Afanaseva O.F..
The interrelation of victimization behavior and school anxiety in adolescence
// Psychologist.
2024. № 6.
P. 67-80.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8701.2024.6.72086 EDN: HRJVBN URL:
It is a well-known fact that adolescence is one of the most significant periods in the formation of a personality, and in order to get a full-fledged member of society, it is necessary to carefully study the personal qualities and predispositions of a child in the pre-labor period. There is a large number of studies of the phenomena of adolescence, many of them are aimed at identifying deviant behavior and destructive personality traits. In his research, the author studies the psychological predictors of adolescent victimization behavior. The method of multiple regression has established the reliable significance of the contribution of psychological predictors associated with school anxiety (Beeman N. Phillips) to the formation of various types of victim behavior (O.O. Andronnikova). The study involved 236 children of adolescent age from various regions of Russia. The results of the study confirmed that the fear of not meeting the expectations of others, problems and fears in relationships with teachers, fear of self-expression and some other variables influence the formation of aggressive victim behavior of adolescents, and also contribute to the formation of defensive behavior. Unfortunately, a large number of adolescents with this model of victim behavior have been identified (over 50% of the total number of subjects). Accordingly, there is an understanding that already at this age stage there are individuals who find it difficult to adapt to society, are in a defensive life position, and have a pronounced lack of initiative.
destructive behavior, frustration, anxiety, socialization, personal characteristics, deviant behavior, adolescence, victim, victim behavior, psychological support
Kaulin K..
The Origins of Human Amenability to Propaganda
// Psychologist.
2023. № 2.
P. 22-43.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8701.2023.2.40092 EDN: KZAYZA URL:
The author examines the main psychological characteristics of a person that have made him susceptible to the influence of other people, including propaganda. The subject of the study is these features of the human psyche. There are several main blocks of these psychological features: from imitation of parents and interaction in a team, where people are affected by mechanisms of deception and self-deception in order to convince others more effectively and rate themselves higher, to interaction within the social hierarchy, it is considered which strategies are more effective, and how this influences on the mechanisms of deception and self-deception. Using mathematical modeling methods, game theory and algorithms written in the python programming language, the author analyzes the most effective mechanisms of interaction among people in the social hierarchy, which contributed to the development of culture and deception, making a person more tricky. It is noted that the growth of what is commonly called "civility" is not so much a "herd" or "weakness", as it is sometimes estimated (the most famous example of such an assessment is Friedrich Nietzsche), as a trick, due to the fact that it is a more effective method of promotion in the social hierarchy and the struggle for power.
Strategies, Game theory, Self-deception, Deception, Reciprocity, Hierarchy, Impact, Modeling, Manipulation, Propaganda
Iakimanskaia I., Molokostova A.M..
The Study of Adolescents' Perception of the Psychological Safety of the Educational Environment
// Psychologist.
2023. № 1.
P. 51-64.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8701.2023.1.39715 EDN: DQJXXM URL:
Subject, purpose of the work. The empirical study was aimed at studying the parameters of the psychological safety of the educational environment as a component of the children's social experience of adolescents. A new approach to the study of adolescents' perceptions of safety in terms of their changes over a long period of time – from 2016 to 2022. The research method was a survey of teenagers, students of schools in Orenburg and the Orenburg region according to the questionnaire proposed by us, which includes modifications of the methods of I.A. Baeva (Psychological diagnostics of the safety of the educational environment of the school) and D.A. Leontiev (SO – test of life orientations), The survey was conducted twice, in 2016 and in 2022. Results. An increase in the number of responses indicating the absence of fears and social risks associated with the social environment was found, and a decrease in the number of responses about the manifestations of danger in the educational environment was also noted. The resources of assistance in dangerous situations in two dimensions are indicated by parents and friends, a small number of respondents turn to teachers. A positive trend can be noted in the fact that most teenagers are able to turn to adults for help in difficult situations. There was also no significant dynamics in the answers to questions about significant and easily accessible values, the most easily accessible values are active life, cognition and the presence of friends. Conclusions. Significant dynamics in the assessment of the educational environment by teenagers of schools in Orenburg and the Orenburg region were not found. However, the polarization of assessments confirms that some adolescents experience difficulties in real interaction in the educational environment, which clearly leads to negative social experience, the formation of stable qualities - helplessness and passivity.
survey, easily achievable values, significant values, social risks, assistance resources, children's social experience, adolescents, assessment of the educational environment, Psychological safety, psychological support
Artemeva O.A..
Analysis of the Relations of the Stuff of the Psychological Institute (1913-1937)
// Psychologist.
2022. № 6.
P. 57-72.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8701.2022.6.38751 EDN: UBHQUG URL:
The subject of the study was the subjects' connections reflecting the degree of similarity of the research topics of the founder (G.I. Chelpanov), subsequent leaders (K.N. Kornilov, A.B. Zalkind, V.N. Kolbanovsky), and leading employees of the Psychological Institute in 1913-1937. In the context of solving the problem of collective forms of development of domestic psychology, a slang analysis of the titles of their published psychological works was carried out. In order to take into account the semantic meanings, the quantitative analysis of the titles is supplemented by the results of a qualitative analysis of the subject and type of publications, the availability of reprints and biographical data of their authors, as well as the results of an event analysis of the social history of the development of Russian psychology in the first half of the twentieth century. The results obtained testify to the strength of the subject connections of the institute leaders and specific leading employees who supported them in the implementation of research programs and in the development of topical problems of psychological theory and practice; which determined the effectiveness of their joint scientific activities in the 1920s-1930s. The main topic that united scientists was general psychology, to a lesser extent pedagogical psychology. Due to the presence of subject connections, the Institute's staff made a significant collective contribution to the definition of the theoretical and methodological foundations of the study of the psychology of behavior, consciousness and such mental processes as sensations, perception, memory, thinking, and speech; into the development of methods of psychological research: experimental, biographical, observation methods, testing, etc. The solution of the problems of pedagogical psychology, as well as other practice-oriented areas of psychology – developmental, social, special, labor psychology, etc., by the staff of the Institute was based on the tradition of organizing experimental research, laid down when the institute was founded by G.I. Chelpanov and determined the content of the subject relations of its leading scientists in the following decades.
scientific society, scientific apprenticeship, scientific collective, organization of science, Georgy Ivanovich Chelpanov, slang analisys, history of Russian psychology, history of Soviet psychology, history of psychology, social psychology of science
Berezina T.N., Stelmah S.A., Dergacheva E.V..
Influence of Retirement Stress on Biopsychological Age in Russia and the Republic of Kazakhstan: Cross-Cultural Research
// Psychologist.
2019. № 5.
P. 11-26.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8701.2019.5.31159 URL:
The study aims to conduct a comparative analysis of the biopsychological aging dynamics among middle-aged men and women in Russia and Kazakhstan. The object of research is the citizens of Kazakhstan (206 people) and the Russian Federation (1303 people). The subject of research is the biopsychological aging dynamics in age groups from 30 years to 81 years and older. The research deals with two forms of retirement stress: a pre-retirement one as an expectancy of well-deserved rest and a post-retirement one as a shift to another social environment. The research investigates the influence of retirement stress on the biological and psychological age of a person. The authors apply a method for assessing biological age by Voitenko and a method of self-assessment of subjective psychological age by K. A. Abulkhanova. The study defines general tendencies of the biopsychological aging dynamics for two countries: its correspondence with chronological aging, the influence of retirement stress on biological aging of the population, rapid aging among men in relation to women, as well as the intention to enhance the psychological age by young people, but to minimize it by senior people. The research finds the differences between Russia and Kazakhstan. In Russia, retirement stress influences men and women equally, causing rapid biological aging among them, moreover, the study observes the disequilibrium of biological and psychological age among Russians. In Kazakhstan, women have the lowest level of retirement stress and do not have the disequilibrium of biological and psychological age. Men in Kazakhstan have adapted to the later retirement since the country performed a pension reform two decades ago; their biological resources raise, thus, they feel younger in pre-retirement age, but their aging increases rapidly after retirement.
personal development, cross-cultural research, pension reform, biological age, psychological age, old age, retirement stress, personality, Life path, relative aging
Plavinskaya J.B..
Psychological Aspects of the Development of Anti-Corruption Personality Orientation
// Psychologist.
2018. № 6.
P. 49-61.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8701.2018.6.28530 URL:
The subject of the research is the definition of anti-corruption personality orientation as well as problems that may arise in the process of the development of such personality under the conditions of today's Russian society. The aim of the research is to develop a theoretically based definition of anti-corruption personality orientation and to analyze associated issues. The analysis of psychological aspects of the development of anti-corruption personality orientation will allow to develop efficient technologies of corruption prevention using psychological and socio-psychological technologies and methods. The research methods included theoretical methods such as dialectical research, analysis and synthesis, abstraction and specificiation, and empirical methosd such as analysis of the literature on the matter, analysis and summary of international experience in corruption prevention. The scientific novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author offers a new definition of anti-corruption personality orientation based on the use of theoretical concepts of general psychology and personality psychology. The researcher analyses the needs of a modern Russian citizen based on Maslow's classification and discovers objective obstacles that prevent the development of anti-corruption personality orientation. The main results of the research are the following: there are a lot of definitions in the academic literature that describe this psychological phenomenon. The author of the article offers her own definition of anti-corruption personality orientation. It has been established that the social environment that exists today in Russia is a psychological factor that impedes the formation of the anti-corruption orientation of the individual. The author makes the assumption that the effectiveness of the activities on the formation of the anti-corruption orientation of the personality of a citizen of the Russian Federation will increase if anti-corruption education and upbringing are combined with the process of improving legislation and state social policy aimed at improving the living standards of the population.
corruption prevention, personality orientation, anti-corruption, anti-corruption activities, social environment, psychological factors of corruption, moral values, corrupt behavior, corruption, anti-corruption identity
Artemeva O.A..
The Shadow of Isolationalism in Russian Psychology of the First Half of the XXth Century: Social and Methodological Concepts
// Psychologist.
2018. № 5.
P. 14-24.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8701.2018.5.27221 URL:
The article is devoted to isolationalism as the issue of Russian and Soviet psychology. Artemyeva gives an overview of the main theoretical approaches to solving the issue in Russian and Western psychology. She offers her own socio-psychological approach that implies the analysis of the regulators of the psychological research in relation to the social environment of the science development. The subject of the research is the social and methodological concepts of Russian psychologists in the first half of the XXth century. The main research method used by the author is the historical reconstruction of the psychology development. The qualitative analysis involves official Soviet documents, biographical, bibliographical and archival data about the activity of the leading Russian psychologists. Based on her concept of the socio-psychological determinants of the psychology development, the author defines peculiarities of socialization and academic skills development as the main mechanisms that form the basis of the social and methodological concepts of Russian pre-revolutionary and Soviet psychologists. Artemyeva discovers the causes and patterns of isolationalism concepts in terms of the Russian psychology development. As a result of her research, she concludes that the isolationalism concept was not immanent for Russian psychology but imposed by the country's party leadership. Being an inefficient socio-psychologist phenomenon, it still predetermined the development of the positive attitude to Marx' approach and practice-oriented organisation of objective psychological research activity.
scientific community, attitude, methodological attitude, science policy, practical psychology, social-psychological determination of science, Soviet psychology, Russian psychology, isolationalism, history of psychology
Bazhdanova Y.V..
Social-Psychological Peculiarities of the Image of the Leader as It is Perceived by Students
// Psychologist.
2018. № 4.
P. 8-18.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8701.2018.4.27082 URL:
In her article Bazhdanova analyzes the phenomenon of leadership over several decades as studied by both Russian and foreign scientists. She substantiates the specificity of this phenomenon. The author analyzes approaches to studying leadership, these include structural, behavioral, and situational analysis. She gives a comprehensive review of the RM-theory of effective leadership and substantiates a three-factor leadership model as well as analyzes the practical significance of academic findings on the matter. The aim of the research is to identify the content and structure of the image of a real and ideal leader in the views of students. The subject of the researc is the content and structure of the image of the ideal and the real leader in the views of students. To write this article the author has analyzed achievements in the theory and practice of leadership. The research methods used by the author includes the following: correspondence survey of respondents, questioning, comparative analysis of data, statistical analysis of research results. The phenomenon of leadership is considered inextricably with the history and principles of development of the organization. A new look is given on the content, functions and significance of leadership. The results of the analysis can be applied both in solving practical problems from the point of view of a group, organization, process of effective leadership for the successful existence of an enterprise, and from the perspective of an individual who wants to become or show himself as a leader. The obtained data can be used in organizations when working with staff, in cases where a deeper knowledge of values and ideas about the motives of candidates for the workplace are required.
styles of leadership, traits, the approaches, image, the phenomenon, leadership theory, leadership, leader, leadership model, values
Pesha A.V., Koropets O.A., Plutova M.I..
Analysis of Group Dynamics in the Corporate Culture Training
// Psychologist.
2018. № 1.
P. 1-15.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8701.2018.1.24353 URL:
Within the framework of this article, the authors present the results of studying group dynamic indicators during the corporate culture training. The object of the research is group dynamics as a set of processes occurring in a group of training participants. The subject of the research is the possibility of managing group dynamics of the student group through the corporate culture training. The rationale of the research is caused by the fact that there is a growing interest in trainings at high schools today as well as proved efficiency of trainings as an instrument of group dynamics management. Methods include content analysis, training, questionnaire techniques, observation. When processing research results, the authors have also applied descriptive analysis methods for calculating mean values and standard deviation based on trust-mistrust indicators, correlation-regression analysis, and variance analysis in assessing changes in group dynamics and corporate culture groups after the training. The study involved 78 students, 55 third- and fourth-year students who had attended training sessions and 23 second-year students who did not attend training sessions (69 females and 9 males). As a result of the study, the authors confirm their hypothesis that development of a united group of students in the course of the corporate culture training is possible only taking into account group dynamics factors. The scientific novelty of the research is caused by the authors' approach to the corporate culture development from the point of view of group dynamics.
training, values, corporate culture, compatibility, personality, small group, group dynamics, cohesion, trust, group norms
Shkurko T.A., Serikov G.V., Bzezian A..
The Transformation of the System of Relations with Other People Demonstrated by Russian Migrant Workers as a Result of their Psychological Acculturation in Azerbaijan
// Psychologist.
2017. № 5.
P. 12-25.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8701.2017.5.24032 URL:
The article presents the results of the empirical research of manifestation of socio-psychological needs and relations to others demonstrated by Russian migrant workers and Azerbaijanians living in Baku. The object of the empirical study were 90 men, middle-rank managers, aged from 20-40 years, Azerbaijani (Azerbaijan citizens, 20 people) and Russians (citizens of Russia living and working in Baku, 70 people). The purpose of the research was to analyze dynamics of socio-psychological needs and attitudes to other people demonstrated by migrant working living in Azerbaijan depending on their experience in communication with indigenous citizens. To diagnose three basic socio-psychological needs (one's own and that required of others during social group interaction, control over others and building close emotional relations), the authors have used William Schutz' Interpersonal Relations Inventory adapted by A. Rukavishnikov. To diagnose the intensity and modality of relations with others, the author of the present article has used a set of methods adapted by Yu. Mendzheritsky that includes: Bunt's Manipulation Scale, Fey's Acceptance of Others Scale, Rosenberg's Faith in People Scale, Cambell's Friendliness Scale, and Cook-Medley Hostility Scale (subscales: cynicism, aggression and hospitablity). The results of the research show that there are significant differences in the expression of socio-psychological needs and modalities of relations to other people as to the Azerbaijani and the Russians living and working in Baku. The dynamics of the intensity of the manifestation of socio-psychological needs and modalities of relations to others demonstrated by Russian migrant workers living in Baku is described, depending on the time of their stay in this socio-cultural environment. It is shown that changes in the system of relations with other people in Russian migrant workers are going towards building relations with others, demonstrated by the representatives of the Azerbaijani ethnic group.
the dynamics of the relationship, system of personal relations, migrant workers, factors of acculturation, adaptation, psychological acculturation, transformation, social-psychological needs of the person, ethnolookism, ethnos
Bzezian A..
The Content of the Appearance Stereotypes of Men and Women with Different Types of Look
// Psychologist.
2016. № 6.
P. 9-19.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8701.2016.6.20705 URL:
The subject of the research is the Appearance stereotypes of men and women with different ypes of look. The object of the research is 109 people aged from 18 to 30 (58 women and 51 men) belonging to the 'Russian' ethnic group. Attention is paid to the comparative analysis of the contents of Appearance stereotypes of men and women with Slavic, Caucasian and Asian looks. The research hypothesis is that the content of the Appearance stereotype may be conditioned by ethnic affiliation of a perceived object depending on one's look. to study the content of the Appearance stereotypes of men and women with different types of look, the author has used the bipolar scale 'Diagnostics of the content and positive-negative degree of the 'Appearance' stereotypes' (offered by V. Labyunskaya and A. Bzezyan). The scientific novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author of the research views a particular type of ethnic stereotypes, so called 'Appearance' stereotypes, as a simplified and generalized idea of psychological traits and behavior of representatives of a particular ethnic group that are being actualized based on their look (Slavic, Caucasian, Asian types of look). Based on the results of the analysis of Appearance stereotypes, the author concludes that the most positive stereotypes are about men and women with a Slavic look and the least positive stereotypes are about men and women with a Caucasian look.
contents of stereotypes, gender status, ethnocultural group, Asian look, Caucasian look, Slavic loook, type of look, attitude, personal attributes, ethnic stereotypes
Pogontseva D.V..
Forms of Discrimination in Contemporary Social Psychology
// Psychologist.
2016. № 5.
P. 1-6.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8701.2016.5.20574 URL:
The author of this article discusses some of the types of "discrimination" in modern social psychology, in particular, such type as lookism, i.e. discrimination based on the external appearance of the Other. The author notes that lookism can be understood in its original definition as discrimination of beautiful or not beautiful people, but also in a broader sense, as discrimination of people that triggered by their appearance or style (clothes, hairstyle, etc.). The analysis of Russian and foreign works shows that in spite of the high interest in the phenomenon of lookism, at the moment there is an insufficient number of researches devoted to the specificity of lookism in general and ethnolookism in particular. At the same time, there is a growing interest in the problems of lookism due to economic, political and migration processes both in Russia and abroad. The expanding phenomenon of migration around the world and confrontation of Islam to other religions lead to numerous conflicts starting from terrorist attacks in Moscow, Stavropol Region, different regions of the North Caucasus and ending with the conflict with the Islamic state and terrorist attacks in France (in particular, in the editorial office of newspaper "Charlie Hebdo"), the terrorist act in Belgium as well as conflicts with Islam representatives in Germany.
hijab, ageism, categorization, external appearance, ethnolookism, lookism, discrimination, appearance, social psychology, attitude
Ovrutskiy A.V..
Reputation. Discourse about Reputation. Reputational Damage
// Psychologist.
2016. № 4.
P. 10-18.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8701.2016.4.19631 URL:
The purpose of the article is to provide definitions of the terms 'reputation', 'discourse about reputation' and 'reputational damage'. In this research Ovrutsky also describes social-psychological, economic, cultural, legal and sociological aspects of reputation. Reputation is viewed as an interdisciplinary term and a specific phenomenon of professional communication practices, public relations being the main practices in this case. The author of the article draws on the statement that reputation is a binary phenomenon. On the one hand, it is a non-material psychological and economic resource allowing reputation objects (enterprise, person, country, particular social groups) to convert emotional patterns of stakeholders influencing the reputation of social groups into economic goods (competitiveness, brand premium, willingness to exchange, loyalty, etc.). On the other hand, stakeholders themselves represent attitudes and views on one's reputation, in this case reputation serves as a social-perceptive phenomenon and oen of the kinds of social attitudes. In other words, as a resource reputation is localized in the objects of reputational management and represented in individual and collective consciousness of stakeholders in the form of social attitudes. In this case social attitudes reflect the part of social reality voluntary constructed through the system of texts. The author has also analyzed the term 'reputational damage' and defined the system of texts designated at causing reputational damage as 'discourse containing damanging information'. The author introduces two concepts of restoring reputation in case of reputational damage, these are the model by William Benoit and the model by Max Weber, Ericsson and Stone. The author also offers his own strategy for anticipating reputational damage illustrated by a relevant media example. The methodological basis of the research includes the concept of social attitudes that view components of individual and collective consciousness as social attitudes with a certain structure which includes the information field, emotional-evaluative and behavioral components. In his analysis the author has used the discourse approach that allowed to combine texts forming and influencing reputation into one system and is characterized with such features as voluntary nature, dialogueness and intentionality. By their structure, social attitudes are isomorphic to the discourse about reputation, therefore its structural and functional analysis allows to speak of reputation itself. Theoretical and practical material presented in the article is aimed at increasing professional communication PR practices. It is concluded that theoretical researches of recent years and accumulation of empiric material on the topic of 'reputation' prove the social need in development of the theory of reputation as well as a certain theoretical interdisciplinary approach to professional media communication practices.
reputation, reputational damage, discourse about reputation, business reputation, social images, mediatexts, restoring reputation, discourse containing damaging information, public relations (PR), anticipation strategies
Voroncova J., Ermolaev V. ..
Conception of Lithuanian Seniors «Generation Z» about their Future Family
// Psychologist.
2016. № 1.
P. 1-12.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8701.2016.1.16664 URL:
The article presents the results of researching on the subject of communication of conception about their future family from the digital generation (for example, the Z seniors), and inherent mores. The authors in detail considers such aspects of a subject as continuously growing tendency to growth of number of incomplete families, as a result of numerous rastorzheniye of marriages, proving by that relevance of studying of a problem of transformation of institute of a family. The special attention is paid by authors to ideas of digital generation of the future family and ethical standards, their balance in system of social representations. At digital generation were applied to research of content of ideas of future family and expressiveness of ethical standards: technique of stereometric testing (Garber E. I., V. V. Kozacha); express technique of an assessment of the relation to observance of ethical standards (Kupreychenko A. B. In system of social representations of younger generation (generation of Z) communications between ideas of the future family and ethical standards were investigated. The following conclusions have been formulated: ideas of seniors of the future family aren't connected with their ethical standards; unbalance of system of ethical standards at the Lithuanian seniors.
family, divorce, marriage, institution of the family, family relations, relations, generation Z, digital generation, morals, representations
Alistratova E.Y..
Proactive Behavior on the Internet: Reasons, Consequences and Possible Ways of Prevention
// Psychologist.
2014. № 1.
P. 39-54.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-0425.2014.1.11636 URL:
This article describes specifics of communication between participants of network communities, features of personification of the personality in a cyberspace. The author suggests to consider pro-active Internet aggression as a form of deviant behavior which is shown by aspiration to provoke desirable response at users of a network. Intrinsic characteristics, behavioural manifestations and possible motives of such types of Internet aggression, as trolling, an astroturfing and a kiberbulling are submitted. Data of domestic and foreign researches of a problem a cyber aggression among teenagers and children are provided. Some features of virtual life are described: anonymity is understood as the factor influencing a cyber safety of participants of network communication, in particular children's and teenage audience of the Internet. Article raises the topical questions of ensuring support and child protection and teenagers from threats a cyber aggression within the state and federal programs – from introduction of the difficult software before consultation of victims virtual a cyber aggression. The author considers anonymity as one of starting mechanisms of delinquent behavior in a cyberspace. In this work recommendations about the prevention of possible negative consequences from pro-active Internet aggression both to young participants of virtual communication, and their surrounding adults - parents, teachers and employees of social structures are offered.
proactive aggression, trolling, cyber bullying, cyber safety, anonymity, astrotourfing, virtuality, deviant behavior, teenager's aggression, motivation
Bueva L.P..
Mass Spiritual Processes in Louis Dumont's Writings
// Psychologist.
2013. № 7.
P. 77-134.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-0425.2013.7.10422 URL:
The subject matter of the research is the mass spiritual processes in interpretation of the known French sociologist Louis Dyumon. In its books the wide picture of formation and blossoming of economic science from физиократов to Marx inclusive is developed. The author in a polemic form states the opinion of heritage of the most prominent theorists-economists of the XVII-XIX centuries. The special place in its books is taken by the critical analysis of views of Marx on the basis of it published, and also unpublished during lifetime of works. The author of article enters polemic with Dyumon by consideration of genesis of economic ideology up to our days and a role in this process of religion, morals, policy. Also critical analysis of the theory of the castes undertaken by Dyumon is given. It is emphasized that the caste is regional civilization, constructed on own conscious principles. Castes open before us the fundamental social principle of hierarchy. The hierarchical person (the model of the person offered by L. Dyumon for an explanation of east exclusive society) is a person who considers existing system of estates sacred and I am ready to take that place he got which. Exceptional case in the history when caste doesn't cause social tension. The author of article uses a komparativistsky method, it compares ideas of economic laws to east works in which it is a question of work and the organization of social life. In domestic literature Dyumon's heritage wasn't a studying and analysis subject. As the exclusive principles of a social system represent a social embodiment the bytiynykh, ontologic, the principles, attempt of their realization that such system the author call "ontokratiya" (from the Greek words "ontoz" – "life" and "kratoz" - "force"). It is emphasized that any social organization is impossible without divisions, distinctions and oppositions. But the exclusive system assumed strict observance of an endogamy. So she established gender equality. Meanwhile in the European culture equality was rejected, too, but such a rejection was based on the arguments of the social theory but not ontological arguments.
social studies, spirituality, ideology, individual, hierarchy, freedom, subjectivity, individualism, history, law
Sukiasyan S.G..
Illusions and Reality of Modern Civilization: Lessons of Terrorism
// Psychologist.
2013. № 3.
P. 40-163.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-0425.2013.3.298 URL:
The article studies the phenomenon of terrorism from the point of view of civilization studies, history and psychology. The author describes the most well-known forms of terrorism and distinguishes it from similar social and political phenomena such as partisan war, banditism, political extremism and others. The author analyzes illusions and myths about terrorism and reconsiders dogmatic views on terrorism.
religious terrorism, political terrorism, national terrorism, differentiation of terrorism from other phenomena, history of terrorism, definition of terrorism, terrorism, left extremism, right extermism, illusions about terrorism
Parkhomenko R.N..
Boris Chicherin on religion and freedom
// Psychologist.
2013. № 2.
P. 106-137.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-0425.2013.2.147 URL:
This article looks at the life of Boris Chicherin (1828-1904) with respect to his ideological and philosophical development. The role of religion in the development of his concept of liberalism is also discussed. The method and scope of the philosophical interests of Chicherin, a well-known Russian lawyer, philosopher and public figure, can be best described as "scientific metaphysics" because he always wanted to look beyond the boundaries of positivism and empiricism as well as the national religious and mystical traditions. Chicherin believed that any common principles can and should be explained by experience and that the real world needs be illuminated by the "light" of philosophical truths. He assigned a special role to logic and science as aides to our perception of the world. The article details the methodological aspects of Chicherin's philosophy, which can be referred to as "metaphysical universalism", and considers his thoughts on freedom and law.
Chicherin, metaphysics, religion, absolute, freedom, law, science, Hegel, liberalism, consciousness
Polishchuk V.I..
Human in the World or the World in Human
// Psychologist.
2012. № 2.
P. 106-135.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-0425.2012.2.85 URL:
The author shares his opinion on different solutions of the problem of the place of human in history of culture. The problem is formed by the author as the question about what makes us human. The author gives the three answers to this question: human becomes human only when he rises above primitive affections or tries to understand the surrounding world or himself. The second and the third solutions are quite similar though because they are related to human existence and being.
psychology, human, world, culture, mind, formation, spirit, truth, logic of culture, creativity
Gaivoronskaya A.A..
Polyphony of the Phenomenon of Extermism in Social and Psychological Researches
// Psychologist.
2012. № 1.
P. 109-137.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-0425.2012.1.124 URL:
The author of the article makes an attemp to describe polyphony of the phenomenon of extremism. Today polyphony means that this or that phenomenon can be described as a sematic space containing a great variety of meanings. These meanings can be revealed with the help of different approaches (for instance, from the point of view pf philosophy, psychology, social studies and etc.). It is assumed that each approach is most likely to reveal new meanings of this phenomenon. It is due to both changes in historical processes and numerious interpretations of this phenomena, its ideological and political orientation and biased nature.
phenomenon of extermism, polyphony, polysemantic, enstragement, ideology of persmissibility, conflictogenic factor, mental suppositions, counter-cutural phenomenon, strengthening mechanism, social nihilism