To understand the human being
Shevelenkova , T.D., Salnikova , M.M. (2024). Changes in mental rigidity and attitude to one's body during treatment of adolescent girls suffering from anorexia nervosa. Psychologist, 2, 1–19.
The authors, considering domestic and foreign studies of cognitive rigidity/flexibility and ideas about one's own body in anorexia nervosa, note the practical lack of research on both dynamics and ideas about the existence and nature of the connection between these psychological characteristics of girls suffering from anorexia nervosa. The object of the study was psychological characteristics, namely, mental rigidity, cognitive flexibility and the attitude of teenage girls suffering from anorexia nervosa to their bodies. The subject of the study was the change in the level of rigidity/flexibility and negative attitude towards one's body, as well as their relationship during inpatient treatment of anorexia nervosa. Objectives of the study: to identify changes in the characteristics of mental rigidity and attitude to one's body, as well as in the nature of the relationship between cognitive rigidity, flexibility and attitude to the body from the beginning to the end of inpatient treatment of adolescents suffering from anorexia nervosa. Teenage girls (13-17 years old) with a diagnosis of anorexia nervosa participated in the study conducted at the Center for the Study of Eating Disorders (CIRP) in Moscow. Used: the classic J. R. Stroop test, a simplified version of the Tomsk rigidity questionnaire, a questionnaire of cognitive flexibility, a questionnaire "Attitude to one's body". A factor analysis of the relationship of the studied parameters was carried out. A special contribution of the authors of the study is proof that a negative attitude towards one's body in anorexia nervosa, both at the beginning and at the end of inpatient treatment, positively correlates with a high level of rigidity and a low level of flexibility, as well as the fact that the nature of this relationship fundamentally changes from the beginning to the end of inpatient treatment. The novelty of the study lies in the discovery that from the beginning to the end of inpatient treatment, a shift in the psychological problem occurs: low cognitive flexibility, as well as the inability to identify with one's body, cease to be the main problem, and a negative assessment of the attractiveness of one's body for oneself comes to the fore, which at the end of inpatient treatment should become a specific target for psychotherapeutic work. The practical significance of the study lies in the fact that it allows to identify the targets of psychological work (psychotherapeutic, correctional, rehabilitation) and their change from the beginning to the end of inpatient treatment.
connection of indicators, dynamics of indicators, longitudinal study, inpatient treatment, anorexia nervosa, teenage girls, attitude towards the body, flexibility, mental rigidity, problem shift
Crowd psychology
Cveks, M.V. (2024). Analysis of foreign and Russian approaches to the study of personal patriotism. Psychologist, 2, 20–32.
The subject of the study is patriotism. The author conducted a theoretical analysis of domestic and foreign scientific literature on the problem of patriotism. The features of approaches to the study of this phenomenon in the framework of philosophical, sociological, historical, psychological, pedagogical and psychological disciplines are considered in detail. A comparative analysis of the theoretical views of foreign and domestic authors on the content and nature of patriotism is carried out. An analysis of the literature allows us to conclude that Western and Russian studies of patriotism have many connotations, especially in the sociological and political sciences. Western and domestic scientists have identified similar essential signs of patriotism: patriotism as one of the highest feelings, as a creative feeling; patriotism as selfless work for the benefit of one's country, as a manifestation of higher feelings in action, as a duty to the country; patriotism as a deeply social phenomenon, as a civic virtue. The author conducts a comparative theoretical analysis of foreign and domestic approaches to the study of the problem of patriotism, understanding the psychological nature of this phenomenon. The main conclusions of the study are: in the studies of foreign scientists, patriotism is analyzed in the context of national and social issues and is practically not studied as a personal education, property or quality; at the heart of patriotism, most foreign authors note identification with their country based on feelings of love, pride and shame. In the West, patriotism is seen as a phenomenon of political awareness, quite closely related to nationalism. In Russian literature, such essential signs of patriotism as statehood and personality, which is the main subject of patriotism, are noted. The differences in the interpretation of the concept of "patriotism" and in approaches to its research can be explained by fundamental differences in culture and state and political traditions. In turn, the intersections in the definition of patriotism indicate that this phenomenon has certain interethnic and interstate features. The question of studying remains open and quite relevant.
foreign approaches, domestic approaches, philosophy, pedagogy, history, Sociology, psychology, patriotism, patriotism as personality trait, personality trait
Inner world
Lolaeva, A.S., Hudalova, M.Z. (2024). The impact of childhood psychological trauma on adult life. Psychologist, 2, 33–48.
Within the framework of this study, the possibility of mitigating the effects of childhood trauma and strengthening the physical and mental health of adults was analyzed, since childhood trauma negatively affects an adult. At the same time, it is possible that some people can develop resilience and establish barriers that help them overcome the difficulties they have had to face. The term "childhood psychological trauma" refers to emotionally and/or mentally unpleasant or disturbing events that occurred in childhood and can have a long-term impact on a person's physical and mental health. Adults who have experienced trauma in childhood may have difficulty building and maintaining healthy connections with others, and communication with the opposite sex does not go well. The aim of the research was to study the impact of childhood injuries on adult life, as well as to identify the relationship between childhood psychotrauma and post-traumatic symptoms of adults. Standard tests for childhood trauma and post-traumatic effects were used for the study. For this purpose, a sample of 100 people aged 18-50 years was taken. The novelty of the study lies in the need for constant updating of knowledge and methods of working with people who experienced psychological trauma in childhood, taking into account changing conditions and factors affecting their psychological state. The results of the study can be used to develop programs for the prevention of childhood psychological trauma. The results showed that childhood injuries can have a long-term effect on people even in adulthood. The results indicate a close relationship between childhood trauma and the development of symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder of adults. According to a positive correlation, the likelihood of developing symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder increases as childhood trauma increases. It is important to note that correlation does not indicate a causal relationship. The findings do not prove a causal relationship, even if there is a significant correlation between childhood trauma and symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder. Other factors such as genetic predisposition, social support, and coping methods can also influence post-traumatic stress disorder.
mental health, stress, childhood trauma, emotional dysregulation, stressful situation, psychological abuse, painful event, ignoring, trauma physical, physical health
The conscious and the unconscious
Golovinov, E.I., Gostev, A.A. (2024). The secondary image as a psychocorrective resource: the search for new research opportunities. Psychologist, 2, 49–59.
The authors consider in detail the problems of the "secondary image" in a historical context, as well as in modern research in connection with the state of the study of consciousness in philosophical and psychological concepts. The problem is the inattention of many, especially foreign authors, to this topic. The article considers the concept of "image-scheme" with the allocation of the "core" based on the primary image and the periphery of the figurative experience. In the article, the authors use a theoretical analysis based on the traditions of the Leningrad psychological school (B.G. Ananyev, B.F. Lomov), on the concept of "secondary image" in its correlation with primary sensory-perceptual images. Based on this basic content of images, the authors present a model of the formation and transformation of images in consciousness with the conditional allocation of a secondary image based on the traditions of the Leningrad psychological school. The correlation of the concept of "secondary image" with the images of "primary" – sensory-perceptual - is emphasized. The development of the theme of the "secondary image" in the context of its use in modern psychotherapeutic practice is proposed. In this regard, the relevance and theoretical significance of the problem of altered states of consciousness in general psychological and historical-psychological terms is emphasized. There is a high degree of multidimensionality and versatility of the figurative sphere as the most important component of consciousness. Based on the theoretical and methodological basis used, the author's vision of the topic is given in its application to the problem stated in the article. An adapted model of the formation and transformation of "primary" and "secondary" images in the stream of consciousness is proposed, highlighting the conditions for changing the integral imaginative sphere of a person in the psychocorrection process.
secondary image, psychocorrectional resource, history of psychology, problem of consciousness, theory of consciousness, altered states of consciousness, image, conscious and unconscious, figurative sphere of man, consciousness
Professional psychology
Penzina, N. (2024). Use of comprehensive psychodiagnostics of applicants for the position of sales manager. Psychologist, 2, 60–68.
The subject of the study is the features of the process of psychodiagnostics of candidates for the position of sales manager. The object of the study is the process of psychodiagnostics of candidates for the position of sales manager. The author examines in detail such aspects of the topic as the correct selection of psychodiagnostic tools for the purpose of assessing a potential candidate, the difficulties in conducting psychodiagnostics of a potential sales manager, and provides instructions for identifying diagnostic needs and selecting the correct psychodiagnostic tools. This article used methods of analysis, synthesis and classification. The author of this article conducted a comprehensive diagnosis of job subjects using various psychodiagnostic techniques. The main conclusions of the research are: a list of difficulties was compiled when conducting psychodiagnostics of an applicant for the position of sales manager; Step-by-step instructions are provided on how to correctly classify the main qualities and properties of a sales manager, taking into account the specifics of the company’s work, a request from the owner or manager of the company, and taking into account the knowledge and skills of a psychologist who deals with psychodiagnostics in this company. The author’s special contribution to the study of the topic is the systematization of the most sought-after qualities and properties of a sales manager and the proposal of psychodiagnostic and other practical tools for diagnostics. This article expands the knowledge base on the use of various diagnostic tools for a comprehensive diagnosis of sales managers and projective techniques for the purpose of diagnosing employees, and helps to identify the personal characteristics of employees in the private and public sector.
RNJ, DDC, organizational psychologist, corporate psychologist, sales department, sales, drawing techniques, projective techniques, psychodiagnostics, employee selection
Clinical psychology
Kuzmina, A.S., Krivoshei, K.O., Golovanova, L.V. (2024). Predictors of parental burnout in women raising children with autism spectrum disorders. Psychologist, 2, 69–80.
The relevance of the study is due to the study of predictors of parental burnout of women raising children with autism spectrum disorders, which makes it possible to predict the problems that mothers raising a child with autism spectrum may face and prevent the onset of symptoms. The subject of the study is parental burnout of women raising children with autism spectrum disorders. The aim of the study was to identify predictors of parental burnout of women raising children with autism spectrum disorders. Motherhood significantly changes a woman's life and it happens that a woman does not cope with the new realities of life. The appearance of a child with an autism spectrum disorder is a special development situation. Mothers experience many difficulties in everyday, social, medical and, especially, psychological terms, which differ significantly from the difficulties of families raising a child of the norm group. The main conclusions of the study are presented in the provisions. Satisfaction with marital relations is an important parameter influencing the development of symptoms of parental burnout of women raising children with autism spectrum disorders. Let's assume that high satisfaction and stability of relations with a spouse is a factor that increases resistance to the development of symptoms of parental burnout. Parental burnout of women raising children with autism spectrum disorders is interrelated with the peculiarities of emotional relationships with the child. So the predictors of the symptoms of parental burnout are the feelings that arise in the mother's relationship with the child, the acceptance of the child's behavior, the presence of physical contact.
anxiety, devotion, satisfaction with marriage, marital relations, emotional exhaustion, violations, autism, parental burnout, burnout, family