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«Politics and Society» (18+)

¹ 11, 2011
Published since
2004 year

Question at hand
P. 4 - 10
Morality and politics
P. 11 - 20
State and civil society
P. 21 - 30
P. 31 - 37
P. 38 - 45
P. 46 - 51
The nationality issue
P. 52 - 57
People and work
P. 58 - 63
Family and society
P. 64 - 73
Social studies and monitoring
P. 74 - 79
P. 80 - 90
P. 91 - 101
Human and citizen
P. 102 - 112
Main human rights and liberties
P. 113 - 127
P. 128 - 135
Legal history
P. 136 - 142
P. 143 - 152
P. 153 - 161
Issues of social partnership
P. 162 - 170
Contents details