A.V. Chayanov strongly opposed the nationalization of agricultural cooperatives, he warned that the state could not directly manage agricultural production. The state can and should create favorable conditions for the development of family labor-based peasant farms and agricultural cooperatives: improve the regulatory framework for agricultural activities, create social infrastructure in rural areas, regulate the taxation of peasant farms and agricultural cooperatives, regulate social and labor relations in agricultural production, implement targeted subsidies in lean years or in the event of emergency circumstances.
peasant economy, farming, organizational legal form, agro-industrial complex, agricultural enerprise, food security, Chayanov, agriculture, cooperative, family economy
Zhuravleva L.A., Zarubina E.V..
// Agriculture.
2021. № 2.
P. 7-13.
DOI: 10.7256/2453-8809.2021.2.36192 URL:
The article analyzes approaches to understanding the role of the peasantry as the basis of the Russian nation and culture and a special social community. The ideas of M. M. Kovalevsky, S. N. Yuzhakov, P. A. Sorokin, A.V. Chayanov and T. Shanin are presented. The conclusion is made about the relevance and methodological value of the approaches of representatives of Russian sociology to this issue. The article states that today, among the priority areas of agricultural sociology, the most popular is the study of family farming as a subject of the informal economy sector of the production of environmentally friendly products for the population interested in the development of bio-agriculture and innovative food networks that reduce the distance between food producers and consumers. It is this urgency of the problem that makes peasant studies the most promising direction of agrarian sociology. Taking into account the practical significance of this problem, relying on methodological approaches and developments of domestic and foreign sociologists, the research group of the Ural Agrarian University, based on the network interaction of universities of the Ural region and India, developed a program of initiative cross-cultural sociological research on the topic "Culture of farm labor", the purpose of which is to analyze the value bases of economic behavior of representatives of this social group for designing an effective agricultural policy.
economics, farming, cooperative, agrarian sociology, peasant studies, agriculture, social community, peasantry, sociology, family economy
Sevostyanova E..
Agricultural unions of Eastern Siberia in the late 19th - the early 20th century: the main forms of out-of-school education and the channels of popularization of agricultural knowledge
// Agriculture.
2020. № 3.
P. 14-33.
DOI: 10.7256/2453-8809.2020.3.34392 URL:
The research object is agricultural unions formed in Eastern Siberia in the late 19th - the early 20th century. The research subject is reflected in the title of the article. The purpose of the research is to define the forms of agricultural education and the channels of popularization of agricultural knowledge among the broad public. To achieve this goal, the author analyzes, based on the dynamics of agricultural unions formation, the initiation and dynamics of the change of the main directions of work and the extent to which the forms of education corresponded to the aspirations of the authorities, the demands of the progressive public, and the practical needs of rural population. Generally, the work of East-Siberian agricultural unions was definitely less active than the work of the unions of the European part of Russia. That could be explained by the lack of educated employees, the difficulty of using the new agricultural approaches in risk farming areas, and the low literacy rate of the rural population. However, in the first decade of the 20th century, the work of agricultural unions became more active, which was determined, among other things, by the change of the authorities’ attitude and the channels of popularization of agricultural knowledge: exhibitions and public lectures were organized, libraries were founded, and books and magazines were sent out. The ways of rational farm management were popularized via special newspapers and agricultural magazines. Before and during the World War I the agricultural unions of Irkutsk province and Transbaikal started actively creating the branches in rural areas. Agricultural unions created the atmosphere of public interest, broadened and clarified the ideas of society about the needs of Siberian villages.
scientific society, agricultural magazines, Eastern Siberia, Agricultural society, reading people, intelligentsia, extracurricular education, Transbaikalia, Siberian Newspapers, exhibitions
Pyltcina M..
Agricultural Institutions in the Countries of Western Europe in the XIX Century: Dialogue between the State and Society
// Agriculture.
2017. № 4.
P. 77-82.
DOI: 10.7256/2453-8809.2017.4.26703 URL:
The subject of the study is the formation and further development in Western European countries of central agrarian departments and amateur social organizations of the agrarian type, their interaction in resolving national agricultural problems. The author notes that the aggravated problems in the agrarian sector of the economy in the XIX century necessitated the establishment of a constructive dialogue between the authorities and civil society. Subjects of agrarian activity are considered in the example of Prussia, Austria and France, and their organizational and legal status is described.In the course of the research, historical and comparative methods were used, which allowed an analysis of the current agricultural management system in Western European countries.It is emphasized that the modernization of the agrarian sphere in the countries under consideration has contributed to strengthening the institutions of civil society. It is concluded that the Russian government has widely borrowed the agricultural experience of the countries of Western Europe in carrying out a national agrarian policy, oriented to cooperation and coherence of actions of state and public agricultural institutions.
Ministry of Agriculture, Russia, history, France, Austria, Germany, agriculture, agricultural societies, public initiative, agrarian policy
Kuzina N.V., Kuzina L.B..
Accounting for historical cultural-economic types on the territory of the Russian Federation within the systems of upbringing and inclusion of children and teenagers into work practices
// Agriculture.
2016. № 1.
P. 1-18.
DOI: 10.7256/2453-8809.2016.1.19956 URL:
The subject of this research is the possibility of children and teenagers socialization by means of consideration of the traditional historical practices of agricultural labor in accordance with the traditional employment of the population and the economic-cultural types on the territory of the Russian Federation taking into account the agricultural and climatic conditions. The authors examine the types of agricultural activity (depending on the established on the territory of the cultural area of preferences due to the dominating type of soils, crop species, and animals), in which a child or a teenager was included in these territories in the past, as well as the methods by means of which the established systems of upbringing aimed at survival and socialization can help revitalize the Russian agriculture and raise a healthy generation. The author conduct the analysis of the works of ethnoecologists, ethnographers, and archeologists who studied the agricultural activity of the tribes and nations living on the territory of the Russian Federation in the areas depending on the type of soils and climate. As the result of the performed historical-ethnographical research focusing on the archeological and cross-cultural examinations, it is suggested to popularize the traditional forms of economies and natural resource management from the early preschool age to the age of maturity, for the purpose of its use for the revival of agriculture and elevation of the status of employment of the young generation in agricultural production.
child psychology, preschool education, study of labor, educational technology, anthropogeography, traditional ways of environmental management, ethnic environment, cultural areas, economic-cultural types, guidance and agricultural production