Editor-in-Chief's column
Gurevich P.S. (2015). Irresistible Temptations of Lie. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 9, 865–868. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67105
The article is devoted to lying as an irresistible human temptation. Immanuel Kant believed deception and misbelief to be doubtlessly evil so he taught us to be honest. The German philosopher also believed that too much lying could destroy the society. However, other philosophers were not so categorical about that issue. For example, Friedrich Nietzsche believed that neither truth nor lie could be the basis for social existence. The author of the present article pays attention to the paradoxical perplexity of deception and truth in individual and social life. In particular, he notes that being raised by illusion, art often reveals the true problems of human existence. In his research Gurevich has used the philosophical anthropology methodology which allows to see contradictory sides of each phenomenon. Starvation for truth and deception is being viewed by the author as the human needs that are difficult to be satisfied. For the first time in the academic literature the author of the article raises a question about consequences of the universal interest for truth and lie and demonstrates how dangerous it is to arrange social life based on illusions and deception. From this point of view, the author conducts a critical analysis of Immanuel Kant's, Friedrich Nietzsche's and Erich Fromm's concepts. Interpreting Freud's theory, American philosophers paid attention only to achieving the truth during psychotherapy but ignored paradoxical aspiration of humans for day-dreaming and delusional or virtual aspects of life.
psychology, human, anthropological need, day-dream, illusion, deceit, art, myth, unconscious, honesty
Megalomania (Political psychology)
Razin A.V., Avdeeva I.A. (2015). Resolution of Value Conflicts in the Process of Political Decision Making. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 9, 869–878. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67106
The object of the research is the political sphere of the society and politically motivated behavior of the actors of polilitical activity. The subject of the research is the problem of conflict resolution in the political sphere associated with the contradictory value content of socio-political actions. The conflicts of this kind are a natural condition for the functioning of the political sphere and they are directly dependant on different social-political interests and political decision-making purposes. The subject of the research, as it is known, always contains some degree of idealization associated with the identification of the parts of an object under research. This is achieved by the authors of the article through considering well-known ethical concepts and analysis of these concepts from the point of view of absolutist and utalitarian approaches. At the level of decisions concerning particular political actions, the subject under review is a specific model of the decision making process based on the methods suggested in Western literature. The methodology is based on the application of the systems method of social researches, comparative analysis, history of ethics and analysis of contemporary ethical concepts as well as step-by-step and value-analytical concepts of the political decision making process under particular circumstances. The novelty of this research is based on the consideration of the political decision making process in relation to global processes in the development of society and peculiarities of the modern political system. The authors of the article demonstrate that political interests are not always associated with the protection of the interests for the majority of society members, but often represent the interests of particular groups. For this reason, participatory democracy is not only a mean of limiting such manipulations, but is also a remedy to make a certain ethical influence on politics based on the principles of openness and discourse. This is one of the ways to discover the value content of political decisions as well as to resolve value conflicts in this sphere. The authors of the article also offer a number of models for resolution of value conflicts through analysis of their actual value content. These models are to be considered and analyzed further. The authors also show that it is possible to range priorities in applying either absolutist or utilitarian approaches to the political decision making process.
priorities, conflict, interests, political ethics, global studies, models, decisions, absolutism, values, utilitarianism
Philosophy and psychology
Testov D.F. (2015). The Ideas of Trance, Play and Insanity in Gregory Bateson's Anthropology. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 9, 879–890. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67107
The article is devoted to the analysis of the video of Balinese ritual on the material that explores the relationship between Bateson’s anthropology and psychiatry. The crossdisciplinary nature of Bateson's researches that included anthropology, cybernetics, communication theoy, psychiatry, ethology and evolution theory raises a question about succession and relationships between different directions of his research projects. The author of the present article focuses on the analysis of the relationship between early visual and anthropological researches conducted by Gregory Bateson with regard to Bali (island) and later clinical researches on schizophrenia carried out in Palo Alto that led to the development of the theory of double bind. The methodology of the research involves the analysis of the visual anthropological document (video) for regular patterns that associate with the patterns of clinical illustrations. The interpretation of the central characters of ritual drama exposes the mechanisms of their transposition from Bateson’s early ethnographic research into clinical illustrations of his later works on psychiatry. It has been found that one of the Bateson’s key clinical examples, illustrating how double bind works can be considered as the inverse of Balinese ritual drama structure. This idea encourages to review the foundations of communicative theory of schizophrenia by G. Bateson in general and the concept of double bind in particular.
witch, pattern, schizophrenia, double bind, Bateson, ritual, dance, trance, systemic family therapy, ecology of mind
Inner world
Suetin T.A. (2015). Reflections of Psyche. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 9, 891–904. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67108
The present article is devoted to the essence of human soul and transformations of the images of soul in the human mind, culture and society. The concept of soul and its features is based on the thoughts and ideas of ancient philosophers. In his article Suetin examines the influence of technological and information progress as well as the massive nature of culture on spiritual qualities of human. According to the researcher, the main reason for the impoverishment of spiritual qualities is the prevailing interest in material benefits and man's rationalized assessment of the surrounding world, interpersonal relatinos, art and society. Suetin analyzes the development of the concept of human soul and perception of images of human soul in ancient, existential, social and religious philosophies and classical psychoanalysis as well as medical evidences of the out-of-body experience. The scientific novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the researcher views feelings and emotions of human in their true form as they are attributable to the spiritual system. In addition, Suetin also analyzes the process of materialization of the sensual world in accordance with the social development trends. The blindfold aspiration for material benefits and technologies is viewed as the main cause of the reification of the human spiritual system which new image acquires the material property of temporary existence. The unconscious is viewed as a natural feature of the spiritual system, the wealth of knowledge and experience of earthly existence.
human, soul, philosophy, society, religion, unconscious, massive nature, culture, emotions and feelings, existence
Limits of intellect
Polyanina O.I., Shlykova N.I. (2015). The Relationship Between Emotional Intelligence and The Level of Satisfaction with Marriage for Men and Women. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 9, 905–912. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67109
The subject of the research is the relationship between emotional intelligence and the level of satisfaction with marriage for men and women. The object of the research is the emotional intelligence and satisfaction with marriage. Particular attention is paid to the study of the relationship between emotional intelligence and the level of satisfaction with marriage for men and women. The study is based on the definition of emotional intelligence offered by D.V. Lyusin that comes from the fact that the ability to understand emotions and to manage them is closely related to the general commitment of a person to the emotional sphere, i.e., with his interest for the inner world of people (including himself). In their turn, the authors like V.V. Stolin, T.A. Romanova and G.P. Butenko proceeded from the idea of satisfaction with marriage as a quite persistent emotional phenomenon, i.e. the feeling that can manifest itself in direct emotions that arise in various situations as well as through opinions, evaluations, and comparisons made by a person. The following methods have been used by the authors in their study: empirical methods, in particular, The Emotional Intelligence Inventory (EnIn) created by D. Lyusin (2009); The Marital Satisfactino Inventory by E.Y. Alyoshina, L.Y. Gozman and E.M. Dubovskaya (1987); The Marital Satisfaction Questionnaire by V.V. Stolin, T.A. Romanova and G.P. Butenko (1984); mathematical and statistical methods including the methods of descriptive statistics; comparative analysis based on the Mann-Whitney U test; Spearman's correlation analysis; two-factor analysis of variance; and factor analysis. The novelty of this study is defined by the fact that for the first time in the academic literature the authors have studied the emotional intelligence and marital satisfaction together. The analysis of the indicators of emotional intelligence and their relation to the level of marital satisfaction in groups of men and women has allowed the authors to make the following conclusions: 1. Groups of men and women demonstrate different levels of emotional intelligence. 2. Both women and men involved in the research express rather high levels of marital satisfaction. 3. The comparative analysis of emotional intelligence and marital satisfaction has showed compared to women men exhibit higher levels of management and control of their emotional expression. On the other hand, women have better understanding of emotions than men. No significant differences have been recorded with regard to marital satisfaction indicators in groups of men and women. 4. According to the correlation analysis, men who have different levels of emotional sensitivity, do not show different levels of marital satisfaction. At the same time according to the analysis of variance, a high level of emotional intelligence is the factor that reducies men's level of marital satisfaction. 5. According to the correlation analysis, women's satisfaction with marriage is associated with a high level of emotional intelligence. Data analysis of variance allows to clarify that it is the high marital satisfaction that contributes to the development of emotional intelligence of women. 6. The results of the factor analysis of indicators of emotional intelligence and marital satisfaction allow to make a conclude that men and women demonstrate different relations between these indicators.
management of emotions, understanding emotions, emotion, relation, marriage, satisfaction with marriage, woman, man, emotional intellect, expression control
Vertex states of the spirit
Zelinskaya A.N. (2015). Discovering Meaning Through Suffering. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 9, 913–922. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67110
The subject under research is existentialism as the branch of contemporary Western philosophy that was created in the 20th century in response to the need for developing a new world perception that would be sensitive to the views of those times and became appreciated and popular in the 40s - 60s. Being a branch of philosophy, existentialism absorbed all the pain and tragism of the Second World War and reflected consequences of the intense psychological and social crises of victims of that tragedy. So-called existential situation is described in terms of extremity, maximality and transcendental existence. The theme of man's desolation is shown as the main problem of existential philosophy. The research of the problem is based on the analysis of existing sources on the problem and substantiation of the researcher's conclusions on the research topic. According to the results of the research, suffering from a meaningless life encourages us to search for a meaningful life. When suffering is not an everyday misfortune but caused by serious reasons such as loss of a loved one, unhappy love, betrayal or treachery, it can become a blessing. When suffering, we start to take the world and life more seriously and our feelings and emotions become more differentiated. The one who has never grieved does not know true happiness. Tragic situations oblige to lead a more sensible life and life itself gives the answers to all questions. The meaning can be found easier when there are grief and unhappiness. Tragic stories are absolutely for everyone. In a tragic situation the problem of meaning becomes especially acute.
meaning of life, existentialism, psychology, philosohy, existential situation, happiness, life project, grief, suffering
Person and personality
Shchebetenko S.A. (2015). Trait Efficacy: At the Crossroads of the Dispositional and Cognitive Approaches to Personality. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 9, 923–933. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67111
The article taps into an approach integrating the dispositional and social cognitive paradigms of personality under a unified umbrella. The key element of the dispositional approach to personality is the concept of traits, i.e. individual combinations of motives and patterns of behavior that describe and allow to predict one's actions. On the contrary, cognitive theories of personality emphasize the crucial role of situational and contextual factors. For this purpose, a construct of trait efficacy is introduced being referred to as an aspect of a trait which underscores that an individual may identify her or his skills and habits to respond adequately to situations which exert cues relevant to the given trait. It is assumed that in certain cases trait efficacy more adequately describes invidual's behavior including academic success and achievements. 1030 students from a Russian university filled in the Big Five Inventory that measures personality traits (the so called five-factor model) and the modified version of the Inventory designated to measure the dispositional efficacy. The researchers measured the two types of academic achievement, university success at the end of academic terms and Unified State Exam scores (Russian and math subtests). The traits were shown to correlate strongly with respective trait efficacy; meanwhile, in terms of mean differences, each trait was found to differ substantially from its trait efficacy counterpart. Academic achievement indicators correlated weakly with personality traits. Dispositional efficacy reproduced those correlations but obtained effects were higher except for the correlation between diligence and university success. In five cases out of seven personality traits related indirectly to academic achievement indicators. In other words, these links were mediated by respective trait efficacy. Theoretically, compared to personality traits dispositional efficacy is a more changeable construct that involves acquisition of personal behavioral schemes and identification therewith. Being a personality trait, dispositional efficacy is, psychometrically, a product of autobiographic memory. The findings obtained and corresponding theorisations promote a further opportunity to contemplate the construct of personality trait in a way of its inner structural differentiation.
self-efficacy, the Big Five, academic achievement, congitive theories of personality, integrative frameworks, five-factor model, personality traits, autobiographical memory, questionnaires, Big Five Inventory
The range of emotional experience
Epanchintseva G.A., Barkovskaya A.P. (2015). Comprehension of the Phenomenon of Cruelty During Classical and Post-Classical Periods of Development of Psychology . Psychology and Psychotechnics, 9, 934–941. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67112
The authors of the present research has conducted the comparative theoretical analysis of cruelty. It is revealed that views on the nature and origin of violence has been changing significantly throughout times. The authors describe differences in views on cruelty during the classical and post-classical periods of the development of psychology . The authors have also identified some specific factors that contribute to the formation and manifestation of violence. By analyzing the results of various researches, the authors show the distinctive features of cruelty from similar phenomena such as rage, aggression and hatred. The authors also consider the influence of genetic features and acquired social factors on the formation and manifestation of cruelty. It is revealed that cruelty is not only a permanent or situational quality, a variety of reasons and factors of different nature and content influences it. The main methods of the research of the phenomenon of violence in this article were: theoretical analysis, psychological and comparative analysis and classification of the conceptual framework. The scientific novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the authors have reviewed and reconceived a number of concepts of cruelty. The authors have also described and analyzed internal and external factors that lead to cruelty. Based on the theoretical analysis of cruelty the authors emphasize the need to clarify the meaning and significance of this concept for a more thorough identification of numerous terminological differences in the use of the term "cruelty".
violence, gloat, psychology, personality, cruelty, aggression, hatred, rage, ruthlessness, sadism
Professional psychology
Shantyr' E.E. (2015). Definition of Professions and Questions on Training Personnel for Psychological Services. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 9, 942–950. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67113
One of most topical issues in practical psychology now is training of specialists and orientation of practical psychology at psychotherapeutic (curative) activity and medical terms. The first problem is that specialists in the field of psychological services get education both at higher educational establishments and educational centers of different psychological schools and branches of psychology. This creates a variety of professions in this area, the terms of educating are fundamentally different. The authors of the present article suggest to train specialists of numerous psychological schools and directions and to conduct their practical training for work in different spheres of human activity only by higher education establishments. The second problem of practical psychology is the medical terminology and the absence of clear theoretical definitions of professional activity of medics related to the problems of mental health and psychology. The authors of the article explain theoretical grounds for fundamental distinctions of activity of specialists in practical psychology and medical specialities and demonstrate that practical psychology is an obviously humanitarian profession. The article contains a brief historical review of the basic directions of practical psychology and the current situation in this sphere. The authors also provide an analytical review of existing psychological services and associated professions in Russia and Ukraine including services mentioned in the Classifications of Professions for these two countries and point out legislative contradictions from the point of view of existing problems. The methodology of the research involves the development of the basic approaches to training of personnel in the field of psychological services and theoretical substantiation of the principal differences between psychological activity and medical activity associated with mental health based on the analysis of scientific sources. The scientific novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the authors have provided an analytical review of existing professions in the sphere of psychological services in Russia and Ukraine including professions included in the Classifications of Professions for these countries. The authors also give the theoretical justification for the fact that psychologist is a humanitarian profession that does not involve a medical world view and curative manipulations and therefore should not use medical terminology. Disregarding his major, the main objective of a practical psychologist is to encourage the development of personality and mental processes in order to form a completely new Personality capable of solving professional and personal problems and taking care of his health including mental health. The article can be of interest to a wide range of specialists in the field of psychological services, such as researchers, practical psychologists and state officials of the education system.
problems, topical questions, psychology, practical psychology, psychotherapy, training of personnel, classification of professions, definition of professions, society, medicine
Clinical psychology
Dement'eva L.A., Chebakova Yu.V. (2015). Features of Psychological Self-Regulation in Adolescents with Psychic Infantilism. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 9, 951–963. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67114
The problem of psychic infantilism is relevant both from the point of view of social phenomena of modern society, and psychiatric diagnosis and prognosis of psychic disorders in childhood and adolescence. The analysis of the clinical and psychological literature devoted to the problem of psychic infantilism, showed that in modern psychiatry boundaries of this phenomenon are not defined, moreover, psychology does not have diagnostic tools that would qualify and differentiate this phenomenon both in normal and pathological development of children and adolescents. The generalization of psychological phenomena in psychic infantilism showed the greatest heuristic nature of the psychological construct of self-regulation. The authors of the article considers this factor to be a backbone that integrates all the diversity of psychological phenomenology of psychic infantilism through his emotional, social and personal components. The purposes of the research is to study psychological peculiarities of self-regulation as a marker of psychic infantilism in adolescents with organic and schizophrenia spectrum disorders. The research involved 140 infantile and non-infantile adolescents with organic non-psychotic disorders (F06.6 - F06.8) and schizotypal disorder (F21). For the study of psychological self-regulation of adolescents with mental disorders with psychic infantilism and without the following methods were used: 1. "Drawing a non-existent animal"; 2. The research technique of self-esteem offered by Dembo-Rubinstein; 3. Cloninger test TCI-140. To analyze the results of the study the researchers used the following statistical criteria: 1) Chi-square Pearson; 2) angular Fisher transformation; 3) U-Mann-Whitney test for ordinal scales. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the authors systematized psychological phenomenology of psychic infantilism in adolescents with mental disorders from the point of view of the emotional, social and personality self-regulation using multiple criteria psychodiagnostic assessment. It is shown that the peculiarities of emotional, social and personal psychological components of self-regulation in adolescents with psychic infantilism have specific differences depending on their nosology. The infantile adolescents with non-psychotic organic disorders registered higher compared to non-infantile patients this nosological group results highlighted psychological components of self-regulation in the leading role of the social component, which is associated with the compensation mechanism of cognitive failure. Infantile adolescents with schizotypal disorder, on the contrary, found lower rates of psychological self-regulation compared to non-infantile peers, reflecting the deepening nosological characteristics of psychic defect.
schizotypal disorder, organic non-psychotic disorders, psychology, personal self-regulation, psychiatry, psychic infantilism, adolescence, psychological self-regulation, emotional self-regulation, social self-regulation
The unpredictable
Matyukhin I.V. (2015). Polygraph Testing of Clients Suffering from Panic Attacks. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 9, 964–971. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67115
In his article Matyukhin describes the process and results of an original psychological test that was developed as a response to medics' request to analyze whether there are objective changes of psychophysiological parameters demonstrated by clients with the anxiety disorder and panic attacks when they subjectively experience uncomfortable sensations. The research was conducted using the special applied psychophysiological method and the technology of creating a computer-based profile through polygraphic registration of vegetative reactions demonstrated by repondents. The researcher has built the situation model of manifestation of the anxiety disorder and has described the two dominating types of sympathetic nervous system reactions as well as specific profiles of changes in their indicators. The results of the research show statisfically significant changes in psychophysiological indicators, in particular, cardio channel, pneumo channel, galvanic skin reaction channel and plethysmographic information channel. Thus, the research has allowed to discover distinct changes in objective psychophysiological parameters that are synchronized with uncomfortable sensations and thus complete the clinical picture of the manifestation and unfolding of a panic attack both at the subjective and objective levels. The researcher also provides classifications of different types of vegetative reactions as part of the psychophysiological research conducted upon the clinical request.
measurement, polygraph, anxiety, symptom, request, panic attack, psychophysiology, polygrams, incentives, reactions