Psychology and pedagogics
Venckute, M.S., Korneeva, Y.A., Shakhova, L.I. (2023). Characteristics of socio-psychological adaptation of adolescents subjected to psychological, emotional and physical violence. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 4, 1–25.
One of the most significant factors of adolescent adaptation is exposure to various types of violence. In scientific research, there is a lack of work on establishing the relationship between violence against a teenager and the characteristics of his maladaptation. The study is devoted to a comprehensive study and description of the features of the severity of the characteristics of socio-psychological maladjustment of adolescents subjected to psychological, emotional and physical violence. The study involved 159 schoolchildren aged 12 to 16 studying in grades 6-8 of general education institutions. Research methods: the author's questionnaire for assessing exposure to various types of violence and psychological testing of the characteristics of socio-psychological maladjustment of adolescents. Statistical processing was carried out using descriptive statistics and multivariate analysis of variance using the SPSS Statistics 26.00 software package. As a result of the study, statistically significant differences were established in the severity of suicidal risk, depression, deviant behavior, psychological well-being and self-attitude as characteristics of the socio-psychological maladjustment of adolescents who experienced various types of violence. The analysis made it possible to establish that all types of violence contribute to an increase in the socio-psychological maladjustment of adolescents, while physical violence has a more negative impact. According to the results of the study, it is possible to identify similar characteristics of the socio-psychological maladjustment of adolescents who were subjected to physical, psychological and emotional violence, these include: various forms of deviant behavior, mood changes, reduced self-esteem of health, greater closeness, insecurity, reduced self-esteem and self-worth.
deviant behavior, socio-psychological maladaptation, physical violence, emotional violence, psychological violence, minors, adolescents, suicidal risk, depression, self-attitude
Transpersonal psychology
Bogachev, A.M., Vyalkova, I.A., Vintonyuk, T.G. (2023). Rehabilitation of survivors of shock psychological trauma by methods of deep existential psychology. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 4, 26–47.
This paper presents the results of a study based on a formative experiment in the field of psychological psychotherapy. We are also talking about the rehabilitation of people who have experienced a shock psychological trauma, using methods of deep existential psychology and in the context of appealing to fundamental (traditional) values. The use of methods of transpersonal psychology, art therapy, body-oriented psychotherapy, psychosynthesis, united by a theological and psychological methodology based on the principle of participation (the commandment "love your neighbor as yourself") is considered by the authors as extremely promising in the field of overcoming the consequences of shock trauma and, accordingly, stress disorders of various etiologies. In modern Russian society, this topic is obviously extremely relevant. Despite the fact that deep psychology is, in its own way, a traditional method of working with individuals who have experienced serious psychological trauma, its application in working with people who have experienced psychological shock trauma in the liberated territories implies an element of innovation. At the same time, the combination of technologies of deep psychology with access to the sphere of direct, personal meaningful, existential experience of the significance and essence of the fundamental values of Russian culture opens, in our opinion, an extremely promising direction of activity of practical psychologists and (or) psychotherapists. The conclusions presented in the article make it possible to build the structure of such activities.
Experience, Psychosynthesis, Value, Transpersonal, Elaboration, Psychotherapy, Integrity, Integration, Injury, Rehabilitation
Professional psychology
Tuillet, P.S. (2023). The concept of the Center for psychological support of resident doctors during the training period. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 4, 48–62.
Taking into account the importance of the profession of medical workers and the need of citizens for affordable, timely and high-quality medical care, it is necessary to develop a set of organizational and psychological measures aimed at preserving the mental health and well-being of medical workers. At the same time, the primary importance is the protection of the psychological health of resident doctors who are at the initial stages of their careers, since not only correction, but also prevention of emotional disorders is possible during this period. The subject of the study is the organization of psychological assistance to resident doctors during the training period, as well as approaches to psychological support of medical activities. The object of the study is the implemented projects on psychological support of medical workers in Russia and abroad. The article describes in detail the directions of psychological support for medical workers, as well as the concept of a Center for psychological support for resident doctors.The scientific novelty of the study lies in the fact that for the first time the realized experience of mental health practices of medical workers in Russia and abroad has been generalized, which made it possible to develop and substantiate the Concept of a Center for Psychological support of resident doctors during the period of training under residency programs. The concept of the "Center for Psychological Support of resident doctors during training" is aimed at the implementation of psychological support for students under residency programs and advanced training of heads of medical organizations in the field of personnel management and creating favorable conditions at the workplace. To achieve this goal, the Center carries out activities in four main areas: psychological and psychiatric care, methodological work, educational and scientific activities, with the involvement of the following specialists: medical psychologists, psychologists of training programs, coach, psychiatrists, researchers and methodologist.
psychological support center, mental health, psychology of work, organizational culture, burnout syndrome, medical psychology, residency, resident doctors, medical worker, protection of psychological health
Psychology and pedagogics
Brutskaia, K. (2023). Parental attitudes to the problem of home-based education of children with disabilities. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 4, 63–71.
The purpose of the study: to identify and study parental attitudes to the problem of home-based education of children with disabilities. Research methods: questionnaire "Assessment of coping strategies in various fields" (E. Heim); "Questionnaire for parents whose children are home-schooled". The developed questionnaire includes 13 questions. The questions are aimed at identifying the difficulties and needs of parents in organizing home-based education. The main method of the study was the content analysis of the respondents' free statements, which presupposes the completion of a number of sentences. Meaningful interpretation of the highlighted answers allows you to identify hidden semantic experiences, difficulties, as well as to outline optimal ways to solve problems. The study involved 60 parents with children with disabilities (school age) who are on home-based education. According to the results of the content analysis of the parents' statements, 85 completed semantic units were identified, which, according to the psychological content, were combined into semantic categories reflecting the difficulties of parents in the home-based form of teaching a child with disabilities: "learning and upbringing difficulties", "psychological and pedagogical difficulties", "medical difficulties". The results of the study showed that parents whose children are home-schooled can be differentiated depending on the duration of the child's education at home.
coping strategies, parental settings, parents, crises, support, inclusion, home study, home-based training, psychological and pedagogical assistance, socialization
Societal passions
Yanovsky, M.I., Malishevskaya, E.V. (2023). Personality traits that contribute to the non-recognition of lies. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 4, 72–85.
In the era of the dominance of information technology, the problem of recognizing true and false information is becoming particularly relevant. The purpose of the article is to analyze the phenomenon of lying and the factors affecting its recognition. We believe that lying is not only a distortion of information, but also a form of intersubjective relations. The deceiver creates a closed "world" for the deceived, an information cocoon that replaces reality. This creates a relationship of different levels of two subjects, the deceiver and the deceived, their inequality and the imbalance of the situation. Sensitivity to unjustified inequality of psychological positions in relationships, to disequilibrium in the situation of relationships, according to our assumption, plays an important role in the recognition of lies. The article presents the results of a study of the influence of personality traits that contribute to the non-recognition of lies. An experiment was conducted in which research participants were asked to recognize 10 true and 10 false messages. According to the results of the experiment, the subjects were divided into two equal groups: relatively poorly recognizing lies and relatively well recognizing lies. The properties characteristic of those who do not recognize lies well turned out to be: the tendency to overestimate self-attitude (to put oneself above others), pragmatism, imperiousness, combined with emotional restraint, conformity, etc. Also, those who do not recognize lies are characterized by a lower level of integration and coherence of personal structures. There is some reason to say that poor lie recognition is also promoted by the lower importance of the moral factor in the relationship.
inequality, personality traits, personality, lie recognition, psychology of lies, truth, deception, disequilibrium, lies, imperious pragmatism
Clinical psychology
Zvonov, P.A. (2023). The specifics of cognitive and behavioral responses to therapy of the patients with borderline personality disorder: overview of foreign studies. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 4, 86–103.
The study of diagnostic methods and the development of methods for the treatment of personality disorders is a significant scientific task. Personality disorders, including borderline personality disorder, characterized by hypertrophied emotions and a violation of self-identification, are painful for both patients and their loved ones. The article analyzes the results of a number of studies and observations in the field of experience of the treatment of borderline personality disorder. Cognitive and behavioral responses to therapy of the patients with borderline personality disorder are considered, as well as the features of building a therapeutic alliance, the formation of epistemological trust of the patient to the therapist, resistance to therapy and early dropout. Based on the analysis of a number of studies, it was found that patients with borderline personality disorder are in dire need of psychotherapy, believe that the therapist is the person who can solve all their problems, often transfer responsibility for their condition on him, forming a kind of child–parent relationship. Because of this, patients with borderline personality disorder often violate the therapist's personal boundaries, demanding his availability at any time. Such patients may perceive therapy as the only safe environment. At the same time, due to the fear of rejection, the formation of a therapeutic alliance takes a long time.
therapeutic alliance, therapist, a patient, psychotherapy, behaviour, reactions, mind, borderline personality disorder, resistance, gap
Societal passions
Alperovich, V. (2023). Subjective "world'image" at the stage of early adulthood: comparative analysis of conceptual models. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 4, 104–117.
The research purpose was to conduct a comparative analysis of conceptual models reflecting the stability and variability of the individual “world'image”; secondly, to consider various examples of interpretation of everyday social reality, incl. situations of interaction with “one’s own” and “other people’s” communication partners, in personal narratives. The research hypothesis is formulated that the personal “world'image” as a phenomenon that is both stable and changeable can be studied by referring to speech forms, incl. to metaphors and narratives about interaction with different communication partners. A comparative theoretical socio-psychological analysis of activity-based, psychosemantic and other approaches to the study of the “world'image” phenomenon is used, as well as an interpretation of the results of some empirical studies of biographical narratives. In accordance with the hypothesis put forward, it is shown that a personal “world'image”, which is both stable and changeable, can be studied by referring to speech forms: a person’s interaction with communication partners in various categories is reflected in his metaphors and narratives. The scientific novelty and originality of this article are as follows. A comparative analysis of conceptual models of the “world'image” is carried out. The author's narrative model for analyzing interaction with other people in the “world'image” at the stage of early adulthood is presented. The possibilities of narrative analysis of the subject’s ideas about other people in his “world'image” are revealed using the example of various empirical studies.
ennemy, alien, own, metaphor, social representations, situation, transitivity, narrative, world'image, friend
Clinical psychology
Kachay, I.S., Fedorenko, P.A. (2023). Distinctive features of A. Ellis' rational-emotional-behavioral therapy and A. Beck's cognitive therapy approaches in clinical practice and psychotherapy of emotional disorders. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 4, 118–136.
The object of this research is the theoretical and methodological features of the cognitive-behavioral direction of psychotherapy. The subject of the research is the comparative characteristics of rational–emotional-behavioral therapy (REBT) by A. Ellis and cognitive therapy (CT) by A. Beck in the context of diagnostic and therapeutic interventions. The authors investigate in detail the cognitive model of the formation of dysfunctional reactions, analyze the mutual determination of dysfunctional beliefs through the prism of both approaches, compare philosophical and cognitive solutions to the problem of emotional disorders, investigate the relationship of automatic thoughts and irrational beliefs, and also emphasize the differences between A. Beck's cognitive therapy and A. Ellis' rational-emotional-behavioral therapy. If in A. Beck's cognitive therapy cognitive restructuring is implemented on a descending principle, consistently affecting the levels of automatic thoughts, intermediate beliefs (cognitive distortions) and self-concept (deep beliefs), then in A. Ellis' rational-emotional-behavioral therapy the procedure of disputing (challenging) irrational beliefs is carried out on an ascending principle, moving from the modification of imperative and derived evaluative beliefs to change automatic perceptions and conclusions. The scientific novelty of the research also consists in clarifying the categorical framework of cognitive behavioral therapy in terms of clarifying the content and correlation of the concepts of "irrational belief", "dysfunctional attitude" and "cognitive distortion". The research also outlines the prospects for the integration of A. Beck's cognitive therapy and A. Ellis' rational-emotional-behavioral therapy.
low frustration tolerance, catastrophization, due, attitude, rational statement, irrational belief, cognitive behavioral therapy, cognitive therapy, rational-emotional-behavioral therapy, global assessment
Professional psychology
Chepurnov, I.A. (2023). Selection of psychodiagnostic methods for identifying and studying professionally important qualities of operators of anti-aircraft missile systems. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 4, 137–148.
The increasing complexity of the tasks assigned to modern anti-aircraft missile systems and the conditions for their use necessitate taking into account the human factor and revising the requirements for operational personnel, due to the increasing impact of the psychological component of their professional activities. The effectiveness of the professional activities of operators of anti-aircraft missile systems is determined by the level of expression of a number of professionally important qualities. The formation of a set of informative standardized psychodiagnostic methods that make it possible to determine the level of professionally important qualities of operators of anti-aircraft missile systems at the stages of selection and training is an urgent task. The study of the effectiveness of the use of tests and questionnaires proposed in these works, their reliability and validity, made it possible to identify a set of the most suitable psychodiagnostic techniques. The selection of psychodiagnostic techniques was carried out taking into account their practicality in relation to the peculiarities of operator activity. This article updates the integral professionally important qualities characteristic of the professional activities of operators of anti-aircraft missile systems. The author pays special attention to the results of the study of existing methods for assessing professionally important qualities, and provides a set of selected psychodiagnostic methods for identifying and studying the professionally important qualities of operators of anti-aircraft missile systems. The use of selected psychodiagnostic techniques at the stages of selection and professional training of operators of anti-aircraft missile systems will reduce the screening of unsuitable persons during the training process, reduce the accident rate of serviced equipment due to personnel errors, increase the reliability of control systems, and also reduce the cost of training operators.
psychodiagnostics, professionally important qualities, military training, techniques, anti-aircraft missile forces, anti-aircraft missile system, professional activity, operator, engineering psychology, abilities
Professional psychology
Pimenova, V.O. (2023). Features of professional stress of coders. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 4, 149–162.
The article presents the results of an empirical study that focuses on the characteristics of occupational stress of coders. The research sample consisted of programmers aged 22 to 55 years. Respondents who participated in the study have a higher technical education and live and work in the territory of the Russian Federation. The participants in the empirical study, conducted as part of this work, voluntarily expressed their willingness to participate in the survey. The methods used in the study allowed for a multifactor assessment of the symptoms of occupational stress of programmers and the identification of the degree of its expression and qualitative characteristics among the surveyed. Psychodiagnostic methods aimed at determining the severity of occupational stress and the diagnosis of the formation of phases and symptoms of burnout, were selected for the study. To process the data obtained from the respondents through the Integral Diagnostics and Correction of Occupational Stress (IDICS) methodology developed by Leonova A.B., a corresponding computer program was used. The data obtained as a result of the conducted research allowed us to consider various aspects of the severity of occupational stress of the survey sample. The resulting assessment of the stress level made it possible to identify the main high and extremely high indicators of the severity of occupational stress of the respondents, diagnosed as part of a multi-level assessment of professional stress, indicate the relevance of considering the formation of a set of measures to prevent the occurrence of occupational stress of coders. In accordance with the research materials on the formation of phases and symptoms of burnout syndrome, the phases of tension and resistance are most formed among the surveyed programmers. Based on the data obtained from the analysis of the results of the preventive part of the Integral Diagnostics and Correction of Occupational Stress (IDICS) methodology, the article formulates recommendations for selecting a set of optimization measures in accordance with the identified specificity of stress.
integral diagnostics, occupational activity, stressor, informational stress, IT professionals, programmers, occupational stress factors, emotional burnout syndrome, occupational stress, prevention of occupational stress
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Artemeva, O.A., Shikun, A.A. (2023). The subjective approach in the study of regional psychology. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 4, 163–173.
The authors of the article substantiate the problem of developing the theoretical and methodological foundations of the historical and psychological study of the development of regional psychology, which reveals specifics in comparison with the development of national psychology; the relevance and prospects of the study of collective forms of organization and development of regional psychology, the implementation of a subjective approach in their study. The subject of the theoretical analysis is the methodological foundations of the implementation of the subjective approach in the historical and psychological study of regional psychology. Based on the theoretical and methodological foundations of the history of psychology, proposed and substantiated in the works of V.A. Koltsova, the fundamentals of the implementation of the subjective approach at the philosophical, epistemological, general scientific, special scientific and specifically scientific levels of the methodology of historical and psychological research are determined. The main attention is paid to the analysis of the conceptual provisions presented in the scientific works of M.G. Yaroshevsky, philosophical and general psychological publications of S.L. Rubinstein and A.V. Brushlinsky, as well as the socio-psychological works of A.L. Zhuravlev. This makes it possible to determine the possibilities of studying a collective subject as active, self-determined and self-organizing, and to limit the scope of application of the principle of determinism as causality in explaining the development of regional psychology. An important conclusion of the analysis is the statement as the most important basis for the study of the dynamics of collective forms of organization of science of A.L. Zhuravlev's ideas about the levels and stages of a collective subject, implemented in the historical and psychological studies of the development of domestic psychology by O.A. Artemeva. The application in the history of psychology of the general scientific principle of systemacy and specifically scientific principles of hierarchy and unity of theory, experiment and practice allows us to reveal the dependence of scientific knowledge on the practice of its subject and to study the development of regional psychology as a multipronged, multidimensional and multilevel process, taking into account its systemic determination. The scientific novelty of the approach presented in the article consists in a theoretically justified appeal to the poorly developed problem of the development of regional psychology and the definition of the methodological foundations of its solution in line with the history of psychology.
collective subject, principle of systemacy, subject principle, subjective approach, history of psychology, methodology of psychology, history of Russian psychology, regional psychology, history of regional psychology, principle of hierarchy
To understand the human being
Naumov, P.Y. (2023). Psychological constructs of the character of professional military men in the works of A.S. Pushkin. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 4, 174–191.
Understanding the sources of formation of the character of professional military personnel is an important task of pedagogical psychology, since it makes it possible to make the process of developing the personality of a serviceman in the pedagogical process of a military university more effective. An important source for the formation of character traits of a professional military officer is literary sources, artistic means of influencing personal structures. The subject of research in the article is the psychological properties of the individual, characteristic of the heroes of the works of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, who, according to the author's artistic conception, were professional soldiers. The writer's artistic work in a complex way constructs on the pages of his works the psychological features characteristic of professional military men. The author's knowledge in the work is based on the most popular literary works of A.S. Pushkin using a system-activity and axiological approach to understanding the development of personality. The author notes that a comprehensive study of the images of the domestic military intelligentsia from artistic heroes who have become independent carriers of psychological properties characteristic of domestic officers is an urgent scientific task for modern psychological knowledge, therefore this contradiction must be resolved. The theoretical generalizations obtained as a result of the study can be useful in organizing educational work with cadets, as well as in carrying out other forms of work with military personnel.
values, meanings, intelligence, professional military, subjectivity, interpretation, heuristic potential, personality traits, psychological mechanisms, personal formations
Professional psychology
Tikhonova, E.A. (2023). Resource availability as a condition for the effectiveness of professional activity of the senior staff of departments and faculties of educational organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 4, 192–201.
The subject of the study is the psychological resources of the senior staff of departments and faculties of educational organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. The purpose of the research is to study the relationship between subjective representations of the success and effectiveness of the professional activities of managers and their resource availability. It was suggested that a large number of requirements imposed on the leadership of departments and faculties will actualize the psychological resources of the personality of managers with high efficiency of professional activity and lead to depletion of resources with low efficiency of professional activity. The study involved 376 heads and deputy heads of departments and faculties of educational organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia with service experience in the internal affairs bodies from 2 to 38 years, in office from several months to 29 years. In order to collect empirical data, the following methods were used: author's questionnaire; questionnaire "Strategies for overcoming stressful situations" by S. E. Hobfoll; "Questionnaire of proactive coping behavior" by E. Greenglas, R. Schwarzer and S. Taubert; questionnaire of "Psychological capital" by A. Bakker; "Test of resilience" by S. Maddi; "Test of life orientations" by J. Crambo and L. Maholika. The results of the study indicate that the self-assessment of the professional effectiveness and success of the management of educational organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia reflects the level of its resource availability. In general, the results of the study indicate a high resource availability of the senior staff of departments and faculties of educational organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. In addition, based on subjective representations of the professional effectiveness and success of the leaders of this group, it is possible to predict the choice of constructive and proactive coping strategies that act as psychological resources of the individual: the higher the head evaluates the effectiveness of his professional activity, the more often he implements constructive and proactive coping strategies. The most significant contribution of the study is that its results can be used for an operational assessment of the actual resource availability of the head when conducting group and/or individual psychological support work by a psychologist.
requirements, resource security, psychological support, educational organizations, management, success, effectiveness, professional stress, psychological resources, resources
Psychology and pedagogics
Go, X. (2023). STEAM technology as a method of adaptation of foreign students of A.I. Herzen Russian State Pedagogical University in the study of art. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 4, 202–213.
The successful process of intercultural adaptation, including during education, depends on effective interpersonal communication, which increases the level of language proficiency, motivation, and promotes interaction of students with representatives of foreign cultural communities. This article is devoted to the study of the specifics of the educational technology STEAM (Science, Technology, Reading + WRiting Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics), which is a fairly new way of teaching university students. Special attention is paid to the problem of adaptation of foreign students to the new socio-cultural environment. The hypothesis is put forward that STEAM technology, through project activities, can help foreign students adapt to modern art courses in Russian universities. The article presents the results of the approbation of an adapted course on contemporary art for foreign students from China. The novelty of the research is connected with the identification of the problems that foreign students face when receiving art education at the A.I. Herzen State Pedagogical University, as well as the proposal of ways to overcome the identified difficulties. It is concluded that the use of STEAM training in the development of a course on the study of contemporary art allows foreign students from China to effectively adapt to the socio-cultural and educational environment of Russia. It is noted that STEAM technology contributes to the successful pedagogical activity of students who have received artistic training abroad.
pedagogical education, modern Art, adaptation, adaptive course, language difficulties, socio-psychological problems, information and communication technologies, intercultural communication, international students, educational environment
Podnebesnaya, E.B. (2023). Client assessment of the effectiveness of the systemic arrangement method (group short-term psychotherapy method). Psychology and Psychotechnics, 4, 214–231.
Our country is moving towards the inclusion of broad psychological assistance in the list of services provided within the framework of compulsory medical insurance. In this regard, the study of the effectiveness of various modalities of psychotherapy is of particular relevance. The article discusses systemic arrangements – a method of group short-term psychotherapy. Its effectiveness has become the subject of research. Today, this type of psychological assistance is one of the most popular. The study was conducted on the basis of the psychological center "Open Reality" in Moscow. To assess the effectiveness, a continuous survey method was used among clients who used system arrangements to solve their problems. A total of 50 respondents who underwent appropriate therapy from February 25, 2022 to March 3, 2023 were interviewed. The use of a statistically significant sample to study the effectiveness of the system placement method is the novelty of this study. Subsequently, the data obtained were subjected to statistical analysis. The results showed that 50% of respondents (25 people) rate the effectiveness of this method above 6.0 points on a 10-point scale. The data obtained allow us to conclude that the use of the system placement method allows us to obtain positive results from the majority of clients. The conducted research is of practical importance and allows us to recommend the method of systemic arrangements for providing psychological assistance to the population. In the future, it is planned to analyze customer requests in order to find out in which cases the use of arrangements is most effective. In order to expand the understanding of the material used in the study, the article also provides a description of a specific arrangement, followed by a detailed assessment of the effectiveness given by the client.
customer evaluation, system constellations, deputies, psychotherapeutic help, case description, evaluation of the results of psychotherapy, constellations, modern methods of psychotherapy, effective method, psychotherapy