Clinical psychology
Bogachev, A.M., Ermakova, N.G. (2024). The prevalence factor of post-traumatic stress disorders among students of Mariupol. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 2, 1–12.
The subject of the study is post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) of people exposed to stress factors in the city of Mariupol during the active phase of the Special Military Operation in the city. Taking into account the tasks of socio-psychological rehabilitation of the civilian population located in an area of increased risk of psychological and physical trauma, identifying the level of prevalence of PTSD in Mariupol is extremely relevant from both a scientific and applied point of view. Obtaining relevant information is important both for further in-depth research and for the development and implementation of appropriate programs of socio-psychological and (or) depth psychological rehabilitation. In addition, this information is relevant in the context of solving the problem of forming the all-Russian civic identity among new generations of Russians. The study used structured clinical interview technology, as well as the Clinical-Administered PTSD Scale (CAPS) and a PTSD screening questionnaire. Based on the data obtained during the study, it was concluded that, in comparison with similar indicators identified among the civilian population of Afghanistan and Chechnya, who were in the territory of intense military operations and experienced the effects of powerful stress factors, as well as among people who witnessed the shooting of the Russian parliament in 1993, the prevalence of PSTD among residents of Mariupol who were in the city during the operation to liberate it is quite low. In the opinion of the authors of the article, this fact is explained by the fact that the majority of Russian citizens who remained in Mariupol and returned to it perceive the military actions of 2022 as a “forced necessity”. This leads to the conclusion about the extreme importance of using psychological and psychological-pedagogical technologies in the sphere of protecting traditional values.
Event, Research, Value, Connection of times, Reabilitation, Trauma, Stress, Identity, PTSD, Factor
Clinical psychology
Ermakova, N.G., Zashchirinskaia, O.V., Sakovsky, I.V., Denisova, K.E., Frolova, N.D. (2024). Attitude to the meaning of life and life satisfaction of elderly and senile people. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 2, 13–28.
The subject of the study is the attitude of the personality of elderly and senile people to the meaning of life and life satisfaction. The methodological basis of the study is the biopsychosocial approach, as a fundamental research model in medicine and medical psychology. Changes in the lives of older people are associated with retirement, changes in social status, loss of professional, interpersonal connections and financial stability, the presence of health problems, which leads to changes in values and meanings of life, and sometimes to maladaptation, which makes it relevant to study the characteristics of individual relationships old people. The purpose of the study is to identify the characteristics of the personality of elderly and senile people to the meaning of life and life satisfaction and to indicate the direction of psychological assistance. Scientific novelty of the study: empirical data were obtained on significant differences in the life-meaning orientations of elderly and senile people. The study was focused on studying the life-meaning orientations, life satisfaction, cognitive functions and emotional state of elderly and senile people. When analyzing the relationships between indicators, it was revealed that the meaningfulness of life of older people is associated with the consistency of achieving goals, which leads to positive self-esteem and satisfaction with life itself. Representatives of old age, due to physical and cognitive decline, distance themselves from activity in society, while maintaining satisfaction with life. The focus of psychological assistance programs requires a differentiated approach when working with elderly and senile people. Along with the correction of cognitive functions and the formation of new hobbies, it is important to include classes to develop communication skills among representatives of the older group. The results obtained can be used by specialists in medical and social institutions.
psychological help, hobbies, new skills, depression, activities in society, cognitive functions, values of life, life satisfaction, old age, elderly people
Professional psychology
Kamalova, O.M., Karavanova, L.Z. (2024). Motivational and semantic relations of a person in professional activity. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 2, 29–37.
The object of this research is the motivational and semantic relations of the individual. The subject of the research is the motivational and semantic relations of employees with different professional affiliations and specifics of performing functional duties. The purpose of the research is to study the structure of motivational and semantic relations of a person and to identify patterns of influence of professional affiliation and functional duties. The methodological basis for writing the article is the research of domestic and foreign scientists. Theoretical (comparative analysis) and empirical (interview, questionnaire) research methods were used in the study. The orientation of motivational and semantic relations of a person does not depend on the professional affiliation and the specifics of the performance of functional duties. Since the motivational and semantic relations of a person in professional activity are characterized by the presence of motivation based on the personal meaning, which motivates a person to activity and depend on the psychological state of a person who is in certain life circumstances. Motivational and semantic relations of a person are based on motivational and semantic processes that accompany and support a person throughout his or her working life. The aim of the work is to establish the regularities of the influence of professional affiliation and the specifics of functional duties on the motivational and semantic relations of employees to professional activities. In order to increase the efficiency of professional activities and improve the motivation of employees to the heads of organizations, the authors give practical recommendations for improving psychological support in organizations.
professional activity, behavior, organization, motivational-semantic relations, personal meaning, motivation, personality, activity, Personal Relationships, workers
Clinical psychology
Selkin, M.D. (2024). Neuropsychological syndromes of disorders of mnestic activity in patients with strokes in the right (subdominant) hemisphere. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 2, 38–50.
The work carried out a neuropsychological assessment of different types of memory and determined the profiles of mnestic disorders depending on the type of hemispheric asymmetry and localization of the lesion. The analysis of the features of the course of stroke in the right (subdominant) hemisphere was carried out. The main symptoms of impaired types of memory, for which the subdominant hemisphere is responsible, were studied. The presented data correlate with the data found in the world literature: stroke in the subdominant hemisphere has a less pronounced effect on memory impairment, is associated with a better prognosis, while visual memory, spatial, logical, and mechanical suffer more often. A detailed topographic analysis of the syndromatics is presented, comparing instrumental data on visualization of the lesion and psychological tests that reveal a deficiency of a particular type of memory. The data obtained make it possible to identify targets and opportunities for early neuropsychological correction of disorders by attracting compensatory brain capabilities, which is important when planning an individual rehabilitation program. The analysis of mnestic activity in patients with strokes in the right (subdominant) hemisphere was carried out. The applied set of patho- and neuropsychological methods: The Wexler memory scale, Indirect memorization according to A.N. Leontiev, the "Pictograms" technique, Benton's Visual retention, the "Memorizing 10 words" Technique, the "Memorizing faces" technique, the "Memorizing shapes" method., the MOSS test. For the first time, a comprehensive clinical, psychological and experimental psychological study was conducted, which made it possible to characterize the quality and hierarchy of impaired and preserved types of mental activity in the defeat of the right (subdominant) hemisphere. For the first time, a comparative analysis of disorders of the mnestic activity of the dominant and subdominant hemispheres of the brain was carried out, which allowed us to identify the specifics of memory disorders depending on the lateralization of lesions. The novelty is also represented by the systematization of mnestic disorders carried out by the author, accompanied by the isolation of neuropsychological syndromes of disorders of mnestic activity in the defeat of various parts of the right (subdominant) hemisphere in the acute period of syndromes of occipital, temporal, parietal lobe lesions and their combinations. Based on the data obtained, the necessity of studying the features of mnestic activity in order to restore and further rehabilitate higher mental functions in patients with cerebral infarction in the right hemisphere is justified.
Neuropsychocorrection, Compensatory mechanisms, Disorders of cerebral circulation, Neuropsychological syndromes, Hemispheric asymmetry, Mnestic function, Brain infarction, Neuropsychological diagnostics, Subdominant hemisphere, Cognitive impairment
Professional psychology
Karpova, E.B., Stupnikov, A.S., Yampolskiy, A.A., Vildan, P.K. (2024). The relationship of clinical and psychological characteristics with the syndrome of emotional burnout and neuropsychic maladjustment of summer camp counselors. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 2, 51–65.
Emotional burnout and professional maladaptation are quite common problems for many professionals who work with people, especially teachers. It is known that the phenomena under consideration can not only be related to each other, but also lead to serious problems with somatic and mental health, and can also provoke poor-quality, negligent performance of their duties, which, in turn, can lead to even greater negative consequences. To date, in the scientific literature there is practically no analysis of the connection between emotional burnout and neuropsychic maladjustment with other clinical and psychological characteristics of summer camp counselors. At the same time, the initial results of research into the level of burnout and work maladjustment indicate a fairly wide distribution of these phenomena. The purpose of our research was to study the relationship between the clinical and psychological characteristics of children's camp counselors and the level of their emotional burnout and neuropsychic maladjustment. The study involved 81 counselors from different children's camps with 24-hour stay. All employees completed a package of methods aimed at studying emotional burnout, neuropsychic maladaptation, motivation, personality structure, reflexivity, anxiety, communication skills, and emotional intelligence. The article presents the results of a study of correlations between indicators of emotional burnout, the level of neuropsychic maladaptation with other clinical and psychological characteristics of children's camp teachers. These phenomena are associated with a number of personal characteristics: anxiety, emotional intelligence, communicative competence, personality structure. In particular, counselors with a low level of burnout and a low level of maladjustment were characterized by sociability, trustfulness, emotional stability, an adequate reaction to conflict situations and a low level of anxiety. The results obtained are partially confirmed by our previous research and make a new contribution to the understanding of those factors that influence the state of counselors in terms of human capital. However, we also identified some contradictions in the data, such as the lack of a statistically significant connection between emotional burnout and the level of motivation. This indicates that motivation may play a less significant role in the formation of burnout among summer camp counselors compared to other professional groups, such as teachers. Of particular interest is the conclusion about the connection between the level of emotional burnout and neuropsychic maladjustment. There is a high level of maladaptation among counselors with a high level of burnout, which indicates a connection between these phenomena.
motivation, communication skills, anxiety, emotional intelligence, maladaptation, personality structure, neuropsychic adaptation, burnout, reflexivity, counselors
Тело и телесность
Griber, Y.A., Delov, A.A., Kovalev, P.S. (2024). Color vision of people with headaches. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 2, 66–82.
The aim of the study is to obtain new data on possible changes in color vision of people with headaches. The object of the study is people who periodically experience primary headaches of different nature. The subject of the study is the specificity of perception of chromatic parameters of the environment and color sensitivity of people with headaches of different nature, quality, intensity and frequency. The data were collected using the Farnsworth-Munsell standard clinical color vision test (FM-100). The study involved 65 people aged 17 to 66 years. The results of the assessment of color vision in the experimental group were compared with the normative indicators and data obtained in the age-matched control group (N=40). Special attention was paid to discussing the possible causes of the identified disorders and analyzing the correlation between various aspects of headache with individual indicators of color sensitivity. The data analysis included calculating the total error (TES), as well as partial errors (PES) along the blue-yellow (B-Y) and red-green (R-G) axes. We also identified partial errors for individual tones. The study revealed a noticeable specificity in the perception of blue-green and blue shades of patients with severe, chronic and non-localized headaches. Since the detected color vision disorders appear to be temporary and are most likely typical of the premonitory phase of headaches, the results of this study may contribute to understanding of headache predictors. Since the identified changes relate to only one group of (blue) shades, the findings of the study can be used in the development of alternative treatment methods. In particular, in choosing the optimal color of tinted lenses, which are offered to patients to relieve headaches and reduce their frequency.
visual perception, visual trigger, color perception, color cognition, color, color discrimination, color sensitivity, FM-100 test, headaches, color vision
Clinical psychology
Stupnikov, A.S. (2024). The dynamics of emotional burnout and the level of neuropsychic maladjustment among camp counselors during 3 shifts. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 2, 83–97.
The purpose of this research is to study changes in indicators of emotional burnout and the level of neuropsychic maladaptation among counselors at children's camps at different stages of work. Carrying out a theoretical review, the author examines in detail the phenomenon of emotional burnout, analyzes foreign research on the problem of the formation of emotional burnout among counselors in the process of their work. The research hypothesis is based on the assumption that the level of neuropsychic maladjustment and emotional burnout increases during work as a counselor. In other words, the longer a counselor works, the higher his level of neuropsychic maladjustment and emotional burnout. The subject of the study is the change in the level (dynamics) of emotional burnout and neuropsychic maladaptation among counselors at children's camps. The object of the study is emotional burnout and neuropsychic maladjustment. In the process of working on the article, the following methods were used: the emotional burnout questionnaire by K. Maslach, S. Jackson (adapted by N. E. Vodopyanova), the Neuropsychic Adaptation Test by I.N. Gurvich. All employees were diagnosed three times (on every 10th day of their shift in the camp). As a result of the study, it was revealed that indicators of emotional burnout, in general, increase towards the last stage (shift in the camp), which is consistent with the results of some previous studies. In the group of counselors for whom the first stage of testing coincided with the first shift in life or the first shift after a long break, not only indicators of emotional burnout increase, but also the level of neuropsychic maladaptation (which does not happen in the general sample). In addition, counselors who were working for the first time at the time of the first stage of the study had significantly higher rates of emotional exhaustion and neuropsychic maladaptation than counselors who had been working for a long time. The novelty of the stated topic lies in the fact that this is the first study in the domestic scientific literature that examines changes in the levels of emotional burnout and neuropsychic maladaptation of counselors in a long-term perspective.
children's camp, reduced personal accomplishment, counselors, dynamics, emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, maladaptation, neuropsychic adaptation, emotional burnout, professional burnout
Developmental psychology
Budyakova, T.P., Pronina, A.N., Antipina, E.A. (2024). Strategies for living in old age. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 2, 98–113.
The presented article is devoted to the problem of identifying and describing life strategies in old age. The theoretical part of the article shows the importance of "separating" similar terms often used in the study of the elderly as synonyms: "strategy", "paradigm", "model", etc. It is proposed to understand a life strategy in the spirit of activity and victimological approaches as general plans subordinated to a common goal that is fundamentally important for the functioning and development of personality, which requires the mobilization of resources both in previous ages and in the current one to ensure a safe, comfortable life at a young age. The fundamental importance of the victimological approach in the formulation of life strategies in old age is proved, since this age is the most sensitive to victimization. Biographical, autobiographical and meaningful content analysis were used as research methods. The materials of the analysis were the content of websites on the Internet, where the problems of the elderly are actively discussed. The scientific novelty of the study consists in identifying and describing the main life strategies in old age and their victimological assessment. Thus, such strategies were identified and described as: labor, family, home/country, sports strategy; hobby strategy; religious strategy and victim strategy. In addition, variants of these strategies were meaningfully highlighted. It is concluded that any strategy of life in old age should have the security of one's personality as the main meaning of leading activities, since it is by this age that victimization trends are increasing. Victimization, in principle, begins to be age-related. Each of the described strategies has its limitations depending on the level of health, success in the profession, family status and other factors. Therefore, for successful functioning in old age, it must be borne in mind that the most preferred strategy may not be implemented due to objective circumstances. Hence, it is necessary to have backup options for life strategies in old age and provide preparation for them in other age periods. A consciously chosen "victim" strategy is the most ineffective, since the conditions of its implementation victimize an elderly person, etc.
life models, life paradigms, personality, safety, content analysis, anti-victim personality, life strategies, personal development, old age, strategy options