Ñåòåâîé æóðíàë «Ïñèõîëîãèÿ è Ïñèõîòåõíèêà». ISSN 2454-0722. Íàó÷íûé æóðíàë ÂÀÊ. Âêëþ÷åí â ÐÈÍÖ. Âõîäèò â EBSCO è â áàçó ERIH PLUS - nbpublish.com
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«Psychology and Psychotechnics» (18+)

¹ 10, 2015
Published since
2013 year

Editor-in-Chief's column
P. 983 - 987
Societal passions
P. 988 - 999
Philosophy and psychology
P. 1000 - 1009
Inner world
P. 1010 - 1020
To understand the human being
P. 1021 - 1031
Vertex states of the spirit
P. 1032 - 1043
The range of emotional experience
P. 1044 - 1053
Psychology of religious experience
P. 1054 - 1063
Keys to creativity
P. 1064 - 1071
Psychopathology of the mundane
P. 1072 - 1087
Contents details