Samoilov P.A..
The Role of Telegram Channels in the Transformation of the Political Ecosystem of Modern Society
// Sociodynamics.
2025. № 1.
P. 69-84.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-7144.2025.1.73013 EDN: XTRLSW URL:
The study examines the role of Telegram channels in shaping the modern political ecosystem of Russian society, focusing on their significance in digital mobilization, public opinion formation and political discourse. Telegram channels are analyzed as key elements where the horizontal connections of self-organizing communities intersect with the vertical structures of power. This dual interaction reveals patterns of their influence on the transformation of political communication and highlights their contribution to new forms of interaction between citizens and political institutions. The choice of Telegram is justified by its popularity and unique content organization, which supports civic engagement and patriotic values. The research methodology integrates network and ecosystem approaches, allowing for the study of Telegram channels as interconnected components of the political environment. Quantitative methods were used to analyze channel metrics, while qualitative content analysis identified key discourses and thematic features. The study’s novelty lies in its application of integrated network and ecosystem approaches to analyze Telegram channels as critical elements of the political ecosystem in the digital era. It identifies mechanisms through which these channels influence political mobilization and public opinion by facilitating interactions between horizontal and vertical structures. Key findings include the identification of metrics and thematic features that underscore the channels’ role in fostering civic activity and patriotic sentiment. The analysis also emphasizes the critical role of digital platforms in adapting the political ecosystem to the challenges of the digital age by decentralizing information flows and strengthening horizontal networks. The results enhance understanding of digital communication mechanisms and offer tools for developing effective strategies to engage diverse social groups.
Patriotic values, Political communication, Political mobilization, Telegram channels, Digitalization, Information and communication technologies, Integration model, Ecosystem approach, Network approach, Political ecosystem
Podolskiy V..
Economic and political causes for transformations of social policy in the 20th century
// Sociodynamics.
2023. № 12.
P. 81-91.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2023.12.69294 EDN: SYARQO URL:
The paper analyses dynamics of social policy in the 20th century in Germany, Britain, France, Spain, Russia, the USA and China as the largest states, where the largest changes in the field of social security took place. The existing approaches to the typology of social states are considered. The article studies reasons for the formation, changes and organisation of the social security systems, the mutual influence of the different states in the field of social policy. The article presents an assessment of the problems faced by social states, evaluation of the advantages and disadvantages of different models of social policy, and overview of changes in models in different countries. Economic and political factors influencing decision-making in the field of social policy, as well as the consequences of social reforms, are analyzed. Analysis of the causes of transformations in social policy is carried out through the study of institutions, regulations, and statistical data. The organization, regulation and modernization of pension and health insurance systems, benefits, allowances and subsidies for certain categories of consumers in the 20th century was caused by large-scale economic and political transformations. Mass industrial production made goods more accessible, and redistribution systems became a tool for balancing the market and ensuring the sustainability of the economy. Democratization and expansion of suffrage, the spread of radical ideologies or changes in political regimes created a demand for means of ensuring social stability, which was supplied by the social programs. The increase in spending on social policy began to create problems for the sustainability of budgets at the end of the 20th century, which led to attempts to limit social programs, but a reduction in spending did not occur due to the political and economic importance that the welfare state has acquired in the 20th century.
unemployment, social insurance, subsidies, benefits, allowances, pensions, welfare state, social policy, means test, healthcare
Ravochkin N.N..
The impact of digitalization on the sustainability of social orders
// Sociodynamics.
2023. № 10.
P. 23-33.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2023.10.68790 EDN: RDMYXK URL:
The study presents the critical revision of the usual conceptual foundations of complex systems, since the impact of many factors of digitalization directly determines today the viability of societies. The article analyzes the impact of digitalization on the stability of social orders. The purpose of this study is to clarify the possibilities of the impact of digitalization on the stability of social systems. The subject of the article is the social order of modern society in the context of digitalization processes. In modern realities, formed by the total penetration of information and communication technologies into all spheres of human activity, the level of unpredictability and riskiness is clearly increasing, which primarily causes changes in the ontological foundations of social systems. Unprecedented transformations, which have become permanent, have a complex impact on the order that has developed in societies. The author of the article examines in detail the complex impact of digitalization on the stability of social orders. The nature of digitalization processes is presented. Using practical examples, some directions of the influence of advanced technologies on the social fabric are identified. The positive and negative consequences of the manifestation of digitalization processes are highlighted. Vectors of transformation of social institutions are revealed. It is revealed that despite the prevalence of technical and technological elements in public life and the decrease in the humanitarian component and a number of qualities of the human capital of society, which are at a high level of digital development, increase their own stability and functionality. In conclusion, generalizations are presented that constitute a theoretical and methodological basis for subsequent studies of the impact of digitalization on the stability of social orders.
stability, narrative, intersubjective interactions, human, conflict, technology, innovation, social order, digitalization, threat
Leushkin R.V..
Information resistance in the context of informatization and virtualization of society: socio-communicative approach
// Sociodynamics.
2018. № 12.
P. 122-134.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2018.12.28324 URL:
The subject of this article is the most common peculiarities of the processes of information resistance and information warfare in modern society. The research objective include the assessment and analysis of the state and development prospects of information space, identification of the signs of information resistance, search for the causes of modern information warfare. The author examines the modern approaches towards studying the information resistance and information warfare; raises a question about the transformation of social structures within the framework of the process of virtualization and informatization of the society. This article uses relevant approaches to understanding of information society, information warfare and social communication theory. Socio-constructivist approach and social communication theory comprise the methodological base of this work. Leaning on this methodology, the author determines the signs of information warfare within the information space of modern society of the recent decades. Its cause lies in the global clash of the old and new “civilization”. The foundation of these civilization contains the two types of social communication systems: classical printed and electronic. Forming on the basis of information and communication technologies information society gradually replaces the established political, economic and social structures in the industrial society that is founded on the printed communication.
simulacrum, social communication, e-democracy, virtuality, Information society, cyber war, information war, The Great Disruption, social network, Videocracy
Bresler M.G., Aminov I.R., Galiullina S.D., Suleimanov A.R..
Examination of virtual projection of the political flow space within the network communities of Bashkir Trans-Ural region
// Sociodynamics.
2018. № 11.
P. 1-10.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2018.11.27756 URL:
This article considers the results of comprehensive analysis of network communities localizes in small towns of Bashkir Trans-Ural region. The authors determine the structures of communication paths of information exchange and groups of the leaders of network communities; explore the hierarchy of values of leader groups of the city network communities; and define the communication capital of the group of leaders of ethnically-oriented communities of Bashkortostan. The research of virtual projection of the political flow space allowed acquiring the objective data on the symbols and codes of regional residents, rootedness of the leaders of ethnically-oriented and confessionally-oriented communities within the local communities of the region. In the course of this study, the authors apply the information and communication approach; consider the results of cluster-network content and discourse analysis of social network communities. It is noted that currently, the questions of ethnic and religious identity are not of top priority among the population of the region. At the same time, it is revealed that the local social network groups observe the escalated activity of the persons with high level of communication capital within the ethnically-oriented and confessionally-oriented communities.
Trans-Ural Bashkortostan, Bashkortostan, network communities, social networks, religious group, Islam, ethnic group, cluster, module, group
Savenkov V.D..
Social media as blog platforms
// Sociodynamics.
2018. № 6.
P. 9-20.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2018.6.26488 URL:
The subject of this research is the blog hosting sites and social networks in the Russian Federation and the United States as the platforms for blogging. The author carefully examines such aspects of the topuc as the peculiarities of application of the various Internet services with social components and other forms of content. Special attention is given to the differences between the blog platforms, social networks, and their use in the indicated countries. The following conclusions were made: part of the bloggers have switched to a new format of social networks, for example Facebook due to the broader audience, simplicity of use, and ample opportunities for popularizing their content; the traditional blogging finds its application in separate fields when its transition to the social network platforms is unreasonable or undesirable for the author, however most of them ended up transitioning over to the social networks. The results of this scientific work can be used for the purpose of forecasting the development of other types of new media in the reviewed countries. The scientific novelty consists in the synthesis of information of multiple field-specific research for determination and comparison of the use of social media and blog hosting sites in the Russian Federation and the United States as the platforms for placing the content.
USA, Russia, mass communication, mass media, blogosphere, blogging, blog, new media, social media, social networks
Demetradze M.R..
Sociocultural vector as an innovative strategy for modernization of the societies of post-Soviet space. The positive experience of the developed countries of the West
// Sociodynamics.
2015. № 12.
P. 61-80.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-7144.2015.12.1647 URL:
This article examines the role of political and industrial revolutions that became a catalyst for the European countries: 1) substitution of the former social norms with new; 2) formation of social organization of the society; 3) establishment of the legal state and modern civil society. The goal of this work is to create a new sociocultural model for modernization, which would be the most effective for the post-Soviet society. This research is aimed at determination of the conceptual side of modernization of the post-Soviet states, as well as sociocultural continuation of these processes with those that took place in the European nations during the XVII-XX centuries. Traditional historical approaches are insufficient for the modelling of the processes of modernization; although they define the stages of development of the European societies, but to not demonstrate under what conditions the Western modernization could be successful for the societies of a different sociocultural type. The scientific novelty consists in elucidation of the position on the sociocultural foundation of modernization, and substantiation of the fact that sociocultural processes are an intrinsic part of the modern social modernization. The various speeds of the sociocultural changes determine the differences in the dynamics of modernization of the states that emerged and function throughout the post-Soviet space. Underestimation of the sociocultural factors of modernization significantly complicates the adequate expert and scientific assessment of the efficiency of the reforms that are currently being executed.
transition period, modernization, Post-Soviet society, liberal values, simulations modernization, sociocultural policy, revolution, the human factor, intellectual capital, vector innovative
Pashinskaya V.V..
Post-Modernist Modernization of the Political Process as the Virtualization of Reality
// Sociodynamics.
2015. № 9.
P. 123-152.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-7144.2015.9.16278 URL:
In this research Pashinskaya studies modernization of the political process through the virtualization of the society which, in its turn, describes a long-term trend of social communication through the information-symbolic environment. The subject of the research is the political process within the framework of the post-modernist modernization where the construction of several virtual models of social and political structures are possible. The object of the research is the network virtual reality in the form of interactive environment that creates the political communication space where new forms of communication and political intersubjectivity are used under the influence of developing technologies. Pashinskaya bases her research on the comparative analysis of information resources and statistical data posted on the Internet. The main conclusion of the research is that there is an evident growth in popularity of new forms of political Internet communication. In politics active communication channels are websites and social media pages of political parties and/or their representatives. This kind of virtual reality allows to create virtual political intersubjectivity through numerous network expressions and modeling of potential political roles presented by members of virtual communities.
models of political structures, Internet, political process, communication space, information-symbolic space, network space, virtualization of the reality, post-modernist modernization, intersubjectivity, communication
Nemtsev I.A..
Sustainable Economic Models and Labour in the Eurasian Union
// Sociodynamics.
2014. № 6.
P. 70-108.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-0158.2014.6.12309 URL:
The author considers various economic models (such as ecological economy, the concept of spare cash, electronic economy, the resource-focused economy) as economic model of Russia and the Euroasian Economic Union, and also as economic components of a sustainable development. Comparison of these models with modern economic model of Russia (and the world) is given. The environmental and social problems caused by modern economic system are considered. Questions of creation of uniform allied currency and uniform emission center of the states of the Euroasian Union are considered. Methodological basis of research are social and philosophical methods and the principles of scientific knowledge. Such general scientific methods, as comparison, abstraction, idealization, modeling, the analysis, synthesis, etc. are applied. Achievement of a goal is carried out on the basis of regulations on mankind, as to the global interconnected and spontaneous system (a global evolutionism), and also on the basis of the principle of general communication of the phenomena, the principle of development, etc. The analysis and the solution of studied problems is carried out on the basis of general scientific research approaches. The solution of studied problems is carried out on the basis of provisions and conclusions on the studied subject, containing in works modern domestic and foreign writers, researchers and thinkers. Besides, data of concrete sociological and statistical researches, excerpt from acts, and also performances of the top officials of the states of the planned Euroasian union are used. The general tendencies of change of work in Russia in connection with formation of information society, and also change in social stratification are predicted. The author offers and proves option of strategy of transition to a sustainable development from the point of view of economic components UR. Possible influence of new economic model of Russia and the Euroasian Union on world economic system is predicted.
sustainable development, environmental economy, resource based economy, green economy, labour, Eurasian Economic Union, globalization, information society, global processes, integration of the post-Soviet territory
Shchuplenkov O.V., Shchuplenkov N.O..
New Liberalism: Historical Grounds and Modern Tendencies in Russia
// Sociodynamics.
2013. № 10.
P. 74-125.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-0158.2013.10.9279 URL:
The article is devoted to democratization of the Russian society from the point of view of liberal ideas. The authors' thesis is that Russian democracy has to adopt to a very complex landscape and yet there are chances for democracy in Russia. On one hand, Russia has very infavorable consolidation conditions for democracy. Nevertheless, these negative features can be compensated by huge efforts and the Russians' will to change. It should be said that the Western liberal idea of deideologization already has influenced the spiritual and moral development of Russian youth. Young people have appeared to be completely helpless when they faced the pressure of the Wetern mass culture emphasizing such faults as the cult of money, violence and erotic, escape of young generation into an illusionary world created by drugs, and etc. Researches conducted among young Russians show that deideologization of the Russian society deprived the young generation of ideology and it is well known that an individual without ideology turns into an animal looking like human. Such individuals have no values that could elate human and form his dignity and faith in the humanistic future of the mankind.
government, civil society, democracy, ideology, liberalism, liberal reforms, national idea, political institutions, political values, evolution of society
Bronnikov I.A..
Implementation of Online Resources into Election Process (USA Experience)
// Sociodynamics.
2013. № 9.
P. 130-152.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-0158.2013.9.9058 URL:
The article is devoted to the analysis of experience and peculiarities of using the Internet in modern election campaigns run by the USA. It is noted that in the current political environment of Russia, there is a growing interest of political experts and leaders towards theoretical and practical issues of elections and influence of election campaigns on the mechanisms of government and political management. It is shown that Americans not only use the entire scope of social tools for conducting public surveys on the Internet, but also create information trends and products that are easily sold during the election period. Moreover, the model of 'digital diplomacy' involves the transmission of propaganda struggle from traditional mass media to the Internet. In this regard, the author notes that today there is a need in scientific support of election campaigns and systematic follow-up of the Internet space. Therefore, integration of Internet communications into the election process in these or those countries is an essential element of election campaigns.
Internet, Internet technologies, social media, election process, political propaganda, political agitation, USA, Barack Obama, twitter, elections