Agarkov K.Y..
The impact of political campaigning in social media during the campaign period of the Russian presidential election in 2024
// Sociodynamics.
2025. № 1.
P. 54-68.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2025.1.72958 EDN: NNIJUH URL:
Every year, the number of users of social networks is growing, representing not only a growth of communication between users and obtaining the necessary information, but also a political communication space growth. Over the past ten years, political parties have been increasing their presence on social media and broadcasting their political agenda. Currently, it is problematic to assess the effectiveness of communication on users of social networks with a political agenda. It is not clear what place political campaigning occupies on social networks against the background of other types of campaigning, including campaigning in the media. The hypothesis of the study is the statement that political campaigning on social networks influences the decision of the voter in the presidential elections of the Russian Federation. The research methodology includes: the method of content analysis, comparative analysis, as well as the method of comparison and the method of secondary data analysis. The aim of the work is to obtain data on the impact of the social media community of Russian presidential candidates during the election campaign in the 2024 elections. The objectives of the research are to study the political communication in the social networks of presidential candidates and the impact on the decision-making of the voter for whom to cast their vote on election day. The study is conducted during the campaign period from February 17 to March 15, 2024. The novelty of the work is to obtain specific data, on the basis of which a conclusion was drawn about the effectiveness of political campaigning on social networks in federal elections in Russia, as a result of which the hypothesis about the impact of political communication on social networks during the campaigning period was not confirmed.
electorate, content analysis, social networks analysis, campaign period, election campaigning, political communication, social networks, political technologies, social technologies, Presidential elections
Roslyakova M.V..
Official pages of Russian city administrations on social networks: analysis of audience activity and engagement (2022-2023)
// Sociodynamics.
2024. № 12.
P. 105-122.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2024.12.72728 EDN: ZARORW URL:
The development of digital technologies creates the basis for interaction between government authorities and citizens. The involvement of citizens in state and municipal management is considered as the most important state task. Communication methods and formats are expanding to ensure accessibility, efficiency and ease of interaction. Social networks are a popular tool for informing, advising and educating the population. Since December 1, 2022, public authorities are required to use social networks to interact with citizens, expanding opportunities for citizens to participate in the development of proposals, discussion and management decision-making. The article compares the activity on the official pages of the administrations of large Russian cities before and after the adoption of the law on the mandatory creation of official pages of public authorities in social networks (state-owned websites). The paper considered the official pages (state-owned publications) of the executive and administrative bodies of municipalities – administrations of 30 large cities that are the administrative centers of regions (subjects) of the Russian Federation. Data was collected on VKontakte pages, data collection and analysis was carried out manually and automatically using a specialized service for 2022-2023. The article compared and interpreted information about subscribers, publications on official pages, characterized the indicators of engagement and activity in the social network in absolute and relative terms. It was established that all the reviewed state-owned websites were created before 2022, but after the decision was made to create official pages, they became more active. The results show that the number of subscribers, publications, reactions (likes, comments, reposts) has increased, but overall engagement has decreased. The proposed study focuses on comparing the activity of official pages for 2022-2023, which distinguishes it from other studies that focus on monthly data analysis, the work is limited to the use of quantitative data. The conducted research contributes to the work on evaluating the effectiveness of state-owned websites, its results can be used by specialists responsible for maintaining social networks in public authorities to search for best practices in this area, improve feedback from authorities and society using social networks and assess the involvement of citizens in communication.
comment, repost, like, public page, official page, engagement, public administration, public participation, social network, feedback
Sedykh O.G., Alsaeva Y.G..
The concept of "abuse": content analysis of interpretations
// Sociodynamics.
2024. № 11.
P. 1-13.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2024.11.72468 EDN: MMWPPC URL:
This article presents the results of a content analysis of the concept of "abuse" in order to formulate a definition that takes into account the variety of interpretations of this phenomenon in the scientific literature. The subject of the study is abuse, as a negative trend in the relations of initially equal parties leads to the destruction of the personalities of its subjects, namely, the implementation of the "aggressor-victim" role model, in which there is violence (psychological or physical) from one partner to another. The detrimental effect of the development of this phenomenon on the passive side and its destructive impact on society significantly increases the importance of understanding and interpreting this phenomenon. In addition, abusive relationships often have a cyclical nature, which makes them even more destructive. The authors chose qualitative content analysis as the main method, which allows us to identify the essential features of the concept. The sample of the study consisted of 70 scientific publications (domestic and foreign) containing characteristics of the phenomenon under study. So, the study was conducted in several stages. The first one analyzes the publication activity on this topic, the second one analyzes the interpretation of the term "abuse" in domestic sources, and the third one — in foreign literature. According to the results of the analysis, we can note that in domestic sources "abuse" is defined more specifically than in foreign ones. Since for the latter, this concept is more often considered in the same plane (that is, it is applicable only in the relationship of a couple). In this regard, the characteristics given in the materials of the former can be applied more widely. Interestingly, the latter focus on the existence of such a feature as persecution, which is not mentioned in domestic sources.
role model, content analysis, word cloud, family violence, domestic violence, violence, consequences of abuse, abusive relationships, abuse, social phenomenon
Nemirovskaya E.P..
Generation Z media consumption practices in social media
// Sociodynamics.
2024. № 7.
P. 14-23.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2024.7.71212 EDN: UNIPZC URL:
The subject of the work is the media consumption of generation Z in social media. Within the framework of the subject of the study, the author presents a brief theoretical and methodological justification, paying special attention to the aspects of research in the field of media consumption by Russian authors A.V. Sharikov, I.A. Poluekhtova, V.P. Kolomiets, M.M. Nazarova, T.E. Grinberg, and also focuses on how large companies study media consumption of the audience (Analytical Center "Video International", TNS Russia). The focus of the research object is on generation Z. The author examines the boundaries of the generation and outlines the basic values inherent in it, in particular, the value of content consumption in social media, which the author emphasizes, referring to previous research. The study used the in-depth interview method, since it is important to obtain qualitative, rather than quantitative, information to identify the media consumption practices of generation Z in social networks. As a result of the study, the following aspects of media consumption of generation Z were revealed: specific sources of consumption of entertainment, news, educational, humorous content, situations when representatives of generation Z turn to social networks on weekdays and weekends, conditions for abandoning social networks, the problem of choosing content, listing significant bloggers, the need for microinfluencers, openness of new information and boundaries the news feed. The main significant conclusion of the work is that the media consumption of generation Z transforms their usual daily practices: waking up and preparing for bed, cooking and eating, walking and exercise. We can say about the transformation of social networks from platforms for communication into platforms that informatively accompany centenials throughout the day.
media consumption research, zoomers, in-depth interview, media consumption practices, media, social media, social network, centenials, generation Z, media consumption
Ravochkin N.N., Popov E.A..
Informal practices in intellectual networks
// Sociodynamics.
2024. № 3.
P. 45-56.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2024.3.70168 EDN: DCIAHH URL:
The functioning of society and its institutions is manifested in various practices that embody both officially established and a wide variety of socio-cultural norms. The subject of the study of this work includes systems of interactions and relationships in networks of intellectuals, which are formed in the process of habitualization of mechanisms of informal practices in the context of modern social development. The formal normative foundations of modern societies that ensure their stability and development prospects are studied. Guided by the concept of R. Merton, the authors emphasize the recognition of the permissibility of deviations from ideal normative designs. The object of the study is the processes of institutionalization of informal practices in the current conditions of social existence. The specifics of the design of intersubjective interactions between participants in networks of intellectuals in various informal institutions are presented, according to which their elements become generally accepted practice and in fact confirm their importance in the emerging relations, directing the development of modern social systems. The methodological foundations of the research are works on social philosophy, sociology, history and political science. The authors also addressed the methods and principles of the institutional, praxiological, network and system approach, as well as the theory of social interaction. The scientific novelty of the conducted research consists in identifying the ultimate foundations of informal practices, substantiating their heuristic advantages for modern social development in the theoretical and applied aspect, analyzing the regulatory capabilities of intelligent networks in relation to the normative foundations of specific spheres of social existence. The main conclusions drawn by the authors allow us to see that informal practices, including such socio-cultural concepts as activity orientations and attitudes, values and expectations, along with officially fixed and socially approved behavioral patterns, determine the effectiveness of intersubjective interactions and the attraction of additional resources. It is emphasized that in the realities of modern society on a global scale, the spheres of life are regulated by both formal norms and ideas introduced by intellectual networks, which contain informal rules.
values, norm, institute, idea, society, informal practice, intellectual, policy, economics, science
Shchekotin E.V..
The discourse of right-wing radicals in online communities (using the example of the VK social network)
// Sociodynamics.
2023. № 12.
P. 202-209.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2023.12.54677 EDN: OFIDOG URL:
The object of the study are discourses that are broadcast by supporters of right-wing radical ideology in the relevant communities in the largest Russian social network VKontakte. The study of the discourse of right-wing radicals is an urgent topic of scientific and practical research in modern socio-political conditions. The study of the discourses of right-wing radicals helps to better understand the value-ideological attitudes of representatives of this group of political extremists and to reveal the rhetorical techniques and practices that they exploit in the process of mobilizing supporters. The analysis of the discourses of right-wing radicals in social media is especially relevant, since in the conditions of a digital society, the Internet is becoming the leading source of information for a significant part of the population. Four thematic types of discourses are identified – racist, anti-Soviet, anti-Semitic and social-populist discourses. Racist discourse is characteristic of the communities of the "new" and "alternative" right, while supporters of the "old", imperial right actively exploit the theme of anti-Soviet discourse. Anti-Semitic and social-populist discourses are rather poorly represented in the communities selected for the study. With the help of PolyAnalist software, six clusters of terms have been identified based on the occurrence in texts in right-wing radical communities: news, value, anti-migrant, historical, socio-economic. The analysis of the frequency of mentioning words in negative tonality and positive tonality in the posts of right-wing communities is carried out. There are two major objects to which the negative discourse is directed: the modern political regime in the Russian Federation and the Soviet period.
social populism, anti-Semitism, anti - Sovietism, racism, political communication, thematic analysis, Vkontakte, discourse, right-wing radicals, social network
Filipova A.G., Skrypnikova E.M., Abrosimova E.E..
Features and types of self-presentations in educational video blogging
// Sociodynamics.
2023. № 11.
P. 46-62.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2023.11.69015 EDN: HAKZVE URL:
The rapidly developing video blogosphere attracts a diverse audience, including children and young people. The latter consume both entertaining and educational content. The Covid-19 pandemic has contributed to the increased digitalization of education, as well as the development of educational video blogging. The purpose of our study is to analyze the self-presentations of educational video bloggers and their typology. Empirical research materials are represented by texts of expert interviews with teacher-bloggers (N = 10) and focus groups with schoolchildren (N = 69), as well as direct videos posted on the channels of 48 educational bloggers (240 in total). Analysis of the video, accompanied by the study of scientific literature and expert statements, made it possible to identify two main and four additional types of self-presentation of educational video bloggers – «expert», «practitioner», “entrepreneur”, “creative type”, “insider”, “experimenter”. Among the criteria for identifying these types: emotional techniques; use of teaching tools and techniques, including technical ones; linguistic means; expression of one's own position; dialogical; background design, choice of clothing, etc. The description of each type of self-presentation is accompanied by examples from selected cases of English-speaking and Russian-speaking educational bloggers. Typology can be used both for self-reflection by the authors of educational channels and for research in this area. Subsequently, the typology will be verified using the factor analysis method on the described sample of 240 educational videos.
teacher, digitalization, self-presentation, communication, adolescents, educational video blog, video blog, school, blogosphere, education
Abramova S.B..
Criteria and factors of digital activism effectiveness: expert assessments
// Sociodynamics.
2023. № 11.
P. 63-77.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2023.11.69047 EDN: GAGFRR URL:
This article examines the problem of the effectiveness of digital participation, and sets the goal of defining criteria for measuring it and identifying factors that act as barriers to the implementation and achievement of full results of digital civic initiatives. The diversity of understanding efficiency is revealed in the context of the specifics of social processes and digital communications. It is shown that in the Russian and foreign scientific sociological field has not been formed a wide and substantiated experience and methodology for studying the effectiveness of online forms of civic activism, which determines the relevance of the research topic, as well as the need for a methodological solution to the problem. The empirical basis of the study is a survey of 16 experts in the field of digital activism from 8 federal districts of the Russian Federation conducted. The novelty of the work is related to the typology of the criteria for the effectiveness of digital participation, based on the analysis of expert assessments: effectiveness as effectiveness, effectiveness as the level of activity and involvement of citizens, effectiveness as development (creativity and innovation), social effectiveness and social effects, effectiveness as dialogue and the development of social partnership. Within each type there is a detailed description of the indicators and quotes from experts characterizing this performance indicator. It has been recorded that experts perceive the situation with the development of digital civic participation as dual, in which positive trends collide with barrier factors and conditions. Key factors-barriers have been identified: negative ideas about the effectiveness of digital activism, low awareness of the population about digital technologies and opportunities for participation, formalization and simulation of citizen activity, etc. Taking into account the results obtained, the prospects for future research are related to the study of the social effects of digital activism, identifying criteria for effectiveness in the assessments of the initiators and participants of activism, government officials and the media.
citizen involvement, digital platforms, civil initiatives, expert survey, barriers to participation, effectiveness, participation, digital activism, social effects, social activity
Zaitsev A.V., Akhunzyanova F.T., Zyablikov A.V., Maksimenko A.A..
Digital transformation of the public sphere: from offline communications to online dialogue between government and society
// Sociodynamics.
2023. № 10.
P. 96-108.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2023.10.44184 EDN: LTUJHO URL:
The subject of this article is modern innovative trends occurring in the context of communication between Russian state and municipal authorities and civil society. The essence of this transformation, taking place in the conditions of the digital information society, lies in the progressive reconfiguration of the “traditional” public sphere into a digital public sphere, civil society into a digital civil society, and the usual offline dialogue between government and society into a digital online dialogue. Unfortunately, many of these changes until now remain a completely unexplored and poorly researched aspect of info-communicative reality. The main goal is to clarify the ontological foundations of both the digital transformation of the public sphere and the reconfiguration of discursive practices from offline dialogue formats of communication into a digitalized online dialogue between government and society. The main methods that the authors used when writing the article are a systems approach, a structural-functional method and discourse analysis. The result of the work done is the conclusion that the digitization of the media, the rapid development of Internet communications and the digital information society at the end of the 20th and beginning of the 21st centuries allowed the public sphere to enter into the process of digital transformation. The novelty of the work lies in the fact that it specifies the infocommunication trend aimed at increasing dominance in the public sphere of digital online communications in the format of intersubjective interaction between government and society.
digitalization, public policy, institutionalization, discourse, communication, dialogue, society, state, digital public sphere, Habermas
Budnikova N.S..
Information openness of the state in Russia: executive authorities in social networks
// Sociodynamics.
2023. № 6.
P. 22-36.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2023.6.40709 EDN: TBQZVB URL:
Read the article
First Peer Review:
Second Peer Review:
Third Peer Review:
The subject of the study is the information openness of the state in Russia in terms of the work of executive authorities in social networks. An analysis of the study of the state of the digital sphere for 2022 is given. The author analyzes various points of view on building Internet communications between authorities and society. The chronicle of openness of executive authorities of the Russian Federation is considered. The analysis of the content strategies of executive authorities in building communication with the target audience in social networks was carried out. The main communication tasks are formulated, the solution of which is aimed at the work of the authorities in maintaining their accounts. The research is based on the results of an expert survey, on the study of scientific publications of individual authors, a review of the statements of officials, as well as the report of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation and articles in the media. The novelty of the study lies in a detailed study of the problem of the effectiveness of interaction between executive authorities and society in social networks. The main conclusions of the study: The use of social networks is becoming relevant for executive authorities, since the active audience of these media is more than half of the world's population. To date, the maintenance of state publications is mandatory for executive authorities. As part of this activity, various content strategies are used, the most effective of which is customized. Properly planned work in social networks makes it possible to increase the audience's awareness of the activities of the authorities, its loyalty and trust in the public sector.
social network, mass communication, digital communications, content strategies, The Internet, executive authorities, information society, mass media, state publications, public authority
Litvin V.V..
The space of political Internet communications in modern Russian Society
// Sociodynamics.
2023. № 6.
P. 58-66.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2023.6.40930 EDN: UBIYDT URL:
The author examines the space of political Internet communications in modern Russian society. The subject of the study is Internet resources related to the dissemination of political content. The object of the study is the Internet resources. The purpose of this study is to examine the subjects of political and communicative relations on the Internet and to study the resources of the Internet environment, with a special focus on the YouTube and Telegram platforms, since they are leaders among similar resources. The analysis used general scientific methods, such as empirical, institutional and historical. These methods helped in studying the interaction of political actors, analyzing the role and influence of YouTube and Telegram on political communication, as well as in understanding the changes taking place in the modern political environment as a result of the development of the Internet. According to the results of the research, the following conclusions were made. Actors of political relations mainly use resources that are in demand among the population to disseminate information. Political and communicative subjects can be divided into state and copyright. Their main difference is the possession of direct power to regulate relations in the state. The main growth in the audience over the past year has been received by platforms such as Telegram and YouTube, which causes political actors to be interested in these sites. The author comes to the conclusion that the Internet is a new stage in the dissemination of political information, it is a unique space of political communications, which is an independent phenomenon with its own characteristics, having significant differences from the traditional dissemination of political information.
mass media, Telegram, YouTube, state, Russia, political content, political communication, multimedia, Internet resources, Internet
Roslyakova M.V..
Social networks in the activities of executive authorities: adaptation to new ways of interaction
// Sociodynamics.
2022. № 7.
P. 42-56.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2022.7.38467 EDN: MAZJKV URL:
Social networks are used by 72% of the Russian population, government agencies are involved in digital communication through social networks to preserve information influence and establish a dialogue with society. The state of interaction between authorities and citizens in social networks is described by evolutionary stages, which differ in the intensity of interaction between authorities and users. In 2022, the list of popular social networks that are used in Russia has changed, a decision was made on mandatory registration of public authorities in social networks. The purpose of the article is to evaluate the practice of interaction of federal executive authorities in social networks. The study used quantitative and comparative methods that reveal the specifics of the interaction of federal executive authorities in social networks, the activity of official pages was evaluated using the social network analytics program. The study of official accounts showed that the authorities are at different stages of adaptation, some federal executive authorities are absent from social networks, the second group is at the stage of "registration and informing", the third group has advanced to the stage of "interaction". The reasons for the various activities of the authorities have been identified. The results can be useful in determining the policy of government agencies in social networks and developing recommendations on the organization of maintaining official accounts.
openness, e-government, executive authority, communications, feedback, repost, social network, like, public administration, social media
Linchenko A.A..
Myths about the past in media environment: theoretical grounds and Russian political practice
// Sociodynamics.
2022. № 1.
P. 1-17.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2022.1.32640 URL:
This article is examines the issues of constructive use of the myths about the past in media environment. The goal lies in the attempt to align several most significant theoretical models of interpretation of the social myth in order to comprehend constructive use of myths about the past in modern Russian politics of memory. This required referring to the peculiarities of the ontology of the past in media myth, as well as to the trends characteristic to modern foreign and Russian research of the politics of memory. The scientific novelty lies in the detailed analysis of the key categories that reveal the peculiarities of creating ontology of the past in modern media myth, as well as allow analyzing the constructive potential of myths about the past in media environment in the context of the Russian politics of memory (the function of cultural-historical orientation, motivating function, functions of conflict settlement). The author explores myths about the past, which in recent decades have become a crucial instrument for conducting a peculiar type of information warfare – the so-called “memorial” wars.
the myths of mass-media, symbolic policy, social myth, media, myths about the past, the politics of memory, demyfologization, constructivism, mediaculture, historical culture
Gigauri D.I..
2021 State Duma elections: blogs, social networks, and party Identity in the virtual space
// Sociodynamics.
2021. № 11.
P. 1-21.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2021.11.36962 URL:
This article provides a comprehensive review of the modern Internet practices and virtual platforms in the sphere of politics aimed at promotion of different forms of voting technologies. The authors analyze public strategies of the political parties and candidates in the course of election campaign for the 2021 State Duma elections using the example of electoral constituency of St. Petersburg. The subject of this research is the use of digital means of communication that form virtual identity of the electorate during the 2021 State Duma elections. The object of this research is the representation of party ideologies and civic “symbolic politics” on the Internet based on the example of the popular video platforms YouTube, Tik-Tok as well as the traditional social networks Vkontakte and Facebook. The goal lies in the analysis of interaction of public actors with the audience (followers) in the course of conducting the electoral campaign. The scientific novelty of this article is substantiated by systematic and structural analysis of the scarce elements of virtual identity of Internet users on the example of electoral strategies of representation. The conclusion is drawn on the growing trends of building the so-called symbolic politics “from the bottom” and emergence of numerous actors that create sociopolitical content in the virtual space. The research methodology employs the content analysis of virtual communication channels, relying on the classical theory of symbolic politics and political identity. This theory can be modified by separate aspects of digitalization of the political subfield, which the modern researchers consider as virtual reality.
symbolic politics, representation of political programs, political content, identity politics, virtual identity, social networks, State Duma elections, electoral technologies, civic identity, party strategies
Rudenkin D., Trynov D.V..
Manifestation of interest of the Russian youth for politicized content on the Internet: towards the holistic analytical model
// Sociodynamics.
2021. № 10.
P. 51-61.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2021.10.35223 URL:
This article is written in the theoretical-methodological genre. The key goal lies in the revision and systematization of versatile analytical hypotheses proposed by social and human science in order to explain the interest of Russian youth in politicized information content on the Internet. It is noted that the current analytical practice faces a fundamental contradiction between the prevalence of reflections of the scholars on the significant role of the Internet in development of the political moods and attitudes of the Russian youth audience and the absence the well-established scientific representation on the reasons why there is a need to search for political information namely on the Internet. This article aims to clarify this contradiction. Theoretical-methodological analysis is conducted on the disparate ideas used by social and human science to explain and interpret the heighted interest of Russian youth in the online politicized content. Procedurally, the work leans on the analysis of relevant current scientific literature for the period from 2015 to 2020 dedicated to examination of the patterns of Internet behavior and political culture of modern Russian youth. The conclusion is made that there are several versions that explain the heightened interest of Russian youth in politicized information on the Internet, which logically correspond with each other, but are usually not being generalized. Having summarized these versions into a single analytical model, the authors indicate the key reason for the heightened interest of Russian youth in political information on the Internet is the low level of trust in the traditional media, which forces them to seek the alternative sources of information on topics of concern online.
Russian society, mass media, politics, Russian youth, youth, videoblogs, social media, social networks, Internet, political communcation
Nikolaev I.V..
Verbal political symbols in the communication of society and government: the experience of typologization
// Sociodynamics.
2021. № 1.
P. 32-43.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2021.1.34945 URL:
The object of the study is the phenomenon of verbal political symbols, which is understood as a key sign of political discourse that has lost its original meaning and, in the course of secondary signification, receives opportunistic meanings beneficial to political subjects in order to influence public consciousness. The subject of the study is the possible grounds for the typologization of verbal political symbols, as well as basic typological series, operationalized for use in empirical studies of political communications. The author examines in detail the methodological aspects of typologization based on the concepts of social constructionism and symbolic politics, as well as semantic, syntactic and pragmatic bases of typologization of symbols.  The main conclusions of the study are the identified basic bases of typologization of verbal political symbols: semantic (belonging to certain thematic conglomerates of concepts, belonging to political ideology, attitude to the state position), as well as syntactic and pragmatic (status and level of authority of the subject – creator of the symbol, channels of popularization, the duration of the life cycle of the symbol, universal functions of verbal symbols in politics). A special contribution of the author to the study of the topic is the analysis of thematic conglomerates of concepts peculiar to Russian political discourse. The novelty of the research lies in the application of a typological approach to the phenomenon of verbal political symbols, as well as the identification of the main features that can be used for the typology of discursive symbols in the future.
political communication, typological series, the basis of the typology, typology, type, discourse analysis, verbal political symbol, political symbol, symbolic politics, power
Roslyakova M.V..
Emotional labor as a factor for increasing efficiency of professional activity of the government employees
// Sociodynamics.
2020. № 9.
P. 56-69.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2020.9.33597 URL:
One of the criteria for assessing the efficiency of public administration is citizens’ content with the quality and accessibility of the rendered public services. Negative results of public assessment reduce ' confidence of the citizens in the government, and may affect the personnel decisions in public service. The customer-centric approach requires changes to the professional culture and competences of the employees. The goal of this research is to reveal the potential of application of emotional labor theory for improving efficiency of public service. It is suggested that the professional activity of government employees demands emotional labor, which implies emotional modulation in accordance with formal requirements for creating a positive impression among citizens in the context of interaction with the government authorities. The author used analytical and comparative methods to describe the specificity of emotional labor in the professional activities of government employees. The article reviews the characteristics of emotional labor given by A. Hochschild in relation to the professional group of government employees, which underline the need to manage emotions in interaction with citizens, as well as reveal positive and negative consequences of emotional labor. The conclusion is made that for increasing efficiency of professional activity the government employees, it is necessary to improve the principles of work of government bodies, as well as train personnel on new skills. The obtained results may be valuable in elaboration of the programs for training government employees, creation of competence models, and their appointment to certain positions. Application of the concept would allow taking into account the potential risks, conducting preventive and educational work among government employees in order to improve their performance.
quality of services, efficiency of activity, services, civil servant, public service, emotional intelligence, emotions, emotional labor, service oriented state, personnel management
Budko D.A., Luk'yanova G.V..
Student’s attitude towards campaign communication (on the example of 2018 Russian presidential election
// Sociodynamics.
2020. № 2.
P. 1-11.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2020.2.32090 URL:
The subject of this research is the attitude of student youth towards particular instruments of campaign communication. Among most commonly used techniques of influencing the citizens’ electoral behavior are the political advertising, mass media materials, debates, announcements of the leaders of public opinion. However, the factors important for making electoral decisions differ one age group to another. In this context, of special interest is the student youth that is more perceptive to modern methods of communication via mobile apps and other Internet technologies. The presented results are based on the data of focus groups studying in Saint Petersburg State University, acquired in the course of research “The factors of formation of absenteeism of student youth in the Russian megalopolis (on the example Saint Petersburg)” conducted in 2018 with technical support of the Resource Center of Sociological and Internet surveys of Saint Petersburg State University. The authors determine the following specificities of political communication prevalent in daily practices of student youth: distrust in such classical methods of campaign communication as debates; more trust in the online mass media rather than traditional; ambivalent stance of media leaders of public opinion; significance of the institution of family in formation of political views and decision-making. The impact of social networks creates a request for a renewed format of communication among students. The information must be easy accessible, appear as the first ling in search request, and presented in a form of standard post with a vivid visual component.
socialization, opinion leaders, debate, political campaigning, presidential election, electoral process, political communication, youth, online media, social networks
Martyanov D., Martianova N.A..
Selective moderation in the conditions of virtual public sphere
// Sociodynamics.
2019. № 12.
P. 74-85.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2019.12.31759 URL:
A trend away from the traditional media and fall of the era of television augments power of the Internet as a factor of sociopolitical communication. The subject of this article is the selective moderation in the ideologized and institutional virtual communities of the social network “Vkontakte”. Special attention is given to the question of which of the two ideal types – “public sphere” or “echo-chamber” communication in the Russian social networks suits the most. The object of this study is the virtual public sphere. The authors examine such aspects as the conceptualization of public sphere, categories of counter-public spheres, echo-chambers and “safe spots”. The field experiment carried out in 115 virtual communities became the main method for this research. Supplementary became the methods of observation, discourse analysis and network, which allowed conducting classification of the selected resources. The scientific novelty consists in the description of specificity of moderation of virtual communities in accordance with the criteria of prevalent ideological discourse. The conclusion is made that the communication platform of the politicized communities in the social network “Vkontakte” is being moderated; however, in majority of case, such moderation does not imply total exclusion of the critically-oriented users from the discussion. At the same time, the selectiveness of moderation is evident, since blocking of critics is more noticeable than blocking of adepts of the communities.
Internet governance, safe places, virtual community, moderation, ideological segregation, echo chamber, public sphere, selective moderation, Vkontakte, social networks
Nevskaya T.A..
Information and analytical support of electoral campaigns: Russian and foreign experience
// Sociodynamics.
2019. № 10.
P. 55-64.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2019.10.30809 URL:
Within the framework of this research the author juxtaposes the Russian and foreign experience in information and analytical support of electoral campaigns. The applied methodology is based on the combination of descriptive and comparative analysis. The key feature of information and analytical support of electoral campaigns in Russia is the lack of focus on solution of the communication (tactical) tasks. Unlike the foreign colleagues, the Russian experts are forced to dedicate substantial attention to the formation of the core idea of the campaign (message) and image of a candidate for elective office; they also have to more often explore the moods of the overall number of voters. They possess noticeably less rich databases, which suggests conducting the additional sociological research. Russia’s specificity is explained by the existence of fundamental differences in the functioning models of political institutions, state of party landscape, level of development and resourcing of research companies at the regional level. The traditionally established representations on the status, role, and place of a candidate in the organization of electoral campaign also matter significantly.
image, political institute, foreign experience, Russian experience, election campaign, information and analytical support, candidate, political technology, political power, sociological research
Roslyakova M.V..
Social networks in work of the government officials: Russian practice and foreign experience
// Sociodynamics.
2019. № 9.
P. 82-99.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2019.9.30298 URL:
The relevance of this work is justified by the ubiquitous infiltration of the online social networks into social life. The goal of this research is to reveal the prospects of using the online social networks in work of the government officials with consideration of foreign experience. Social networks provide its users with the platform for establishing contacts and receiving services; network communities express a solidary opinion with regards to surrounding life, and develop consolidated position on the government policy. Government bodies are forced to adjust and respond to the centers of influence appearing in the digital space. Social networks become the objects and means of control, as well as used for solving the tasks of public administration. The article examines the practice of implementation of social networks in work of the executive branches, presents an overview of the official pages of the federal authorities in social networks, as well as gives characteristics to the “incident Management” software. The article indicated that the professional use of the technologies and instruments of digital interaction requires acquiring digital competencies and better experiences. The research results may be valuable in development of the government policy in social networks, recommendations on cooperation between the government officials and citizens within the digital space.
executive authority, best practices, digital competencies, digital technologies, Incident management, social networks, civil servants, public administration, digitalization, social media
Martyanov D., Budko D..
Structure of the Russian virtual elite in the Web 2.0 resources
// Sociodynamics.
2017. № 12.
P. 56-68.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2017.12.24555 URL:
This article is dedicated to analysis of the structure of virtual elite within the realm of the Russian-language Web 2.0 resources. The author analyzed the six trendy Internet resources (Vkontakte, Facebook, Live journal, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube) for determining the specificity of groups that enjoy most popularity among the audience of these online platforms, as well as the dynamic aspects of emergence of the virtual elites in the context of evolution of the Internet technologies. An attempt is made to highlight the groups that most efficiently derive the social capital from the production of online content. The subject of the research is the structure of virtual elite of the Web 2.0 resources; while the object is the phenomenon of Web 2.0 as a technology that manifests as the factor of social stratification in the Internet. The author meticulously review the topics of personalization of the narrative of virtual elites and feminization of the Web 2.0 resource. The study leans on the complex of methods, including comparative, network, classical textual, and content analysis alongside the analysis of virtual images and methods of statistical processing of information. Among the main conclusions are: determination of the structure of virtual elite of the Web 2.0 resources in accordance with certain parameters; detection of the dynamics of transformation of the structure of elites; emphasis of qualitative changes in the structure of virtual elite. The authors demonstrate the discrepancy of feminization of the virtual elite, as well as turn attention to the vector of personalization of narrative of the virtual elite representatives.
social capital, social stratification, feminization, social networks, network elite, virtual elite, virtual reality, Internet, elite, blogs
Kosorukov A.A..
New media as an instrument of public policy and sociopolitical transformation of public space (on the example of Arab Spring)
// Sociodynamics.
2017. № 7.
P. 64-84.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2017.7.20674 URL:
The subject of this research is the new media as a combination of information communication platforms, instrument of public policy and sociopolitical transformation of public space of the Arab Spring nations. New media within the space of public policy allow the digerati, professional revolutionists and their supporters efficiently coordinating the actions of participants of the protest, as well as share experience with their “colleagues” from other Arab countries. The subject of this work also includes the analysis of socioeconomic causes and circumstances for development of Arab Spring, its information motives and events intensified by such platforms as Twitter, Facebook, etc., and unfolding in limited time interval in one or another country, as well as encouraging the drastic transformation of the political regimes Tunis, Egypt, Libya, Yemen, and a number of other countries. The scientific novelty consists in examination of the role and importance of the new media and its platforms (Twitter, Facebook, and others) over the course of the Arab Spring, as well as analysis of Web 2.0-3.0 technologies and their contribution into the integration of online space and public sociopolitical space of the Arab countries. The element of novelty became the comprehensive research of such peculiarities of the Arab State prior to the revolutionary events as the qualitative characteristics of public administration alongside the value, demographic, economic, military, and information indexes of the Arab Spring states.
Mass protests, Global Arab generation, Arab Spring, Twitter, Digerati, Public space, Public policy, New media, Media revolution, Internet
Asevedo-Yakubovskaya K..
GR – yesterday, today, and tomorrow. Peculiar in the portrait perception of GR-communications in Russia
// Sociodynamics.
2017. № 5.
P. 144-150.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2017.5.20430 URL:
At present stage, the political elite faces a difficult task associated with the need for establishment of a new model of economic, political, and social modernization, the successful realization of which in many ways will depend on the decision to depart from the pressing previous experience of the policy of unilateral influence. The state is still called to play a leading role in new modernization of Russia, but this time, in order to achieve success it must function in tightest cooperation with society and business community as a bearer of corporate culture. Business, in turn, attains special place in such triangle, because it reflects the main hopes regarding the establishment of the dynamic innovation economics and impulse of social development. All the aspects listed above, make relevant the demand in finding the efficient points of interaction between the business community and the government authorities, as well as the need for creation of the new communication platforms of mutually beneficial dialogue. In other words, becomes crucial the question of establishment and development in Russian of the so-called sphere of Government Relations (GR) and attention to the process of its institutionalization. Exclusiveness and specificity of the political process in Russia are presents as the unconditional components of the process of institutionalization of the sphere of connections of business community with the government authorities. The conclusion is made that the pressing character of Soviet past alongside the national historical peculiarities of the Russian political culture significantly affect the concept of GR-communications in our country, and in many ways, impede the process of its establishment.
Corporate lobbying, Groups of interest, GR and lobbying, Lobbying, GR-communication, State and business community, Political communication, Dialogue with the business, Business and authorities, GR
Nosikov A.A..
Conjugation of network space and political reality
// Sociodynamics.
2017. № 5.
P. 22-34.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-7144.2017.5.22827 URL:
In the course of the research, the author revealed an inverse correlation between the number of active users of Web 2.0 platforms, services, applications in the regions and the voter turnout in the 2016 electoral cycle (the more number of active users in the region, the voter turnout is lower, and vice versa).Also found that after the adoption of each legislative initiative aimed at regulating the network space, the number of Tor (allows to stay anonymous in the network and bypass the state-imposed restrictions) users increases significantly, which indicates the desire of the network space to gain autonomy from state supervision and regulation.Analyzing the obtained empirical results, as well as such processes and phenomena as cyberparties, network monitory actors, political network movements and communities, the involvement of the "digital" generations Y and Z through the network space into the political life of the society, the influence of the network space on the processes of protest mobilization, the use of digital network communications as an instrument of political participation of citizens, the author concludes that there was a conjugation of the network space and political reality. In conclusion, the author outlines the main features of conjugation and its possible consequences.
civil society, political change, network space, Tor, blockchain, electoral processes, political communication, network society, policy networks, political reality
Chernyshev A.I..
The Need for Applying Modern Electronic Commucations by State Authorities in Russia
// Sociodynamics.
2014. № 8.
P. 132-138.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-0158.2014.8.13134 URL:
This article is devoted to such topical issue as use modern electronically - communication technologies in practice of activity of bodies of the state and municipal authority in Russia. In work need of application of similar technologies by all subjects not only economic, but also political life, including government institutions is analysed. For government oragon, both federal, and regional levels it is connected with realization of the major principle of the public and muyeitsipalny service - the principle of openness and publicity. Examples of application of similar methods of distribution of information, both the highest officials, and separate government bodies of federal and regional levels are given. In work the conclusion is drawn that use of modern communication technologies is an additional resource for the power, they allow state bodies to be more integrated into modern information space; quickly to react to changes of public opinion; create to public institutions image of the modern and technological organizations.
communication technologies, state authorites, power, politics, local self-government, information, society, e-government, Internet, social networks
Pashinskaya V.V..
Development of the Concept of Political Communication
// Sociodynamics.
2014. № 5.
P. 80-92.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-0158.2014.5.12145 URL:
Despite cardinal transformations of means and methods of communication steady lines of communication processes which allow to predict communication processes of the future remained. It is necessary to notice that itself researches of problems of communication and communication process occurs on a joint of humanitarian disciplines of philosophy, philology and sociology. Thus, considering problems of communicative process through a prism of the humanities there is a treatment of this process, as social phenomenon as in a consequence, communication between reaction of audience to mass media and perception of information each specific viewer was proved. Influence of individual qualities such as: features of psychology, life experience, perception of world around, social-class distinctions and many other things, all this appeared very strong criterion in communication process. When writing article, in borders of scientific search the descriptive method based on procedure of collecting, processing, the analysis and a statement of the generalized data with characteristics is used. The conclusions prepared on the basis of the historiographic analysis about the intrinsic party of political and communication processes are presented in this article, consisting of transfer, movement, a turn of data between "sources" and the "consumers" interacting in society. Thus, information which in a context of a certain situation receives certain semantic, that is semantic, the importance is considered.
communication process, political communication, communicator, social communication, transmission, codes, feed back, information, communicative devices, interaction between political actors
Vladimirova T.V..
Intensity of Communications in Practices of New Mobility and Information Security
// Sociodynamics.
2014. № 1.
P. 89-111.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-0158.2014.1.10918 URL:
The subject matter of research is the intensity of communications as the information security criterion. Information security means assurance of safety of social practices in the information environment through creating new mobilities and orientations in the network space in the age of growing intensity of information traffic and data deterioration. This approach to the definition of information security creates the social exterior outline of the term and at the same time retains the traditional, more technical definition of information security as the process of 'protection of information and protection against information'. Theoretical and methodological grounds of research include social, philosophical and social-science theories. In particular, the author uses ideas offered by V. Muraviev, A. Toffler, Z. Bauman, J. Urry's social mobility and etc. The author also appeals to the ideas of Russian scientists who also studied the problem of information security. It is the author's opinion that the most important aspect of new social mobilities as practices of information security is the high intensity of communications expressed in the rate and diversity of interactions. Temporal features of social practices have a direct attitude to information security. Actors of the process (people of the past, present and future, human of space and human of time) relfect different intensity of information interaction with the word. The higher the level of communication intensity of an actor is (i.e. speed and variety), the more protected his practices are in the age of growing intensity of information traffic and data deterioration.
intensity of communications, information security, information security criterion, temporal features, new social mobilities, safety practices, growth of information traffic, data deterioration, growth of temorality of situations, acceleration of change
Bronnikov I.A..
Internet as the Resource of the Government
// Sociodynamics.
2013. № 8.
P. 210-248.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-0158.2013.8.8999 URL:
The article is devoted to the Internet as the governmental resource. The author of the article describes principal transformations in the sphere of political communication during the first decade of the XXI century. Those transformations led to the activation of social and political relations and the shift in the chain of authority towards de-centralized web structure. The author notes that changes in the methods and forms of political communication can be viewed as indicators of the intensity and controlled status of the governmental management process. The author of the article in detail analyzes such forms of political communication as interaction through social networks and creation of e-governments. He also touches upon the tendency towards involvement of politicians and civil officials in social networks. The author also discusses the complicated and contradictory international experience of e-governments. Special attention is paid to the functioning of e-governments in the South Korea, Singapore, Great Britain and Russia. Based on the data provided by the United Nations E-Government Survey, the author concludes that despite the fact that it holds the 27th position in the United Nations rating, Russia is stil behind developed democratic countries. The author of the article makes a hypothesis that the governmental authorities can efficiently use the users' skills in searching for and filtering information in order to raise the efficiency of e-governments.
political process, power, resources of power, Internet technologies, e-Government, e-participation, efficient management, network policy, twitter, political technologies