To understand the human being
Kashirskii , D.V., Molotova , V.V. (2024). Legal awareness of the individual: a view from the standpoint of cultural, historical and activity methodology. Psychologist, 5, 1–15.
The article is devoted to the theoretical understanding of the phenomenon of legal consciousness of personality from the standpoint of L.S. Vygotsky's cultural and historical theory and A.N. Leontiev's general psychological theory of activity. The regularities of the formation of the legal consciousness of the individual are presented, the psychological properties and functions of the legal consciousness of the individual are described, the hypothesis of the systemic and semantic structure of the phenomenon under consideration is theoretically substantiated. The content of the legal consciousness of the individual is described at the level of "meanings", "personal meaning" and "sensory tissue" of consciousness. The process of formation of the system of legal consciousness of personality is considered through the application of the principle of unity of affect and intelligence, formulated by L.S. Vygotsky, according to which the will of the subject is a single basis and an intermediary link in the formation of consciously controlled processes (the formation of arbitrariness), where in the process of development there is a change in the relationship between affect and intelligence. The theoretical propositions formulated by the authors can form the basis for extensive empirical studies of the legal consciousness of the individual in line with the national psychological tradition, laid down in the cultural-historical approach and the general psychological theory of activity. The regularities of the formation of the legal consciousness of the individual are presented, the psychological properties and functions of the legal consciousness of the individual are described, the hypothesis of the systemic and semantic structure of the phenomenon under consideration is theoretically substantiated. The theoretical propositions formulated by the authors can form the basis for extensive empirical studies of the legal consciousness of the individual in line with the national psychological tradition, laid down in the cultural-historical approach and the general psychological theory of activity. The theoretical analysis of the phenomenon of legal awareness from the standpoint of the national cultural, historical and activity methodology allows us to draw the following conclusions and generalizations. The process of formation and development of legal awareness is a transition from simpler semantic generalizations about law to more complex ones, in the course of general personality development. Thus, the system of meanings of the "language of law" (with different levels of generalizations) determines the content of the components of the structure of legal consciousness, the "development" of these generalizations may indicate the level of development of legal consciousness. A deep study of legal consciousness is impossible in isolation from the categories of "personal meaning", "sensual fabric", as well as those "meanings" in which law finds its objective expression in culture and in a specific person, a subject of law.
the cognitive component of legal awareness, personal meaning, meaning, legal awareness, conscience, cultural and historical psychology, affect and intelligence, consciousness and activities, the emotional component of legal awareness, the sensory fabric of consciousness
Inner world
Bogdanova, V.O. (2024). Research of the blog as a diary practice for the development of personality subjectness. Psychologist, 5, 16–48.
The relevance of the research is due to the importance of the blogosphere in the life of modern youth, which allows us to consider the blog as a means of manifestation and identification of subjectness. The author of the article considers the introduction of a blog as one of the diary practices, along with a traditional personal diary. The purpose of the study is to identify the potential of using a blog as a diary practice for the development of subjectness. The object of the study is a blog as a kind of diary practice, the subject is to identify the potential of using a blog for the development of subjectness. The theoretical basis of the research is the ideas of R. Blud, S. Herring, T.V. Charikova, R.N. Abramova, O.A. Chikovani, S.S. Raspopova, L.V. Mureiko, N.G. Asmus about the characteristic features of the blog. As an empirical research method, a survey of 100 Russian students of the South Ural State Humanitarian Pedagogical University and the Ural State University of Physical Culture is used. The theoretical significance and novelty of the research lies in the identification of markers of the development of subjectness in the digital environment. Empirically, it was revealed that one third of students keep personal diaries in the traditional format, and most young people prefer blogs. Blogs can indicate the development of subjectness if they have the following markers: life events are highlighted and analyzed, unique text content prevails, goal setting and long-term planning are present in accordance with the chosen system of values and meanings, assertive self-presentation of a personality is consistent with personal and professional development, dialogical communication with other users of the social network is present, a common intersubjective the space of thought.
digitalization, virtual identity, Self-knowledge, identity, individuality, reflection, the blog, personal diary, diary practices, subjectness
Person and personality
Lebedeva, E.A. (2024). The relationship of the marital status of managers with the peculiarities of the need-semantic sphere. Psychologist, 5, 49–58.
In an extensive empirical study, the interrelationships of the marital status of managers with the peculiarities of their need-semantic sphere have been studied. Family and work are the basic, key areas in the life of each individual, therefore, identifying reliable links between these areas is important for understanding their impact on both the professional effectiveness of managers and the personality as a whole. The study was conducted among managers holding high positions in organizations and enterprises of the Siberian Federal District. The results of more than two thousand people were processed: a group of managers and a control group – "not managers". Comparisons were made between single and married respondents. This analysis is part of a large-scale work to study the specifics of the need-semantic sphere of managers. Reliable methods were used in the work: the questionnaire of motivational and semantic formations by Y.M. Orlov-B.A. Sosnovsky, the test by D.A. Leontiev "Life orientations", "Semantic differential" by C. Osgood. The processing of the results shows that managers have significantly more pronounced life-meaning attitudes and the need for affiliation, while "non-managers" emphasize self-assessment of life and assessment of the "strength" of the surrounding reality. Non-family leaders, highly appreciate the process of life and its emotional saturation, also show a higher level of locus of control. Family leaders vividly express the need for affiliation and strive to maintain harmonious relationships with people. The results of the study allow us to better understand the relationship between marital status and the needs of managers, which is important in ensuring professional efficiency and well-being. The identified phenomena can be applied to form effective management strategies, to develop individual approaches to working with different groups of employees, and to develop programs for the selection.
The locus of control, Semantic differential, Life-meaning orientations, Motivational and semantic education, affiliation, meaning of life, need-semantic sphere, marital status, personality, Managers
Professional psychology
Sungurova, N.L., Shapiro, L.N. (2024). Peculiarities social well-being and professional identity features of students from various professional training paths. Psychologist, 5, 59–71.
The article is devoted to the actual problem of the peculiarities of social well-being and professional identity among students of different areas of professional training. The article presents the results of a theoretical and empirical study of the characteristics of social well-being and professional identity among students of different areas of professional training. The study of social well-being and professional identity is of scientific importance in connection with recent events in the country. The authors analyzed the characteristics, features and trends of social well-being and professional identity, conducted a comparative analysis of social well-being and professional identity among students of linguistics and students of architecture, identified the relationship of social well-being in relation to the statuses of professional identity. The purpose of the study: to identify the features of social well-being and professional identity among students of different areas of professional training. The author used the following research methods: theoretical, empirical (questionnaire, survey), methods of mathematical processing of psychological data: Mann-Whitney U-test, correlation analysis - Spearman coefficient. Computer data processing was carried out using the software packages "Microsoft Officeexcel", "IBM SPSS Statistics 23". Using techniques such as the questionnaire "Methodology for studying professional identity statuses" developed by A.A. Azbel and the questionnaire "Integral Index of social well-being" (IISS-44) developed by E.I. Golovakha, we have identified specific trends in this study. The novelty of the study lies in the fact that for the first time the level of social well-being and professional identity statuses of students of different areas of professional training are considered.
professional activity, formed professional identity, the crisis of choice, the moratorium on professional identity, imposed professional identity, uncertain professional identity, social well-being, professional identity, students, Professional training
Psychology and pedagogics
Komissarova, O.A. (2024). Psychoprevention of chemical addiction in adolescents in the format of art therapy. Psychologist, 5, 72–80.
This work is devoted to describing the use of art therapy as a method of psychological prevention of the use of psychoactive substances (PAS) by adolescents. The purpose of the study is to describe the possibilities of using art therapy as a method of psychological prevention of substance abuse among adolescents. The subject of the study is the variety of art therapeutic techniques used as a tool for the prevention of chemical addiction. The methodological basis of the study is the work of L. Hagen, I. A. Kopytin, O. A. Ionov, I. V. Zelenkova and others. As part of the study, the author considers the possibility of using various art therapy techniques when working with the prevention of PAS use of adolescents undergoing treatment for chemical addictions at the center “_”. The empirical basis was anonymized personal data of 43 adolescents (25 older adolescents and 18 younger adolescents, of different genders), obtained at various stages of the implementation of psychological work. The research methods used were the drawing test method, as well as the author’s self-assessment questionnaire for adolescents undergoing rehabilitation as part of the treatment of chemical addiction. The study described various methods and approaches to the use of art therapeutic techniques for working with adolescents of older and younger age groups. The scientific novelty of the study is the description of the use of art therapeutic techniques in the rehabilitation of adolescents with chemical addiction as part of complex psychological and psychotherapeutic work. The results of the study became recommendations for psychologists working in the field of rehabilitation of adolescents suffering from PAS addictions to use art therapeutic models and techniques in various forms to prevent the use of psychoactive substances.
creative process, positive dynamics, art therapeutic techniques, rehabilitation, psychotherapy, psychoprophylaxis, adolescents, PAS, art therapy, chemical addiction