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«Politics and Society» (18+)

¹ 9, 2013
Published since
2004 year

Morality and politics
P. 1072 - 1078
State and civil society
P. 1079 - 1087
The nationality issue
P. 1088 - 1096
People and work
P. 1097 - 1102
Family and society
P. 1103 - 1108
Social studies and monitoring
P. 1109 - 1113
The heritage of transformation
P. 1114 - 1119
Human and citizen
P. 1120 - 1131
Logic and cognition of political processes
P. 1132 - 1140
Democracy and political processes
P. 1141 - 1149
Legal state
P. 1150 - 1155
Religion and politics
P. 1156 - 1164
Political communications
P. 1165 - 1176
History of political thought
P. 1177 - 1185
Contents details