Person and personality
Naumenko, E.A., Naumenko, O.N. (2023). Features of the Psychographic Portrait of the Residents with Criminal Record living in Northern Territories and the Arctic Zone of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra and Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug. Psychologist, 1, 1–13.
The psychographic features of the personality of residents of various regions of the Russian Federation are an interesting and insufficiently studied phenomenon from the standpoint of psychological knowledge. In our opinion, it is convenient to present such a phenomenon in the framework of personality research in the form of a psychological portrait – a kind of model structure reflecting the psychological characteristics of the object of research. The subject of the study is the elements of the psychological portrait of the personality of the studied contingent, the features of which constitute the content of the model of the psychographic portrait of the inhabitants of the northern territories. The parameters and model characteristics of the personality of the studied sample of residents of the region may be of interest to a wide range of very different practices – pedagogical, managerial, legal, professional and others. Separate, compositional parameters of model characteristics are presented in the study, which will form the basis of a general psychographic model of the personality of residents of the northern regions of Khma-Yugra and YANAO who have experience of illegal behavior. Such research is relevant and oriented in the practice of pedagogical, legal work with the population of the marked regions. If possible, a similar practice of scientific research on the presented topic can be transferred to other regions of the North and the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation. The solution of this task is a systematic part of the research project of the Russian Academy of Sciences under the general title "Experience in the application of customary law, history and humanization of penitentiary institutions of Ugra within the framework of European and Russian traditions (late XVI – early XXI centuries)". The research is of practical importance and its results, we hope, will be in demand by specialists from a wide range of various social practices. The main, generalized conclusion of the study is statistically confirmed personality traits of the studied contingent, reflecting the model characteristics of their originality regarding illegal behavior.
statistical analysis, modeling, psychometrics, factology, nationality, personality, territory, illegal behavior, psychographic portrait, north
The range of emotional experience
Martyanova, G.Y. (2023). The Influence of Anxiety on the Self-Regulation of Psychological Counseling Clients in a Situation of Uncertainty. Psychologist, 1, 14–23.
Experiencing anxiety in an uncertain event becomes a way of reacting that makes changes in coping processes, primarily disrupting conscious regulatory activity. The article presents the results of the analysis of the influence of anxiety on the parameters of the style of conscious self-regulation in a pandemic situation. The study is based on the provisions of the theory of conscious self-regulation by O. A. Konopkin. The study involved psychological counseling clients who voluntarily seek help. Anxiety was studied by its types, the diagnosis of the style parameters of self–regulation was carried out using the technique "Style of self-regulation of behavior - SSP" by V. I. Morosanova. The effect of anxiety on self-regulation was determined by regression analysis. The results indicated the equivalent severity of the types of anxiety: personal, situational, subclinical. A significant result of the study was the fact of the anxiety of the subjects about the regression of psychotherapeutic skills in a situation of uncertainty. The analysis of the style parameters of self-regulation showed violations in the structure of activity planning, modeling conditions, building action programs and evaluating the results obtained. Regression models indicated differentiated determination by types of anxiety of regulatory blocks. These studies allow us to expand our understanding of the violated ways of responding to psychological counseling clients in stressful situations. The results can be used in the development of the psychotechnical component of the process of providing assistance to the subjects of a situation of uncertainty.
goal setting, reactive anxiety, personal anxiety, self-regulatory style, psychological counseling, situation of uncertainty, self-regulation, anxiety, behavior model, tolerance for uncertainty
Psychology and pedagogics
Tolstykh, L.R., Gol'bert, E.V. (2023). Features of the Motivational and Value Sphere of Students of Different Courses of Study. Psychologist, 1, 24–31.
The purpose of the study is to determine the features of the motivational and value sphere of students of different courses of study. It was suggested that: 1. there are specific features of the motivational-value sphere of students studying at different courses; 2. there is a relationship between the course of study and motivational-value indicators of students. Research methods: "Study of motives of students' educational activity" modified by A.A. Rean, V.A. Yakunin, "Morphological test of life values" by V. F. Sopov, L. V. Karpushina, "Anchors of career" adaptation by V.A. Chiker, V.E. Vinokurova. The study was attended by students of 1-4 courses of the FSUE VO "ZabGU", in the direction of training 44.03.02 Psychological and pedagogical education. 75 people participated in the study. As a result of the study, it was found that the majority of students, regardless of the course of study, have formed spiritual, moral and altruistic values of their future profession. The educational motivation of first and second year students is more focused on the successful implementation of educational and cognitive activities. External motivations of educational motivation, such as social approval/ punishment for senior students are non-priority and ineffective in the process of educational activity. The career orientations of junior students are of a mixed nature. For senior students, the nature of career orientations becomes more differentiated, a limited number of orientations dominate. A special contribution of the authors to the study of the topic is the established relationship between the course of study and indicators of the motivational and value sphere, such as: to ensure the success of future professional activity, one's own prestige, high financial status and the preservation of one's own individuality, as well as the establishment of an inverse relationship between the course of study and the indicator of successfully studying, passing exams with excellent and good grades.
personal values, professional activity, career orientations, value-motivational sphere, value orientations, values, motives, personal meaning, personality, profession
Professional psychology
Yakimova, Z.V. (2023). Professional Stress in Law Enforcement: Foreign and Domestic Research Experience. Psychologist, 1, 32–50.
The object of the study is professional stress, which is understood as a particular variant of the general adaptation syndrome, which is a functional state associated with the performance of professional activity, expressed in mental and physical reactions to stressful work situations that arise under the influence of emotionally negative and extreme factors. The subject of the study is the categories of professional stress analysis of Russian police officers. The purpose of the study is a comparative analysis of the experience of foreign and domestic studies of professional stress in law enforcement; identification of categories of analysis of professional stress on a sample of Russian police officers. In the empirical part, a content analysis of respondents' responses to a subjective description of professional stress situations is carried out. The main conclusions of the study are: 1. The topic of professional stress in the activities of law enforcement agencies has received quite a lot of attention in both foreign and domestic studies, but they are of a private detailed nature, comprehensive studies, there is no integration of results. 2. The efforts of foreign researchers are aimed at developing trainings and training programs for coping with stress and rehabilitation of both active and retired officers. Domestic researchers propose to introduce stress resistance trainings already in the process of training cadets and undergoing initial police training, which is quite appropriate. For current employees, domestic researchers suggest using general psychological tools for psychocorrection of stress, but it should be adapted to the specifics of the professional activities of police officers. 3. The conducted content analysis of Russian police officers' perceptions of professional situations that cause stress revealed 8 key units of analysis: competencies; work parameters; social interaction; working conditions and organization; threat to personal safety; imbalance; dissatisfaction; personal fears and worries. The high role of personal subjective perception of professional stress situations is illustrated. 4. Promising directions for further research of the topic are highlighted
conflict with colleagues, conflict with the manager, analysis category, stress factor, content analysis, policeman, law enforcement activities, professional stress, conflict with citizens, intrapersonal conflict
Societal passions
Iakimanskaia, I., Molokostova, A.M. (2023). The Study of Adolescents' Perception of the Psychological Safety of the Educational Environment. Psychologist, 1, 51–64.
Subject, purpose of the work. The empirical study was aimed at studying the parameters of the psychological safety of the educational environment as a component of the children's social experience of adolescents. A new approach to the study of adolescents' perceptions of safety in terms of their changes over a long period of time – from 2016 to 2022. The research method was a survey of teenagers, students of schools in Orenburg and the Orenburg region according to the questionnaire proposed by us, which includes modifications of the methods of I.A. Baeva (Psychological diagnostics of the safety of the educational environment of the school) and D.A. Leontiev (SO – test of life orientations), The survey was conducted twice, in 2016 and in 2022. Results. An increase in the number of responses indicating the absence of fears and social risks associated with the social environment was found, and a decrease in the number of responses about the manifestations of danger in the educational environment was also noted. The resources of assistance in dangerous situations in two dimensions are indicated by parents and friends, a small number of respondents turn to teachers. A positive trend can be noted in the fact that most teenagers are able to turn to adults for help in difficult situations. There was also no significant dynamics in the answers to questions about significant and easily accessible values, the most easily accessible values are active life, cognition and the presence of friends. Conclusions. Significant dynamics in the assessment of the educational environment by teenagers of schools in Orenburg and the Orenburg region were not found. However, the polarization of assessments confirms that some adolescents experience difficulties in real interaction in the educational environment, which clearly leads to negative social experience, the formation of stable qualities - helplessness and passivity.
survey, easily achievable values, significant values, social risks, assistance resources, children's social experience, adolescents, assessment of the educational environment, Psychological safety, psychological support
Professional psychology
Potapova, E.V., Anikina, M.A., Chistov, R.S., Gudovskii, I.V., Shepeleva, Y.S. (2023). The Study of the Relationship Between Anxiety and the Sociometric Status of Secondary School Teachers. Psychologist, 1, 65–76.
Any teacher, when faced with various problematic and stressful situations in his professional activity, should be able to solve them promptly and effectively. To do this, first of all, he must have a low level of anxiety, since increased anxiety negatively affects the ability to rationally solve problematic situations. We organized and conducted a study on the basis of Secondary School No. 12. Krasnoyarsk. 37 teachers of the school took part in it. The purpose of the study was to study the relationship between anxiety and the social status of a secondary school teacher. We hypothesized that secondary school teachers with different social status in the group are characterized by differences in anxiety indicators, both in severity and in the ratio of its individual components.1. Teachers with pronounced anxiety can occupy any status position, i.e. they can have any number of choices, both positive and negative. The social status is not affected by the level of anxiety among teachers 2. There is a relationship between anxiety and the factors that cause it, namely: between anxiety and frustration, between anxiety and self-expression, between anxiety and fear of colleagues. Thus, the main hypothesis put forward by us that secondary school teachers with different social status in the group are characterized by differences in anxiety indicators, both in severity and in the ratio of its individual components, has not been confirmed. This means that modern teachers do not worry about their position, status, authority in the group.
individual differences, conflict, development, education, activity, competence, teacher, sociometric status, anxiety, skills
Professional psychology
Benkova, O.A., Ben'kova, O.A., Barkanova, O.V., Fedorova, E.P., Artyukhov, A.N. (2023). The Influence of Individual and Personal Characteristics of Social Workers on the Style of Professional Activity. Psychologist, 1, 77–95.
The success of social reform largely depends on the level of professionalism of a modern social worker, the degree of manifestation of his abilities, capabilities and the optimal choice of ways and means of implementing his professional activity, which will more closely correspond to his individual characteristics. Object of research: professional activity of social workers Subject of research: individual and personal characteristics of a social worker as a factor in the formation of the style of professional activity The purpose of the study: to study the relationship of individual and personal characteristics and the style of professional activity of social workers. Research methods: 1. Ketell's 16-factor questionnaire, 2. Questionnaire of activity styles "SD 36" by A.D. Ishkovai N.G. Miloradova (adaptation of the questionnaire"LearningStylesQuestionnaire" by P. Honey and A. Mumford). 3. Research of individual style of professional activity (adapted for social workers) - A.I. Markova Thus, when studying the relationship between personal characteristics and the characteristics of the style of professional development of social workers, we determined that there is a relationship between personal attitudes and the features of the implementation of professional activities. It is also revealed that the qualification level has a significant impact on the nature of the relationship between personal characteristics and features of professional development. Thus, among social workers with the highest qualification category, with significant professional experience, there is a decrease in the intensity of the relationship between personal attitudes and features of professional development, which is due to personal characteristics: they have more pronounced indicators of dominance, high normativity of behavior, they are more independent in comparison with employees of the first category and are confident, conscientious, and responsible for their actions, are able to insist on their own, and strive to comply with established norms and rules
activity, social workers, installations, personality, peculiarities, sociometric status, activity style, motivation, emotions, success