Philosophy and psychology
Parkhomenko, R.N. (2015). Myth as a category of perception of the world: the advantages and disadvantages of the theory of Ernst Cassirer. Psychologist, 5, 1–30.
The object of research is the concept of myth plays in philosophy of Ernst Cassirer: in the early 20-ies Cassirer became interested in ethnological researches about life, language and thinking of primitive societies in order to understand the basic laws of functioning of primitive thinking, which he defined as "mythical life form. " These studies led to the conclusion that Cassirer that even primitive rituals often do not even verbalized, had its own logic, however, is different from the logic of modern scientific and rational society. The method of research was the study of a large complex of works by E. Cassirer and monographs on the philosophy of Cassirer, including German. The main conclusions of the study is a statement of the fact that Cassirer was convinced that the myth as a form of life in ancient societies, as well as the myth of politics in modern society, indicates the existence of different fragments of the human world, that the people responsible for committing various errors decision-making and in their behavior.
psychology, worldview, policy, society, human, myth, Ernst Cassirer, culture, language, thinking
Person and personality
Zakharkin, D.D. (2015). Classification of Contemporary Personality Theories. Psychologist, 5, 31–55.
In this article the analysis of classifications modern theories of the personality is carried out. The classifications offered by domestic authors D. A. Leontyev, K. A. Abulkhanova and foreign Robert Freydzher, James Feydimen, Larry Hell, Daniel Zigler are considered. It is noted that to the newest theories of the personality in modern science it is possible otnesti:1) to theory which started being formed after 1950, 2) these theories strongly departed from Siegmund Freud's ideas, 3) theories are synthesis of the previous theories of the personality. In article modern theories of the personality are classified on: archaic, east, prestklassichesky, classical, postklassicheky, the latest. The newest theories of the personality are in turn classified on polymetric and monometric. The purpose of the present article is representation of original classification of modern theories of the personality including both domestic and foreign theories, on the one hand, from other party considering variety of modern approaches. At the heart of classification of the latest theories of the personality, consideration of positions of domestic and foreign authors on the following components of theories: outlook of the author, mentality nature, determinancy of behavior, theory basis, localization, development, tasks of the personality, structure of the personality, levels of the personality, approaches to studying of the personality, harmonious personality, perspective direction.
personality, personality theory, classification of personality theories, Russian personality theories, foreign personality theories, newest personality theories, components of personality theories, criteria of personality theories, authors of personality theories, personality structure
Professional psychology
Matiukhin, I.V. (2015). Personality of a Psychologist in Terms of Performing Diagnostic Tasks. Psychologist, 5, 56–75.
The article is devoted to the theoretical review and the analysis of the identity of the psychologist in terms of space-estimated tasks. Need of the accounting of diagnostic data on the basis of the studied typical manifestations of signs and properties is emphasized. Integrated, differential and eclectic approaches in research of the identity of the expert are described and also specifics of system "the diagnostician — a task — efficiency" are revealed. The main diagnostic inquiries of educational, clinical and corporate spheres are listed. The size of efficiency of the solution of tasks as an applied point of intersection of multiple-valued communications between the personality and a task is designated. And also structural components of efficiency such as the accuracy, decision speed, power consumption applied the technician and techniques and katamnestichesky effect are described by analytical deductive methods. On the basis of inquiries the directions of further priority researches both compound personal characteristics of the psychologist, and dynamics of the personality as integrity are precisely defined. The main tendency of article is emphasis of applied character of the theoretical analysis of these and forthcoming empirical researches.Possibility of expansion of typical fixings of the diagnostic plan is presented.
eclectic approach, integrated approach, differentially approach, personality of psychologist, interaction, psychodiagnostic, context, diagnostic task, efficiency solutions, actual researches
Developmental psychology
Erzin, A.I., Gerashchenko, N.A. (2015). Successful aging image in the minds of students. Psychologist, 5, 76–95.
The article reports the results of validation the measure successful aging image in the students. The authors identified 6 subscales of the questionnaire: "Health", "Wealth", "Social interactions", "The time perspective", "Job and Hobby", "Personal growth and Positive emotions". Cronbach's alpha score (0.908) indicates an internal consistency of the test items. Structural equation modeling showed that respondents valued the successful aging components such as job and hobbies, social interaction and health. The lowest value for the students is financial well-being. Factor analysis revealed 6 factors which include activity and optimism, self-esteem and self-sufficiency, search for opportunities, self-education and quality of life, sense of purpose and pleasure of communicating. The next step will be to assess test-retest reliability and normalization the method in the various samples. Overall, the results indicate the reliability of the test and create the prospects for its further standardization.
psychological assessment, juvenescence, image of the future, successful aging, positive psychology, developmental psychology, gerontopsychology, questionnaire, structural equation modeling, factor analysis
Psychology of emergency
Sedykh, N.S. (2015). Media Discourse about Terrorism in Terms of Information Psychological Threats of Modern Times. Psychologist, 5, 96–127.
In article the terrorism in the context of processes of global informatization of social space and features of impact of modern mass media on public and individual consciousness is considered. Key lines of modern terrorism and essence of this phenomenon from the point of view of information risks, threats and calls reveal. Results of linguistic researches, examinations publicistic and a media discourse about terrorism are given and practicians of use of the words "terrorism", "terrorist", "terrorize" as in direct, and figurative sense are analyzed. In this regard questions of transformation of ordinary consciousness under the influence of corresponding the media discursive practices are staticized. Some consequences and consequences of "discursive pressure" and "information aggression" are discussed. Social representations of terrorism in ordinary consciousness are analyzed, results of empirical research of the author for the purpose of studying of ideas of subjects of terrorism (leading terrorists, performers, the male suicide bombers and women) at student's youth of the Southern Russian region are analyzed. Data are generalized and compared, conclusions about psychological consequences of terrorist aggression, their prolonged impact on individual and public consciousness are drawn. In the conclusion the attention to need of active information anti-terrorism, development social, psycholinguistic and information and communication the practician of counteraction of ideology of extremism and formation of anti-terrorist values in the Russian society is focused. At the same time the attention to need of development of scientific journalism and analytical style of a statement at illumination of problems of terrorism is paid.
communication, information, risk, threat, society, act of terrorism, terrorist, terrorism, mass-media, discourse