Professional psychology
Kapustina, T.V., Gaidai, A.S., Gorshkova, O.V., Kadyrov, R.V. (2023). Emotional burnout as an element of professional deformation among specialists working in correctional institutions. Psychologist, 3, 1–16.
The subject of the research is emotional burnout as an element of professional deformation among specialists working in correctional institutions. The empirical object of the study was specialists from correctional institutions with a work experience of 14 years or more, since they are more prone to emotional burnout. The comparison group was represented by teachers who do not work in correctional institutions. The total sample of the study is 104 people. The authors of the study make a general conclusion that the burnout syndrome should be considered as an element of professional deformation. The syndrome of emotional burnout is its element, since distortions of the personality and the psyche as a whole can be caused by prolonged exposure to stressful factors. These factors are associated with a general increased emotional background, harmful influences that provoke emotional reactions. All this exhausts the psyche and contributes to the development of professional deformation. The obtained statistical results made it possible to describe the features of the manifestation of emotional burnout as an element of professional deformation at the affective-cognitive, physiological and behavioral levels. A detailed description allows more detailed and precise formation of programs for prevention and psychological support for specialists in correctional institutions.
behavioral component, affective-cognitive component, physiological component, component model, symptoms of emotional burnout, professional stress, specialists of correctional institutions, problems of interpersonal communication, professional deformation, emotional burnout
Professional psychology
Kanunnikov, R.I., Ryabova, M.G. (2023). Development of Professional Identity of Employees of Internal Affairs Bodies with Different Locus of Control. Psychologist, 3, 17–27.
The article analyzes the development of professional identity among police officers with different locus of control. The object of the study: employees of the internal affairs bodies. Subject of research: the influence of locus control on the development of professional identity of employees of internal affairs bodies. The relevance of the study is to determine the influence of locus of control on the development of professional identity in law enforcement officers. Professional development is a key problem in the psychological support of the personnel of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. The authors have revealed that the locus of control is of great importance in the life of employees of internal affairs bodies, as it is associated with the development of professional identity. Using a complex of psychodiagnostic techniques: "Personal and social identity" (A.A. Urbanovich), personal questionnaire "Who am I" (M. Kuhn, K. McPartland), personal questionnaire "Formal and meaningful identity" (E.V. Raspopin, E.A. Rybyakova), test "The level of subjective control" (J. Rotter, modification by E.F. Bazhin, E.A. Golynkina, L.M. Etkind) substantiates the existence of a relationship between the locus of control and professional identity in law enforcement officers. It is proved that the most effective is the average level of internality of the locus of control, which contributes to the professional identity of a law enforcement officer. The necessity of forming a professional identity taking into account the locus of control among employees of internal affairs bodies is discussed.
internals, service team, self - reflection, value orientations, externals, locus of control, professional development, professional identity, internality, personality
Psychology and pedagogics
Gelman, V. (2023). On Compensation of the Impact of the Development of Information and Communication Technologies on Cognitive Functions. Psychologist, 3, 28–37.
At present, serious technological changes are taking place in the world and especially rapidly in the field of information and communication technologies. These changes have a significant impact on all aspects of people's lives and activities. The subject of this article is the influence of the development of information and communication technologies on human cognitive functions. The effects of the Internet, smartphones, social networks, calculators, working with the keyboard, and reducing the volume of non-electronic reading are considered in detail. Particular attention is paid to the impairment of verbal and logical memory, the emergence of "digital dementia", the deterioration of analytical and logical thinking, the emergence of clip thinking, a decrease in communication abilities and the complication of current decision-making. A number of possible approaches are proposed as means to compensate for the decrease in the considered cognitive functions caused by the development of information and communication technologies It is shown that the necessary correction can be carried out by training weakening functions with the help of special cognitive gymnastics: suitable intellectual games, certain exercises. The system of compensating classes, including educational games and special exercises, can be combined into an academic discipline under the conditional name "intellectual culture" (by analogy with physical culture). The need to ensure a sufficiently high level of basic knowledge was also noted. In addition, it is proposed to adjust the education system to neutralize the observed negative trends.
special exercises, compensation, educational games, making decisions, communication skills, clip thinking, memory, influence, information and communication technologies, cognitive functions
Clinical psychology
Tulitbaeva, G.F., Politika, O.I., Safina, L.F. (2023). Identity features of adolescents with suicidal attempts during the COVID-19 pandemic. Psychologist, 3, 38–45.
From the very beginning of the pandemic period of Covid-2019 numerous sources have recorded an increase in the number of suicides among adolescents. The article presents the results of an empirical study aimed at studying social and personal identity of adolescents with a history of suicidal attempts and adolescents without suicidal attempts. At the time of the study, all adolescents who attempted suicide were undergoing treatment at the Republican Clinical Psychotherapy Center and the Republican Clinical Psychiatric Hospital of the Republic of Belarus (42 people). A group of teenagers without suicidal intentions consisted of 84 students of the MAOU "Physics and Mathematics Lyceum No. 93" of the Ufa city. The study describes the differences in social and personal identity in two selected groups of adolescents. Statistically significant differences were found between adolescents who attempted suicide and adolescents who did not have a history of attempts, according to the following indicators: socio-psychological adaptation, personal identity, top-down comparison. Adolescents without suicidal intentions have a higher level of expression of socio-psychological adaptation, they are more positive about themselves, they have a stable system of value orientations and a high level of reflexivity, unlike adolescents with a history of suicidal attempts. Adolescents with suicidal attempts to a lesser extent feel and realize the uniqueness of their personality, the uniqueness of their personal qualities, they are characterized by rejection of the norms and rules of society, the desire for detachment, indifference to their own Self, loss of interest in their inner world, low self-esteem. The samples are similar in terms of pastime, cohesion, intergroup competition and comparison, and collective self-esteem.
Covid-2019, suicide in adolescents, teenager, suicidal personality, suicidal behavior, suicide, adolescence, social identity, personal identity, identity
Clinical psychology
Kuzmina, A.S., Praizendorf, E.S. (2023). Anxiety-depressive symptoms in the context of the type of attitude to pregnancy of women in the postpartum period. Psychologist, 3, 46–62.
The subject of the study is the anxiety-depressive symptoms of women in the postpartum period. The aim of the study is to identify the interrelationships of anxiety-depressive symptoms of women in the postpartum period and the type of their attitude to pregnancy. The author identified differences in anxiety-depressive symptoms of women with different types of residence and the use of maternity care. The results on the relationship of anxiety and depression with the type of attitude to pregnancy of women in the postpartum period were obtained. Research methodology: typology of the psychological component of the gestational dominant I.V. Dobryakova. Empirical basis of the study: the study was conducted on the basis of the Altai Regional Clinical Center for Maternal and Child Health with women in the early postpartum period.The existence of interrelations between the appearance of anxiety-depressive symptoms of women in the postpartum period and the type of attitude to pregnancy is theoretically substantiated and empirically proven. Qualitative characteristics of differences in the type of attitude to pregnancy of women with different types of residence and the use of maternity care are determined. The main conclusions of the study are : Anxious symptoms in the postpartum period are more typical for women from rural areas; Women who have undergone natural childbirth are more likely to experience depression and anxiety in the postpartum period; Rural women are more characterized by a hypogestognosic type of attitude to pregnancy, urban women - a depressive type of attitude to pregnancy; Anxious and depressive types of attitude to pregnancy associated with fears, expressed fears, tearfulness are risk factors for the development of anxiety-depressive symptoms in women in the postpartum period.
Anxiety-depressive symptoms, Depression, Postpartum period, Anxiety, Natural childbirth, gestational dominant, attitude to pregnancy, Psychology of pregnancy, Preparation for childbirth, Pregnancy