Personal motivation and spirituality
Tolstykh, L.R. (2024). Value-motivational sphere of students with different levels of self-esteem. Psychologist, 3, 1–17.
The relevance of the study is due to the following factors: research is needed that would allow us to understand the origins of changes in values and motives, their psychological nature. Despite the fact that in psychological science there is a large number of studies studying the values, motives, and self-esteem of students, there are not enough studies devoted to the study of differences in the value-motivational sphere of students with different levels of self-esteem. The object of the research is the value-motivational sphere and self-assessment of the personality of students. The subject of the research is the peculiarities of the value-motivational sphere of students with different levels of self-esteem. Research hypothesis: there are differences in the indicators of the value-motivational sphere of students with different levels of self-esteem. Special attention is paid to the analysis of differences in the value-motivational sphere of students with different levels of self-esteem. Research methods: theoretical: analysis and generalization of theoretical sources on the research problem; empirical, methods of mathematical data processing H – Kraskel-Wallis criterion. Research methods: "Diagnosis of self-esteem" Dembo-Rubinstein; "Value questionnaire" Sh. Schwartz; "Diagnosis of components of the motivational structure of personality" V.K. Gerbachevsky. The main conclusions of the study are: the value of "Achievement" among students with an adequate level of self-esteem is higher than in groups of students with an underestimated and overestimated level of self-esteem. Students with a low level of self-esteem are less focused on achieving results, and poorly demonstrate social competence in terms of public standards. The value of "Conformity" and "Hedonism" among students with low self-esteem is higher than among students with adequate and overestimated self-esteem, i.e. students are focused on personal pleasure and comfort. The value of "Independence" is higher for students with an adequate level of self-esteem. The motive of "Avoiding failure" of students with low self-esteem is higher than of students with adequate and overestimated self-esteem. The motive of "Evaluation of achieved results" is higher among students with an adequate level of self-esteem than among students with an underestimated and overestimated level of self-esteem. The motive of "Evaluating one's potential" is lower for students with an underestimated level of self-esteem than for students with an adequate and overestimated level of self-esteem.
profession, personal values, professional activity, career orientations, value-motivational sphere, self-esteem, values, orientation, motives, personality
Professional psychology
Kamalova, O.M. (2024). Motivational and Semantic Relations of the Individual: Psychological Aspects of Managerial Control in Professional Activity. Psychologist, 3, 18–29.
The article considers the main psychological aspects of managerial control and their influence on the motivational-semantic relations of a person in professional activity. The relevance of the research lies in the study of the structure of managerial control from a psychological point of view, which allows to identify problematic psychological aspects of managerial control that affect the motivational and semantic relations of employees. The purpose of the study is to assess the impact of various types of managerial control on the motivational and semantic relations of employees. The methodological basis of the study is the research of domestic and foreign scientists, revealing the understanding of various types of managerial control and their impact on the motivational and semantic relations of the individual. The main conclusion of the study is that managerial control has an impact on the motivational-semantic relations of the individual in professional activity. The scientific novelty of the work lies in the study of the psychological aspects of managerial control and their impact on the motivational-semantic relations of the individual to create a favorable working atmosphere that provides maximum motivation and performance of the individual in the organization. The practical significance of the study lies in the fact that the results of the study can be useful to the heads of organizations for a better understanding of the importance of choosing and applying certain types of management control. In order to increase the efficiency of professional activities, the heads of organizations were given recommendations on improving management control in the organization.
professional activity, management control, organization, motivational-semantic relations, personal meaning, motivation, personality, activity, psychological aspect, workers
Inner world
Dubinina, S.I. (2024). The correlation between existential fulfillment and emotional burnout: a theoretical and empirical review. Psychologist, 3, 30–47.
The article considers the main approaches to the understanding of emotional burnout and existential fulfillment and studies their interrelation. The relevance of the work is reflected in the increase of scientific and practical interest to the problem of emotional burnout and existential fulfillment. Modern instability generates a wave of anxiety, distress and experience of uncertainty of the people. Therefore, it is crucial to expand the understanding of the phenomena generating mental and physical exhaustion. The object of the study is mental burnout and existential fulfillment. The subject of the study is the relationship between emotional burnout and existential fulfillment of the lawyers. The purpose of the study is to describe and determine the empirical relationship between the aspects of emotional burnout and existential fulfillment the lawyers. Research methodology: the methods of system analysis of data, generalization, comparison and hypothetico-deductive method were used. Empirical methods of the research: Mental Burnout Inventory (MBI) by K. Maslach, S. Jackson, "Existence Scale" (ESK) test by A. Lengle and K. Orgler. Scientific innovation of the research consists in the study of interrelations of emotional burnout and existential fulfillment the lawyers. Practical significance of the research lies in the fact that the obtained results of the study can be useful for scientific research and practical activity of psychologists in order to develop measures aimed at preventing the development of symptoms of emotional burnout. In the conducted empirical study, the hypothesis about the relationship between the phenomena in the sample of legal professionals was confirmed.
motivation, meaning, existentia, existential fulfillment, existential vacuum, frustration, emotional exhaustion, emotional burnout, burnout, exhaustion
Inner world
Sekatskaya , E.O. (2024). The study of the relationship of proactive coping strategies with psychological well-being and life satisfaction. Psychologist, 3, 48–55.
The article presents the results of a theoretical analysis and empirical study of the relationship between proactive coping strategies with psychological well-being and life satisfaction. The object of the study is proactive coping among students. The subject of the study is psychological well–being, life satisfaction as predictors of proactive coping. Currently, it is noted that proactive coping makes a significant contribution to the formation of psychological health. Among the distinctive characteristics of proactive coping strategies is the assessment of future stressors, that is, the process of preadaptation. It is proactive coping that leads a person to development more than strategies to avoid failure. Accordingly, the study of the links between psychological well-being, life satisfaction and the coping process allows us to expand our understanding of the most effective coping strategies, which include proactive coping. The research method is a theoretical analysis of domestic and foreign sources, as well as empirical psychodiagnostics of 144 respondents in the age period of early and middle adulthood. According to the results of the correlation analysis, statistically significant correlations between the formation of proactive coping strategies, psychological well-being and life satisfaction are demonstrated and described. The scientific novelty lies in the identification of predictors of proactive coping behavior, in this regard, it seems relevant to search for significant relationships. It is revealed that psychological well-being, life satisfaction as personal characteristics can be considered in the perspective of further research as factors of the severity of the formation of proactive and preventive coping, abilities to meet needs and achieve goals, self-realization, having goals in life, positive self-acceptance and adequate self-esteem demonstrate a great formation of proactive coping strategies. The new data obtained may be relevant in the development of psychological support aimed at the development of proactive coping strategies among adults.
personal satisfaction, adaptation, stress, subjective well-being, mental health, life satisfaction, psychological well-being, proactive coping strategies, proactive coping, subjective satisfaction
Professional psychology
Markelova, T.V., SHahina, A.S. (2024). The development of methodological foundations in studying the emotional sphere of blind people in the works of Russian scholars in the pre-war period. Psychologist, 3, 56–69.
Researching the emotional sphere of a person is one of the fundamental tasks in modern science, involving a wide range of methods and approaches. Analyzing the emotional sphere of blind and visually impaired individuals presents a particular complexity due to the limitations and peculiarities of their sensory perception of the surrounding reality. This article covers the development of the conceptual foundations for researching the emotional sphere of people with visual impairments in the context of the work of Russian scientists. The first scientific discussions in Russia about the need for specialized analysis of the psychological aspects of blindness were expressed in the editorial article of the journal "Russian Blind" in the 1880s. While the development of foreign tiflopsychology as an independent science, related to the organization of education for children with visual impairments in special schools, began in Paris at the end of the 18th century. In the process of forming this area of knowledge, Russian researchers face the lack of methodological foundations for systematic research of the emotional sphere of visually impaired individuals. As a result, scientists propose various approaches to analyzing the emotional sphere of the blind. Some scientists try to use a metaphysical-based approach to study the emotional processes of the blind, while others suggest studying this area within the framework of a materialistic approach. As a result of such contradictions, two directions for studying the emotional sphere emerged - a mechanistic approach based predominantly on biological factors and the theory of supercompensation, explaining changes in the emotional sphere of the blind based on their social experience.
biologizing approach, the sociologizing approach, compensation, visual impairment, typhlopsychology, Soviet psychology, a biosocial approach, emotions, the emotional sphere of the blind, overcompensation
Clinical psychology
Abdullaeva, A.S. (2024). Methods of correction and treatment of psychosomatic disorders. Psychologist, 3, 70–78.
The purpose of this review is to generalize and systematize the scientific works of domestic and foreign researchers, which are aimed at identifying the causes of psychosomatic disorders, as well as their diagnosis and psychotherapy. As a result of theoretical analysis, several scientifically proven effective methods of psychosomatic disorders (psychosomatoses) have been identified: rational psychotherapy, cognitive behavioral therapy. The following methods were used in the work: comparative analysis of literary sources of the causes of psychosomatic disorders, as well as their diagnosis and psychotherapy. The main materials for the study are articles on psychosomatic disorders (psychosomatoses) by foreign and domestic scientists. Currently, the number of people with various psychosomatic disorders is increasing, therefore, methods of correction and treatment of psychosomatic disorders are increasingly in demand. Effective non-drug methods of psychotherapy, psychohygiens and psychoprophylaxis: autogenic training, biofeedback method. Thus, it is necessary to carry out psychoprophylactic measures of psychosomatic disorders at the premorbid stage, both in adults and children, in adolescence, significantly improves their psychological and somatic well-being in terms of health, which is more beneficial for the economy than the treatment of various psychosomatic disorders and neurotic conditions that reduce the quality of life of the population and accordingly, they reduce the country's economy.
prevention of psychosomatosis, rational psychotherapy, methods of correction, cognitive-behavioral therapy, stress, psychosomatic disorders, psychosomatic diseases, psychotherapy, psychosomatics, biofeedback method
Developmental psychology
Budyakova, T.P., Pronina, A.N. (2024). Positive and negative paradigms of personal functioning and development in the pre-retirement and retirement ages. Psychologist, 3, 79–90.
The presented article is devoted to the problem of identifying and describing life paradigms in old age. The theoretical part shows the advantages of the paradigmatic approach in gerontopsychological research. The value of its variability is emphasized, when paradigms can be changed, modified or evaluated in accordance with established personal meanings and values. The theoretical part also analyzes the existing models of life paradigms in late ontogenesis. Special attention is paid to paradigms that include a victimological context. It is shown that foreign paradigms, in particular, the paradigms of yoga and the "American dream" cannot be successfully implemented into Russian culture due to value contradictions. It is noted that the least studied element of life paradigms are the principles of life, which have become the subject of study in the empirical part of the study. Biographical, autobiographical and meaningful content analysis were used as research methods. The material of the analysis was the content of forums on the Internet dedicated to the problems of the elderly, the participants of which were pre-retirees and pensioners. The scientific novelty of the study consists in identifying and describing the basic and particular life principles that make up the positive and negative paradigms in later life. Thus, such general principles as concreteness, anticipativeness, variability, priority, anxiety, vulnerability, responsibility, forgiveness, etc. were formulated. It is concluded that the positive paradigm in old age is an anti–victim paradigm, that is, a behavior model based on the anti-victim Self-concept that ensures the safety of the individual in old age, and an ineffective one is victimized, contributing to the transformation of an elderly person into a victim of circumstances, primarily subjective. Life paradigms in old age should change with changes in living conditions and health conditions. The paradigmatic principles differ depending on gender.
personality, safety, victim life principles, anti-antimicrobial life principles, negative paradigms, old age, paradigms, personal development, retiree, positive paradigms