Morality and politics
Shebzukhova, T.A., Bondarenko, N. G. (2011). Moral, Legal and Political Aspects of Freedom as a Part of the
Principle of Determinism. Politics and Society, 12, 4–11.
The article is devoted to the relation between the principle of determinism and anthropological interpretation
of freedom; the author provides explanation of social phenomena from the point of view of the causal and
functional relations penetrating the society and defi ning social dynamics. The author of the article also considers the
relation between economic basis and legal forms of autonomy of consciousness, internal contradictions of law and
internal dialectical contradictions of legal consciousness.
political science, morals, consciousness, democracy, dialectics of slavery and mastery, relations of power, personality, totalitarianism, equality, principle of determinism.
Morality and politics
Karpovich, O. G. (2011). Modern Approaches of the USA and European Union to International Confl ict
Management. Politics and Society, 12, 12–17.
The article is devoted to the civilization-based cultural approach to modern models, methods and technologies
of psychological management of international and domestic confl icts.
In a modern world there is a great variety of methods and technologies of psychological infl uence on confl icts, however,
if we study them in detail, all of them have distinct cultural and civilization differences, and can be conventionally
combined into the four world-view approaches: Anglo-Saxon, East Asian, Middle Eastern (Islamic) and West
European (Romano-Germanic).
political science, politics and society, international relations, external policy, national security, peacekeeping operations, peace enforcement, confl ict management technologies, international confl ict, USA.
Morality and politics
Panchenko, B. B. (2011). Peculiarities of Formation of a Political Myth. Politics and Society, 12, 18–25.
The article is devoted to the problem of formation of a political myth in a modern society. The author of
the article describes the main technologies used in myth-making process and the main forms and types of political
political science, myth, myth-making, technologies, rituals, traditions, idea, stereotypes, functions, types.
State and civil society
Belov, K. V. (2011). Models of Understanding of the Concept of Global Civil Society. Politics and Society, 12, 26–38.
The article analyze the basic model of understanding the concept of the ‘global civil society’ – a new form
of organization of civil initiatives under the conditions of speeding up globalization of modern age. This term is a
rather new one for the Russian sector of the world political science. First time it was introduced abroad in early 1990
and today it has plenty defi nitions which often contradict to one another. Along with that, the author describes the
main paradigms of approaches to describing the contents of the term and its interdisciplinary nature. The article
also refl ects the basic critical approaches to the analysis of the concept ‘global civil society’ in general. The author
makes an attempt to defi ne the main paradigms of understanding this concept. Based on that, the author gives the
most comprehensive defi nition of the global civil society. According to the author, this defi nition answers the requirements
of political science to the phenomenon of the global civil society.
political science, civil society, global civil society, NKO and NGO, social organizations, Third Sector, trans-national civil society, international civil society, non-governmental organizations, globalization from below.
State and civil society
Timerbaev, T. A. (2011). Parliamentarian Model of Modern Russia before Elections of Candidates for the 6th State
Duma. Politics and Society, 12, 39–44.
Modern party system in Russia has a number of peculiarities typical for the Russian political system: primary
multiplicity and fractionality of parties, gradual detachment of the ‘ruling party’ and displacement of other
parties to the periphery. This article views some peculiarities of functioning of the Russian parliament under the
conditions of the domination of the ‘party of power’.
law, parliament, modernization, political tandem, multiplicity of parties, vertical power structure, election system, pluralism, party of power, authoritarianism.
State and civil society
Scherbak, E. N. (2011). Legal Problems of State Management in the Sphere of Higher Education in Russia in the
Context of the Educational Market and Globalization. Politics and Society, 12, 45–49.
It is possible to solve a variety of systemic problems of higher education provoked by the country’s accession
to the Bologna process in the economic crisis only if we form a new sytem of administrative and legal regulation
which takes into account national peculiarities and traditions of the national high school rather than blind copying
of western experience.
law, state institution, system, management, education, legislation, autonomy, higher education, higher education market, training and competition.
National security
Pirzadaev, A. N. (2011). Forms, Types and Consequences of Crime in the Criminal Law of the Republic of
Kazakhstan. Politics and Society, 12, 50–57.
This article focuses on the concept of «criminal consequences». The paper considers the concept of «criminal
implications», form, composition, and its species.
signifi cant harm, the consequences of crimes qualifying feature, the qualifi cations of criminal acts, dangerous act, aggravating the consequences of crime.
National security
Spektor, A. A. (2011). On the Question of Forms and Types of Inspections when Carrying out the State Control
(Supervision) and Municipal Control of Entrepreneurship. Politics and Society, 12, 58–65.
The article is devoted to the ratio of scheduled and unscheduled inspections as well as potential forms of
such inspections when carrying out state control (supervision) and municipal control of entrepreneurship.
law, supervisory body, entity which carries out entrepreneurial activity, forms of inspection, unscheduled inspection, on-site inspection, supervision, individual entrepreneur, legal entity, municipal control.
The nationality issue
Cherepanov, V. A. (2011). We and Them. Politics and Society, 12, 66–71.
The article analyzes the problematic issues of formation of cross-national relations during the Post-Soviet
period. Based on the author, missing national ideology resulted in a new generation of young people who do not feel
any involvement or commitment to the united Russian society. The author proves the need in developing and gradual
implementation of Russian national ideology and state national policy based on the dominating role of the Russian
culture and language as means of cross-national communication.
political science, sovereignty, Federal Agreement, cross-national relations, We and Them, national idea, solidating ideology, Wahabiism, national policy, Russian philology.
The nationality issue
Kushtakova, A. A. (2011). Peculiarities of a Regional Process of State Construction in the Republic of Dagestan. Politics and Society, 12, 72–81.
The article describes the modern social and political situation in the Republic of Dagestan which refl ects
a striking contrast between superfi cial stabilization of the situation in a region and presence of social, economic,
trans-ethnic, historical and political contradictions, biter rivalry between clannish groups for power, infl uence and
economic resources. Internal struggle is mostly carried out outside the public policy, based on the main factors of
confl icts which demand a comprehensive analysis. Focuses of potential pretensions of ethnical communities towards one another as well as towards the state institution,
extreme forms of confrontation of confl icting parties, internal controversies of social movements and institutions
which were so solid and united not so long ago – it all creates a true need in the theoretical analysis of state
construction in the Republic of Dagestan.
political science, republic, Dagestan, region, peculiarities, state institution, power, management, body, functioning.
Social studies and monitoring
Lukianov G. I., Cherednichenko, I. A. (2011). Development of Theoretical Aspects of the Social Transformation
Defi nition. Politics and Society, 12, 82–89.
The article is devoted to the theoretical and methodological grounds of social transformation ongoing in the
world now. The author gives the defi nition of social transformation as a combination of systematic changes of social
sphere of the society. Special attention is paid at the fact that phenomenologically, social transformation is refl ected
in the social reality. The author conducts explication and comparative analysis of essential characteristics of the
term ‘social change’ (as an element of the defi nition ‘social transformation’) and ‘social transformation’. The process
of social revolution is viewed as one of the outcomes of social transformation. Based on the analysis of a number
of terms characterizing the social changes such as ‘transfer’, ‘evolution’, ‘revolution’, ‘re-evolution’ the author of the
article concludes that the social transformation is the most universal category, i.e. it has a wider content.
social studies, social transformation, social reality, social change, social control, social structure, social revolution, social evolution, defi nition, cultural code.
Social studies and monitoring
Gibadullina, E. M. (2011). Volga Region Tatars in Barter in the Territory of Kazakhstan during the Second Half
of XVIII - XIX centuries. Politics and Society, 12, 90–101.
During the second half of XVIII-XIX centuries there were certain geoeconomic and geopolitical reasons
for activating trading relations between Russia and Kazakhstan. Socio-cultural identity of Volga region Tatars and
Kazakhs has allowed the Russian government to mobilize Tatars for development of the trading relations between
Russia and Kazakhstan. The most widespread forms of trade of Tatars in steppe was exchange which was carried out
during karavanno-transit, on exchange court yard, and also in a kind of setting up. Barter was carried out by Tatars
both on Orenburg, and on Siberian lines as well as in steppe villages.
geoeconomy, geopolitics, geostrategy, ethno linguistic, confessional, identity, transit, barter, setting up trade.
Public dialogue
Bekbosynov, M. B. (2011). Ethno-political Issues of Development of the Russian Federalism. Politics and Society, 12, 102–108.
The author of the article studies the issues of supporting ethno-political stability in the Russian Federation.
The author describes the main tendencies of development of ethno-political situation in the country and analyzes
contradictions related to the federal form of government, national and administrative-territorial policy.
political science, federalism, federative relations, ethno-national policy, Russian Federation constituent, ethno-political process, national state institution, ethnos, nation, political regional studies.
Conflict and consensus
Poya, S. (2011). Afghan-Pakistan Confl icts in 1949 – 1963 because of Disagreements Regarding Pashtunistan. Politics and Society, 12, 109–116.
Relations between Pakistan and Afghanistan in the fi rst decade of decolonization and the partition of British
India were characterized by a fervor, then a temporary easing of tensions, caused by the desire of the ruling circles
of Afghanistan, especially after coming to power, Daoud Khan in 1953, to use a so-called “Pashtunistan issue” for
the restoration of historical justice.
Afghanistan, Pakistan, the Loya Jirga, Mohammad Daoud Khan, the “Durand Line”.
The heritage of transformation
Kashapov, T., Fabiankova, K. (2011). Trade and Economic Relations between Czechoslovakia and the Soviet Union
(Russia) in the Period of 1990-1992. Politics and Society, 12, 117–128.
The Soviet-Czechoslovak relations were an important part of foreign politic and economic strategy of the
Soviet Union. The breakdown of the Eastern bloc marked the end of the active cooperation of two countries. This
article is aimed at the analysis of the state of bilateral trade and scientifi c-technological cooperation, the reasons of
signifi cant reduction of mutual economic relations in the period of 1990-1992 and its consequences for both sides.
Besides, the authors’ goal was to inform Russian reader about the recent chapter in the history of the relations of
the Soviet Union and CSFR, to evaluate the importance of bilateral cooperation for two countries and make generalization
of contemporary Russian, Czech and English language material dedicated to study of the bilateral Soviet-
Czechoslovak relations.
USSR, Czechoslovakia, community, commerce system theme, industry, discredit, socialism, communism, community
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Akhatov, Yu. K. (2011). Sakhalin Region in the Context of Migration. Politics and Society, 12, 129–136.
Migration policy, implemented in the Sakhalin region should promote rational distribution of population in
the region, both through internal redistribution of, and due to the infl ow from outside and should be an important
source of new labor force. Without a reasonable immigration policy aimed at regulating internal migration fl ows to
the region and attract additional labor, is unlikely to solve the large-scale socio-economic challenges of regional
development that are emerging in the future. On how well will meet the challenge of attracting the required number of
foreign workers in the economy of the region most directly dependent on economic growth and, consequently, living
standards and social stability of the population of Sakhalin Oblast.
Sakhalin Region, migration policy, labor, migrant workers, foreign labor.
Main human rights and liberties
Kuznetsov, I. V. (2011). Russia Needs a Patent Court. Politics and Society, 12, 137–145.
The article is devoted to the problem of improvement of mechanisms of protecting intellectual property. The
author of the article describes the theoretical and legal grounds for the need and possibility of creation a specialized
patent court as the key element in forming an effective system of protection of intellectual activity. The other
element of this system is the pre-trial mechanism of protection of intellectual property. Special attention is paid at
the prerequisites of legal and economic nature as well as the study of foreign experience and its projection of the
Russian legal reality.
studies of law, law, court, patent, intellectual, property, protection, reformation, pre-trial, mechanism.
Main human rights and liberties
Brizetsky, S. N. (2011). Constitutional and International Law Enforcement of Guarantees of Rights of the Disabled
in the Russian Federation. Politics and Society, 12, 146–157.
The article shows the constitutional international law enforcement of guarantees of rights of invalids in the
Russian Federation.
Constitutional and international law, enforcement of guarantees of rights, disabled, Russian Federation.
Main human rights and liberties
Morozov, N. V. (2011). The Role of European Court in the Mechanism of Protection of Rights and Freedoms of
Human and Citizen. Politics and Society, 12, 158–165.
The article is devoted to the role of European court in the mechanism of protection of rights and freedoms
of human and citizen. The author analyzes the international and legal legislative acts on protection of rights and
freedoms through the system of international justice. The author makes an attempt to cast light on current issues of
implementation of the European Court decisions, enforcement of responsibilities of the Russian Federation to comply
with the human rights as well as to trace further tendencies and development of mechanisms of protection of rights and freedoms where the Russian citizens play an important role, too. It is concluded that the main task of the Russian
state institution is not to ‘avoid’ sanctions but to make the human rights legislation comply with the international
studies of law, constitutional, mechanism, protection, right, human, European, court, decision, appeal.
Malyshev, V. B. (2011). Inhuman Areola of Power. Politics and Society, 12, 166–173.
The article is devoted to the phenomenon of power from the point of view of its infl uence on inhuman nature.
The power hasn’t been viewed from the point of view before; the author of the article also describes the types of the
‘inhuman’. The inhuman is represented from the point of view of existentialism and symbolic structure as well as
through the image of metaphysical clock of the European culture. The author of the article successively studies the
facts of culture and patters of the inhuman during the epoch of desacralization of power when the sacral is linked
with the secular so tightly that it becomes one whole phenomenon. The author studies the ‘golden proportion’ of human
and inhuman features in the fi gure of the ruler and underlines the importance of the inhuman areola of relations
of power. In the course of discussion it becomes clear that the inhuman factor goes far beyond the sphere of power.
The inhuman totally infl uences our whole life.
political science, inhuman, metaphysics of power, fi gure of the ruler, sacral and secular, more than human, non-anthropomorphic, oprichnina, semiotics of death, objectivation.
Legal history
Borisovsky, E. E. (2011). Russian Liberal Political and Legal Thought at the End of XVIII — beginning of XIX: I.
P. Pnin and K. F. German. Politics and Society, 12, 174–178.
The article analyzes the views of the representatives of the liberal thought – I. P. Pnin and K. F. German
– on ways of reformation of the Russian state institution at the end of XVIII – beginning of XIX. Unfortunately, not
so many scientists actually studied Pnin’s and German’s views although they did lay the theoretical basis for many
future liberal ideas.
studies of law, liberalism, XVIII, XIX centuries, Alexander the First, reforms, I. P. Pnin, K.F. German, statehood, transformation.