Personal growth
Bratash, R.I., Emelyanenko, B.O. (2024). The connection of life satisfaction with the image of the future in overcoming a difficult life situation. Psychologist, 6, 1–19.
The article presents the results of a study of the relationship between life satisfaction and the image of the future for people living in a difficult life situation. A qualitative analysis of the respondents' answers to open-ended questions allowed us to identify three groups depending on the experience of encountering a difficult life situation. In addition, the following questionnaires were used: Satisfaction With Life Scale of E. Diener in the adaptation of E.N. Osin and D.A. Leontiev; the Life Orientation Test of C. Carver and M. Scheier in the adaptation of T.O. Gordeeva, O.A. Sychev, E.N. Osin; the questionnaire «Professional time perspective of the future» H. Zacher and M. Frese in the adaptation of T.Y. Bazarov, A.V. Paramuzov; the questionnaire «Aspirations Index» by E.L. Deci and R.M. Ryan in the adaptation by T.D. Vasilenko, Y.A. Kotelnikova, A.V. Selina. It was revealed that respondents who are in a difficult life situation have significantly lower life satisfaction rates and a more pessimistic vision of the future. But regression analysis showed that for these participants, various aspects of the image of the future, namely generalized positive expectations of the future, focusing on opportunities in a professional environment, orientation towards building close relationships, act as resources of life satisfaction. In the group where respondents had overcome life difficulties in the recent past and in the group in which participants reported no recent experience of encountering difficult situations, the characteristics of the image of the future turned out to be unrelated to life satisfaction. The scientific novelty of the study lies in obtaining more detailed data on the contribution of the image of the future to life satisfaction in overcoming a difficult life situation.
coping, psychological well-being, focusing on opportunities, pessimism, optimism, future time perspective, image of the future, psychological resources, life satisfaction, difficult life situation
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Pavlova, K.N., Dagbaeva , S.B. (2024). Identity and value orientations of student youth in various ethnocultural groups. Psychologist, 6, 20–39.
The article presents a brief theoretical analysis of the concepts of “identity” and “value orientations”, and provides the results of an empirical study on the problem of identity and value orientations of student youth. The purpose of the article is to present the results of a study of the relationship between the components of identity and value orientations of student youth in the context of cross-cultural analysis. The components of identity and value orientations in samples of Russian and Buryat respondents were studied. Correlations between identity and value orientations have been identified. Participants. 100 Russian and 100 Buryat university students. 200 persons in total. Methods (tools): S. Schwartz’s value questionnaire, identity questionnaire in 16 categories (M.S. Yanitsky et al., 2018), mathematical and statistical processing using Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient rs. The results of the study showed that there are similarities and differences in the correlations of the structure of value orientations of the subjects of the represented ethnocultural groups at two levels (normative ideals and individual priorities). The results obtained showed that the identity and value orientations of students in each group have their own characteristics. But no unique national characteristics were found among representatives of Russian and Buryat youth. Correlation analysis revealed that the hierarchy of values of students from both cultures contains values such as conformity, kindness, stimulation, independence, hedonism, and achievement. Negative correlations were identified between the identity components “Citizen of one’s country”, “Follower of one’s religion”, “Resident of a given city” with the value orientations “Kindness”, “Stimulation”, “Traditions”, “Independence”, “Safety”, “Power”, "Achievements".
similarities and differences, Buryats, Russians, student youth, values, value orientations, correlation constellations, identity, ethnocultural groups, culture
Psychology and pedagogics
YUdina, N.A., Dagbaeva, S.B. (2024). Psychological readiness for research activities among teachers of additional education: structural and substantive characteristics. Psychologist, 6, 40–53.
The professional standard "Teacher of additional education for children and adults" designates one of the work functions of a teacher of additional education to conduct research on the labor market for additional education services. Based on this fact, the article presents a brief theoretical analysis of research activities, as well as the concept of psychological readiness. Based on the conducted research, a model of psychological readiness of a teacher of additional education is formulated, consisting of several structural components: motivational, cognitive, creative and operational. The purpose of the study is to describe the structural components of the model of the teacher of additional education's readiness for research activities. The object of the study is the psychological readiness of a teacher of additional education for research activities. The subject of the research is the structural components of the model of psychological readiness of a teacher of additional education for research activities. The research methodology is determined by the subject-activity approach, as well as the principles of determinism, development and unity of consciousness and activity. The research is carried out by analyzing and systematizing the literature on the topic, as well as using the method of modeling psychological phenomena. The novelty in the presented model is the allocation of a creative component in the research activity of a teacher of additional education. As a result of the study, the structural components of the model of psychological readiness of a teacher of additional education for research activities have been identified. During the research, it was found that in the scientific literature, research activities in additional education are considered either from the point of view of the student's activity, or as mentoring or tutoring. The designed model of psychological readiness for the research activity of a teacher of additional education takes into account all aspects of this phenomenon most fully. We understand the psychological readiness of additional education teachers for research activities as a psychological state of predisposition, a mood to perform research activities, including motivation, knowledge of its content, and possession of basic research skills.
motivation, professional competence, psychological state, structural components, model of psychological readiness, characteristics, research culture, additional education, research activity, psychological readiness
Editor-in-Chief's column
Makarchuk , A.I., Milcharek , T.P., Khalitova, .R., Frenkel', M.V., Tsvetkova, O.A. (2024). The study of the cognitive model of patriotic disposition in the value-semantic sphere of personality among students of higher educational institutions. Psychologist, 6, 54–66.
The article is devoted to the actual problem of patriotic education of young people. The article takes a new approach to the study of patriotic disposition, rethinking the concepts of "patriotism" and "patriotic disposition." Love for the Motherland, loyalty, willingness to serve it, and recognition of its value to the individual were considered as the main components of the patriotic disposition. At the same time, patriotism is not understood by us as something foreign to the individual and, in the course of patriotic education, imposed on it from the outside. In all its manifestations, patriotism was recognized as a personality-determined phenomenon. A patriotic disposition, including attitudes, values, beliefs, being formed and included in the system of personal relationships, is reflected in activity and behavior. An attempt has been made to reconstruct subjective models of patriotic disposition in the value-semantic sphere of personality. The use of the Repertory Grid Test allowed us to conclude that the patriotic disposition as a component of the value-semantic sphere of personality is unique and has its own systemic organization, one of the most important components of which is the value-semantic component, since it directs the behavior and activity of the individual, serves as a decision-making tool. In the systems of personal constructs, students associate patriotism with rigidity having a negative connotation. The opposite pole of patriotism – migration attitudes – in the semantic space are associated with the needs for free self-realization and security. The semantic models of patriotic disposition in the semantic space have high variability. The weak manifestation of the patriotic disposition in the personal systems of constructs indicates the importance of continuing work on the patriotic education of young people. One of the effective principles of this work can be the subject-activity principle.
construct, the rep grid test, cognitive model, migration attitudes, value-semantic sphere of personality, patriotic education, patriotic disposition, patriotism, system of constructs, value orientations
Societal passions
Afanaseva , O.F. (2024). The interrelation of victimization behavior and school anxiety in adolescence. Psychologist, 6, 67–80.
It is a well-known fact that adolescence is one of the most significant periods in the formation of a personality, and in order to get a full-fledged member of society, it is necessary to carefully study the personal qualities and predispositions of a child in the pre-labor period. There is a large number of studies of the phenomena of adolescence, many of them are aimed at identifying deviant behavior and destructive personality traits. In his research, the author studies the psychological predictors of adolescent victimization behavior. The method of multiple regression has established the reliable significance of the contribution of psychological predictors associated with school anxiety (Beeman N. Phillips) to the formation of various types of victim behavior (O.O. Andronnikova). The study involved 236 children of adolescent age from various regions of Russia. The results of the study confirmed that the fear of not meeting the expectations of others, problems and fears in relationships with teachers, fear of self-expression and some other variables influence the formation of aggressive victim behavior of adolescents, and also contribute to the formation of defensive behavior. Unfortunately, a large number of adolescents with this model of victim behavior have been identified (over 50% of the total number of subjects). Accordingly, there is an understanding that already at this age stage there are individuals who find it difficult to adapt to society, are in a defensive life position, and have a pronounced lack of initiative.
destructive behavior, frustration, anxiety, socialization, personal characteristics, deviant behavior, adolescence, victim, victim behavior, psychological support
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Bolaeva, G. (2024). Psychological well-being and ideas about life among Russian and Kalmyk students. Psychologist, 6, 81–93.
The subject of the research in the peculiarities of psychological well-being and ideas about their own lives among Russian and Kalmyk students. The aim of the research is to study the peculiarities of psychological well-being and ideas about their own lives among Russian and Kalmyk students. The aim of the research is to study the peculiarities of psychological well-being perception among Russian and Kalmyk students; to identify the features of ideas about life in groups of Russian and Kalmyk students; to compare the features of the relationship between indicators of psychological well-being and ideas about life in groups of Russian and Kalmyk students. The sample consisted of two groups of students aged 18-23 years, with a total of 80 respondents. Research methods – the questionnaire "Scale of psychological well-being" (author K. Riff, adaptation by T.D. Shevelenkova and T.P. Fesenko) and the projective drawing technique "My life" (authors: S.A. Bezgodova, A.V. Miklyaeva, S.M. Yatsyshin.). The topic is presented by a relatively small number of studies, as well as due to the relevance of the analysis of the characteristics of the psychological well-being of representatives of different national groups and the lack of research on this topic. No significant differences in indicators of psychological well-being, including the overall level of psychological well-being, were found in the groups of Russian and Kalmyk students. There are no significant differences in the peculiarities of the students' ideas of the selected groups about their own lives, in particular in assessing the general characteristics of life, the emotional background of life, the meaningfulness of life and the "boundaries" with the world and society. Data were obtained on the specifics of the relationships between indicators of psychological well-being and parameters of ideas about one's own life. The conducted pilot study opens up further opportunities to study the topic of the relationship between psychological well-being and ideas about a person's own life, taking into account both the actual qualitative features of the relationships and the influence of various internal and environmental factors on these features.
nationality, boundaries with society, Kalmyk students, Russian students, the meaningfulness of life, the emotional background of life, general characteristics of life, borders with the world, psychological well-being of the individual, national groups
Inner world
Kobryanova, I.V., Nazarov, S.S., Serova, Y.S., Fettsova, L.N., Yatmanov, A.N. (2024). A mathematical model for predicting the neuropsychic stability of a cadet. Psychologist, 6, 94–104.
Military service is a special type of activity, in which the stress effect on a person plays a high role. The article is devoted to the study of the influence of cognitive abilities on neuropsychic stability of cadets, as one of the most controversial issues in the medical and psychological support of military personnel. The subject of the study is the influence of cognitive abilities on the neuropsychic stability of cadets. The object of the study is: 1,822 cadets of the Naval Polytechnic Institute aged 18 to 26 years with different levels of neuropsychiatric stability. The sample was divided into three parts according to the level of neuropsychiatric stability. Special attention is paid to statistical data processing as an important element of the scientific method of cognition of the world. The article provides examples of calculating a model for predicting the level of neuropsychiatric stability of the cadets. A comparative study of the cognitive abilities of cadets with different levels of neuropsychiatric stability was conducted. Mathematical modeling was carried out using discriminant analysis. Predictors of a cadet's neuropsychic stability are a combination of indicators of their cognitive development: the ability to establish logical relationships between concepts based on analysis and synthesis operations, the level of development of verbal and logical thinking; tempo characteristics of mental activity, the level of development of operational thinking and operational memory, as well as attention characteristics; the ability to transform visual images in space, the level of development of spatial-figurative thinking. It is shown that the level of communication abilities increases from low to high neuropsychiatric stability. At the same time, the differences between the indicators of cadets with high neuropsychological stability differ significantly compared with cadets with medium and low, the differences between groups with low and medium stability are determined at the trend level. A model for predicting the level of neuropsychic stability was obtained: Wilkes Lambda: 0.95595 approx. F (6.3634)=13.799 p
influence, forecast, mathematical model, medical and psychological support, cadet, serviceman, neuropsychic stability, cognitive abilities, stress, sustainability
Limits of intellect
Otamuratov, R.U. (2024). Psychological characteristics of the emotional intelligence of urban and rural Internet users. Psychologist, 6, 105–117.
The subject of the study is the study of the psychological characteristics of the emotional intelligence of urban and rural Internet users. The object of the study is the emotional intelligence of urban and rural youth prone to Internet addiction. The author examines in detail the degree of influence of the Internet on the emotional intelligence of young people living in urban and rural environments of the Republic of Uzbekistan, and interprets the peculiarities of their manifestation of emotional intelligence from the point of view of the region. The author suggests that young people who are prone to Internet addiction may lose control of their emotions. The importance of studying the psychological characteristics of people prone to Internet addiction is primarily related to the growth of Internet users. Meanwhile, there are different approaches to the positive and negative sides of the problem, which justifies the need for its detailed study. The study used: the test "Internet addiction" by Kimberly Young in translation and modification by V.A. Loskutova (Burova); the method "Virtual identification of users of social networks" (VIPSS) by D.N. Pogorelov; the test "Emotional intelligence" by D.V. Lyusin. The Student's t-test and the method of correlation analysis were used as methods of mathematical statistics. The main conclusions of the study are that significant differences were found between urban and rural youth in terms of their propensity to Internet addiction, as well as certain differences in aspects of emotional intelligence. Thus, respondents who were not dependent on the Internet had a high level of emotional intelligence. The level of emotional intelligence was low among urban and rural citizens who use the Internet very actively and have a tendency to addiction. It was revealed that the propensity for Internet addiction among urban youth is higher than among rural youth, the difference is 99.9% (t=14,827; p≤0.05), which was observed in the subculture acceptability scale (t=1,995; p≤0.05). Regional differences were recorded in the study of respondents with general emotional intelligence (t=-4,352; p
urban youth, virtual image, adoption of subculture, Internet users, cyber addiction, virtual environment, emotional intelligence, tendency to Internet addiction, rural youth, psychological characteristics
Professional psychology
Budyakova, T.P. (2024). Psychotypes of the elderly in the course of interaction with social workers. Psychologist, 6, 118–132.
The subject of the research is the study of personality types in old age. The relevance of the work is determined by the need to identify and describe the personality types of older people who exercise their right to receive social assistance from the state. This is important because the effectiveness of social support for the elderly depends on the targeting of its provision. At the same time, only general types of elderly people are traditionally studied, without regard to the factor of an organized form of social work. There are no typologies of elderly people seeking help from government agencies designed for the purposes of social assistance and protection. Taking into account the identity of the client of social services is of paramount importance for the full satisfaction of the diverse needs of an elderly person, including respect, however, technologies for such accounting have not been developed. A focus group interview was used as the main research method. The focus group included psychologists working in the center of social protection of the population and other specialists of this service. A case method was associated with the main method. The materials obtained using the case method were used in the formulation of typologies of the elderly. The scientific novelty of the study consists in identifying and describing three types of personality typologies in old age. We are talking about universal, particular and situational typologies. It was found that for the purposes of customer service in social protection centers, situational typologies are most effective, taking into account the nature of the situation in which work with an elderly client takes place. Typologies were described for three typical situations of social interaction with the elderly: the provision of humanitarian assistance, the provision of social services at home and the organization of communication groups based on the center for social protection of the population. A special contribution of the author is to establish the need to take into account the type of behavior and, accordingly, the type of personality in old age, when interacting with older people.
social support, social service, case method, personality typologies, focus group, social work, personality, psychotype, old age, psychological assistance
Professional psychology
Khalikov , R.M. (2024). Psychological motivation system for the staff of a development company. Psychologist, 6, 133–160.
The article is devoted to the study of the peculiarities of the labor motivation of personnel in development companies for the management of investment and construction projects. The relevance of studying the motivational components of the effectiveness of this professional activity is due to the changing working conditions of companies and the increasing complexity of the regulatory framework governing the development sector in demand in the real estate market. The purpose of the work is to identify motivational factors and build a conceptual model of the psychological system of labor motivation of personnel in this industry. The subject of the study is the peculiarities of labor motivation of the main categories of personnel of a development company, due to the specifics of its organizational structure, functional division of labor and employee role profiles. The methodological basis of the study was the systematic, structural-functional and level-based approaches. The research methodology is based on a psychological analysis of the motivational mechanisms of a development company and includes the labor method, methods of analyzing documentation, interviewing, and questioning. Methods of classification, grouping, generalization, and comparative analysis were also used. Motivational clusters have been identified for top management, middle managers, sales specialists and support staff. Practical recommendations on designing an effective motivation system, taking into account the identified features, are formulated.The main conclusion is the need to differentiate the motivational determinants of labor efficiency and adapt incentive mechanisms in accordance with the specifics of functional roles and individual motivational profiles of employees. The practical value of such studies lies in the formation of an adaptive model of work motivation based on the identified determinants of the effectiveness of personnel in development companies that are able to flexibly respond to development in conditions of uncertainty.
personnel management, material non-material factors, motivation system, differentiation of motivational profiles, functional roles, organizational structure, stimulation, development, labor motivation, labor psychology
Psychology and pedagogics
Komissarova, O.A., Milovanova, O.A. (2024). Subjective experience of loneliness as a predictor of substance use in adolescents. Psychologist, 6, 161–173.
The subject of this article is the relationship between the subjective experience of loneliness in older and younger adolescents, as well as the ways of forming self-destructive addictive behavior through the use of psychoactive substances (surfactants). The subjective experience of loneliness is a relatively new psychological phenomenon that reflects the subjective experiences of a person in a situation of loneliness. The problem of loneliness has worsened due to the pandemic, the stress of self-isolation has caused an upsurge in addictive behaviors, including compulsive shopping, overeating, alcohol and drug abuse, as well as gambling. Most often, addictions were manifested in people without support from family and friends.Traditionally, in Russian psychological practice, loneliness is considered as a negative phenomenon, but in this study we understand it as a predicative factor (predictor) of the development of dependence on surfactants in adolescence. The methods used in this study are: the questionnaire method, the method of individual conversation, the method of prevention. Research methods:Questionnaire of loneliness experience by E.A. Manakova; Questionnaire DOPO-3k (Differential questionnaire of loneliness experience) by E.N. Osina, D.A. Leontieva; Methodology "Scale of subjective loneliness experience (SPO)" by S.V. Dukhnovsky; Author's questionnaire "Use of psychoactive substances". The scientific novelty of this study is to study the hypertrophied experience of loneliness as a predictor of the formation of auto-destructive addictive behavior against the background of desirable social integration due to the use of socially acceptable surfactants (nicotine, alcohol). The purpose of the study is to study the subjective experience of loneliness in adolescents as a predictor of auto-destructive addictive behavior. As a result of the conducted research, the main characteristics of the subjective experience of loneliness by adolescents of younger and older age groups and the specifics of the formation of addictive behavior in the aspect of the use of surfactants were revealed.After analyzing various scientific papers and studies, it can be concluded that this problem has not yet been fully studied. The analysis of various scientific sources made it possible to understand that the feeling of loneliness in an acute form first appears precisely in adolescence, when there is a search for one's own identity and connections with the outside world.
self-destructive behavior, autoaggression, the objective experience of loneliness, addictive behavior, predictor of addiction, psychoactive substances, the subjective experience of loneliness, older teenagers, younger teenagers, prevention
Psychology and pedagogics
Mikhaylova, N.V., Fedoseeva , O.I., Shutkina, Z.A. (2024). Motivation of educational and cognitive activity in the digital educational environment of students of different age groups. Psychologist, 6, 174–185.
The need to isolate people during the pandemic has put the education system in a situation of transformation of ways of carrying out educational and cognitive activities in conditions of indirect interaction. The transfer of the educational process from the real to the digital environment, including online, without taking into account the specifics of educational and cognitive activity in it, has shown its low effectiveness. Today, digitalization is a priority in the development of education. Ensuring the quality of education in the digital environment requires a fundamentally new approach to the content, motivation, and teaching methods based on scientifically based data on the specifics of the pedagogical process in the digital educational environment. This article presents the results of diagnostics of motivation of educational and cognitive activity of students of various age groups in the digital educational environment according to programs of higher and additional professional education. Within the framework of the study, various methods of motivation diagnostics were used: N.V. Elfimova's methodology for diagnosing educational motivation (adapted in accordance with the age groups of students and the type of training), T.O. Gordeeva's methodology for diagnosing internal and external educational motivation, A.A. Rean's methodology for diagnosing motivation for achieving success and avoiding failures. As a result of the study of the motivation of educational and cognitive activity of students in the digital educational environment according to the programs of higher and additional professional education, the concept of the digital educational environment is clarified, its main characteristics (cross-border, hypertext, individualization, multi-instrumentality, mediated interaction) are highlighted, the concept of motivation of educational activity is clarified, a number of approaches and constructs of educational motivation are analyzed and generalized, presented the results of the diagnosis of the motivation of educational activities of students of various age groups, the experience of implementing the educational process in the digital environment according to programs of higher and additional professional education is summarized. The results obtained in the course of the study made it possible to determine the directions for improving the pedagogical process in the digital educational environment for the vocational education system, taking into account the identified specifics of motivation of educational and cognitive activity of students of various age groups.
motives of educational activity, diagnostics of educational and cognitive motivation, improving the educational process, indirect learning, educational and cognitive activities, motivation, online education, digital educational environment, motivation of educational and cognitive activity, the quality of education