Svinukhova Y.N..
The study of social capital as a mechanism of consolidation in a multiethnic society
// Sociodynamics.
2025. № 1.
P. 34-53.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2025.1.72415 EDN: NXWTTB URL:
In the context of modern challenges and "external" threats, the identification of mechanisms for the consolidation of society is becoming one of the critically important areas of scientific research. In turn, this initiates the study of such an object as social capital. Because it is its nature and structural elements that greatly contribute to the unification processes and the maintenance of order in society. The purpose of the study is to identify the theoretical and methodological foundations and the relevant structure of elements for assessing social capital at the macro level, taking into account the ethnic diversity of the regions and the current conditions of Russia. The basic theories and their leading positions, which are of fundamental importance in relation to the study of social capital at the macro level, are highlighted. Considerable attention is devoted to highlighting the traditions and main provisions of Russian research on social capital, which have theoretical and methodological potential for its research in regional societies, taking into account the peculiarities of functioning in relation to the conditions of Russia. The work is based on the application of general scientific methods, including synthesis and generalization, as well as on a structural approach, methods of systematic and comparative analysis. The paper reflects the results of a theoretical and empirical study of the social capital of multiethnic societies. The work concludes the operationalization of the concept of social capital of a multiethnic society, which allows us to describe and assess the current state of its structural elements such as: the level of generalized, interpersonal and institutional trust, the level of tolerance between peoples, the level of tolerance towards migrants, civil and national identity, the level of civic participation. Also, as an example of the practical implementation of the presented methodology, the work contains a fragment of the results of a sociological study conducted with the participation of the author in one of the multiethnic regions of Russia – the Republic of Bashkortostan. The research conducted according to the methodology described in the work allowed us to conclude that the pressure of external threats really contributes to social unity and cohesion of regional communities as components of Russian society, as evidenced by the received trend of movement of indicators of social capital towards a positive orientation.
identity, trust, social resources, social processes, non-material factors of development, social stability, multi-ethnic society, consolidation, social capital, ethnic diversity
Shvetc I.V..
Praxeological concept of subject in social ontology of Manuel DeLanda
// Sociodynamics.
2018. № 3.
P. 27-33.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2018.3.25730 URL:
The concept of subject in the theory of assemblage (and correlated with it ontology) of Manuel DeLand can be interpreted as praxeological. The praxeological concepts of subject ate associated with the nonclassical comprehension of being as becoming, distinction. In terms of such understanding of being, the practices of social existence are not secondary with regards to being, but acquire an ontological status. The examines approach towards reasoning on being helps overcoming the methodological limitations of classical social science, searches for ways of describing the subject and social reality in their joint becoming. The ontology of M. DeLanda detects the key characteristics of the postclassical ontology: anti-essentialism, anti-reductionism, exteriority, axiomatization of set, refusal of linear causality. In this version, ontology manifests as the differential ontology, demonstrating the interrelation between the virtual structures and relevant assemblages. Ontological status of all assemblages is universal, but each one forms in the process of its unique history of individuation. The scientific novelty is defined by formalization of the postclassical model of subject in correspondence with the plain, differential ontology of M. DeLanda. The subject as an assemblage does not exist a priori, it generates, becomes. Such process of individuation never completes. The generative level in the ontology of DeLanda always consists in a specific process of origination of set, assemblage. Thus, the subject within manifests as the historically individuating nesting set and unlike the classical understanding of subject is called practical or pragmatic.
antireductionism, virtual and actual, praxeological subject, multitude, assemblage, becoming, differential ontology, relations of exteriority, a space of possibilities, differential concept of the subject
Vladimirova T.V..
On the question of correlation between the national and state security
// Sociodynamics.
2016. № 6.
P. 18-28.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-7144.2016.6.18305 URL:
This article suggests a theoretical-methodological instrumentarium for understanding of construct of the notion national security and analysis of correlation between the national and state security. The author notes that the question of protection of the balance of interests of an individual, society, and state comprises a substantial aspect in the problem of conceptualization of the national security. The analysis is conducted through the prism of correlation between the private interests (social group, organization, and individual as the separate social subject) and the universal interests (people, nation as an integral society and state, as well as an institute which protects these interests). The state and national security is being viewed in the context of an approach towards security as the sustainability of social order in the conditions of the growth of variability of social communication, in which the growth of variability (deviation/innovation) is expressed also in the growth of intensity of the information flow. The theoretical-methodological foundations for this research became the theory of deviation and N. Luhmann’s theory of social evolution. Special importance in ensuring national and state security belongs to the virtualization of social relations and development of the network communication cyberspace. The Internet network as a structure of acquirement and acceleration of realization of private interests (deviation/innovation) allows preserving the balance of safety of the private and universal interests. On the other hand, the security threats within the Network are constantly growing.
The structure of increase of deviation, Cyberspace, Balance of the safety of interests, Variability of communication, Growth of deviation/innovation, Sustainability of social order, Universal interests, Private interests, State security, National security
Znamenskiy D.Y..
Theoretical-methodological foundations of the research of state policy
// Sociodynamics.
2016. № 3.
P. 86-97.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-7144.2016.3.18176 URL:
The article gives expanded characteristics to the main approaches towards the research of such complex and multi-aspect category as state policy. The author focuses attention on the teleological, working, administrative, and systemic approaches towards the reviewed notion, as well as on the number of contemporary concepts of state policy that are actively developing overseas within recent years. Special attention is given to the substantiation of the author’s definition of state policy, and the structure of the national model of state policy, including with regards to the modern Russia. The main conclusion consists in recognition of the narrowness of understanding state policy as one-sided state activity. In the author’s opinion, state policy should be interpreted as a result of cooperation between the nations, institutions of civil society, scientific, expert, and business community with the decisive role of the first. It is confirmed by the position of the Russian and foreign political scientists, who note that the process of formation of state policy is interlinked with a complicates collaboration of the various branches of state policy and administration, through the accord of the positions of an entire number of social groups and politicians, as well as various representative of the expert community, and mutual influence of miscellaneous external and internal factors.
Political parties, Groups of interests, Coalitions of public interests, Civil society, Government, Public policy, State policy, Model of state policy, Political culture, Political system
Zaryanov E..
Theoretical Social and Political Bases of the 'Soft Power' Concept
// Sociodynamics.
2014. № 7.
P. 19-41.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-0158.2014.7.12730 URL:
Constantly occurring on the political map of the world of change in conditions of globalization of society brought in 21 eyelids to a deconstruction of unipolar hegemony and multipolar development of society, and, therefore, to transformation of instruments of management by the global political processes one of which there was soft force. The fact became result of the analysis of transformation of theoretical approaches to studying of a concept of soft force that for the solution of political and strategic tasks action of soft force of any state (the supranational organizations, multinational corporation, etc.) first of all is directed on change of consciousness and subconsciousness of the person who becomes today the captive of soft technologies. Only integrated and system approach to studying of a subject allows to investigate deep mechanisms of realization and key points of influence of "the soft force", instruments of its application in foreign policy. Disclosure of integrity of a studied subject (soft force), in it and outside is impossible for all complexity of its cumulative parts, diverse communications without system approach to society and individual studying as its main component. Theoretical basis of a concept of "the soft force" works of domestic and foreign researchers in the field of philosophy, sociology make today, psychology, stories and political science. Today it is impossible to tear off philosophy from policy, moreover, it is necessary to emphasize that influence on a choice and formation of outlook of an individual in the conditions of the global world is the political act. The philosophy defines outlook of the person therefore to consider philosophical activity it is necessary any more only as "individual" development of the concepts developing in harmonous system, but also as fight in the field of culture for alteration of national "mentality". The modern world in which we stay, is the world which is quickly changing and fluid, and therefore it badly we understand and badly we operate. We live during an interregnum era – in a situation when one form of the power came to end, and new didn't settle yet. The way with which the mankind solved problems earlier, any more doesn't work. We stay being able between antecedents and future, consciously and unconsciously expecting event which will define our way of life. It is obvious that today it is impossible to define and understand the obvious and hidden mechanisms of management of global processes in the world community, to create the concept of soft force and to build an effective system of national security without deep and complex studying of society and an individual.
public consciousness, world view, hegemony, 'molecular' process, cultural core, 'floating' modernity, 'soft power', society, individual, political processes
Znamenskiy D.Y., Mikhalina O.A..
The Influence of the Type of Political System on the Model of Formation of State Policy
// Sociodynamics.
2014. № 3.
P. 87-100.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-0158.2014.3.11121 URL:
The article is devoted to the influence of the type of political system on the model of formation of state policy and extent of participation of various institutes of civil society in this process. According to authors, need of detailed consideration of interrelation like political system and nature of processes of formation of a state policy it is caused by change of paradigms both in political science, and in science of public administration. Under these conditions the analysis of development of technologies of formation of a state policy becomes one of the most important problems of political science. Starting point of research authors see typology political systems and the characteristic of their distinctive features. It is thought proved as the main criterion for classification of political systems to use degree of their openness that is rather boldly reflected in David Easton's classification. Further classification of models of formation of a state policy is given in article. Characterizing the main approaches to formation of priorities of a state policy, authors develop V. V. Lobanov's allocating political, subjective and objective approaches idea. Approach dominating now in Russia in article is designated as state and administrative, representing synthesis of objective approach and separate elements of the subjective.Authors note that one of key problems of interaction of the state and civil society is the problem of degree of publicity of processes of formation and realization of a state policy.In the article the author's treatment of a ratio of types of political system and models of formation of a state policy then the developed characteristic of tendencies of development of political system of Russia and an assessment of prospects of development of dominating model of formation of a state policy is given consistently reveals.
political system, state institution, civil society, public policy, formation of state policy, interest intermediation, political parties, lobbyism , corporate representational office, interest articulation
Borisenkov A.A..
About Political Relations and Their Forms
// Sociodynamics.
2013. № 7.
P. 141-167.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-0158.2013.7.5110 URL:
The article is devoted to the nature and forms of political relations, their connection with the political life and their meaning for the political development. The author discovers the dependence of political relations on political activity and makes the conclusion that political relations in itself are different forms of political life constituting functions of the political body. The most important forms of political relations that are interrelated and complete each other in the political development are the guidance and opposition. These are the basic forms of political relations in the democratic governance and the most important functions of the political body. They are interdependent and obligatory for the democratic political process. Besides these, there are other forms of political relations that can be built upon the basic political relations and create a more complex structure of the political body. The author offers a definition of political relations which allows him to formulate the rule of political development triggered by these political relations.
politics, political activity, political power, political relations, political body, political life, guidance, opposition, political process, -