Iarkeev A.V..
From prison to concentration camp: the organization of social space in biopolitical society
// Sociodynamics.
2016. ¹ 9.
P. 103-108.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-7144.2016.9.20416 URL:
The subject of this article is the organization of social being in the modern biopolitical society, when politics, taking care for the life of population, gradually shifts from the disciplinary practice the basic model of which is prison, towards the practices of providing safety and preventing threats. Presumption of danger, potentially assigned after each individual, is accompanied by the implementation of the preventative right of authority and establishment of the permanent emergency rule as the norm of social existence. Under the conditions of emergency situation, the social is reorganized in form of the concentration camp that produces the deprived of rights individuals. The methodology of this research includes the fundamental ontology of M. Heidegger, which is based on the principle of integrity and law of identity of the language, being, and thinking. The main conclusion of the conducted research consists in the establishment of the limit of social and human being, as well as justifies the need for the “ontological turn”; as a reflexive movement from the total objectification of the human presence within the framework of the technologies of biopolitical management towards subjectification, formulated through reason as the topos of human essence and politics.
emergency state, discipline, power, concentration camp, prison, right, biopolitics, ontological turn, thinking, panopticon