Psychology and pedagogics
Shtyrev, M.M., Bashkin, E.B. (2023). Features of the expression of value-semantic determination of leadership among students of different fields of training. Psychologist, 5, 1–17.
This article analyzes the difference in the severity of value-semantic predictors that influence the manifestations of leadership among students. The study involved students in 5 areas of specialties: economists; political scientists; philologists; lawyers; journalists. The relevance of the study is due to a number of factors. The first is the lack of theoretical and methodological elaboration and conceptually categorical justification of the leadership problem, which makes it difficult to conduct scientific research in this area. The second is the need to educate leaders who will be important figures in modern society, in demand not only from business and production, but also from the state, which is ready to support them. The third is information pressure on young people from the outside, which provokes the emergence of new destructive tendencies. The analysis of variance is carried out. The results of testing according to 6 methods are presented by indicators of rank criteria. Students-journalists have marked the expression of value-semantic predictors. It is recommended for journalism students to actively develop and strengthen their leadership potential. It is important to be aware of your values and beliefs, as well as learn to build effective communication strategies. The revealed features of the value-semantic determination of leadership in each specialty provide a platform for creating individual and group programs of correction and development of leadership skills. These results can also be used as methodological tools in the planning and implementation of educational work with students.
student journalists, areas of training, youth environment, professional skills, trainings, students, leadership qualities, value-semantic predictors, leadership, psychology
Horizons of psychology
Sennitskaya, E.V. (2023). The relationship between the personality characteristics of the "Dominant" and "Subordinate" person in the parental family and the personality characteristics of the child. Psychologist, 5, 18–99.
The object of the study is some patterns of character formation, the direction of aggression, as well as patterns of professional and marital choice of men and women, depending on the gender and personality characteristics of the "Dominant" and "Subordinate" person in the family of the subjects. Typical conflicts for four types of couples are also investigated: 1) the wife has a "Dominant" – a woman, and the husband too; 2) the wife and husband have a "Dominant" – a man; 3) the wife has a "Dominant" – a woman, and the husband has a man; 4) the wife has a "Dominant" – a man, and the husband has a woman. The novelty lies in the identification of the fact that two people have a key influence on the formation of personality orientation: The "dominant" is the one who ruled the family until about the age of 14, when the child was not yet able to resist adults, and the "Subordinate" is the one from the household who was most devoted to the "Dominant", admired him and called for the subordination of others. The child copies the traits of the "Dominant", which allow him to control the "Subordinate", and the criterion for the success of this tactic is the approval of the "Subordinate". If the sex of the "Subordinate" and the sex of the child coincide, this causes gender dysphoria and low self-esteem, especially if the position of the "Subordinate" in the family hierarchy is unenviable. A person is inclined to choose such a sphere of self-realization and such a spouse, with the help of which he will be able to rise above the "Dominant".
conflicts, formation of character, focus of aggression, subordinate person, dominant person, family influence, personality traits, formation of personality, parental influence, personality theory
Horizons of psychology
Gaidai, A.S., Kadyrov, R.V., Kapustina, T.V. (2023). Mobile Apps for mental health: Literature review. Psychologist, 5, 100–112.
This article provides an overview of the literature on mobile applications for mental health. The object of the study is mobile applications designed to help with various mental disorders. The authors discuss in detail the aspects related to the effectiveness and accessibility of such applications, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of using mobile applications in the context of benefits for the end user. This article offers a generalized review of the literature on this topic and can serve as a basis for further research in the field of mobile applications for mental health. An attempt has also been made to identify promising areas for this area. The authors conclude that mobile applications for mental health have a number of advantages, among which are their accessibility, confidentiality and a positive impact on the health of users, as well as disadvantages, which are largely associated with the recent emergence of the field and the lack of control by mental health professionals. The scientific novelty of the article lies in the systematization and analysis of existing data on mobile applications for mental health. The conclusions of the article can be useful for specialists in the field of psychology and developers of mobile applications for mental health.
Psychological well-being, Digital healthcare, Mobile services, Health technologies, Availability of psychological help, Mental health support, eHealth, Literature review, Mobile applications, Mental health
Psychology and pedagogics
Akimkina, Y.E. (2023). Differences in communicative network activity among students of different areas of professional training. Psychologist, 5, 113–127.
The article is devoted to the problem of communicative network activity among students of different areas of professional training. The study of the communicative activity of students, its impact on their life becomes necessary due to their high involvement in the virtual world. The main form of interaction on the Internet for students is communicative network activity. The purpose of the research is to study the differences in communicative network activity among students of different areas of professional training. The author used such research methods as: theoretical, empirical, methods of mathematical processing of psychological data: H-Kruskal-Wallis criterion, U-Mann-Whitney criterion. Computer data processing was carried out using the software packages "Excel" and "IBM SPSS Statistics 21". A set of the following methods is used: "Questionnaire of problematic use of social networks"; "Methodology for assessing involvement in the use of information and communication technologies". The empirical base of the study was 240 respondents, with an average age of 20.3 years. Students of the technical direction have an uncontrolled mental return to the virtual world, a tendency to use electronic technologies in a variety of ways; the cognitive absorption and the appearance of negative consequences of immersion in the Internet are slightly expressed in the scientific profile; the humanitarian direction lacks diversity in the use of electronic technologies, however, they have a high involvement in performing economic actions in the virtual world. It is important to note the existence of general trends that are independent of the professional direction of the training of students: the priority of online communication, communication in social networks, visiting the Internet in order to avoid feeling lonely. The results obtained during the study of the differences in the communicative network activity of students of different areas of professional training can be used to make practical recommendations for the formation and development of digital competence skills.
involvement, social networks, professional training, digital competence, activity, network activity, students, virtual world, communication, communicative network activity
Psychology of emergency
Papko, E.V. (2023). Meaningful Life Orientations in the Prevention of Mental Health of Medical Workers, in Connection with the Covid-19 Pandemic. Psychologist, 5, 128–137.
The article highlights the features of life-meaning orientations of medical workers during the spread of COVID-19. The possibilities of prevention of psychological health as a way to reduce maladaptation and psychological problems among doctors and nursing staff are considered. The purpose of the article is to identify possible strategies of an individual approach within the framework of updating the life-meaning orientations of medical workers to reduce the impact of distress. In the theoretical part of the article, the experience of studying the characteristics of the emotional and personal sphere of medical workers is considered. The results of a study of 84 medical workers with more than 3 years of experience directly involved in working with patients with COVID-19 are described. Achieving life goals and paying attention to the process of life is significant for medical personnel, which indicates a commitment to future orientation, building plans and projects, perceiving the process of life as interesting and rich. Doctors pay significantly more attention to the development and construction of a picture of the future compared to the average medical staff, thus they are more focused on the future, development and achievements that will occur over time. The doctors had statistically more pronounced results, allowing them to note the orientation towards goals in life, while the average medical staff is distinguished by the orientation towards the result of life, a sense of how productive and meaningful the part of it was lived. The model of psychological prevention is based on the actualization of life-meaning orientations that allow to maintain balance and search for personal resources. The prevention program focused on teaching self-regulation methods and conducting group psychotherapy.
COVID-19, psychological prevention, life -meaning orientations, SARS-CoV-2, locus of control, stress resistance, medical worker, doctor, risk to life, pandemic
Horizons of psychology
Gaivoronskaya, A.A. (2023). Portrait of Personality and its Study by Psychosemantics. Psychologist, 5, 138–145.
The subject of the study is a portrait of a personality. Psychological massage is a detailed description of personality characteristics. The unit of personality analysis is the personal meaning. In the aggregate of other meanings, personal meaning forms a hierarchical structure that can be rebuilt in the course of life and, depending on experience, transform the content of meanings in this hierarchy. The object of research is a portrait of a personality studied by methods of psychosemantics to identify the structure, functioning of a system of values, methods of categorization describing a portrait of a personality. Psychosemantic methods are aimed at reconstructing implicit theories of personality and solve the following tasks: connecting the studied meaning of this phenomenon with other meanings, systems of meanings, highlighting and interpreting the most significant among these connections. The psychosemantic approach to the portrait of a personality is a description of a psychological (semantic) structure that contains properties-signs that can be used to characterize a personality. This structure is formed by various types of values "classifying" this construct as a "psychological portrait" The main conclusions of the study are:1) the use of psychosemantic tools for the interpretation of the "personality portrait" contributes to the disclosure of the characteristics of this phenomenon, namely, how the levels of categorization identified during the study correlate with significant topics describing the psychological portrait; 2) a portrait of a personality is a complex characteristic that reflects the inner world, the orientation of the personality and is a tool for studying a person. The novelty of the research lies in the study of implicit theories of drawing up a psychological portrait, resulting in a model of a psychological portrait.
types of values, personality orientation, complex characteristics, categorization, the picture of the world, construct, implicit theories, personal meaning, psychological portrait, hierarchical structure
Horizons of psychology
Berezina, T.N. (2023). Four-level regulation of lifespan through the biopsychological clock. Psychologist, 5, 146–158.
A model of life expectancy regulation through biopsychological clocks of four levels is considered. The first level is represented by the intracellular molecular genetic clock, which is responsible for maximum life expectancy. At the second level, the regulation of activity time occurs (time management), this level is associated with the psychological clock, there is also a connection with the activity of annual and monthly biorhythms. This level is associated with the organization of life path, regulation of lifestyle, and professional longevity of a person. At the third level, wakefulness and sleep are regulated through circadian biorhythms with a period of 20-28 hours. Here the regulation of health and restoration of immunity occurs. The fourth level is associated with the regulation of the rhythms of the respiratory and cardiac systems, the phenomenon of premature death is associated with it, and it is responsible for the cessation of life. We consider regulation from top to bottom, with each level responsible for its own aspect of life expectancy. There is interaction between the levels, but its mechanisms have been little studied. In addition, there are also mechanisms that ensure the autonomous functioning of metabolism at each level. Conclusion: to restore health, prevent sudden death, and potentially increase life expectancy, it is necessary to develop comprehensive strategies that combine all levels of the biopsychological clock.
biological age, biological rhythms, biopsychological regulation, theories of aging, life expectancy, biological clock, psychological clock, personal organization of time, activity, personality
Psychology and pedagogics
Suvorova, N.V., Nakonechnaya, E.V., Smirnaya, A.A., Smirnova, A.V., Shepeleva, Y.S. (2023). The level of adaptation to learning among first-graders brought up in families with different types of child-parent relationships. Psychologist, 5, 159–182.
The subject of the study is the relationship between child–parent relations and the effectiveness of adaptation of first-graders.The purpose of the study is to determine the level of adaptation to learning among first-graders brought up in families with different types of child-parent relationships. The importance for a child of child-parent relations in a difficult period for him at the beginning of school education is emphasized by many authors. Often, the reason for difficulties in adapting to school lies in the lack of formation of personal forms of communication between a younger student and his parents, in the inability of parents to build communication with a child according to the type of "child – adult as equal", in the habit of a parent to communicate with an already grown-up child according to the stereotype formed in preschool childhood. The study was conducted on the basis of the municipal autonomous educational institution "Secondary School No. 19 named after A.V. Sedelnikov" of the city of Krasnoyarsk. 30 parents (mothers of first-graders) and 30 children aged 7 years were diagnosed. There is a direct relationship between child-parent relations and the adaptation of first-graders to school. Students who are brought up in families with a democratic type of upbringing are characterized by successful, full adaptation. Schoolchildren from families in which permissive and authoritarian parenting styles are the predominant types of child-parent relationships, incomplete adaptation and maladaptation prevail. The conducted research makes it possible to develop psychological programs to increase the level of adaptation of first-graders to education for parents with an authoritarian parenting style and for parents with a permissive parenting style.
success, adaptation level, parents, upbringing, education, motivation, family, parent-child relationship, first graders, adaptation
Clinical psychology
Tulitbaeva, G.F., Politika, O.I., Shafigullina, L.R., Bozhko, A.A. (2023). Features of post-traumatic stress disorder, resilience and attitude to the disease in patients of different groups (on the example of oncological and cardiovascular diseases). Psychologist, 5, 183–192.
There is a steady increase in oncological diseases all over the world. Malignant tumors are one of the most frequent causes of death in the population of developed countries. The article presents the results of an empirical study aimed at studying the features of post-traumatic stress disorder, resilience and attitude to the disease in patients with oncological and cardiovascular diseases. The study sample consisted of 80 people aged 40 to 73 years. The average age is 58 years. The sample included 40 patients with cancer and 40 patients with diseases of the cardiovascular system. The study involved able-bodied men and women who are fluent in Russian, without cognitive disorders. Statistically significant differences were found between the groups. Patients with cancer are more likely to relive what happened when reminded of a traumatic event, the orientation of the personality is characterized by avoiding everything that reminds of a traumatic experience, post-traumatic stress disorder is expressed. The feeling of self-safety is more typical for patients with cardiovascular diseases than for cancer patients. The latter are more characterized by oppressive uncertainty. If we talk about the types of response to the disease, then among cancer patients there is more often post-sleep anxiety, they think about complications; there is excessive concentration on subjective painful and other unpleasant sensations; behavior like "irritable weakness"; dejection, therefore disbelief in the possibility of recovery and improvement of the condition, as well as in general on the effectiveness of treatment, pessimistic a look at everything around; vulnerability. Exposing experiences and sufferings to relatives and others prevails in cancer patients in comparison with patients of the cardiovascular group.
attitude to the disease, cardiovascular disease, oncological disease, a patient, disease, relationship, resilience, after injury, stress disorder, stress
Psychology of emergency
Gvozdeva, A.A., Zinatullina, A.M. (2023). The effectiveness of using virtual technologies to teach students life safety techniques. Psychologist, 5, 193–205.
Purpose of the study: theoretical and empirical study of the effectiveness of professional psychological preparation for activities in extreme conditions using virtual technologies. Object of study: professional and psychological preparation for activity. Subject of research: the use of VR technologies for professional and psychological preparation for activities in extreme conditions. The research was carried out using theoretical and empirical methods: experiment, testing, analysis and synthesis, comparison, generalization. Research methods: Questionnaire «Well-being, activity, mood». «Personal risk readiness». Measurement of heart rate. Achievement test. «First aid for electric shock». The situation was formed in extreme conditions, using the ARPort SafetyVR program in the «First Aid in the event of an electric shock» mode. Methods of mathematical statistics: Mean value, standard deviation, Mann-Whitney U-test, ANOVA. The sample consisted of 32 people, students studying in the field of «Extreme Psychology» at MSUPE. The results show that the use of virtual programs aimed at training and developing skills in dangerous situations is an effective way to form professional and psychological preparation of students for activities in extreme conditions and to optimize their indicators of well-being, mood and general activity. Studying the literature and the data obtained, we can say that modern virtual technologies can be successfully used in psychological work. These studies can be used to develop training using virtual reality technologies for representatives of high-risk professions or to prepare specialists for activities in extreme conditions
first aid, professional preparation, psychological preparation, extreme situations, VR-programs, virtual technologies, high-risk professions, virtual programs, electric shock, life safety
The stream of books
Nabieva, Z.B. (2023). Comparative analysis of Russian and foreign studies of the phenomenon of loneliness. Psychologist, 5, 206–216.
This article discusses loneliness phenomenon, its causes and solutions, main approaches to the concept of loneliness in the psychological and pedagogical literature. In addition the loneliness phenomenon is presented as one of most important social problems.There is no generally accepted concept of loneliness phenomenon in science. Thus, this study analyses psychological approaches to the study of loneliness in the works of Russian and foreign researchers. In addition, this term is examined using active-personal, existential-humanistic, cognitive-behavioral, phenomenological and existential approaches for the purpose of definition. It is important to emphasise that most researchers study not only the negative, but also the positive aspects of loneliness. As the problem of this article the process of development of deep personal ideas about the subjective experience of loneliness, associated with the process of integration of this knowledge into the system of social relations were identified. Since there are very few conceptually well-developed descriptions of this phenomenon, this article will make a significant contribution to the development of the conceptual apparatus of loneliness, as well as deepen the understanding of this complex phenomenon.
psychological features, solitude, positive loneliness, anomie, psychology, communication, theoretical approaches, foreign researches, loneliness definition, phenomenon of loneliness