Bratash R.I., Emelyanenko B.O..
The connection of life satisfaction with the image of the future in overcoming a difficult life situation
// Psychologist.
2024. № 6.
P. 1-19.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8701.2024.6.72067 EDN: JXQOVG URL:
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The article presents the results of a study of the relationship between life satisfaction and the image of the future for people living in a difficult life situation. A qualitative analysis of the respondents' answers to open-ended questions allowed us to identify three groups depending on the experience of encountering a difficult life situation. In addition, the following questionnaires were used: Satisfaction With Life Scale of E. Diener in the adaptation of E.N. Osin and D.A. Leontiev; the Life Orientation Test of C. Carver and M. Scheier in the adaptation of T.O. Gordeeva, O.A. Sychev, E.N. Osin; the questionnaire «Professional time perspective of the future» H. Zacher and M. Frese in the adaptation of T.Y. Bazarov, A.V. Paramuzov; the questionnaire «Aspirations Index» by E.L. Deci and R.M. Ryan in the adaptation by T.D. Vasilenko, Y.A. Kotelnikova, A.V. Selina. It was revealed that respondents who are in a difficult life situation have significantly lower life satisfaction rates and a more pessimistic vision of the future. But regression analysis showed that for these participants, various aspects of the image of the future, namely generalized positive expectations of the future, focusing on opportunities in a professional environment, orientation towards building close relationships, act as resources of life satisfaction. In the group where respondents had overcome life difficulties in the recent past and in the group in which participants reported no recent experience of encountering difficult situations, the characteristics of the image of the future turned out to be unrelated to life satisfaction. The scientific novelty of the study lies in obtaining more detailed data on the contribution of the image of the future to life satisfaction in overcoming a difficult life situation.
coping, psychological well-being, focusing on opportunities, pessimism, optimism, future time perspective, image of the future, psychological resources, life satisfaction, difficult life situation
Plotnikova E.S., Borzova T.V..
Students' self-determination as a psychological resource for self-realization in the process of studying at a university
// Psychologist.
2023. № 6.
P. 16-33.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8701.2023.6.69234 EDN: TYCVZK URL:
The article presents a study of the possibilities of developing students' self-determination as a psychological resource for self-realization in the process of studying at a university. The object of the study was the phenomenon of self-determination. The subject of the study is the development of students' self-determination as a psychological resource for self-realization in the process of studying at a university. Using a theoretical analysis of approaches to the study of students’ self-determination in the learning process, the following components were identified: autonomy, self-expression, ability to self-government, meaningfulness of life, which formed the basis for the implementation of the psychological and pedagogical program as its components. The goal of the psychological and pedagogical program was to develop the components of self-determination as a psychological and pedagogical resource for the self-realization of students’ personality. The program was implemented with small groups of students of 15 people at meetings of the psychological club. The following methods were used as diagnostic research methods: “Self-determination test” by E.N. Aspen, modification of K. Sheldon’s self-determination scale; “Test of meaning in life orientations” D.A. Leontyev; test “Ability to self-government” N.M. Peysakhova. The calculation of Student's T-test for connected and disconnected samples was also applied. As a result of testing the program for the development of self-determination on the basis of the Center for Social Adaptation and Support of Psychological Health at the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Amur State University named after Sholom Aleichem", statistically significant indicators of its effectiveness were identified, consisting in an increase in indicators of autonomy, self-expression, ability to self-government and meaningfulness of life in students participating in its implementation.
university studies, Professional Development, adolescence, meaningfulness of life., ability to self-government, self-expression, autonomy, self-realization, self-determination, psychological and pedagogical program
Bogdanova V.O..
Research of the problems of subjectivity development in the digital environment
// Psychologist.
2023. № 4.
P. 85-104.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8701.2023.4.43726 EDN: WBYEXD URL:
The article presents the results of a focused interview to identify problematic markers of the development of the structural components of subjectivity in the younger generation. The object of the study is the manifestation of the subjectivity of the younger generation in the Internet space. The subject of the study is the problematic markers of the development of youth subjectness in the digital environment. The theoretical significance and novelty of the study lies in the systematization of theoretical ideas about the influence of the digital environment on the development of subjectivity. The practical significance lies in identifying problematic markers for the development of subjectivity in the digital environment, knowledge of which can be used to create a person-centered educational environment. Empirically, the main problematic markers of the development of some structural components of subjectness were identified: individuality, reflection and empathy. The ratio of freedom and responsibility in the digital environment is determined from the point of view of representatives of the younger generation. The results of this study can be used to develop psychological and pedagogical programs aimed at developing the skills of reflection, self-determination, self-realization, emotional regulation, positive self-attitude and empathy.
self-realization, problematic markers, empathy, responsibility, freedom, reflection, individuality, subjectivity, self-development, digital environment
Pachkolina A.V..
The problem of the role-based intrapersonal conflict of a working woman.
// Psychologist.
2022. № 3.
P. 60-67.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8701.2022.3.38017 EDN: ZCVCII URL:
The subject of this study is the role conflict of a working woman in modern Russian society. The objective of the study is to assess the severity of the role conflict and its dependence on the locus of the role conflict, as well as the relationship in the distribution of internal family roles in the group of working women mothers. The author considers the role conflict of a working woman as a historically changeable problem caused by both external and internal processes occurring with a woman's personality. The main conditions contributing to the emergence of role conflict that take place in the lives of women who combine both professional and family responsibilities are highlighted. The scientific novelty lies in the attempt to comprehend the role conflict of a working woman in modern Russian society. Attention is focused on the problem of a woman combining many contradictory personal qualities that lead to the emergence and/or strengthening of role conflict. In the course of the study, statistically significant data were obtained indicating that the locus of role conflict used to resolve conflict situations affects the degree of involvement of the spouse in family roles, which is a factor in reducing role conflict in women. The analysis of the results showed that the structure of the role conflict of a working woman-mother has a complex nature and contains many components, the problem needs further, more detailed study.
marital relations, husband's support, the role of women, locus of role conflict, family responsibilities, maternal responsibilities, interpersonal conflict, working woman, role, role conflict
Martyanova G.Y..
The study of correlation between time perspective and self-regulation in a difficult life situation
// Psychologist.
2020. № 1.
P. 34-43.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8701.2020.1.32180 URL:
This article presents the research results of correlation time orientation and parameters of conscious self-regulation among the subject of difficult life situation. The author analyzes the degree of determination of human regulatory activity by orientations towards the present, future, and past. The results of correlation and regression analyses, the differentiated role of time perspective in the processes of planning, modeling, programming, and evaluating the results of arbitrary activity in a difficult life situation is proven. The work focuses on the time perspective as a resource for coping with life difficulties. Analysis of the concept of time perspective is carried out in accordance with the doctrine of F. Zimbardo on time orientation. The main conclusion consists in the statement that focus on the past carries most significance in determining activity of the subjects. Orientation towards the future defines the conditions for regulatory activity, but does not substantiate the dynamics of goals. Focus on the present has most controversial influence upon regulatory activity in a difficult situation.
focus on the present, regulatory activity, resource, self-regulation, time perspective, difficult life situation, focus on the past, focus on the future, goal setting, coping
Podoinitsina M.A., Bogomaz S.A., Smetanova Y.V., Zaleshin M.S., Gribennikov S.S..
Peculiarities of manifestation of innovation potential among young people of Russia and Kazakhstan
// Psychologist.
2020. № 1.
P. 44-54.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8701.2020.1.32297 URL:
The subject of this research is the innovation potential and psychological resistance of young people with various degree of involvement in entrepreneurial activity. The authors provide the results of study focused on determination intergroup discrepancies of indicated phenomenon in different sampling frame (from Russia and Kazakhstan). The article also presents the results of worth with high school students, who make first tryouts in entrepreneurship and view this activity as their future profession. Special attention is paid to the form in which the work was conducted: a business game on the basis of Business Forum for youth. The following methods were applied in the course of research: G. Hofstede’s value assessment technique; R. Inglehart’s modified value survey; E. Y. Mandrikova’s self-organization of activity questionnaire; D. A. Leontiev’s “Differential Test of Reflection”; E. Diener’s satisfaction with life scale; S. Maddy’s viability test; D. McLain’s Multiple Stimulus Types Ambiguity Tolerance (MSTAT-I); K. M. Sheldon’s/J. C. Hilpert’s BMPN (balanced measure of psychological needs) method; D. Jackson’s PDF (personality research form) method; R. McCrae’s/P.Costa’s “Openness” scale B5; N. M. Lebedeva’s/A. N. Tatarko’s Scale of self-esteem of innovation personality traits. The conclusion is made that the participants from Karaganda (Kazakhstan) have higher innovation potential and level of psychological resistance that the high school students from Tomsk Region of Russia. The young people from Kazakhstan are more motivated towards development and have conscious perception of the choice of their professional activity. The participants from Russia also show preparedness for development, but certain deficits that may serve as a barrier were determined: reduced interest to own activity, low level of orientation towards environment.
education, self-determination, development program, business game, high school students, psychological stability, entrepreneurial competence, entrepreneurship, innovative potential, personality
Tulitbaeva G.F..
Socio-Personal Interest as a Professionally Important Quality of a Psychologist
// Psychologist.
2016. № 6.
P. 46-53.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8701.2016.6.21484 URL:
This article is devoted to personality patterns of psychologists. The article contains a definition of the socio-personal interest of a psychologist which involves not just expressions of interest in the experiences of clients, their wishes and needs, and providing them with effective assistance as actors of socially and personally meaningful activities. Social and personal interest of the psychologist is defined as the integral quality of a psychologist's personality reflected in the cognitive orientation of the personality of other people and active-active attitude towards them, consisting in the creation of the psychological conditions for their development and self-realization in their activities. As a methodological base was made by the subject-activity approach in psychology (B. G. Ananiev, L. S. Vygotsky, S. L. Rubinstein, A. N. Leontiev, etc.). Conducted correlation and factor analysis identified four components of social and personal interest to students of psychology: emotional regulatory, cognitive, motivational-valuable, communicative-behavioral, which served as the basis for the purposeful formation of social and personal interest to students of psychologists at the stage of University studies and diagnostics of their dynamics.
educational standard, empathy, psychologist, altruism, professionally important qualities, social interest, interest, personal-social interest, structure of personality, client
Milova Y.V..
The Role of Lying in Psychological Health and Personality Pathology
// Psychologist.
2016. № 4.
P. 79-85.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8701.2016.4.19919 URL:
The subject of the research is one's psychological health and personality pathology. In her research Milova analyzes such aspects of psychological health as true needs and motivations including the motivation to acquire (physiological needs, the need of security and protection) and the motivation to give away (the affiliation need and the need of love, the needs to learn, respect and self-respect, aesthetic needs, the need of justice and self-actualization) as well as the purpose of creation. Personal pathology includes such pathological motivations as the needs of power, dependence, vanity and deficiency love, minimization of efforts, consumption and pathological security as well as the purpose of consumption/destruction. The research methods include: theoretical analysis, analysis and summary of literary sources, survey, methods of mathematical statistics such as the correlation analysis and factor analysis. The main conclusion of the research is the proof that there are dependable direct relationships between particular kinds of lies and a number of pathological elements as well as inverse relationships between lies and psychological health. For example, the author has defined the inverse relationship between the need of approval and lying. Milova has also defined such factors of psychological health as 'self-actualization', 'acceptance', 'honesty', 'closeness', and pathological factors such as 'deliberate perversion of the truth', 'deficiency love', 'denial of everything new', 'power', and inbetween factors such as 'undeliberate perversion of the truth' and 'acquisition'. The scientific novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author concludes that lying is the main factor of personality pathology and is an obstacle for the development of psychological health. It is the defense mechanism that keeps a person from realizing his or her unsatisfied true needs. Within the framework of the author's approach, psychological health is the reflection of reality as it is, recognition of one's true needs and a strive to satisfy these needs. On the contrary, personality pathology is based on the perverted reflection of reality, unrecognized and thus unsatisfied needs and replacement of such satisfaction with pathological motivations.
honesty, true needs (motivations), pathological motives, purpose of creation, purpose of consumption (destruction), truth, false, lie, personality pathology, psychological health
Dudko V.A..
Influence of a Sign-Oriented Symbolic Product on Formation of the Educational Environment and Development of the Moral Reasoning of School Students
// Psychologist.
2014. № 3.
P. 19-59.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-0425.2014.3.12423 URL:
As a basis and a necessary condition at achievement of modern quality of education the spiritual and moral development which is expressing in moral consciousness of the personality is on the first place. In this interrelation, the author conducted research among studying senior classes in various educational institutions of Russia which allowed to open and describe a product of educational activity and, on the practical level, – to establish the factors determining development of moral consciousness of the personality, to define extent of influence of a sign and symbolical product on formation of the educational environment. The methodological bases of research were: the provision on a continuity of development of the personality in ontogenesis; about unity of progressive and regressive transformations in development of the personality, idea about dynamics of structure of the personality, experience and individual distinctions of mental processes, states and properties of the personality, idea about the ontologic evolution emphasizing that development has the main regularities and stages, the idea that the moral consciousness develops throughout all human life, however is the reason of its development not age, and considerable accumulation of experience of moral responsibility. And also, conceptual regulations on constructive development of the personality; about destructive development of the personality; about immanent characteristics of consciousness; about qualitative methods of research in psychology.Methodological installations to the concept "development of the personality" of determinatsionny, synergetic, postmodernistichesky, phenomenological and typological approaches became general scientific methodology of research. The analysis allowed to expand scientific idea of influence of educational activity on constructive and destructive development of the identity of pupils. The received results allowed to see ways of development of personal characteristics of studying senior classes in different educational environments. That helped to find negative and harmful and positive and useful influence of the educational environment on development of the identity of pupils. Results represent possible model of use of qualitative methods of research in psychology and pedagogical practice.
symbol, sing-oriented symbolic product, product of educational activity, development of moral reasoning, state institutions of general education, non-state institutions of general education, Waldorf schools of general education, graduates of general education institutions, constructive personality development, destructive personality development
Erzin A.I..
The Problem of Proactivity in Psychology of Health
// Psychologist.
2014. № 1.
P. 94-124.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-0425.2014.1.11536 URL:
The article is devoted to the current trends in researches in the sphere of psychology of health eloquently testify to consolidation of positions of positive psychology in the field of studying of factors of psychoprevention and psychohygiene. One of such personal factors, according to the author, pro-activity as a basis of the self-determined behavior acts. The analysis of a current state of a problem of pro-activity is presented in article in psychological researches. Leading criteria and parameters of pro-active behavior through which prism the author suggests to consider psychological health and its communication with effective functioning of the personality are allocated. The author's model of pro-activity in the standard aspect, including the motivational block, the block of the analysis and the behavioural block is presented. The short characteristic is given to structural components of pro-active behavior which, according to the author, include resistence, self-efficiency, metarequirements, an internal locus of control, dispositional optimism, valuable and life orientations of the personality. The pro-activity role in a sovladaniye with a stress, in overcoming of psychological consequences of somatic diseases is shown. The interrelation of pro-active behavior and quality of life is reflected in advanced age. The author notes intensive penetration of ideas of positive psychology into psychology clinical and sees prospect of further researches of functioning of the personality in close connection with studying of personal predictors of pro-activity.
proactiveness, proactive behavior, theory of self-determination, psychology of health, self-efficiency, positive psychology, coping, optimism, persistence, successful aging
Vorotilina A.A..
Regulation of Student's Anxiety Through Images (Analysis of Psychological Trainings)
// Psychologist.
2013. № 6.
P. 45-65.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-0425.2013.6.9434 URL:
The author of the article studies the efficiency of the psychological training of elf-regulation through images. The research was carried out in the two groups, experimental and control ones. In the course of the research the training of self-regulation through images proved to be efficient when working with the students experiencing anxiety before exams. Students from the experimental group demonstrated a statisfically valid decrease in their state anxiety (feeling tensed, troubled or nervous at a particular moment or during a particular period of time). Students from the control group who did not have the training demonstrated a decrease in the positive intellectual state (meaning the state of concentration in A. Prokhorov's definition). The control group aso had lower values of the emotional state. The results of research allow to conclude that the training of self-regulation through images can maintain a long-term and rather stable condition of respondents in the course of psychological assistance.
psychology, mental images, emotions, functionality, anxiety, anxiety before exams, psychological trainings, imaginative modelling, self-regulation, self-control of emotions
Erzin A.I..
On the Proactive Сoping Behavior
// Psychologist.
2013. № 1.
P. 89-100.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-0425.2013.1.274 URL:
The article is devoted to theoretical and methodological grounds of the phenomenon of proactive coping behavior. According to the author, modern psychological researches are mostly focused on studying traditional coping strategies representing reactive (adaptive) behavior aimed at coping with actual stressful events. At the same time Russian psychology doesn't have enough data concerning functioning and the role of other coping behavior, proactive coping, in the process of adaptation.The author of the article carries out a comparative analysis of the main types of coping strategies. Functions and key components of proactive coping behavior are analysed. The model of proactive coping is presented. The author believes that research of personal resources of proactive coping behavior will become one of development tendencies in the modern Russian psychology during the next decade.
coping behavior, proactive behavior, proactivity, proactive coping
Nartsissova S.U..
Argumentation as the Factor of the Meaning Making Proccess in Teaching
// Psychologist.
2012. № 1.
P. 165-195.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-0425.2012.1.126 URL:
The present article is devoted to studying arguments dictated by the development of psychology and didactics at their present stage. At this stage didactics and psychology have approached to that boundary when it appears possible to operate meanings as consciousness units through inclusion of students in «a stream of significant activities» and training based on argumentative discourse. At the end of the article the author makes her conclusions based on the empirical research of the relation between cognitive styles and peculiarities of argumentation.
argumentative discourse, personal development, meaning making, argumentation