Zholkov, S. (2018). Philosophical issues of pragmatic theories: genesis and architectonics, I. SENTENTIA. European Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 3, 1–11.
The subject of this research is the real pragmatics, i.e. the goal-oriented activity of social subjects (individuals, human associations). The real pragmatics overall, in unity and interaction of the natural and humanitarian worlds, is an object of pragmatic theories. In the practical aspect, the actual goals of the analysis and management of complex systems and their systemic analysis in the combined natural science and socio-humanitarian component are in high demand. The article determines the requirements for the information base and architectonics of the pragmatic theory necessary for structuring a trustworthy scientific theory of real pragmatics. A comparative analysis with construction of “theoretic knowledge” offered by V. S. Stepin is conducted. The author formulates the general laws and requirements for the architectonics of the components of authentic and informative pragmatic theories. As a result of a careful comparative analysis, the author is first to demonstrate that the scheme of structuring substantial and provable pragmatic theories is fully compatible with the construct of the (post-nonclassical) “theoretical knowledge” of V. S. Stepin. The author also underlines that the proposed by V. S. Steping scheme of theoretical knowledge derives from not only the meticulously examined physical theories, but also the mathematical theories.
critical analysis of information, information base, concepts and constructs, ideal objects, basis of a theory, rational oundations, dogmatic foundations, terms and (logic) formulae, conceptual analysis, architectonics of pragmatic theories
Political science
Sanusi, H.A. (2018). Diplomatic methods of conflict resolution: on the example of Ghana. SENTENTIA. European Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 3, 12–17.
Since the moment of its establishment, the United Nations (UN) acted as a guarantor of peace and stability in the world. According to the UN Charter, the member-states are obliged to contribute to the collective security mechanisms, adopted by the organization as the means for maintaining global peace and security. This article examines the place of peacemaking in foreign policy of the Republic of Ghana, as well as analyzes the experience in peacemaking activities. The subject of this research is the conflict resolution between the countries through diplomacy. The author considers Ghana’s experience in peacemaking activities, as well as the importance and problem of peacemaking in its foreign policy. Special attention is given to Ghana’s contribution to provision of military and civilian personnel with the UN peacemaking operations. In the course of this research it is demonstrated hoe the smaller players such as Ghana applied the method of soft power for achieving some of their foreign policy goals. The peacekeeping operations in Ghana are sponsored by the United Nations.
Ghanaian foreign policy, Ghana, Ghana Arm Forces, Peacekeeping in Congo, Soft Power, Security, Conflict Resolution, Diplomacy, United Nations Peacekeeping, United Nations
Danilenko, D.V. (2018). Is the era of public urban transport over?. SENTENTIA. European Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 3, 18–34.
The article tackles new technologies impact on urban transportation and gives some projections on how the future of urban passenger transit and urban goods transportation would look like. The research is centered mainly on the impact of those technologies on modal choice and explains how the impact of new theologies will contribute to the obsolescence of the public urban transport. Several factors are taken into account to support this idea. Projections on decrease in urban transport are based on major challenges of labor market (automation and teleworking), as well as ecommerce development, which will cut the demand for public transport ridership by half. Those trends will also substantially reduce the car ownership, and thus contribute to traffic decongestion. At the same time, shared-ridership platforms (Uber, etc.) have significantly decreased the cost of transit by private means of transport, equal to some fares of public transport, whereas driverless and electric cars will further decrease the cost of transit by private means of transport up to making public transport unnecessary.
cargo transportation, modal choice, new technologies, car, public transport, urban transit, urban transport, urban traffic, individual vehicle, communication technologies
Kryuchkov, K.S. (2018). Hermeneutics of love: new ground for psychological and social practice. SENTENTIA. European Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 3, 35–45.
This article analyzes and compares two analytical approaches actively advanced in the school of America hermeneutic psychology and clinical social psychology: “hermeneutics of love” and “hermeneutics of suspicion”. The author examines the hermeneutics as not only a narrow practice of interpretation of texts, but as a foundation for thinking and professional worldview, including for psychological work. Hermeneutics of suspicion serves as the foundation for many research and therapeutic practices. At the same time, hermeneutics of love is the basis for psychological practices, developing within the framework of hermeneutic psychotherapy, including client-centric psychotherapy of Carl Rogers and its branches. This work is completely theoretical. The author claims that the hermeneutics of love may not only be an approach towards interpretation and understanding of text, but also the ethical and epistemological basis for social practices. Moreover, it can serve as the foundation for practices pertaining to interaction with people and communicative practices, and not just for psychological practice.
Epistemology, Onthology, Ethics, Ground for practice, Hermeneutics of suspicion, Hermeneutics of love, Hermeneutics, Grounds for understanding, Basis for practice, Art of interpretation
Pevneva, I.V. (2018). Psycholinguistic comparative study of verbal behavior of the Russian and Americans in a conflict situation . SENTENTIA. European Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 3, 46–53.
The subject of this research is the verbal behavior of the representatives of the Russian and American linguistic culture considered within the framework of the basic behavioral strategies in a conflict-generating communication. The phenomenon of conflict and the problem of misunderstanding mostly manifest in all areas of social and interethnic relations. Verbal communication implies a strategic process, which helps a speaker to select the language resources for its realization. Reference to the strategy contributes to the accomplishment of goals and tasks of the dialogue participants, making the communication process either successful or leading to a communicative conflict. The object of this research is the natural communication. The scientific novelty consists in carrying out a multifaceted cross-cultural examination of the impact of ethnocultural, gender and other traits of the participants of communication upon the choice of the verbal communication means in a conflict. The results of the work can be valuable or the participants of international academic exchange (students and educators), as well as those whose activity relates to the work in a polycultural Russian-American space.
strategies, verbal aggression, Americans, Russians, verbal behavior, communication, conflict, gender, cooperation, confrontation
Maslova, E.G., Minasyan, E.T. (2018). Literary works and language as a source to tailor and enhance ESP courses for economic universities. SENTENTIA. European Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 3, 54–60.
The subject of this research is to explore modes of teaching business English through literary works specifically related to typical business environment, vocabulary and terminology. The purpose of this article is to describe the role of literary arts aimed at improving students’ language competences by providing them with the opportunity to acquire language and business skills through exploring fictional situations and future profession-related topics. The research methods include analysis and generalization of learner-centered teaching approaches, observation, questionnaire survey and empirical studies based on the complex interconnection of culture and literature. This article presents results of the research that involved 120 students of the 3rd year of Plekhanov Russian University of Economics. The research involved a survey based on tailored literary extracts focusing on economic insights and linguistic features, which prove to be of the utmost importance and novelty of this study. The results of the research demonstrate positive effect of reading and analyzing literature works, which enhance language skills, develop critical and analytical thinking abilities to perceive economic thoughts of diverse generations and cultures. Authors conclude that students who have achieved a particular level in their professional sphere and mastered business English find it encouraging to not only be acquainted with the literary heritage, but also share increased level of commitment in studying humanities.
social and political context, business fiction, rethorical speech, business English, Ayn Rand, economics, literary works, economic issues, free market, capitalism