Question at hand
Krupsky, M. A. (2012). Second Thoughts on the Phenomenon
of Social Anomia in a Modern Society (Experience of Russia). Politics and Society, 12, 414.
The article describes the results of a detailed
analysis of Emile Durkheims and Robert Mertons theories
about the phenomenon of social anomia. The author
analyzes why this term tends to be used mostly in a negative
meaning. As a result of the research, the author concludes
that there is a direct dependence of the general use
of the term anomia and meaning of the term norm. The
author proves the need in understanding the latter as a
dynamically developing category which directly depends
on the social system of values and established rules of behavior
prevailing in this or that society. The author also
analyzes the reasons of establishing the traditional understanding
of anomia at all levels of the Russian social
system. Based on the reports of non-government international
organizations and independent Russian mass media
and social organizations the author makes a conclusion
about a stable authoritarian tendency of development of
the Russian society. As a result, the author concludes that
the traditional free of norms status of the term anomia
has been offset in Russian social reality. The author proves
that there is a need in a completely new approach to the
term anomia. Based on the example of a modern Russian
society, the author offers an approach based on which the
new order as disintegration of social and political system,
suppression of the process of development of civil society
institutions and deliberate suppression of civil activity at
a social level and atrophy of individual consciousness at
a personal level. So it is concluded that the new anomia
should be involve prevention of further decomposition of
socio-political system, on one hand, and active growth of
civil society institutions, on the other hand. As one of the
ways of realizations of the new anomia project, the author
suggests that we should pay attention at the development
of so-called the third sector.
social studies, anomie, civil, activity, authoritarianism, solidarity, norm, absence of norms, deviant, behavior.
State and civil society
Borisenkov, A. A. (2012). About Political Development
and its Relation to the Political Life. Politics and Society, 12, 1523.
The article is devoted to the concept of political
development. The author describes the nature, stages, ways, grounds and forms of such development. He also
shows the indissoluble connection between political development
and political life and proves the assumption that
political life is one of the elements of political development
which is characterized as political evolution. Based
on studying the structure of political development, the author
provides definitions of grounds and forms of political
life as well as its breaking factors.
political studies, politics, political existence, political life, political dynamics, political transformations, political development, political evolution, political process, political progress.
State and civil society
Usmanov, B. F. (2012). Mechanisms of Integration of Russian
Youth in the Process of Political Modernization. Politics and Society, 12, 2429.
The author views modern problems of involving
youth into political modernization of Russia through new
socialization mechanisms. The author also shows the role
of a state youth policy in solving tasks of political education
of young generation, restoring values that were lost in
1990s and raising youth as an actor of political process.
political studies, politics, modernization, socialization, youth, participation, electorate, process, technologies, society.
National security
Kurbanov, R. A. (2012). Supplying Nuclear Power Organizations
with Energy Carriers and Investing into Nuclear Energy
as Particular Aspects of the EU Law in the Sphere
of Nuclear Power. Politics and Society, 12, 3034.
EU energy law has been generally studied by the
EU law science. Nevertheless, there are still certain gaps
in their studies such as the issues of supplying nuclear
power organizations with energy carriers and investing
into nuclear energy. The author of the article stresses out
that the supply issue belongs to the topic of safety in the
sphere of nuclear power, while the issue of investments
into nuclear power is a rather new aspect in this sphere
because it means participation of private persons in the
sphere of nuclear power production where the role of public
entities is dominating.
EU law, EU energy law, EU law in the sphere of nuclear power, EUROTOM Supply Agency, investments, research activity, supply, ITER (International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor).
The dialogue of cultures
Karpova, E. V. (2012). Objective Conditions for Perception
of Space in Philosophy and Law Concepts of Natural Law. Politics and Society, 12, 3544.
All the variety of external conditions for perception
of space is viewed from the point of view of natural
law approach. Objective legal reality is described as the
combination of ideal factors (God, Logos, mind, justice,
freedom, distance) and real factors (social and living conditions,
prevailing type of industrial relations). It is concluded
that conceptions of natural law approach draw
out the special picture of philosophical and law concepts
where vertical and horizontal elements are crossed. Principles
of formal inequality and equality, ontological unity
of divine mind and human society sets the direction of
cogitation and defines peculiarities of external objective
conditions for philosophy and law perception of space.
philosophy, perception, space, natural law, law, activity, God, Logos, equality, inequality.
The dialogue of cultures
Nikandrov, A. V. (2012). Norberto Bobbio about Politics and Culture:
Independence of Intellectuals and Autonomy of Culture. Politics and Society, 12, 4550.
The article is devoted to intellectual discussions in
Italy during the second half of XX century which were dedicated
to the problems of autonomy of culture. Among numerous
disputes and intellectual speeches the author stresses out
the debates between Italian communists and a representative
of liberal social philosophy, follower of Gobetti and Rosselli,
Turinese professor in the spheres of philosophy of law and
philosophy of politics, Norberto Bobbio who presented his
original conception about intellectuals and political tasks under
the conditions of cold war and growing block opposition.
political studies, intellectuals, liberalism, culture, policy, bias, organic intellectual, negative freedom, liberalism, socialism.
Social studies and monitoring
Lavrinenko, V. N. (2012). Spiritual Life of a Society as a Common
Heritage of Mankind. Politics and Society, 12, 5158.
The article is devoted to the description of spiritual
needs as the main drivers of spiritual and social activity in
all spheres of social life, social nature of public consciousness
and individual consciousness of individuals as the individual
peculiarities of perception of certain phenomena,
social life and, in the long run, their individual views, interest
and values All forms of public consciousness political,
legal, moral, esthetical, religious and others are
interacted and inter-related because these spheres of social
life interact, too. Thus, social consciousness is viewed as
some kind of an integrity reproducing the integrity of social
life itself and shown in all social indissoluble connections.
philosophy, values, images, thoughts, ideas, theories, views, moral, consciousness, experience.
Humanitarian projects
Ursul, A. D., Ursul, T. A. (2012). Future of Humankind: Apocalypse
or Evolution?. Politics and Society, 12, 5972.
The authors view the question about possible death
of humankind that has been often raised and discussed by
many other philosophers and scientists. At the same time, the
authors discuss Tsiolkovskys views on possibility of eternal
progress of the society that was born and has been developed
on our planet as a result of space exploration. The authors
study numerous global and cosmic threats and dangers that
may arise before human in the course of his development. The
authors also estimate the possibility of the hypothesis of social
immortality. They analyze the assumption about the principle
possibility to create a higher stage of the material evolution
which would be called the post-social (or supra-social) stage.
philosophy, apocalypse, geocosmic safety, death of humankind, global catastrophes, cosmology of spirit, cosmic catastrophes, post-social stage of evolution, social immortality, trans-humanism.
Public dialogue
Rozin, V. M. (2012). Peculiarities of Social and Political Discourse. Politics and Society, 12, 7380.
Based on Yulia Latyninas views, the author of the
article analyzes peculiarities of one of the types of social and
political discourses. The author criticizes the term state dependence
introduced by Latynina because it makes everyone
feel like a social addict, i.e. someone who leads a wrong life
or has a disease. The author also views the conditions for the
possibility of social and political discourse: logic of reasoning,
its grounds and proving methods. The author also considers
the two forms of logic used by Latinina. One of them
is almost Marxian: there are general social and cultural patterns
followed by people whenever people realize it or not The
other, subjective logic, is usually defined by a social actors
beliefs and values. Based on examples in history (Mexican
prince Tlacaelel, our tsar Ivan the Terrible, medieval struggle
for the power in Europe between Popes and civil authorities),
the author analyzed the connection between these two types
of logic. It has turned out that on one hand, relations between
personality, society and community plays an important role,
and on the other hand peculiarities of the leading type of sociality
and general social life conditions are important, too.
philosophy, discourse, sociality, anomie, justice, state dependence, crisis, personality, society.
Public dialogue
Koren, R. V. (2012). Conciliarism and Globalism: Comparative Analysis
from the Point of View of Theology and Cultural Studies. Politics and Society, 12, 8185.
The purpose of the article is to show the difference between
conciliarism and globalism that sometimes remains undistinguished
by politicians, social activists and humanitarians. At
the same time, the author uses theological and culturological approaches
to studying the problem. It expands the evidential base and creates a didactic effect for all church and society people.
From the ontological point of view, conciliarism is the higher
principle of unity because it is created by the ideal beginning.
Globalism is the method of uniting based on the material beginning.
Different ontology is the feature of connections in these systems,
too. In global studies only mechanic and organic connections
exist. Conciliarism creates the highest organic hierarchic
system. Global connections are mostly material. But the main
difference is that conciliarism is the unity made by the Gods till
while globalism is the unity made by the \'Prince of Peace\'.
cultural research, society, subtle policy, theology, national unity, globalism, ontology, union, connection, fundamental nature.
The heritage of transformation
Asadullaev, I. K. (2012). Reflection, Darwinism, Sufism. Universal
Law of Reflecting Proportion. Politics and Society, 12, 8692.
Reflection is a unique phenomenon that explains not
only Darwinism but also some philosophies such as Sufism.
Within the framework of our world uniqueness is not absolute.
Similarity creates the grounds for interactions when one turns
into the other and the other is returned in the same proportion
to the interacting party. Biosphere is built on reflection, too,
when organisms give birth to other organisms and interact
with one another. This is the cardinal problem of science.
philosophy, reflection, one and the other, general existence, Kant, Avicenna, Sufism, dialectics, uniqueness, similarity.
The heritage of transformation
Naumova, E. A. (2012). Social Status of Higher Education Workers
in Market Paradigm of Development. Politics and Society, 12, 9398.
The article is devoted to the transformations of
social status of a university lecturer. The author shows the
factors that make Russian university teachers feel worse
with their social status. The author also uses the market
criteria for evaluating the status of University teachers
and underlines the connection between their social status
and public opinion and stereotypes of behavior strategies
of adaptation of teachers to modern socio-economic environment.
The author also offers her own interpretation of
tendencies and transformations of a teachers social status
in mid-term perspective.
social studies, status, education, consistency, lecturers, adaptation, market, society, stereotypes, strategies.
The heritage of transformation
Tarasenko, V. G. (2012). The Approach to the Interpretation of
the Russian-Eurasian Civilization in the Light of Time. Politics and Society, 12, 99107.
The article investigates the subject of the philosophical
reflection from the close of the 19th century till the beginning of
the 21st century. The possibilities of the reconsideration of the
Eurasian civilization are revealed as a stabilizing constituent of
the Eurasian socium. The continuity of the ethnic composition is
established as a form of social organization in the post-Soviet society. The growing effect of globalization is characterized and it is focused
on by social metaphysics as the dynamics of the consciousness
of socium. It is indicated that under present-day conditions of
growing radicalism the destruction of the integrative cultural basis
and the emergence of a new socium in Eurasia is accompanied
by crises, wars, disasters among millions of people. A new accent
in interpreting the Eurasian Russian civilization is pointed out
taking into account the integration of sociocultural processes and
the political development in perspective. Different approaches to
interpreting the Eurasian idea are investigated. Its sociocultural
aspect is exposed in the light of time concerning the formation of
the Eurasian civilization as well as speeding up degradation and
the illusion of the sociocultural domination of the West all over the
World and from the aspect of globalization as a phenomenon.
philosophikal reflection of the 19th 21st centuries, reconsideration of the Eurasian civilization, sociocultural processes of the 21st century, the Eurasian sociointern.
The heritage of transformation
Kosyak, E. V. (2012). Evolution of Foreign Policy Priorities in Spain
During XX XXI Centuries: New Directions and Paradigms. Politics and Society, 12, 108113.
The article contains the research of the main directions
in foreign policy of Spain during XX-XXI centuries
within the framework of global and intra-state transformations.
The author of the article analyzes the countrys modern
foreign policy as a part of consecutive legislative assemblies
of the National Party (1996-2004), Spain Socialists
Working Party (2004-2012) and return of the National Party
in October 2011. The author also describes conceptual
approaches lying in the basis of new foreign policy priorities
and directions. The analysis of the main approaches to
the leading political parties of the country in the sphere of
foreign policy as well as their peculiarities allows to create
the picture of modern foreign policy in Spain.
history, Spain, foreign policy, priorities, state institution, party, legislative assembly, workers, socialists, features.
The heritage of transformation
Iskuzhin, R. K. (2012). Experience of the Soviet Federalism in
State Construction of the Russian Federation. Politics and Society, 12, 114120.
The article analyzes the grounds of Soviet federalism
that played an important role in formation of the
Russian state institution from the point of constitutional
paradigm. The study of the forms and models of federalism
during the USSR and RSFSR period allows not only to
create an adequate description of its dynamics in the past
and preset, its experience and history of development, but
also allows to develop the conception of modern federalism
and help to perceive it as a specific political system
that is based on the Russian history and rich traditions.
law studies, federalism, federation, sovereignty, federative agreement, Constitution of Russia, centralization, decentralization, political conflict, consensus.