Efimova, V.L., Nikolaeva, E.I., Druzhinin, O.A., Mazurova, I.S. (2023). Using a Complex Sensorimotor Reaction to Predict School Performance. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 1, 1–11.
In recent years, the number of students with learning difficulties has increased. Often, children with a high level of intellectual development cannot cope with the primary school program. The success of studying at school is largely determined by the level of development of the executive function. There is evidence that the results of sensorimotor tests coincide with the results of the evaluation of executive function. The purpose of the study: to find a connection between the results of sensorimotor tests and the academic performance of elementary school students. The study involved 108 children aged 9-11 years. Annual marks in all subjects for grades 2 and 3 were taken into account. The diagnostic unit consisted of 7 hardware and software tests that evaluated various parameters of simple and complex sensorimotor reactions. Results. Factorial and regression analysis of the data were carried out, statistically significant relationships between academic performance and indicators of complex sensorimotor tests were revealed. The tests included three main elements of executive function: inhibitory control, working memory and cognitive flexibility. The results of certain sensorimotor tests predict academic performance in grades 2 and 3. Apparently, this is due to the fact that the tests simulate the learning process in real conditions when it is necessary to show cognitive flexibility. The relationship of academic performance with simple sensorimotor reactions has not been revealed. Conclusion. The use of certain sensorimotor tests for older preschoolers and first grade students will allow identifying children at risk of learning difficulties before these difficulties arise and have a negative impact on the development of the child's personality. The use of software and hardware complexes for conducting sensorimotor tests makes it possible to examine large groups of children in a short time, which is convenient in educational institutions. The results of testing of younger schoolchildren will help to develop an optimal educational route for each child, taking into account the peculiarities of the functioning of the nervous system.
visual-motor reactions, reaction time, sensorimotor tests, cognitive flexibility, academic performance, inhibitory control, children, executive functions, auditory-motor reactions, learning difficulties
To understand the human being
Efimova, V.L., Nikolaeva, E.I., Frolovskaia, O.V. (2023). Peculiarities of Perception of Sounds by Children with Speech Disorders and Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 1, 12–25.
In this study, an attempt was made to find prognostic parameters that allow finding diagnostic differences between the two most common speech disorders (SD) and autism spectrum disorders (ASD). The aim of the study was to compare the characteristics of the conduction of an audio signal at the level of the cerebral trunk (results of ABR) and the loss in the frequencies of the spoken range of 500-1000-2000-4000 Hz (multi ASSR) of the children with ASD and children with SD. The study involved 495 children aged 2 to 11 years. The experimental group included children with ASD in the amount of 245 people, as well as children with speech disorders 250 people. All children were examined at the Prognoz clinic and, according to the conclusion of the audiologists, had no hearing impairment. The data obtained revealed similarities and differences in the functioning of the auditory pathways in children with ASD and SD. The question of whether this information can be used for differential diagnosis needs further study. It is important that the structures of the brainstem, which determine the quality of the conduction of bioelectrical impulses along the auditory pathways, are formed even before the birth of a child. Thus, already in the first weeks of life, it is possible to identify children at risk, who subsequently have a high probability of developing ASD or SD.
diagnostics, development, language disorder, hearing, speech disorder, auditory perception, evoked potentials, children, communication, Autism
The range of emotional experience
Belinskiy, A.V., Devishvili, V.M., Chernorizov, A.M., Lobin, M.A. (2023). Method of Еmotional State Assessment Using a Complex of Psychophysiological and Tensotremorometric Methods. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 1, 26–37.
The object of research is emotional tension. The subject of the study is assessment of emotional tension in the process of presentation of emotionally significant stimuli in the form of images and sounds according to the parameters of physiological activity and tensotremorometry in the process of maintaining isometric effort. Particular attention is paid to the consideration of methods of determination of tremor and its connection with emotional tension. Key aspects are the consideration of the key frequency range of physiological tremor analysis 8-16 hertz, methods of tremor measurement such as accelerometry, tensotremorometry, electromyography. Studies of the relationship between tensotremorometry on the frequency range of physiological tremor and emotional tension are considered. We propose a new method for analyzing tremor according to tensotremorometry data using the sliding window method and filtering the frequencies characteristic of physiological tremor. Methods of recording physiological activity in the form of photoplethysmography and skin electrical activity were used for reliability of the results obtained. We described and confirmed the connection between emotional tension during the demonstration of meaningful stimuli and finger tremor, while holding a given force in an isometric condition. The new technique has wide possibilities for use in the psychological and clinical fields, in particular, in detection of hidden information, assessment of the stress resistance of personnel, and determination of the functional state of a person, as well as in the study of the psycho-emotional state of students.
Psychophysiology, Isometric force, Emotional tension, Tensotremorometry, Maximum voluntary contraction, Physiological tremor, Autonomic nervous system, Involuntary movements, Epps-Singleton criterion, Neurokit2
Societal passions
Kamalova, O.M. (2023). Stereotypes and Stereotyping in Interpersonal and Intergroup Relations. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 1, 38–47.
The author analyzes the essential characteristics of the stability and variability of stereotypes, the formation and functioning of social and professional stereotypes. Various points of view of domestic and foreign scientists are presented, revealing the understanding of the term "Stereotypes" in interpersonal and intergroup relations and their socio-psychological features. Examples of the emergence, change and disappearance of social stereotypes, as well as the formation and causes of negative stereotypes are studied. The author considers a person's vision of social reality and hinders adequate mutual understanding of people as well as the integration of both intergroup and interpersonal relationships, which leads to increased interpersonal tension in the interaction between people. The main conclusions of the study are that social stereotypes are the result of information received through various sources and are only generalized representations of social reality. In conditions of information scarcity, the social stereotype plays a conservative role, forming people's misconceptions about what is happening, deforming the process of interpretation and the nature of interpersonal interaction. The formation and functioning of stereotypes directly depend on a person's awareness of social and professional reality. When people interact with each other, stereotyping carries an evaluative burden and is mainly a negative phenomenon. A distorted vision of social reality prevents adequate mutual understanding of people and integration of both intergroup and interpersonal relationships, which leads to increased interpersonal and intergroup tension.
representation, perception, Team work, intergroup relations, interpersonal relationships, social stereotype, stereotyping, stereotype, interaction, social education
Societal passions
Shantyr, Y. (2023). Interpretation of Sexuality as a Fundamental Socio-psychological Conceptual Category. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 1, 48–77.
This article is devoted to sexuality as a fundamental socio-psychological conceptual category. The paper provides an analytical review of the history of understanding sexuality as a construct of socio-political relations and the formation of state power, reveals all the diversity in approaches and judgments about this conceptual category. The paper shows that the interpretation of sexuality as a concept is not only an important general scientific aspect, but also has a key socio-psychological significance for the development of modern society and the formation of a person as a person by gender. Using the example of various sexual transformations, the article substantiates the relevance of the formation of the semantic content of this conceptual category in our time, when sexuality can no longer be considered separately from the state of the human psyche and those negative trends and various deformations of social consciousness that inevitably affect both the reproductive function of a person and the whole way of family and marriage relations in the modern world. It is possible to change the situation for the better in this area only by forming fundamentally new ideological priorities in the public consciousness. The scientific novelty of this work consists in analytical studies of the concept of sexuality as a fundamental socio-psychological conceptual category and the development on this basis of new theoretical approaches and corresponding definitions of the concept of sexuality and related conceptual categories. The proposed interpretations, according to the author, have a more pronounced social and psychological determinant for the formation of a new worldview in modern society regarding the development of a person, taking into account gender, which will ultimately lead to the improvement of reproductive function, improvement of demographic indicators and, in general, will contribute to improving the quality of life of a modern person in his social and physical realization.
asex, asexuality, sex, sexuality, medical psychology, practical psychology, social psychology, psychology, sexual health, terms and concepts
Psychology and pedagogics
Goryacheva, M.A. (2023). The role of personal characteristics of adolescents in the perception of outdoor advertising. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 1, 78–92.
The article presents the results of an empirical study of the perception of outdoor advertising by a teenage audience. In the course of a study conducted among Novosibirsk schoolchildren of the middle and older age groups, the influence of such personal characteristics as the level of aggressiveness and value orientations on the image of ideal advertising, as well as the perception of outdoor advertising of a neutral, aggressive and cynical type was studied. The subject of the study is the personal characteristics of adolescents in the perception of advertising. The object of the study is the perception of advertising by teenagers. This article presents the results of an empirical study, the purpose of which was to identify the personal characteristics of adolescents that affect the perception of outdoor advertising. The scientific novelty of the study is to study the attitude to unethical advertising of teenage schoolchildren of different age categories. Since the perception of outdoor advertising by teenagers, taking into account the key personal and psychological traits of this age group, remain poorly researched. In the course of the study, it was revealed that only neutral advertising corresponds to the profile of ideal advertising, whereas aggressive and cynical advertising does not have the appropriate features regardless of age and personality characteristics. The study revealed differences in the perception of advertising materials by adolescents of different ages, levels of aggression and the severity of life orientations. However, there were no socio-psychological grounds for the use of aggressive and cynical elements in advertising communication with a teenage audience.
psychology of advertising, unethical advertising, socio-psychological effectiveness, advertological approach, value orientations, aggressiveness, teenagers, outdoor advertising, perception of advertising, pupils