Gurevich, P. S. (2013). The phenomenon of spirit in philosophical understanding of man. SENTENTIA. European Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 1, 4–842.
There is a widespread opinion that philosophical anthropology is
a field of knowledge about the origin, history and content of culture. This
statement is only partially true. Culture is demonstrative of a certain way
of being. Many anthropologists and cultural scientists do not set themselves
the task of finding out why man is as he is, what is his existential reality,
in which his determined originality is manifested. Reduction of the whole
problem of man to description of culture would mean disregard of the principal
side of the question: what determines the cultural essence of man?
The integrity of philosophical anthropology distinguishes it from other disciplines
that study man in one particular aspect. Philosophical anthropologists
wish to grasp, at least, the live wholeness of a person, his concrete «I».
Philosophical anthropology more decisively than, say, gestalt psychology
finds in man configurations and behaviours that are impossible to split and
put to the final analysis. Spirituality is undoubtedly among the basic human
existentials. The notion of «spirit» in philosophical anthropology has
a long and peculiar history. Since time immemorial, freedom, reflection,
spirit were considered to be man’s essential qualities. Spirit is man’s highest
ability permitting him to become a subject of meaning-setting, personal
self-determination, conscious transformation of reality. We, people, are the
present existence, consciousness in general and spirit, that is the ideasdriven
wholeness of comprehensible relationships in ourselves and in all
that we have created, done and thought.
philosophical anthropology, man, culture, human existentials, spirit, existence, meaning, wholeness, psyche, memory.
Asadullaev, I.K. (2013). The Eight Challenge of the Millennium? Part 1.
Emptiness is matter. The hypothesis of incompleteness
of the principle of conservation of mass and energy. SENTENTIA. European Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 1, 9–16.
This article attempts to show incompleteness of the principle of
conservation of mass and energy, on the basis of assumption of the recognition
of two new for the science types of substance — being of proposition
and being of perception, based on the fact that emptiness is not nothingness
(nothing), but «something» — type of substance. The hypothesis proceeds
also from the mutual transition of different types of matter: substances, fields
and spaces, into one another in strictly defined conditions. We expect the recognition
of emptiness as a type of matter to have far-reaching consequences
for numerous sciences. Firstly, it «legalizes» in terms of natural scientific
materialism, i.e. attaches legitimacy to the ideas of mass and energy extinction.
This, however, does not mean transition of something into nothing, and
by expanding conservation principle, we uphold the same position that matter
does not disappear, but converses from one type into another — emptiness.
The recognition of emptiness by matter brings to the cardinal conclusions
about the emergence of galaxies, black holes, stars and stellar substance from
space (emptiness). The hypothesis of emergence of substance in the centre of
galaxies receives another indirect confirmation.
energy, mass, principle of conservation, matter, galaxies, emptiness, nothing, hypothesis, being of perception, being of proposition.
Asadullaev, I.K. (2013). Eight Challenge of the Millennium? Part 2.
«Exhalation» of Black Holes as Transition from Light Matter
into Conditions of Non-Participation of Dark Matter
(On the new philosophical categories of participation
and non-participation). SENTENTIA. European Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 1, 17–22.
In that previous article, emptiness (space) was considered as a state
of substance within which other substances are transformed — matter and field.
In turn, matter and field form from the emptiness (energy).In the present paper,
we consider matter and field (the micro world, macro world and mega world)
as existence in our world. Non-existence in our world is existence in another
world, for example, «dark matter and dark energy.» This means that, possibly,
the «exhalation» of black holes is a transition of existence and certainty of our
light Universe into non-existence in the form of non-participation. However, this
non-existence is a form of existence of «dark matter and dark energy» which do
not participate in the processes of «light matter.» There is a «window» of interaction
in the form of gravitation between light matter and dark matter. However,
it is possible that there is another «window» — the transformation of the matterfield
of the light Universe into non-existence, that is, the existence of dark matter
and dark energy. Dark matter is a state of non-participation with light matter —
that is, with our light Universe. And vice-versa. The existence of «dark matter
and dark energy», which are non-existence in our world, transform into existence
in our light universe by birth of a matter-field of emptiness. This means
that through the «exhalation» of black holes there is a permanent shrinking of
the density of light matter, which at the same time increases the emergence of
light matters/ matter-field in the center of the galaxy or through other means.
We hope that this can be observed in light matter — that is, in our Universe. The
mass and energy of our light universe are both growing and shrinking simultaneously.
We hope that this can be observed through scientific observation.To be
a phenomenon within this Universe means to be in unity with its distinctness —
as manifestation and part of its distinctness. Every thing in this world is in
interaction with other things, and in contact and out of contact. This is the general
participation all things with each other — in the processes of one another.
Distinctness of this world in all its unlimited diverse manifestations, is only in
this way, not any other way, another distinctness may be nothingness, the nonexistence
this world. The unity of this distinctness consist in that every thing,
every object of this world may come into contact with any other thing.
black holes, categories, participation, nonparticipation, «dark matter», emptiness, substance, existence, nonexistence, galaxy, matter.
Spirova, E.M. (2013). Why do we need history?. SENTENTIA. European Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 1, 23–27.
People of the past are alive due to a special kind of social practice —
social memory. Modern psychology demonstrates sufficiently that no one can,
on their own, have an adequate understanding of their social behaviour and
the way of thinking. However sincere his attempts to be the judge of himself,
sooner or later he has to resort to somebody else’s judgement and interpretation.
This also holds true for the consciousness of nations, confessional
communities, political and ideological movements. A historian’s belonging to
some historiographic tradition or another, undoubtedly influences the character
of his research. And to the same degree, a historian’s work is influenced
by his individuality. Problems and methods of historical anthropology are not
infrequently called the history of mentality. This is associated with the French
School of Annals. The history of mentalities, however, can hardly pretend to
have an autonomous status in the system of historical knowledge. We cannot
to foresee to what and how history will respond, but there is an old observation
by social psychologists that social shifts begin in a form and depth
that nobody expects. People of the Renaissance considered that history began
with them, they imagined themselves to be pioneers, aware as they were that
they were reviving antiquity. Tradition often seems irrelevant, a password for
an archaic period and preposterous old times. But it is in tradition that infinite
social experience is crystallized.
philosophy, history, culture, tradition, stability, historicism, reform, revolution, social experience, progress.
Omelchuk, R.K. (2013). Evolution of rationality: intellect and the intelligible truth. SENTENTIA. European Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 1, 28–41.
The author examines value transformation of intellect and considers
it in close interrelation of intellect with attainable truth. The paper specifies
how intellect determines an object of cognition. The author argues that
during the various periods of history of philosophy types of intellect have
had specific ways of disclosure of the truth, determining priorities of personal
self-identification. It is concluded that value transformation of intellect
(buddhi, zhi, logos, reason, mens, ratio, intellect) is the basis of formation of
modern scientific and technological civilization with its prudent-consumer
attitude towards nature, society and a human. The paper will be of interest
not only to philosophers, but also to all those who are interested in current
problems of human being and cultural development of society.
rationality, types of intellect, truth, cognition, values’ heredity, history of philosophy, ontology of belief, value transformation, human being, cultural tradition.
Admiralova, I.A. (2013). Peculiarities of the initial investigation of human trafficking. SENTENTIA. European Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 1, 42–48.
the article contains information about the initial investigation
practices and peculiarities of the criminal case opening on matters related to
human trafficking. The article draws attention to what is understood by the
phase of initial investigation in criminal investigation. It is quite an independent
segment in the work on a criminal case, during which, along with the
general tasks, some specific and casual tasks are being solved, meaning the
tasks related to the crime detection and investigation and which are characteristic
of this particular phase in this investigation.
methodology, investigation, offence, trade, person, circumstance, detective, action, prevention, community.
Kostennikov, M.V., Kurakin, A.V. (2013). Corruption prevention in state administration
and civil service system in the Russian Federation. SENTENTIA. European Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 1, 49–60.
the article views legal and organizational issues in corruption prevention
in state administration and civil service system. The article calls attention
to how most of the organizational and administrative issues cause
corruption growth in the civil service system. As of today, we have to acknowledge
that the existing legislative measures are not sufficient to prevent
corruption, and in anticorruption policy we can see domination of the political
factor and political orientation. These issues hinder the implementation of
all existing legislative means aimed at corruption prevention.
The question of corruption prevention throughout the activities of public
authorities and state administration has acquired a global and systemwide
character. Corruption is an immediate threat to the national safety. It hinders
democratic and civil society institutions to develop; the citizens to realize
their constitutional rights in the sphere of education, public healthcare, social
maintenance and property relations. Besides, corruption has a negative
impact on the growth of economic and financial sector and all infrastructure
of the Russian state.
It is worth accentuating that corruption in the activities of public authorities
and state administration contributes to the growth of organized crime, encourages
the development of extremism and terrorism, threatens realization
of national projects and harms all state and legal reforms which are currently
being carried out in our country. The presence of all these and some other
issues proves that designing of an administrative and legal mechanism of corruption
prevention throughout the activities of civil servants and building of
the institute of administrative justice is objectively necessary.
As we can see from the experience in carrying out state and legal reforms, as
well as from the practice of law enforcement activities in the sphere of corruption
prevention, corruption arises in those spheres of public authorities and
civil servants activities in which the status is not fully described and where there are no administrative procedures set to provide services to the citizens
and legal entities. The experience of corruption revealing shows us that it
arises in the spheres where civil servants realize organizational, executiveadministrative,
control and supervising, jurisdictional and licensing powers.
Which is why it is necessary, especially today, to improve administrative and
legal regime of activities of civil authorities and administration.
corruption, prevention, fight, service, civil servant, administration, system, servant, prohibition, responsibility, control, threat.
Erpyleva, N.Yu., Butler, W.E. (2013). Proceedings with Participation of Foreign Persons
in International Procedural Law of Russia and Ukraine. SENTENTIA. European Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 1, 61–79.
This article is dedicated to one of the most interesting aspects of International
Procedural Law — litigation with participation of foreign persons. Authors
focused on a comparative analysis of Russian and Ukrainian legislation concerning
the regulation of international procedural relations. Article includes two paragraphs:
the first one considers international jurisdiction of Russian arbitrazh courts
and Ukrainian economic courts on commercial matters; the second one examines
the recognition and enforcement of foreign judgments in commercial matters on
the territory of Russia and Ukraine. Authors deeply scrutinized a wide range of legal
documents including domestic legislation and international treaties embracing
either bilateral Treaty between Russia and Ukraine on legal assistance and legal
relations on civil, matrimonial and criminal matters, or multilateral international
treaties of regional character in the framework of the CIS in order to show the convergences
and divergences in Russian and Ukrainian law concerning participation
of foreign persons in international commercial litigation.
International Procedural Law; International Civil Procedure; International Jurisdiction; Foreign Per
Kanasz, T. (2013). Emotion and Value Perspectives in Sociological Investigation of Happiness
. SENTENTIA. European Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 1, 80–92.
The aim of this paper is to counter the following statement: the criticism of sociology for not involving issues of happiness is not fully justified. In general, both in classical as well as in contemporary sociology happiness has been included into sociological research. However, knowledge on happiness and happiness related phenomena is disseminated into different subfields of sociology (e.g. sociology of health, sociology of everyday life, sociology of culture etc.).Therefore, the main idea of this article is to show different ways of exploring happiness in various fields of sociology. Basically, the concept of happiness can be understood as an emotion (with its various types), a value (or rather a set of values) or an idea of “a good life”. Happiness as an emotion is explored by sociology of emotions, sociology of health, sociology of everyday life. Sociology of culture deals with happiness as a set of values. The topic of happiness as an idea of “a good life” appears in sociology of social change as well as in other fields of sociology related to family, education, politics, culture and media.Happiness can also be accompanied with other notions such as optimism, satisfaction with life, hope, or success. Sociology of happiness and well-being has been developed on the interdisciplinary basis and has not excluded studies of ill-being.The author believes that today, in the rapidly changing world, there is a greater than ever need for reflection on happiness and well-being of individuals.
Sociology, Happiness, Well-being, Values, Emotion, Good Life, Satisfaction with life, Classical Sociology, Contemporary Sociology, An Integrated Approach
Tinyakova, E.A. (2013). Professional Ethics for Business Relations. SENTENTIA. European Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 1, 93–99.
The article on professional ethics in business is partly review type
and classifying different approaches. Classic and non-classic approaches in
professional ethics are characterized. The influence of philosophical branches
on the content of professional ethics is shown. This way of presenting material
has been chosen by the author with the aim to emphasize the most problematic
and difficult points in contemporary professional ethics, particularly
accountants’. Ethical considerations are psychologically grounded in some
respects. The main notions of professional ethics are presented with the aim of
concretisizing their content. The focuses for building professional ethics have
been chosen: interaction of oppositions, social conditions of acceleration,
creativity, emphasis of individual realization, respect. The most difficult problem
has been pointed out: eternal moral stability and dynamic on-going of
our life which demands the decision of a moment. Overwording in description
of business relation is marked as a negative trait: all situations in professional
ethics can’t be described. The specific traits of accountants’profession are
underlined. Further prospects of discussing professional ethics are planned.
The conclusions serve the respect of human labour and its quality.
Philosophical ethics, professional ethics, the good, the evil, casuistics, labour quality, discipline, accountant, psychology, moral.
Stiblar, F.F. (2013). Economies of federal units of ex-Yugoslavia after independence. SENTENTIA. European Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 1, 100–119.
In present article the author’s aim is to find out how Post Yugoslav
countries could accelerate the past insufficient economic growth in order
to achieve a real conversion to advanced economies, which is required for
their accession to the EU. GDP growth rate is used as the main indicator for
economic growth, complemented by other indicators of economic and social
development. At the time of collapse in 1991, former Yugoslavia was among
less developed European countries with unsustainable economic and social
differences among its federal units. In the last twenty years, the economic
and social differences among Post Yugoslav countries increased even further,
partly due to different impact of military activities and partly due different
degree of approximation to the EU. Improvements in utilization of existing
factor endowments and creation of new factor endowments could accelerate
growth of Post Yugoslav countries by 2022 (by two thirds compared to 2005),
but not enough to enable their true real convergence, a precondition for the
EU membership. Despite changes in status (independence), economic system
(transition to private market economies) and economic environment (global
financial crisis), growth rates in Post Yugoslav countries in the last 40 years
remain at 3.3% on average. The author deeply scrutinizes the development
level and disparities of federal units on the eve of collapse of Ex-Yugoslavia
in 1990; analyses development of Post Yugoslav countries after their independence
until today; gives reasons for a prediction of economic growth of
Post Yugoslav countries in next decade until 2022.
Yugoslavia, economic, global financial crisis, banking sector, EU financial support, economic exposure, macro economic imbalances, insufficient, strategy, policy.