Person and personality
Lapsar', M.V. (2024). The Relationship between the Manifestation of Aggressive Behavior and Personality Traits as a Form of Deviation of a Modern Teenager. Psychologist, 4, 1–15.
One of the pressing problems of modern society is the aggressive behavior of adolescents. Despite the large number of studies devoted to this topic, the question of defining aggression as an interdisciplinary phenomenon, as well as the causes and conditions for adolescents aggression, remains controversial and requires additional study due to the fact that today aggression is not just a behavioral reaction, but can also transform into a stable model of deviant behavior. Society has an objective need to resolve the issue of preventing teenage aggression and clarifying its causes. The author has made an assumption and empirically verified that aggressive behavior in its extreme form – in the form of deviant behavior – has a connection with unmet needs and the level of self-esteem of a teenager. In our study, we rely on the work in the field of aggressive behavior and deviant behavior of E.V. Leus and self-esteem of L.S. Vygotsky. The study was conducted using methods for diagnosing the level of aggressiveness of A. Bass and A. Darka to determine typical forms of aggressive behavior, assess the propensity for deviant behavior of E.V. Leus, studying the degree of satisfaction of the needs of students A.A. Andreev and the test “Personality Self-Esteem” by S.V. Kovaleva. As a result of the study, it was found that a high level of aggression manifests itself in a pronounced tendency to deviant behavior. It has also been established that the level of aggression is directly related to unmet needs for safety and social contacts, and a connection between a high level of aggression and an inadequate (overestimated or underestimated) level of self-esteem of adolescents has been identified.
aggressive behavior, socially conditioned behavior, personal characteristics, deviant behavior, adolescence, needs, teenage crisis, self-esteem, aggression, forms of deviant behavior
Personal motivation and spirituality
Kharitonova, A.I., Komyagina, N.V. (2024). Comparative analysis of athletes' motivation as a predictor of sports activity experience. Psychologist, 4, 16–27.
The study of motivational factors will help to maintain the interest of novice athletes in sports, increase the efficiency of their activities, and therefore increase their sports experience. The purpose of this study is to conduct a comparative analysis of the sports motivation of boys and girls, and to identify the motives that act as predictors of the length of sports activity. The study involved 173 people aged 11 to 18 years engaged in judo and sambo in youth sports schools, including 71 girls and 102 boys. Research methods: "Studying the motives of sports" V. I. Tropnikov, "The Scale of sports motivation (Sport Motivation Scale)" in the adaptation of Kasatkin V. N., Vykhodets I. T., Bochaver K. A., Kvitchastogo A.V. As a result of the study, the dominant motives of sports were identified. The method of Mann-Whitney U-test and variance analysis showed differences in the motivational sphere of athletes. Multiple regression analysis made it possible to determine the predictors of the length of sports activity: for girls, significant predictors are communication, acquisition of life-useful skills and knowledge, demotivation, collectivistic orientation, character development and mental qualities. For young men, the predictors were material goods and collectivistic orientation. The obtained research results can be recommended to the coaching and teaching staff in the field of physical education and sports to attract boys and girls to sports, as well as to maximize the extension of their sports experience.
intrinsic motivation, extrinsic motivation, seniority predictor, sport motivation, dominant motives, sporting experience, sports activities, sportsman, motivational profile, motivation
The conscious and the unconscious
Mordas, E.S. (2024). Domestic violence and maternal perversion. Psychologist, 4, 28–44.
The purpose of the study is to integrate sociological and psychoanalytic approaches in the field of social relations, using the example of domestic violence. The subject of the study is domestic violence. Research developed under the ideas of R. Collins, A. Motz and E. Welldon, M. Hirsch, David E. Scharff, R. Stoller. Violence of the weak is one of the types of violence (R. Collins). Affective field, dominance, control and submission are signs of violent interaction. The family is the space where the situation of violence unfolds. A mother figure with power, in the maternal role, can realize her destructive desires and resolve conflicts (E. Welldon, A. Motz). Other types of domestic violence include violence in caring for the sick, the elderly, and in relationships between spouses (often violence against women, submissiveness of women). The author made the following conclusions: 1. Domestic violence is one of the types of violence: violence of the weak. Violence unfolds in a violent situation, with some interaction between the victim and the aggressor. 2. Characteristics of a situation of violence according to R. Collins: affective field, dominance and imposition of will, submission, confrontation, tension, fear, panic, control. 3. Violence is a form of expression of maternal perversion: destructive desires of the mother, hatred (E. Welldon, A. Motz, R. Stoller), dependence, helplessness, sadomasochism (S. Cohen), incest (E.D. Scharff), symbiosis ( J. Bergeret, M. Mahler, J.F. Masterson, D.B. Rinsley). 4. Violence is a reflection of a person’s life history. 5. Domestic violence is possible in a situation of pathological dependence of one subject on another. A healthy form of addiction presupposes the ability to be in an intimate relationship with a significant Other – something that becomes a difficulty for modern people.
submission, fear, dominance, control, tension, situation, affective field, perversion, family, violence
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Sungurova, N.L., Honina, S.Y. (2024). Features of the relationship between self-expression and the image of physical attractiveness among participants of online communities idealizing the cult of appearance. Psychologist, 4, 45–59.
In modern society, social networks play a key role in the formation and dissemination of the ideal of physical attractiveness. This leads to the creation of online communities that idealize the cult of appearance. The influence of social media makes people perceive beauty as an internal standard, increasing attention and concern about their appearance. Participants compare themselves to the ideal, which lowers self-esteem and causes dissatisfaction with the body, can lead to depression, anxiety and eating disorders. Purpose of the study : identify the features of the relationship between self–expression and the image of physical attractiveness among participants of online communities idealizing the cult of appearance. Methods of the study: "Strategies of self-expression" (I.P. Shkuratova), "Three-factor scale of physical perfectionism" (A.B. Kholmogorova, A.A. Rachmanina), "Questionnaire of self-image" (O.A. Skugarevsky, S.V. Sivukha), "Test of attitude to eating" (D. Garner and others in the adaptation of O. A. Skugarevsky), "The Dutch questionnaire of eating behavior" (T. Strien in the adaptation: T.G. Voznesenskaya. Members of different online communities demonstrate similar self-promotion strategies. The interrelationships between the characteristics of self-expression and physical perfectionism in both studied samples have been established. It was revealed that there are general and specific features of the relationship between self-expression strategies and indicators of physical perfectionism and the image of one's own body among representatives of different online communities. The novelty of the study lies in the fact that for the first time the features of the relationship between self-presentation and the image of physical attractiveness in participants of online communities idealizing the cult of appearance are considered. The study expands the understanding of the psychological characteristics of respondents involved in different online communities of the cult of appearance.
body image, perfectionism, online communities, cult of appearance, eating disorders, physical perfectionism, dissatisfaction with body image, physical attractiveness, self-expression strategies, eating behavior
Developmental psychology
Budyakova, T.P. (2024). Victim personality traits in old age. Psychologist, 4, 60–75.
In the scientific literature, when studying old age, special attention is paid to the phenomenon of victimization, but the psychological content of this phenomenon has not been studied. This makes it difficult to provide effective psychological assistance to older people, although they are recognized as specific victims due to their particular vulnerability to adverse factors in the social environment. In an empirical study, the methods of inverse and biographical interviews, as well as meaningful content analysis, were applied. Participants of the study in the amount of 120 people are elderly people in the status of pre-pensioner (40 people); working pensioner (40 people) and non-working pensioner (40 people). It was found that the victim's properties of an elderly person can be considered a victim's life position and victim attitudes, which form the content of moral and social harm. Social harm in relation to the elderly can be interpreted as a public position in relation to the elderly, which in the public mind does not qualify as defamation, but actually puts the elderly in a disadvantageous, humiliating social position of a burden, insignificant members of society. As a component of moral harm, a specific superiority complex specific to old age was identified. The identified affective personality complexes in older people of different status manifested themselves in specific markers that allow them to be effectively diagnosed and further provide psychological assistance.
victim complex, personality complexes, non-working pensioners, working pensioners, pre-pensioners, old age, victim personality traits, retirement stress, victim, person