Societal passions
Voroncova, J., Ermolaev, V. . (2016). Conception of Lithuanian Seniors «Generation Z» about their Future Family. Psychologist, 1, 1–12.
The article presents the results of researching on the subject of communication of conception about their future family from the digital generation (for example, the Z seniors), and inherent mores. The authors in detail considers such aspects of a subject as continuously growing tendency to growth of number of incomplete families, as a result of numerous rastorzheniye of marriages, proving by that relevance of studying of a problem of transformation of institute of a family. The special attention is paid by authors to ideas of digital generation of the future family and ethical standards, their balance in system of social representations. At digital generation were applied to research of content of ideas of future family and expressiveness of ethical standards: technique of stereometric testing (Garber E. I., V. V. Kozacha); express technique of an assessment of the relation to observance of ethical standards (Kupreychenko A. B. In system of social representations of younger generation (generation of Z) communications between ideas of the future family and ethical standards were investigated. The following conclusions have been formulated: ideas of seniors of the future family aren't connected with their ethical standards; unbalance of system of ethical standards at the Lithuanian seniors.
family, divorce, marriage, institution of the family, family relations, relations, generation Z, digital generation, morals, representations
Philosophy and psychology
Sukiasyan, S. (2016). The Problem of Consciousness: the State of the Problem from the Point of View of Synergy. Psychologist, 1, 13–69.
The subject of this study is the category of "consciousness" as a leading component and form of human mental activity in the context of its origin, forms of expression and development. The problem of consciousness is one of the most difficult issues in the scientific comprehension of a man. The purpose of this study is to analyze the main approaches and hypotheses about the nature of consciousness from the positions of the various areas of knowledge - the orthodox scientific and esoteric, and final consideration of the problem of consciousness in inseparable combination of these two approaches. The main tasks is to consider the modern, yet not popular approaches to the problem of the consciousness and its relation to the psyche, the brain, the universe. The work is structured and includes the following sections: history and classic of the problem, consciousness and synergy, the physical basis of consciousness, mind and brain, a special state of consciousness, the conclusion. The present study is based on theoretical analysis and categorical concepts and approaches, accepted in psychology, psychiatry, and physics. Author's original approach to understanding the nature and the human psyche is presented. It comes from the fact that the essence of any human phenomenon is manifested in its extremes, e.g. during the changed states of psyche, particularly in the states of depersonalization-derealization, out of body experience etc.The author suggests that this approach, which emphasizes the combination of extremes - the scientific and parascientific analysis, underlining the unusual and the unique capabilities of a person, the study of energeticoinformatic aspect of any problems, can lead us towards the knowledge of man and nature. It comes from the fact that there is an objectively existing, real world, "given to us in senses". But there is another reality with another form of existence - the world of our experiences and ideas, the world, the reality of which is beyond the scope of the existence of the material world.All the author's arguments are based on the theories of evolutionary universalism, physical vacuum and torsion fields. Modern science is based on the fact that the basic state of matter of any kind is the physical vacuum. This emptiness or "nothing" is a universal environment, regulating all the forces of interaction. It is the primary matter, the ancestor of all things in the universe. The psyche in person and, consequently, the consciousness acts as a physical manifestation, in form of extra weak mental interaction. Thus, the mental and the material are two different aspects of the same reality. Mental cannot behave like nonmental.In support of theoretical considerations author gives extensive experimental data, proving the reality and effectiveness of many extrasensory, extracorporeal and other phenomena intrinsic to a man. The author is inclined to believe that consciousness is a universal phenomenon intrinsic to the material world, from molecules to organisms. Modern theoretical and experimental studies show that the brain is not related to the production of consciousness. The brain is the receiving, processing and transmitting biological device that connects a person with the universe, the device that connects the human energoinformatic field and the universe. Consciousness exists outside the physical body and subtle matter. It has a dual nature.
extrasensory perception, depersonalization, out-of-body experience, physical vacuum, torsion fields, special states of consciousness, brain, psychophysics, consciousness and synergy, consciousness concepts
Inner world
Kulagina, N.V. (2016). Masculine Standard Directions of Modern Men of Different Ages. Psychologist, 1, 70–79.
The article opens a problem of transformation of ideology of a maskulinnost in modern society. The review of the researches staticizing this problem and showing that following to norms of traditional masculine ideology determines problems of mental and physical health at modern men is submitted. The purpose of the article is to to acquaint scientific community with results of empirical comparative research of degree of expressiveness of masculine standard installations at modern men. The object of research is masculine standard installations of modern men of different age in different spheres of life such as personal, family, professional. 150 men living in the cities of Verkhnekamye were studied. For collecting empirical data the diagnostic tools were used: a questionnaire "Man's standard installations", the author L. Luyt, in I. S. Klyotsina and E. V. Ioffe's adaptation; technique "Cast in a family", authors Yu. E. Alyoshina, L. Ya. Gozman, E. M. Dubovskaya; questionnaire "Professional gender installations of men", author Yu. G. Tishchenko. It is revealed that modern men of different age have a representation of masculine standard installations in personal and social spheres it is expressed around average values: men of age have "youth" an integrated indicator of a normativnost at the level of average value, and men of age have "maturity" and "maturity" at the level above an average. In the family sphere the standard ideology of a maskulinnost is practically not shared by young men, their ideas of distribution of family roles are displaced towards egalitarian model. Men of more advanced age, are rather patriarchal in this question. Masculine standard installations of the vast majority of men of all age in the field of distribution of professional roles reflect aspiration to man's domination in this sphere, commitment of a vertical professional segregation. The submitted empirical data can expand borders of psychological knowledge concerning degree of commitment to norms of a traditional maskulinnost of modern men of different age. Results of research can be used in advisory practice of experts, when developing training courses and special courses on gender psychology, psychology of the personality, family psychology, and also when carrying out further researches in the field.
egalitarity, traditional model of masculinity, family roles, professional segregation, modernized model of masculinity, masculine standards, masculinity, homophobia, hegemonic masculinity , gender stereotypes
Continent of the unconscious
Starikashkina, D. (2016). The Conception of Memory in Psychoanalysis' Theory: Deconstruction of Individual vs Collective. Psychologist, 1, 80–92.
This paper deals with a process of formation of individual and collective memory and some principles of its functioning, using a psychoanalysis paradigm. The thesis of this paper is that despite the absence of the term “collective memory” in Freud's theory, his concept of “culture” should be considered as its equivalent. This theoretical move allows us to analyze 'Art' as a concept that “lies on a seam” between individual and collective and provides a suggestion for the possibility of memory conservation. It additionally broadens an understanding of the possible ways of “working trough a trauma” in post-traumatic society that still reflects on different cultural trauma(s) of the twentieth century. The methodology of research is connected with an integrated approach to studying of a question of preservation of memory within the psychoanalytic theory, a basis for which the corpus of S. Freud, the exerted huge impact on thinkers of a psychoanalytic, esthetic and philosophical discourse has formed. In this article the question of approach to the theory of memory in her psychoanalytic understanding clears up that allows to rethink borders between individual and collective, and the drawn conclusions allow to reveal the memory work nature, and also possibilities of preservation of the memory which isn't subjected to copying and distortion in the aesthetic field of art.
aesthetics, ethics, art, fearsome, psychoanalysis, culture, collective memory, memory, trauma, post-traumatic society
Person and personality
Berezina, T.N. (2016). Probabilistic Approach to Life Expectancy in Contemporary Theories of Aging. Psychologist, 1, 93–106.
The possibility of application of probabilistic approach for an assessment of individual life expectancy is shown in modern theories of aging. Probabilistic approach is defined from psychogenetics positions, is claimed that individual life expectancy is affected by three factors: heredity, Wednesday, and also a factor of genetiko-environmental interaction which taking into account activity of the person – the subject of the course of life, it is possible to call personal. Is shown that originally probabilistic model has to not only consider norm of reaction of a sign "individual life expectancy", but also influence on her of own activity of the personality. The analysis of modern theories of aging is carried out: theories of existence of genes of death, the theory of internal clocks, mitochondrial theories of aging, not genetic, stochastic theories, etc. will be selected. It is claimed that within any model of aging individual life expectancy is dependent not only from the factors assumed in her, but also has a probabilistic gap which depends on the personality organizing the life. As one of such factors the personal organization of time is offered.
personal organization of time, internal time, personality, theories of aging, anti-aging, aging, life expectancy, psychogenetics, psychology, course of life.