Aref'ev M.A., Zykin A.V., Karpichev E.V., Fominih N.Y..
SPOD, VUCA, BANI as civilizational characteristics of modernity
// Sociodynamics.
2024. № 10.
P. 1-19.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2024.10.71653 EDN: HBCGBC URL:
The processes of Westernization and globalization unify the social system as a whole, leading it to the most difficult processes for analysis. Inorganic changes in modern society are of particular concern. They primarily touched upon the axiological component of the life of both society and individual existence. In the modern world, saturated with technological changes, globalization and instability, the usual models of perception of reality are insufficient to understand and adapt to new realities, some have come to symbolize the evolution of our perception of the modern world and, following the classics of the civilizational approach to the history of mankind, give reason to talk about a completely new coordinate system and the development of society. Scientific and technological progress continues to move inexorably forward. Thanks to him, technologies are developing so fast that their generations are changing at an increased rate. The growth of computing power, digitalization, the Internet and the development of information technologies have led and continue to lead to a historical "explosion of information". The concept of "information society" has appeared. The world is becoming less stable, less predictable and full of contradictions. Society is changing against the background of the global economic crisis, trade conflicts, sanctions and military conflicts, deglobalization, pandemic, changes and restructuring of logistics networks, the fourth industrial revolution and the transition to a new economic order. The world is becoming less stable, less predictable and full of contradictions. Society is changing against the background of the global economic crisis, trade conflicts, sanctions and military conflicts, deglobalization, pandemic, changes and restructuring of logistics networks, the fourth industrial revolution and the transition to a new economic order. All this leads to an increase in the complexity and diversity of the modern world. In this article, we will consider this possibility and its significance, and also take the liberty to identify and substantiate the characteristics of the modern type of civilization. The considered problem of the civilizational characteristics of modernity is one of the most important for modern reality, being a tool for the formation of modern cultural codes of nations and ethnic groups, which directly reflects the systemic complexity of the modern civilizational structure and requires the use of an interdisciplinary approach and convergent knowledge in understanding and practical solution of the socio-cultural challenges of today.
society, civilization, The world of SPOD, the world of BANI, superethnos, globalization, The world of VUCA, digitalization, cultural and historical type, Information technology
Odegova K.I., Moskvin A.S..
The attitude of the Tatars of the Kirov region (Russia) to religious rites
// Sociodynamics.
2024. № 7.
P. 24-34.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2024.7.71224 EDN: ULHQFQ URL:
In modern Russia, much attention is paid to the preservation of cultural traditions of different peoples and faiths, but at the same time many aspects remain undisclosed in research. A rich material for study exists in the multiethnic and multicultural Kirov region. Tatars occupy the second largest population in the region and have their own rich cultural traditions based on Islam and influencing the culture of the region. The purpose of the research is to study the attitude of Tatars to religious rituals on the example of the Kirov region. To achieve this goal, ethnosociological expeditions were undertaken in 2018-2023 to the Malmyzhsky and Kilmezsky districts of the Kirov region as one of the most representative areas where the Tatar population lives. Within the framework of the expeditions, methods of included observation were used, as well as interviews in the form of interviews. As a result, the attitude of the Tatars towards such religious ceremonial as the obligatory observance of prayer, marriage (nikyah), the prohibition on eating pork, as well as the special position of women was revealed. As the study showed, Tatars in the Kirov region do not have a canonical manifestation of the foundations of Islam, but a folk faith characterized by a simplified perception of these foundations: not all Tatars observe the fivefold prayer, some of them also eat pork. It remains important for the Tatar population to observe the nikyah rite at marriage, but at the same time there is a relaxation in choosing a partner – he can be of any nationality, but must be a Muslim or convert to Islam. There are certain changes in the situation of women: there are no restrictions on their rights and freedoms, and not all Muslim women adhere to a strict and closed style of dress. In addition, the Tatars' desire to combine the traditional way of life with the modern dominant culture, as well as with other national cultures of the region ("neighborly mutual assistance", holding various festivals of traditional cultures, assimilation of Tatars) was revealed. It was concluded that the attitude towards traditional confessional rituals in the Tatar community is softened and does not imply strictness in observance. The results of the study are useful for building intercultural communications between various stakeholders (government, business, non-profit organizations).
observation, interfaith interaction, Islam, Tatars, Kirov region, multiculturalism, confessional rituals, confession, interview, visual analysis
Okulovskii M.D..
Youth and media: the impact of information technology on the political worldview
// Sociodynamics.
2024. № 4.
P. 10-21.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2024.4.70480 EDN: URCMYI URL:
The subject of the research is the influence of information technology on the political worldview of young people. For example, young people who take an active life position or strive for it. Today's youth spend most of their time in the online space, receiving information from social networks, news portals and blogs. This makes the Internet the main source of information about politics for young people. The article examines such aspects as accessibility of information, media literacy of young people, as well as the possibility of forming public opinion through social networks and news resources. The research method includes analysis, surveys and interviews with youth representatives, as well as an overview of current news and political events. The scientific novelty of this study is to identify ways to form a political worldview among young people in the digital age. The availability of information and the ability to communicate with different people help to broaden the horizons and understanding of political processes, but you need to be careful and analytical so as not to fall under the influence of manipulation and fake news. Thanks to the Internet, youth can discuss political issues with representatives of different cultures and worldviews, which can significantly expand their horizons and help them better understand complex political processes. However, it is important to remember that distorted or one-sided data may be presented on the Internet, which can lead to the formation of incorrect or exaggerated political views. Therefore, a critical approach to information obtained from the Internet is extremely important. The main conclusions of the study are that modern information technologies have a significant impact on the political worldview of young people, however, it is important to develop media literacy and critical thinking among the younger generation for a more informed perception of information.
Youth, Fake news, Influence, Media, Digital literacy, Public opinion, Social influence, information technology, Worldview, Social network
Dekhanova N., Kholodenko Y..
Global social changes: risks for the welfare state
// Sociodynamics.
2024. № 1.
P. 41-52.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2024.1.69248 EDN: LCDQHH URL:
The relevance of the chosen topic is due to the fact that globalization, being the most important factor in social dynamics, leads to tectonic shifts in absolutely all spheres of social life. These changes are ambiguous and dual in nature. The purpose of this work is to identify the contradictory nature of the influence of global transformation in the context of recent challenges (COVID 19, increased international economic competition, a complex of economic problems, sanctions policy, political instability) on the scale of inequality in the modern world, the functioning of the institution of the social state, consensus on issues of social cohesion, social justice and social solidarity. The theoretical basis of the article was the work of F. Fukuyama, I. Wallerstein, P. Rosanvallon, G. E. Anderson and others. The interdisciplinary nature of the research within the framework of the identified problems requires the use of both the results of sociological research and a significant amount of international economic statistics. The authors have carried out a comprehensive analysis of the factors of global socio-economic changes that most directly affect the functioning of the modern social state. Based on current sociological and statistical data, the authors prove the complex feasibility and partly even change in the basic principles of the “welfare state” associated with social justice, social cohesion and social solidarity in modern Western European countries, which until recently were considered a standard of high quality and living standards of the population, a developed social support system, and a large middle class. It is concluded that the negative trends of global social changes are unlikely to be changed in the foreseeable future, despite the measures taken by national governments and international institutions aimed at stabilizing the socio-economic situation.
modernization, westernization, liberalization, social justice, socio-economic inequality, global competition, welfare state, social change, globalization, digitalization
Moldanova N.A..
Folk arts and crafts of Ugra: problems of terminological interpretation
// Sociodynamics.
2023. № 12.
P. 133-146.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2023.12.69067 EDN: NYDRWG URL:
The purpose of the study is to analyze the concepts of "folk arts and crafts" and their comparison with folk and decorative arts. The use of materials on the culture of the Ob Ugrians allows us to define the boundaries of these phenomena, which are interpreted differently in legal, educational and cultural contexts. The concepts of "folk arts and crafts" and "folk art" have similarities in that they both relate to traditional forms of culture that were created and passed down from generation to generation by the people. The concept of "decorative and applied art" includes various objects of art that are created for the purpose of decorating clothes, dishes, and interiors. The equivalence of these concepts lies in the fact that this activity of creating handmade products has unique artistic qualities. The materials for the study were the works of Soviet and Russian art historians and ethnographers. The author relies on the fundamental research of the art historian M.A. Nekrasova on the theory of folk art. Special attention is paid to the works of northern historians specializing in the traditional art of the Ob Ugrians. The article analyzes the conceptual framework in federal and regional legislation. Having studied various forms of artistic creativity – folk crafts and folk art, we have identified their specific features, which were formed under the influence of historical, socio-economic, cultural changes. Adherence to tradition is an important feature of the folk culture of the indigenous peoples of the North, which allows us to preserve its unique characteristics. Folk arts and crafts of the Ob Ugrians today continue to develop and adapt to modern realities, while maintaining their identity. Folk art and crafts have a special system of meanings, which are determined by their history, functioning, and specific expression, including in modern reality. The folk art of the Ob Ugrians has its own trajectory of development within the settlement of these peoples. At the same time, all traditional culture has deep roots in the ethnic environment and is transmitted through mechanisms related to ethnic identity and social translation.
Yugra, professional art, indigenous peoples, Ob-Ugric peoples, traditional culture, folk art, decorative and applied art, craft, folk art and crafts, Western Siberia
Bnatov D.A..
Consumer society and consumer behavior: The evolution of concepts and modern understanding.
// Sociodynamics.
2023. № 8.
P. 1-10.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2023.8.43986 EDN: XIQEMA URL:
The article presents the results of a theoretical analysis of significant sociological, economic, psychological and related concepts of consumer society and consumer behavior. It is shown that the evolution of these concepts has a pronounced division into stages corresponding to the historical trends of the emergence and development of consumer society as a socio-economic phenomenon. Organically interconnected with the formation of consumer society was the formation of typed consumer behavior practices, which today is characterized by a complex structure, and its specific forms depend on a significant number of factors of the most diverse nature. These forms need to be comprehensively studied in order to use the acquired knowledge in the activities of both commercial enterprises and public administration. Consumption within the framework of this stage was considered most often as a derivative of class or estate, and its most prominent representatives were K.Marx (consumption as belonging to a class), M.Weber, T.Geiger, T.Veblen (theory of prestigious consumption), G.Simmel (theory of fashion), V. Sombart (theory of luxury). Further studies of consumer behavior began to be conducted mainly within the framework of economic theory, behavioral economics and marketing at the beginning of the XX century. The Marxist idea of "commodity fetishism" was continued in the writings of J.Baudrillard (criticism of consumer society), and the concept of M. Weber – in the so-called "class factions" of P. Bourdieu, and the ideas and J.Baudrillard and P. Bourdieu (habitus as an "acquired system of generative schemes") are quite popular today in sociological, socio-cultural and socio-philosophical concepts of human behavior in general and consumer behavior in particular. The "new" theory of consumption was proposed by G. Becker, K. Lancaster and J.Stigler, and M. Friedman and J.Dusenberry formulated the concepts of permanent income and sustainable consumer practices, respectively, to explain "advanced consumption".
level consumed, products, signs, society, consumption, evolution of concepts, consumer choice, consumer behavior, consumer society, the economic subsystem of the company
Samsitdinov I.Z., Girfanova I.N..
Atypical aspects of social stratification and mobility
// Sociodynamics.
2023. № 5.
P. 49-56.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2023.5.40668 EDN: CKMICU URL:
The authors attempts to highlight certain aspects of social relations and social movements that go beyond the traditional typology of social stratification and mobility. It is emphasized that the general vector of modernity, namely the information and digitalization in many areas significantly complements and changes the understanding of mobility. Separately, the social group of "remote workers" is analyzed, the number of which has been growing noticeably in recent years in connection with the informatization of society, as well as in connection with the geopolitical situation, the situation of "uncertainty". Structural-functional, axiological, activity-based approaches were chosen as the methodological basis of the study, the comparative method and the method of scientific analysis were used. The novelty of the research lies in the fact that the article identifies three social groups — "remoters", "organizers", "fallacians", attention to which in classical literature, in our opinion, was not paid enough. In conditions of uncertainty, individuals who are able to design new forms of sociality, which have significant advantages over traditional projects, gain a noticeable advantage. The main conclusion is that social mobility acquires new indicators and is often not associated with the real movements of the subject in space and time. New research and analysis of this phenomenon are required, taking into account the conditions of rapid informatization and transformation of modern society.
status, society, virtualization of living space, fallacy, game structure, atypical, stratification, social mobility, qualifications, power
Gromakova V.G..
Institutional transformation of society in the light of the sociosynergetic paradigm
// Sociodynamics.
2023. № 4.
P. 54-70.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2023.4.37415 EDN: UWYRBG URL:
The object of theoretical research presented in this article is society as an open non-equilibrium system capable of self-organization. The subject of the study are the factors and driving forces of the institutional transformation of the societal system. The relevance of the study is justified by the prolonged transformational period in the life of Russian society, as well as the increasingly widespread socio-structural crisis phenomena in the world. The scientific problem is determined based on such well-known facts as the low predictability and manageability of the processes of institutional transformation, on the one hand, and the need to reduce the risks associated with them, on the other. Accordingly, the question is raised about the mechanism of institutional transformation, which is proposed to be considered using the principles and provisions of sociosynergetics as a methodological basis. The main element of novelty in this article is the synthesis of neoinstitutional theory with the provisions of sociosynergetics. The study analyzes the process of institutional transformation from the standpoint of the sociosynergetic concept using such categories as energy dissipation, entropy, stationary and nonequilibrium state in their social expression. The characteristics of the evolutionary and crisis stages in the development of the institutional system are given. Attention is focused on the risks of the transformation period and the relationship of its results with the previous period of stability. As a result of the conducted research , the author formulates the following conclusions:1) Subjects of social relations act in accordance with the principle of minimum energy dissipation, as a result of which the foundations of any new order are laid in fluctuations of the previous structure.2) The course of the crisis (transformational) process is adversely affected by both excessive control actions aimed at preserving the previous order, and premature and ill-conceived reforms.3) The prolonged transformation threatens the complete degradation of the societal system due to the depletion of resources needed to reduce entropy.
stationary state, entropy, energy dissipation, sociosynergetics, institutional changes, social transit, social transformation, social institute, nonlinear dynamics, cumulative
Kovalenko N..
Tolstoy as a Social and Religious Reformer
// Sociodynamics.
2023. № 3.
P. 54-62.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2023.3.39824 EDN: MZMUIV URL:
This paper examines the works of the great Russian writer, philosopher and socio-religious reformer Leo Tolstoy created in the late XIX – early XX centuries. Tolstoy's social philosophy assumed and was based on the religious type of culture as its foundation. The Christian type of personality in its Orthodox sound was fundamental for Tolstoy. Although at the same time, he analyzed and criticized the contemporary Orthodox Church from unorthodox positions for its close connection with the power structures of the Russian Empire. As the historian of Russian philosophy V.V. Zenkovsky wrote at the time, Tolstoy's worldview was inseparable from the Orthodox faith. Tolstoy's teaching, in particular his philosophy of nonviolence, became quite widespread and contributed to the emergence of the socio-religious movement of Tolstoyites in Russia. Tolstoy's ideas were adequately perceived abroad, in particular, this is the ideology of Mahatma Gandhi's non-participation in India of the XX century. Tolstoy's philosophy of nonviolence corresponded both to Tolstoy's rejection of the hierarchical structure of intra-church life and to the traditions of Eastern philosophy with its reliance on the principle of non-doing and nonviolence.
writer, creativity, reformation, Great Russian writer, anti-ethatism, philosophy of non-violence, Tolstoism, religious reformer, Tolstoy, composition
Kraev O..
De-Commemoration as a Factor of Collective Memory Formation in South America
// Sociodynamics.
2023. № 2.
P. 1-9.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2023.2.39834 EDN: GKUHJG URL:
The article focuses on de-commemoration, i.e. the elimination of monuments and other objects with historical meaning, in South American countries. The goal is to analyse the examples of these processes found in different countries of the region, using a new typology of this yet insufficiently studied phenomenon, proposed by sociologists Tracy Adams and Yinon Guttel-Klein. There are examples of de-commemoration linked to democratization of socio-political and, consequently, cultural space in the region, as well as the revision of monumental heritage in the context of changing perceptions of society and some of its influential segments of the country's past or their transition from verbal rejection of certain objects to destructive actions. The novelty of the study lies in the use of the new typology, originally applied to the analysis of the Israeli experience, in the study of memorial objects in South America and the analysis of diverse memorial units and country-specific features of the processes of de-commemoration, namely desecration and reframing, primarily in Paraguay and Colombia. One of the main conclusions of the study is the possibility of de-commemoration in the studied region in relation to objects belonging to chronologically and essentially different historical periods and phenomena. The author also reveals the multifunctionality of de-commemoration. Finally, it has been found that the interest of the state in the implementation of memory policy in general and de-commemoration in particular often plays a decisive role in the implementation of projects in this sphere.
planned obsolescence, reframing, desecration, vandalism, counter-monument, Alfredo Stroessner, Colombia, Paraguay, memory policy, de-commemoration
Ivanov A.G..
In Search of the Soviet Past: the Lipetsk Case
// Sociodynamics.
2022. № 9.
P. 58-68.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2022.9.38733 EDN: CCKBYB URL:
The myth of the founding of Lipetsk includes a narrative related to the development of the southern borders of Russia and the development of metallurgy. But the 23-fold increase in the population of Lipetsk during the entire 65 years of the XX century (from 21.4 thousand people in 1926 to 490.3 thousand people in 1990) makes us turn back to the Soviet period of the city's history. Having considered the modes of circulation of "soft" and "hard" memory, as well as using the optics of different scales formulated by E. Rigni and C. de Cesare and the intuitions of J. Assman, who identified the communicative and cultural areas of memory, the author checks whether Lipetsk today pays due tribute to the Soviet past. The appeal to the key markers of Lipetsk's identity (metallurgical plant, mineral water, aviation center) related to cultural memory showed that today many residents of the city do not have a sense of continuity with the past. It is concluded that the post-war period of the USSR is a particularly significant memory space around which the identity of the Lipchans could be built, the memory of the local community could be formed. However, today Lipetsk residents have to face a completely different memorial policy initiated by local authorities, in which the Soviet past is gradually being replaced by new symbolic practices and objects, as a result of which the urban space is becoming more and more eclectic.
public history, the foundation myth, city, oblivion, local community, identity, memorial policy, Lipetsk, memory, soviet past
Kannykin S.V..
Urban running practices, their determinants, transformations and influences
// Sociodynamics.
2022. № 5.
P. 50-70.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2022.5.38037 URL:
The hypothesis of the study is that running in urban space has a specific socio-cultural dimension, containing both an invariant part inherent in urban running in general and a peculiar set of value-normative attitudes of the individual. The subject of this research is a two-pronged process: the influence of the urban environment on the social and existential parameters of running, as well as the reverse influence of mass urban running in all its varieties both on the urban environment and participants, and on society as a whole. The methodological basis of the research is the socio-cultural approach. The social institutions that currently determine the regular group running of citizens belong to all spheres of activity in society: economic (running tourism), social (holidays with a carnival-game component), political (campaign runs), spiritual. Street running can be considered as a way of "appropriating" urban space; urban running allow one to clarify the depths of one's "I", prepare for activity in a highly competitive urban environment, provide a bodily and emotional completeness that is unattainable outside of running. Mass running practices create their own semantic fields in the context of each city, marked with monuments, names, events and legends; street running is a form of synoikism, linking urban areas into a single spiritual space, carries out a festive transformation of the city, makes a significant contribution to the development of the economy, contributes to the gentrification of territories and branding of the city. The habitus of modern urban running as a social practice can be represented by the following dispositions: solidarity, healthy lifestyle, women's emancipation, socialization, involvement in the environmental movement.
running tourism, healthy lifestyle, synoikism, carnival, virtual running, existence, city marathons, urbanistics, running, city
Sizov S.E..
The representations of "Latin captivity" in the Russian history of philosophy
// Sociodynamics.
2022. № 1.
P. 69-78.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2022.1.36672 URL:
The subject of this research is the history of the concept of "Latin captivity" since its articulation among senior Slavophiles and namely Y. F. Samarin to modern version of the Archpriest G. Florovsky and Priest V. Zenkovsky, as well as om the context of modern research on the history of Russian religious philosophy. Although the very concept of "Latin captivity" has become fundamental for assessing the interaction of theology and philosophy in the Russian religious thought, it is being increasingly criticized due to explicit reductionism and slating facts to the research model. The scientific novelty lies in description of the history of existence of the historical-philosophical concept of "Latin captivity", including not only the study of its genesis, but also the analysis of ongoing polemics around its correspondence with the scientific data. The article determines the merits and demerits of the concept, as well as the prospects for its implementation in the context of scientific works on the history of religious philosophy. The study demonstrates that although the idea of the "Latin captivity" provided the fertile ground, a certain simple myth for describing the history of philosophy, it can be replaced by other concurrent theories that better cope with the same task of creating a single methodological framework for historical-philosophical research.
Georgiy Florovsky, laic theology, Orthodox theology, Russian religious thought, the Babylonian captivity of theology, the concept of the Latin captivity, Slavophiles, academic theology, scholasticism, Russian religious philosophy
Golovushkin D.A..
On the advent of the Reformation: COVID-19 pandemic as a predictor of social and value transformations
// Sociodynamics.
2021. № 8.
P. 42-55.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2021.8.32948 URL:
This article is dedicated to the problems and prospects of the expected/commenced social and value shift, which was stimulated and legitimized by the COVID-19 pandemic. For a long time and on different levels (universalism/particularism), the modern world has been seeking the new system of “individual – society – state”, as well as the corresponding value basis. Being simultaneously a global and individual challenge, the COVID-19 pandemic allows launching and testing the available “projects of the Reformation”, as well as laying the foundation for the future projects. This is the sort of “shimmering in the near distance”, version of the “disciplinary revolution”, which allows officially speaking of the “new world”. However, in order the “motivation” for the new social reality is “for conscience, rather than fear”, it requires the value revolution (“revolution in theology”), which would formulate and offer the new normative attitudes. In this regard, the use of the conceptual framework of the “Reformation” and its patterns leads towards the comprehension of importance of the value foundation of the expected / commenced social transformation. Even of greater importance is the understanding who forms this value foundation. The article does not provide specific answers to the questions which new system of “individual – society – state”, new ethos or “new religion” entails the COVID-19 pandemic. The consequences of such “revolutions” manifest later on and are rarely predictable. This article aims to be the “optics” that allows seeing the inner and the outer the context of the COVID-2019.
social transformation, state, society, individual, COVID-2019, revolution, Reformation, value transformation, ethos, religions
Kovalev A.A..
The idea of commonality and Western philosophical-legal concepts: history and modernity
// Sociodynamics.
2021. № 6.
P. 14-30.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2021.6.33244 URL:
This article discusses the idea of commonality within the system of philosophical-legal concepts through the prism of history and modernity. This problem is important for understanding the systemic nature of philosophical-legal concepts, considering that the philosophy of law throughout its conceptualization was often either replaced by the philosophy of politics or social philosophy, or veered off, virtually losing commonality with the “unified philosophy”. The research employs the components of comparative law, socio-philosophical, historical-logical, and political science analysis. The works of the foreign authors of the XIX – XX centuries served as the foundation for this research. The scientific novelty lies in the following: 1) the author establishes that the legal concept of commonality offers a means of reconsideration of the attitude of law towards the diversity of social groups and associations that characterize modern life; 2) an important trend is determined in studying the legal concept of commonality, developed for indicating the need for normative reflection of social relations based on trust; it recognizes the diversity of such relations and forms of their expression. This selected topic is relevant in modern world, as well as socio-humanistic knowledge, thus the author's approach allowed achieving the novelty of the formulated conclusions.
collective interaction, nation, legal consciousness, law, community, society, idea of community, social philosophy, legal concept, philosophy of law
Kannykin S.V..
“Revering religion, you would not approve of relentless running”
// Sociodynamics.
2021. № 5.
P. 73-83.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2021.5.32955 URL:
The subject of this research is determination of the peculiarities of competitive running in the medieval sociocultural situation. The relevance of this article is substantiated by the importance of cognizing the socio-historical context of desacralization of athleticism (and running as its component), as well as the grounds and manifestations of its transition into the sphere of secular, humanistically oriented bodily practices. The author sets the following tasks: compare the sacred and profane components of running athleticism in the Antiquity and the Middle Ages; identify of the reasons for desacralization of running in this period, as well as new manifestations and trends of transformation of its profane component. The methodological framework is comprised of the laws and principles of dialectics, analysis, synthesis, deduction, induction, and analogy. The author reviews competitive running from the perspective of binary opposition sacred/profane. The acquired results can be applied in social philosophy, philosophical anthropology, and philosophy of sports. The novelty of this research lies in identification of causes and consequences of the medieval desacralization of running and absence of institutionalization of running competitions; consideration of the peculiarities of running practices in the elite circles and commoners; examination of specificity of running competitions in the carnival culture; outlining the reasons of the applied use of endurance running in economic activity; as well as indication of the unique for theocentric Middle Ages humanistic orientation of running as a separate type of competition and the basis of athletic activity overall.
knights, paganism, profane, sacred, Christianity, the Middle Ages, running, folk games, carnival, humanism
Sevostyanova E..
Mobilization in everyday life of the population of Trans-Baikal Region during the period of “Chinese complications” (1900-1901)
// Sociodynamics.
2021. № 4.
P. 22-47.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2021.4.32551 URL:
The object of this research is the everyday life of Trans-Baikal Region during the military-political conflict. The official name of the conflict was “Military Campaign in China 1900-1901”, but in common practice it was called “Chinese complications” and “danger on the borders”. The subject of this research is mobilization in everyday life of the population of Trans-Baikal Region during the period of “Chinese complications” (1900-1901). The author examines the impact of mobilization upon life of the population, which behavioral strategies and psychological reactions were prevalent, assessments of the population regarding the causes of the conflict and its consequences for Trans-Baikal region, what and what language was used to describe it. In the analysis of newspaper materials, the article employed the methods of determining semantic-lexical elements; considered the methodological ideas of studying everyday life as a correlation between power strategies and tactics of everyday life. It was established that the population identified mobilization with uncontrolled natural disasters and catastrophic events, such as crop setback, floods, and large-scale epizootics. Mobilization alongside the Russia-China conflict overall, did not entail a surge of anti-Chinese sentiments, although incited xenophobia. The author explores the main issues of everyday life determined by mobilization and measures taken by the regional authorities aimed at ensuring security of the border areas and preventing famine. Analysis is conducted on the ideological and informational role of the church. The Trans-Baikal Church led the charity work, and all priests were authorized to accept donations.
Russian-Chinese relations, Chinese prisoners of war, ethnic stereotype, Trans-Baikal region, military everyday life, rebellion in China, mobilization, The Russian-Chinese conflict, Zabaykalsky Church, military and political conflict
Tarasov A.N..
Sociocultural transformations as the basis for periodization of European culture: cultural and philosophical analysis
// Sociodynamics.
2021. № 3.
P. 48-55.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2021.3.32900 URL:
The goal of this research consists in demonstration of transitional periods in the dynamics of European culture, defined as sociocultural transformation, as the basis for its periodization. The article indicates that namely sociocultural transformations, i.e. transitional eras, play a crucial role in the historical-cultural process. In the dynamics of European (Euro-Atlantic) culture, the author determines the three sociocultural transformations: late Hellenism, Renaissance and Reformation, avant-garde and postmodernity. They divide the cultural continuum of the countries of European (Euro-Atlantic) civilization into three stages of gradual development: antiquity, medieval, and modern European. The key research method is the philosophical interpretation of the knowledge on cultural heritage of the European (and later Euro-Atlantic) culture. It is underlined that sociocultural transformations manifest as a condition for the creative process in its classical meaning (emergence, consolidation, and distribution of the new), and the key for cultural continuity, although the contemporaries often consider it as “shifting away from the norm”. In the intervals (sociocultural transformations) of gradualism (cultural systems) underlies the guarantee of continuity of the historical-cultural process.
the periodization of culture, Euro-Atlantic civilization, European culture, transition epochs, the crisis of culture, socio-cultural transformation, the dynamics of culture, late Hellenism, Renaissance, postmodern
Solomin D.N., Kuchinskaya T.N..
The problematic of correlation between innovations and ethnic culture in China’s modern philosophical thought
// Sociodynamics.
2021. № 3.
P. 64-76.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2021.3.35053 URL:
In the conditions of searching for innovative part of development of the period of sociocultural transformations, the problematic of innovations remains relevant not only within the discourse of scientific-technological progress, but also in the context of discussions on the impact of ethnic culture and its societal values upon production of innovations and determination of methodology for studying such impact. Special attention is given to the experience of modern China and theoretical findings of the Chinese authors, who are actively seeking the answers to these questions within the framework of the objectives of the strategy of building the “innovative state” in China. The goal of this work is to outline the key areas of research on innovations in the context of cultural determinism in China’s modern philosophical thought. The article employs the method of content analysis, as well as hermeneutic interpretation of the text and foreign cultural realities. Textological analysis of authentic materials in the Chinese language is carried out in accordance with the principles of integrity and structuralism, using the methods of comparison, analogy, synthesis and analysis. Based on the analysis of the works of Chinese authors dealing with the phenomenon of innovations through the prism of cultural conditionality, the following areas of research were outlined: theoretical substantiation of interinfluence of culture and innovations; development of methodologies for assessing cultural differences in view of innovations; analysis of the impact of cross-cultural interaction, regional and corporate culture upon production of innovations and innovative development. The article introduces into the scientific discourse the authentic materials by the Chinese authors that describe the peculiarities of the ethnic and regional culture in the context of their influence upon the innovative processes in China. The acquired results and conclusions significantly broaden the outlook upon the problem of interinfluence of culture and innovations, which allows developing practical recommendations in the area of innovative policy and strategy for managing international cooperation in the sphere of innovations.
cultural characteristics of innovativeness, innovative development, regional culture, culture and innovation, sociocultural approach, Innovation Studies, innovation, Chinese Innovation Studies, corporate culture, intercultural interaction
Pestereva K.A., Khokholova I.S., Kysylbaikova M.I., Vasilyeva A.P..
The symbolism of urban space: socio-cognitive approach (based on the material of Yakutsk)
// Sociodynamics.
2021. № 2.
P. 1-15.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2021.2.35102 URL:
This article is dedicated to the currently relevant direction in the humanities – the study of city monuments as the tools of commemoration that contribute to the formation of historical and cultural memory in the society. The author classifies the monuments and art objects of Yakutsk by designation, as well as presents the survey results of the citizens on perception of the city’s symbolic space of the city. An overview and analysis of the monuments of Yakutsk demonstrated that they reflect history of the city and the republic, as well as contribute to the formation of sustainable representation of the citizens on the historical events. The most remarkable component in the formation of collective memory and historical identity remains the Memorials of Military Glory. This article reviews an example of the memorial complex “Victory Square” as the major memorial site in the city. It is substantiated by the fact that due to the government’s policy of emphasizing and reconsideration of the role of the Soviet people in victory in the Great Patriotic War, the monument retains its functionality and reminds on the tough years of war experienced by the people. The acquired results indicate that the residents are familiar with the history of their city and support the strengthening of commemorative functions assigned to the monuments.
sociological questionnaire, urban space, collective memory, historical monument, multiethnic population, historical memory, memorial complex, urban population, commemoration, symbolic space
Ravochkin N.N..
Idea as an instrument of social engineering: philosophical analysis
// Sociodynamics.
2019. № 12.
P. 237-255.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2019.12.31237 URL:
The subject of this article is the idea viewed as an instrument of social engineering. The author continues his research on the supplement of intellectual constructs to the practices of socially conversion activity implemented by the government bodies. The work also refers to the potential of ideologies and establishment of the concept of social engineering; analyzes the national (prerevolutionary, Soviet and current) experience, as well as the views of foreign thinkers (from Antiquity through Modern Times to Present). The conceptual characteristics of social engineering along with the potential of ideas as its instruments are demonstrated. The author uses the original synthetic research methodology based on the social realism, civilizational approaches and general philosophic methods. The scientific novelty consists in designation of the potential of ideas as the determinants of social transformations from the perspective of social engineering. The ideological determination of institutional renovation in the imperial Russia and Soviet Union in reviewed. The author pursues correlation between the socialist way of conducting reforms and capabilities of social engineering, which manifests as most effective method of realization of gradual transformations in the various spheres of social life.
modernization, ideology, project, transformations, social engineering, society, Idea, praxeology, theory, institutional order
Leushkin R.V..
Network forms of self-organization and management of social systems in the context of informatization and virtualization of modern society
// Sociodynamics.
2019. № 12.
P. 256-268.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2019.12.31707 URL:
This work examines the specificity of virtual socio-communication space and the forms of social and political self-organization emerging within it. Due to expansion of information and communication technologies, the modern social space is subject of the processes of virtualization and informatization. On the one hand, these processes lead to the establishment of grounds for future information society; while on the other, cause a number of undesirable consequences such as information warfare, cyberterrorism and information pollution. The understanding of structural characteristics of information society, namely the emerging within it forms of management and self-governance of social systems, would allow preventing the negative effects of informatization. The research leans on the social systems theory of N. Luhmann, classification of communication types of M. Mcluhan, wave model of society of A. Toffler, concept of power of M. Foucault, and post-structuralist concepts of J. Baudrillard and G. Deleuze. The process of informatization of socio-communication space of society leads to the emergence of new forms of political organization and self-organization of social systems, establishment of virtual and network forms of governance. The main peculiarities of these forms of governance include: deterritorialization, rhizomaticity, cybernetization. Despite the difficulty in determination of the network forms of governance, the author observes more and more indirect criteria of their existence, which increases the need for studying their fundamental characteristics.
The Great Disruption, information, hyperreality, virtuality, social system, Information society, social communication, information war, network society, social space
Chebunin A..
Axiology of personality in Chinese Buddhism
// Sociodynamics.
2019. № 9.
P. 40-52.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2019.9.30496 URL:
Chinese Buddhism, being the most prominent branch of Buddhism and one of the three main ideological teachings of China, represents a theoretical and practical system of reproduction of a certain personality model. Such personality model is oriented towards the basic Buddhist spiritual values and consists of three levels: Arhat, Bodhisattva, and Buddha that differ in the level and hierarchy of spiritual values. Arhat, within the framework of the personal way of salvation, is aimed at non-attachment and serenity. Bodhisattva, in the context of the social way of salvation, encourages mercy, compassion and self-sacrifice. Buddha, as an idea model of ultimate purpose of improvement, is characterized by absolutization of the Buddhist spiritual values. In Chinese Buddhism, Buddha attains the highest transcendent meaning, and the main vector of the practice of improvement becomes the model of Bodhisattva in the context of Mahayana doctrine. Research methodology is defined by the basic conceptual approaches towards studying spiritual culture in the context of its functional significance for human and society. The scientific novelty and main conclusions consist in substantiation of personal vector in the practice of improvement as a development of the corresponding spiritual values targeting the ideal model of Buddhist personality. Multilevel orientation towards the different types of personality in Buddhism reflected the all-encompassing nature of its teaching, aimed at the diverse level of spiritual development of the people. Selection of the Bodhisattva model in Chinese Buddhism is defined by the social vector of Chinese culture, which ensured a powerful religious and ethical potential of the entire Chinese civilization.
bodhisattva, arhat, subject, personality, Chinese Buddhism, China, Buddhism, Buddha, spiritual values, axiology
Odintsov A.V..
Cultural heritage of the 2018 FIFA World Cup in the perception of student youth
// Sociodynamics.
2019. № 9.
P. 53-63.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2019.9.30603 URL:
The object of this research is the cultural heritage of the group stage of 2018 FIFA World Cup in Volgograd. The subject of this research is the perception of student youth with regards to this event. Special attention is given to the elements of cultural heritage, impact upon the image of the city, which before was strongly associated with the Battle of Stalingrad. The research also analyzes the attitude of the locals towards foreign guests, as well as the dynamic of stereotypes of the foreigners to Russia overall. The empirical method became the mass questionnaire-based survey with total sample of N=746; confidence interval does not exceed 3.7%. The results demonstrate that the respondents associate the cultural heritage of the 2018 FIFA World Cup primarily with inflow of spending and development; the increase in investments to the region is more noticeable that the positive changes in image of the country and the region. Despite hosting a groups stage of the 2018 FIFA in Volgograd, the Battle of Stalingrad and dedicated to it memorial complexes remain to be the most significant element of the city.
sporting events, cultural events, mega event, opinion poll, Volgograd, city image, sociology of youth, cultural heritage, FIFA World Cup, heritage
Sharov K.S..
Surrogacy in Russia and Singapore within the system of models of demographic behavior
// Sociodynamics.
2019. № 4.
P. 31-41.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2019.4.29510 URL:
The object of this research is the legislation in Russia and Singapore regulating the sphere of reproductive technologies, as well as sociocultural attitude of the population towards the use of such technologies, reflected in social orientations, including those expressed by religious organizations. The subject of this research is the similarities in legislation of Russia and Singapore, as well as social orientations with regards to the sphere of reproductive technologies. The goal of this work lies in comprehension of parallelism in regulating the sphere of reproductive technologies of Russian and Singapore, and proposal of an original explanation to this phenomenon. Methodology contains the approaches, principles and analysis of the regulatory acts, statistical demographic data and content analysis of the rhetoric about the use of reproductive technologies. The scientific novelty consists in determination of the fact that both countries have a remarkable resemblance in legal regulation of the sphere of reproductive technologies and social orientations (opinions) pertinent to implementation of such technologies. The legal regulation of surrogacy In Russia or Singapore cannot be considered objectively effective. In both, Russia and Singapore, there is noticed circumspection and indifference within the sociocultural perception of reproductive technologies, as well as the doubts in cultural legitimacy of their implementation. A hypothesis is put forward, according to which, the similarity between Russian and Singapore with regards to surrogacy is explained by the common legal and cultural Eurasian heritage of the Russian and Singaporean cultures.
family legislation, family, gender stereotypes, gender legislation, gender, Singapore, Russia, surrogacy, reproductive technologies, sociocultural attitudes
Martianova N.A., Rubtcova M..
Woman as a subject of social transformations in positivist sociology of Auguste Comte
// Sociodynamics.
2018. № 12.
P. 114-121.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2018.12.28326 URL:
The status of women often picked the curiosity of the thinkers who dedicated themselves to the development of projects of social transformations. Auguste Comte, in his positivist concept, draws particular attention to consideration of the status and role of women in the proclaimed by him new historical era – the positivist stage in the development of humanity. However, the national sociological science has yet not paid due attention to this topic. The subject of this article is the specifics of the status and role of women from the perspective of positivist sociology of Auguste Comte. The comparative-historical analysis of the views of A. Comte upon the specifics of the status and role of women at the various stage of his works became the method of this research. The discrepancy in the female social functions at theological, metaphysical, and positive stage of social development is determines. The authors systematize the philosopher’s views regarding the question of gender equality; give characteristic to the “cult of woman” as a specific designation by A. Comte of female status at the positive stage; as well as determine the woman’s functions as a subject of social transformations.
cult of humanity, subordination of woman, ruling gender, affective gender, cult of woman, gender equality, social transformations, woman, positivism, sociological realism
Polyushkevich O.A., Popova M.V..
The impact of toponymy upon the identity of city residents (on the example of Irkutsk)
// Sociodynamics.
2018. № 9.
P. 86-97.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2018.9.23664 URL:
The subject of this article is the impact of urban toponymy upon the identity of Irkutsk residents. The goal is to study the specificity of formation and development, impact on peoples’ identity, and the prospects of transformation of street names in the city of Irkutsk. The author also explores the legislative contradictions and mechanisms for their solution with regards to the names of streets and squares, which form the common sociocultural space of the urban landscape. The work considers the symbolic impact of toponymic heritage upon the urban space and atmosphere, as well as the citizens themselves. The scientific novelty is defined by the fact that the names of urban toponymies in Irkutsk neither culturally, nor even historically, correspond with its established historical image. The author underlines the disruption of the “urban culture myth” (unity of name and space of the city), which ultimately affects the perception of city by its residents, as well the tourists, who make a material contribution to its development. Therefore, there is a need for toponymic restoration in Irkutsk. The main conclusion lies in the fact that the great majority of Irkutsk toponymies do not have a response from text images in the cultural and historical context of the city. However, as demonstrated by the analysis of historical center of the city, the “Soviet” names are still attenuated with the harmonious symbolic images, which carry positive information about the history of Irkutsk, emphasizing its historical status and forming a distinct sociocultural identity of the residents.
territory, urban space, streets, self-perception, toponymy, ideology, Identity, city, urban identity, unity
Churkina N.A..
Gender identity in the aspect of transformation of gender mentality
// Sociodynamics.
2018. № 9.
P. 98-104.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2018.9.26259 URL:
The subject of this research is the gender identity of a human. Special attention is given to the characteristics of such significant basis of human self-determination as its gender. Gender is the first identification criterion, which allows a human grasping his individuality and distinction from others. The author underlines that the successfulness of gender identity directly affects the human ability to cognize himself along with his position in sociocultural space, as well as effectively adapt in society. The article reviews in detail such aspects of the topic as the sociocultural content of masculinity and femininity. Based on reference to the reputable Russian and foreign sources, the author demonstrates the relevance, and simultaneously, the difficulty of acquisition of gender identity by a human in modern society. Methodological foundation leans on the views of the representatives of Annales School. The scientific novelty lies in the attempt to demonstrate that the realization of gender identity in many ways depends on the mental structures – values, stereotypes, and archetypes. As a result, this forms the gender worldview comprised of the masculine and feminine foundations, which determine the human behavior as a gender representative in various situation, in accordance with value system of the gender culture. The author underlines that the masculine and feminine stereotypes, which define the differences between men and women, act as the basis for existence of differences between the genders and establishment of hierarchical structure of modern society grounded on the patriarchal ideology. A conclusion is made that at the present stage takes place the transformation of gender mentality, which leads to the inversion of masculine and feminine behavioral strategies of a human.
masculinity, patriarchy, gender mentality, gender identity, gender, identity, femininity, gender stereotypes, values, crisis
Sorokina E..
The study of stratification of the modern Chinese society in works of Chen Guangjin
// Sociodynamics.
2018. № 6.
P. 43-51.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2018.6.26535 URL:
The subject of this research is the concept of Chinese sociologist Chen Guangjin (陈光金), which has won recognition due to examination of the social structure and social mobility in the modern Chinese society. Chen Guangjin explores the establishment of classes within the modern social structure of China, movement of the classes and social groups; gives attention to the transformation of social mobility concepts depending on the macrosocial changes in the history of PRC. As a result of the analysis of the pervious and current state of Chinese society, Chen Guangjin comes to a conclusion that the social-class structure of the modern Chinese society has already been formed by 2001, and since then includes ten classes. Studying the consistency of social mobility of the ORC citizens, Chen Guangjin argues that the key role is played by three factors: type of activity (profession), economic and social policy of the state, and change in the living standard over the last five years. For the highest and higher middle classes the important factor is the inheritance of the family cultural capital. The main contribution made by Chen Guangjin into the study of stratification and mobility lies in the conclusion that since the beginning of reform policy (1978), the possibility of diversification and personal life path alongside the chances for raising their sociological rank have grown for each citizen of the People’s Republic of China. In modern China, the criteria for assessment of the social rank of any individual have become more multifaceted. Chen Guangjin give special attention to the growth of social prestige of such social groups as the artists, film directors, TV hosts, writers, IT specialists, and even bloggers.
social mobility, professional groups, classes, stratification, social structure, transformation of Chinese society, modern Chinese society, social mobility channels, social construction, Chen Guangjin
Frolova E.V., Rogach O.V..
The role of social institutions in formation of value orientations in perception of the historical-cultural heritage by the Russian society
// Sociodynamics.
2018. № 2.
P. 30-41.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2018.2.22942 URL:
The currently observed in Russian society trends of “decline” of the historical-cultural heritage to the level of market products of sociocultural consumption are reflected in the decreasing interest of society, especially youth, to the cultural values of the Russian civilization. Due to this circumstance, careful attention must be given to analysis of the role of social institutions in determination and formation of the value orientation of perception by Russian society of its historical-cultural heritage, accumulation and transmission of the social and cultural experience. The author meticulously examine such major institutional structures as the government, family, education, religion, and mass media that ensure the process of infogenesis, including distribution of the socially important behavioral models of the individuals regarding their historical-cultural heritage. In the course of the research, the authors determined the change in the role positions of the key institutional structures that define the value orientations of perception of the historical-cultural heritage by the Russian society. The work also identifies the factors that limit the possible impact of social institutions upon the consolidation of sociocultural orientations within the youth consciousness. The article underlines the main dysfunctions in the process of establishment of the institutional conditions for preservation and perception of the cultural-historical heritage, which include: inefficiency of planning and programming of the sociocultural trends; commercialization of the historical-cultural heritage; insufficiency of financial support; devaluation of the family values; discredit of the traditional images of historical-cultural heritage of the Russian society in mass media.
cultural identity, cultural heritage, media, education, family, state, social institution, value orientations, sociocultural experience, youth
Matsievskaya G.A..
Formation of patriotic ideas during the period of Ancient Rus’
// Sociodynamics.
2018. № 2.
P. 42-51.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2018.2.24568 URL:
This article is dedicated to examination of the process of establishment and evolution of the patriotic ideas and concepts in the Ancient Rus’ State. Chronicles, preaching, hagiography, and events of this period, on one hand, were a reflection of the forming patriotic values, while on the other, had a certain impact upon the formation of the shared worldview foundations of social life. The important elements of socio-philosophical concept of patriotism were such notions as the persona of the duke, Russian land, and Christian faith. In the course of this work, the author used the methods of historicism, comparative linguistics, analysis and synthesis, as well as inductive and deductive methods. As a result, the author underlines the system and qualitative characteristics of patriotism during the period of Ancient Rus’ State, considering the modern studies. Throughout the entire Ancient Rus’ history from Kievan Rus’ until Muscovy, is noted the greater merger of the three objects of patriotic beginning: Russian land, Christian faith, and persona of the duke. The duke himself was simultaneously the object of patriotic feelings and the subject, i.e. embodiment of the patriotic aspirations and actions. The conjunction of the indicated beginnings later, during the period of Muscovy, allowed formulating the concept of messianic idea, signified by the Orthodox monk Philotheus as “Moscow is the Third Rome”.
Russian land, socio-philosophical concepts, subjects of patriotism, objects of patriotism, ancient Russian literature, Patriotic concept, patriotism, Christian faith, Fatherland, love for Fatherland
Pogorelskaia E., Chernov L..
Sociocultural aspect of the phenomenon of scientific experiment
// Sociodynamics.
2017. № 7.
P. 51-63.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2017.7.20682 URL:
Scientific experiment, formed as an objective and unbiased method of research of nature, by the century attains the features of the total anthropological interference not only with the external nature, but into the nature of human as well. The European culture finds the understanding of such transformation in the works of J. W. Goethe. The authors consider such experiment as a social and cultural practice with independent essence, rather than just the “means” for achieving certain results. The experiment is introduced as a social fact with its own “nature”. The author use the phenomenological analysis of experiment, indicating the two essential aspects: attention and visual appeal; historical comparison and analogy, pursuing correlation between the understanding of nature in Antiquity and Modern Times, as well as method of hermeneutic illustration that supports the philosophical theses by the examples from literature, cinema, poetry, and psychology. The result consists in the substantiated and volume image of the spread of impact of a scientific experiment upon the cultural and anthropological areas of society. The work focuses on presenting a positive heuristic resource of the antique gnoseological ideology in modern scientific and cultural research. Social experiment, which cannot be justified and explained from any perspective, becomes possible and purposeful in multiple fields in the modern Western civilization.
Stanford experiment, Torture of nature, Essence of thing, Divine condonation, Faustian Soul, Visual appeal, Attention, Nature in Antiquity, New-European nature, Scientific experiment
Faritov V.T..
Creativity and transgression in N. A. Berdyaev’s teaching: paths of Russian philosophy in light of the crisis of European metaphysics
// Sociodynamics.
2017. № 5.
P. 120-131.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2017.5.21468 URL:
This article examines interrelation between the Russian philosophy and the crisis of European metaphysics based on analysis of N. A. Berdyaev’s book “The Meaning of Creativity”. The position is substantiated that the initial point of movement of Berdyaev’s philosophical thought is the crises of metaphysics and search for ways to overcome it. Following the ideology of F. Nietzsche’s doctrine, N. A. Berdyaev subjects to criticism the “metaphysical theory of two worlds” alongside the philosophy of “transcendentalism. According to Berdyaev, the philosophy of creativity can suggest the way of exiting crisis for the Western philosophy. Analyzing the key positions of “The Meaning of Creativity”, the author comes to a conclusion that creativity in the concept of Russian thinker represents a transgressive phenomenon. In his teaching, Berdyaev realizes the transition from metaphysics of transcendence towards philosophy of transgression. Thus, the article explicates the correlation between N. A. Berdyaev’s doctrine with the context of post-Nietzschean paradigm of Western philosophy of the XX century.
Hegel, Nietzsche, Berdyaev, creativity, transgression, transcendence, Russian philosophy, Bataille, Bakhtin, path of Russia
Illarionov G.A., Mosienko M.K..
Post-Traditional Society: Common Mind Dysfunction Risk
// Sociodynamics.
2017. № 3.
P. 90-100.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-7144.2017.3.22417 URL:
In this article the authors analyze the problem of common mind functioning in a post-traditional society. Common mind is a mode of mind specialized for a stable, slowly changing environment. This mode of mind uses intuition as its primary decision-making tool. Its intuition is based on precedents. A precedent in this context is a combination of a typical problem situation and its acceptable solution. There are different levels of precedents. We single out the following levels: individual psychological precedents, ontogenetic precedents, social psychological precedents and phylogenetic precedents. This classification is based on the speed of precedent formation. Such a two-layer structure of human precedent memory significantly enhances environmental adaptation: the biological layer provides adaptation to the most stable environmental conditions, whereas the psychological layer allows to adapt rapidly to emerging quick changes. Nowadays, however, social environment does not change at a relatively slow pace as it used to. Due to historic time acceleration, experience transition, selection and stereotyping are hindered. This deprives precedent-based common mind intuition of its regulative function as the gap between old precedents and new conditions widens. Adequate response strategies have no time to form in common mind: rapid changes of social environment make them outdated and inefficient before they are even ready to be adopted. We call such a drastically changing social environment “post-traditional”: it evolves so quickly that precise experience succession becomes impossible. Common mind displays inefficiency at creating adequate adaptation strategies in these new conditions. It leads to anthropogenic environmental risks. This is reflected in a “risk society” sociological concept.
anthropogenic risk, society of risk, post-traditional society, traditional society, precedent, intuition, common mind, common environment, functions of common mind, dysfunction of common mind
Iakovleva E..
Modern transformations: from Paganism to Neopaganism (on the example of glamour social)
// Sociodynamics.
2017. № 2.
P. 91-101.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-7144.2017.2.19430 URL:
This research is focused on the glamour social, which contains the features of polytheistic beliefs and can be characterized as Neopaganism. Among the features of polytheistic system of the glamour can be named the existence of an extensive system of gods/goddesses, idolatry, animism, animal worship, fetishism, magic and shaman practices that escalate its key ideas – the beauty, youth, and wealth. Adherence to the glamour fashionable trends leads to the state of liminality as the transition, where the final goal is vague and constantly regenerates. Sacralization of the glamour and its hidden consumerist tactics produce a special modus of numinosity, in which manifests the superficial aesthetics and desire to possess the constantly changing glamour attributes rather than person’s spirituality. This article is first to examine the glamour as manifestation of a new modus of polytheistic belief – Neopaganism. Fluctuation of the ideas of glamour ideology in form of the beauty, youth and wealth lead to the transformation of faith and Paganism itself, which becomes flowing and ephemeral. The conclusions of this research can be applied in further examination of the glamour as a phenomenon within existence of the social.
totemism, animal worship, animism, fetishism, liminality, idolatry, Neopaganism, glamour, magic/shaman practices, numinosity
Balakleets N.A..
Philosophy of War: Tolstoy and Clausewitz
// Sociodynamics.
2017. № 1.
P. 1-15.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-7144.2017.1.19646 URL:
The article examines in the comparative aspect the philosophical foundations of war presented in Leo Tolstoy's novel "War and Peace" and in Carl von Clausewitz’ treatise "On War". Based on the works of Niccolò Machiavelli, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, M.I. Dragomirov, A.E. Snesarev, R. Aron, J.L. Gaddis, O. Rose, H. Münkler and other thinkers, the author carries out the comparative analysis of the ideas of Tolstoy and Clausewitz, focusing on such aspects of the phenomenon of war, as the definition of its essence, the individual's role in the war, the subjective and objective elements of the military activity.Along with the general theoretical research methods the author uses poststructuralist and hermeneutical methodology as well as the method of comparative analysis of philosophical doctrines.The novelty of the research lies in the explication of the differences in theoretical views on the war of Tolstoy and Clausewitz, as well as in the revelation of "points of convergence" between the two thinkers. Behind the confrontation between Tolstoy and Clausewitz the author finds conflict of Stoicism and Machiavellianism. The special contribution of the author consists in the interpretation of the water metaphors, which are abundantly represented in the texts of "War and Peace" and "On War".
philosophy, War and Peace, On War, Carl von Clausewitz, Leo Tolstoy, politics, war, transgression, subject, activity
Maxsimenko L.A..
Sacral in medicine: dynamics of sociocultural meanings
// Sociodynamics.
2016. № 10.
P. 63-69.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-7144.2016.10.2076 URL:
The subject of this research is the meanings of medicine as a special sociocultural practice built around the historically original notion of sacral. Being the object of this research, medicine manifests as the phenomenon of European culture, which take its roots in Hippocrates Kos School. The historical dynamic of the “inner core” of medicine as a peculiar sociocultural practice was associated with the global historical trends in the history of the European culture. The article thoroughly examines “what” and “in which way” influenced the tectonic shifts in architectonics of the meanings of its core. The main conclusion of the conducted research consists in establishment of the fact that the meaning of sacral within medical practice was historically connected with the notion of life and tabooing the actions of therapist who endangers the life in any way. The trust to bioethics as the new social institution forms on the basis of juridification of its norms. The idea of humanitarian expertise becomes a “contaminated” Münchhausen trilemma. All of these speaks that the modern Western medicine, being in the “risk society” or “market” demonstrates the inquiry for the new turn of humanization and proof of its productiveness as the social institution and spiritual area of the culture.
human expertise, taboo, Hippocratic Oath, bioethics, sacral, life, culture, medicine, medicalization, social Institutution
Napso M.D..
Fashion in the consumer society
// Sociodynamics.
2016. № 9.
P. 46-51.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-7144.2016.9.20130 URL:
The object of this article is the specificity of consumer society, while the subject is the peculiarities of fashion in the consumer society. The center of the author’s attention is fashion as the social phenomenon, its historicity and fluidity, universality and inclusivity, influence upon the public and individual consciousness, as well as demand by the consumerist worldview. Fashion is presented as a lifestyle and way of thinking, as the image, value, and symbol. The author examines the role of fashion as the factor of prestige, status, and condition for social identification and socialization. The methodological basis consists of the ontological principles of dialectics, which allowed determining the complex and controversial nature of fashion as the social phenomenon. The scientific novelty lies in substantiation of a thesis on the demand of fashion by the consumer society. The following conclusion are formulated: 1) fashion is the imperative condition for the existence of consumer society; 2) establishing the adequate to consumerism lifestyles and strategies, fashion manifests as the factor of the processes of social integration and adaptation.
status, brand, trend, social success, consumerism, fashion, consumer society, prestige, hedonism, symbol
Leushkin R.V..
Virtual social capital: the place and role in the modern society
// Sociodynamics.
2016. № 2.
P. 67-76.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-7144.2016.2.17641 URL:
This study examines this kind of social-being entity, as social capital. The study focused on its virtual form of existence, that is, the phenomenon is similar in its properties and on the level of existing virtual social communication. First of all, problematized the general aspects of the existence of this phenomenon and its place in modern society, the main functions and properties. Virtual and traditional forms of social capital are subject to a comparative analysis, the material on the network (digital), and its historically early versions. The study uses socio-constructivist approach, the theory of social communication N. Luhmann and M. Maklyuen, the concept of social capital P. Bourdieu, F. Fukuyama and R. Putnam. This study presents the social-ontological properties of the virtual social capital as being-entity. The study shows that this entity plays a crucial role in the development of virtual social communities, primarily in the degree of stability of virtual teams of their effectiveness in carrying out practical tasks. It is shown that the volume and the development of virtual social capital is one of the fundamental factors in shaping the future of the information society.
virtuality, social capital, communication, social systems, confidence, modern society, Information society, self-organization, structure, social network
Leushkin R.V..
Transgressive virtual communication
// Sociodynamics.
2015. № 11.
P. 158-167.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-7144.2015.11.1660 URL:
The object of this research is the social communication, the subject of the social and ontological features of the virtual existence of social communication. In particular, the work is considered a fundamental state of the virtual social communication as a transgression. The paper shows that the transgressive, in virtual mode of communication in social systems is demonstrated most clearly. This occurs due to the presence of virtual communication of such properties as generated, simulative, autonomy and ontological incompleteness. On a material virtual social communication is based on the idea of transgression as the mode of existence of social communication in general. The study uses social philosophical methodology, namely social constructivist and systemic approaches are also used general poststructuralism concepts. Features transgressions, including manifest and at other forms of social communication, such as printed (written) and verbal communication. The various interpretations of the phenomenon of transgressive social communication in general, including those related to the understanding of the phenomenon of transhumanist meaningful communication. The paper also outlines the way for further research in this direction.
Virtual social communication, Transgression, Constructivism, Dialogue, Social system, Structure, Virtual reality, Ontological incompleteness, Communicative court, Transhumanism
Synieokyi O.V..
Transformation of the Phonographic Heritage in AudioVisual Culture of Eastern Europe: The Polish Rock and The Sociodynamics of the Sound Recording System
// Sociodynamics.
2015. № 5.
P. 83-113.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-7144.2015.5.14647 URL:
The object of study is a musical recording as a system of socio-cultural communications. The subject of this publication is the history of Polish rock as sociodynamic factor in the transformation of the cultural heritage of the national sound recording system. Cultural heritage in the field of audiovisual culture Phonographic subsystem regarded by the author as an open system of socio-cultural communications. From the standpoint of the development of socio-cultural communication in the music industry authors analyzed the history of the Polish system of record. The article c position in the context of socio-cultural dynamics recording features is presented analysis of formation and development of beat-, pop- and rock-music in Poland. Showing mechanisms of self-organization and self-development of cultural heritage in the field of musical recordings. Problems of studying the history of Polish beat-, pop and rock music in artefacts record considered in conjunction various interpretations. The author conducts scientific research, based on the most significant ideas belonging to different areas of modern humanities, where the priority appears comparative historical methodology. The methodological basis of this publication became classics of the theory of cultural urological thought and modern thinkers. The author concludes that actually rock music became the unofficial center of the special social and communication system around which under socialism in Poland (as well as in other countries from «Eastern Bloc») formed heterogeneous youth subcultures. The process is as a result of scientific and technical modernization of everyday culture of big cities was further deterministic increased access to foreign music. For the recording system of the Polish People's Republic under socialism was an attempt to create an organization of multi-vector of the phonographic industry («Polskie Nagrania – Muza», «Polton», «Savitor», «Arston», «Pronit», «Tonpress», «Veriton», «Wifon»). In conclusion, the author focuses on the fact that the global recording industry at the present stage of development of digital technologies requires upgrading communications platform and cross-cultural communication.
Sound Recording Communications, Record Company, Label, Gramophone Record, Phonographic Culture, Rock Group, Beat Music, Poland, East Europe, Socialist Bloc
Obmorokova A.M..
Reflection of the Processes of Regional identity and self-identification in the Krasnoyarsk cultural space (based on the analysis of the concept of
// Sociodynamics.
2015. № 3.
P. 69-93.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-7144.2015.3.14677 URL:
The article considers the phenomenon of regional identity and cultural features of its formation. The key to understanding the processes of formation of different types of identities is the study of national and ethnic cultural processes. The article gives a brief analytical and critical review of scientific papers and articles by other authors on the study. Affect the aspect of influence on the formation of ethnic and cultural identity of national consciousness. Modern problems of the mechanisms of formation of regional identity and self-identity is revealed with the help of "soft power" cultural policy and "smart power" research, creative activity of actors and scientists living and working in a particular region. Through the use of such "soft power" constructed images, constants, and concepts in the cultural space through the preservation of national traditions and customs and pass them through the works of culture and art to the viewer. As one example of such a concept associated with socialization, recognition and basic sense to take the concept of "Homeland." We consider the image of homeland in the minds of residents of the Krasnoyarsk region.
cultural impact, concept, Siberia, Russia, homeland, new regionalism, ethnicity, regional identity, artistic Culture, Krasnoyarsk Krai
Kazakevich O..
«Sexual citizenship»: conceptualizing the notion
// Sociodynamics.
2015. № 2.
P. 68-85.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-7144.2015.2.14506 URL:
The concept of sexual citizenship which has become widely used in the western academia is explored in this paper. In particular, the special attention is given to the history of the concept and the ways of establishing and accepting new identities. The hot issues of the western debates are of our particular concern: the first one is the concept of the body within the citizenship framework; the second one is the division between private and public; finally, the transformation of intimacy. We offer to define the concept of sexual citizenship as a complex category which describes new politics and practices of citizenship in relation to sexuality and allows (at least, potentially) new subjectivities to become incorporated into the public sphere on the different levels: from the freedom of speech to the freedom of identity.
heteronormativity, sexuality, feminism, subjectivity, identity, gender, sexual citizenship, citizenship, homosexuality, intimacy
Nikulin V.V..
Creation and Implementation of State Policy in the Sphere of Alcohol Production and Distribution in Soviet Russia: Peculiarities and the System of State Legal Regulation (1917 - 1930)
// Sociodynamics.
2014. № 8.
P. 83-111.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-0158.2014.8.13063 URL:
Process of formation and realization of a state policy in the sphere of production and a turn of alcohol in the Soviet Russia, its feature and system of state and legal regulation during 1917 - 1930 is considered. The main attention is paid to the analysis of social and legal aspects of a state policy of the Soviet Russia in this sphere. The social reasons of consumption of alcohol by the population are analyzed, attempts of the authorities to limit to measures of administrative and legislative character illicit manufacturing of alcoholic beverages and to minimize negative economic and public consequences of abuse of alcohol. It is claimed that the right and administrative measures undertaken by the power for establishment of the state control over the sphere of production and a turn of alcohol in the 1920th years in areas in general were ineffective. The illegal turn of alcohol remained high and competitive to public sector. The authorities didn't manage to cope with an alcoholic problem in the social plan. In the late twenties, also as well as at their beginning, alcoholism, wastes on this soil, moonshining remained on one of the first places in criminal statistics and "the painful phenomena" of society. Considerably it was promoted by inconsistency of the authorities in carrying out alcoholic policy, survivability in the society of drinkable traditions.
social tension, alcohol, population, power, law, law enforcement practice, economy, excessive drinking, waste, state control
Boltaevskii A.A..
Prostitution as a Form of Social Deviation
// Sociodynamics.
2014. № 6.
P. 44-56.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-0158.2014.6.12269 URL:
During the periods of transitio the society demonstrates anomia, social deviations and, therefore, growing interest towards these issues. It suffices to recall the Perestroika era of the late 1980th with its sharply increased attention to previously forbidden topics such as drug addiction, alcoholism and sexual deviations including prostitution. The latter is of special interest not only because prostitution is a widely spread phenomenon in modern Russia but also because there are ongoing discussions about whether prostitution should be legalized. The author of the present research article makes an attempt to trace back the development of views on prostitution and 'demi-mondaines' in order to predict what direction the further development of the phenomenon may take. The author is viewing the development of the prostitution phenomenon on the basis of numerous sources and researches of both Russian and foreign essay writers and scientists. According to the author, modern society sets false targets before an individual by the means of popular culture and others and therefore 'reaps the fruits' of it in a form of various social anomalies. The national idea which will fill in the spiritual gaps, revive morals and as a result cross cross out benefits from this activity along with improvement of social and economic living conditions of the population should be most important means of reducing the number of prostitutes.
woman, authority, prostitution, good morals, social deviation, social anomia, social security, popular culture, regulation, prohibition
Shagiakhmetov M.R..
Politics and Society: One Step Forward, Two Steps Backwards
// Sociodynamics.
2013. № 10.
P. 52-73.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-0158.2013.10.313 URL:
Methods used by the system thinking allow to view the development process from the point of view of the unity of cogitation, ideas and social practice. The present article contains the system analysis of global transformations ongoing in our society and the rest of the world now as well as the current stage of development. The authors prove that the current stage of development is a transitional period from linear thinking which is based on the concept of truth to the system thinking which is based on the concept of adequacy.
materialism, idealism, dualism, idea, cogitation, truth, unity, world view, ideology, current stage
Shchuplenkov O.V., Shchuplenkov N.O..
Governance Transformation in the Process of Building a Civil Society in Russia
// Sociodynamics.
2013. № 9.
P. 20-88.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-0158.2013.9.9053 URL:
The author of the article underlines that in a situation of ongoing democratic political process and formation of a modern civil society, a political leader performs his actions within the framework of legal and other standards. These standards regulate interactions between the leader and his followers and transform political leadership not only into social and political institutions but also into the instutitions of political decisions and political power. Under conditions of transformations in the modern political system, the personal nature of politics is considerably expanded which makes researchers view the phenomenon of political leadership from the point of view of new methodological approaches. Specifics of modern political process are due to activization of a political leader. In this regard, researches of political leadership are becoming very important, in particular, researches of the mechanisms of the leader's managing and governing functions because success of the political system directly depeds on the results of managerial decisions of the political leader.
power (governance), civil activity, civil society, democracy, consensus, consolidation, leader, political reforms, classification, elite
Khrykov V.P..
Investments in Russia: Patterns of Development and Regress
// Sociodynamics.
2013. № 9.
P. 89-129.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-0158.2013.9.9168 URL:
Investments are an important tool of development in Russia. But do investments guarantee success if we don't solve the issues of state management and planning, don't achieve a proper level of social conscience, scientific development and simply health of population? The author of the article views the problem of investments in Russia from the point of view of investment and industrial development that leads the country to the secondary industrialization. According to the author, by using a complex approach (finances, technology, science, culture, education, social security and international communication), Russia can actually achieve good results in its development. An important criterion of investments in Russia (both Russian and foreign ones) is a different territorial planning which is based on the development of small towns and retreat from metropolis policy. Only a special group ('development group') of both young initiative people and experienced Soviet professionals can create complex development based on the intelligent combination of state and private approaches.
investments, secondary industrialization, development, factors of investment development, Russia, industrial development, complex approach, development group, state approach, regulation
Slezin A.A..
Antireligious Attack by the Soviet State in 1927 - 1929
// Sociodynamics.
2013. № 5.
P. 125-189.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-0158.2013.5.615 URL:
The author of the article describes forms and methods of the anti-religious campaign carried out by the Soviet Russia in the late 1920s. Special attention is being paid to the legislative base regulating the relation between the Soviet state and religious unions. The author describes the role of Komsomol and the Union of theh League of Militant Atheists as the most radical participants of anti-religious activity. Youth is viewed both as an object and subject of state policy in the sphere of religion. The author also demonstrates the influence of political campaigns on the nature of relations between church and the government, in particular, the close interconnection between the processes of the forced collectivization that started in 1929 and the second 'attack of heavens'. According to the author, such denial of the right to religious freedom created the denial of right at it is. That caused some kind of 'dual faith': people could speak as they were required but think different.
the league of atheists, infidelity, atheism, Komsomol, youth, law, history, collectivization, anti-bell campaign, purge
Slezin A.A., Skoropad A.E..
Institutionalization of Komsomol as a State Authority
// Sociodynamics.
2013. № 4.
P. 185-208.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-0158.2013.4.462 URL:
The article describes theoretical grounds of institutionalization of the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League (Komsomol) as a state authority. First of all, the authors of the article draw our attention at the process of formation of Komsomol as a political control authority. Noteworthy that Komsomol is shown both as an object and subject of political control. Soviet state institution was the system of power not limited by any formal laws, therefore the authors of the article do not study official legislation of those times but mostly study decisions of Communist Party's forums and what its leaders said about principles of communication between Communist Party and Komsomol as well as Komsomol and Government.
history, Komsomol, youth, Soviet state, political control, new economic policy, Communist Party, Party's control over Komsomol, etatization, institutionalization
Slezin A.A., Skoropad A.E..
The implementation of political control over Soviet youth through the regulation of Komsomol institutions: Stage One
// Sociodynamics.
2013. № 3.
P. 366-420.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-0158.2013.3.348 URL:
This article deals with a particular form of political control over Soviet youth, one which was not directly connected with the techniques characteristic of police surveillance, and whose purpose was to regulate the composition of Komsomol institutions. The article highlights the forms and methods of control of Komsomol institutions from 1918 to 1929, their effectiveness in the Soviet system of political control, and their impact on the evolution of the political situation and the legal consciousness of Soviet youth.
history, youth, Komsomol, political control, class origin, social standing, civil war, New Economic Policy, legal consciousness of the public, Communist Party
Ursul A.D., Ursul T.A..
V.I. Vernadsky and Global- Noosphere Studies
// Sociodynamics.
2013. № 3.
P. 318-365.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-0158.2013.3.383 URL:
In our country, V.I. Vernadsky proposed the idea of the formation of the noosphere as the main areas for further development of mankind, which will have to streamline its operations, ensuring the survival of the multi-billion population. Followers of the Soviet Union, and particularly in recent years in Russia, substantially developed his ideas and showed that the epoch of formation of the noosphere - the future of humanity, which starts on its way to the transition to sustainable development. The brilliant Russian scientist was at the forefront of global research and many of his ideas were oriented in planetary direction. One can speak of a kind of anticipation of his special - a global stage and trends in science in general, the age of globalization, the history of mankind. The idea of V.I. Vernadsky on "planetary" nature of scientific thought has acquired its concrete shape in the global processes now taking place in the world and their understanding, and in anticipation of future social and socio-natural evolutionary processes leading up to the sphere of reason.The article discusses the new field of global studies – futureglobalistiks and nooglobalistiks, whose main purpose - understanding and predicting the future of global processes and systems in an evolutionary perspective, and orientation of the noosphere. The authors analyze the mostly two-standard projection scenarios of global development - the transition to sustainable development and the following formation of the noosphere. Sustainable development is a global process manages system-balanced socio-natural development without damaging the environment and ensuring the survival and security indefinite existence of civilization. Formation of the noosphere is seen as a future socio-natural process of becoming a planetary sphere of human existence, in which the intellectual and information activities will be the determining factor in the evolution and which is formed as a result of the most complete embodiment of rational, humanistic principles and ideals through the transition to sustainable development. Special attention is paid to the formation of the noosphere as a future form of intelligence "social consciousness" in the noosphere, combining the intellectual resources of humanity and Informatics, which resulted in there being a property of an advancing consciousness and the ability of global governance.
globalism, global studies, nooglobalism, nooglobal studies, noosphere, noosphere intellect, noosphere studies, sustainable development, futurogobal studies, evolutionary global studies
Gligich-Zolotareva M.V..
The use of general definitions and the 'values' component of constitutionalism
// Sociodynamics.
2013. № 3.
P. 296-317.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-0158.2013.3.503 URL:
This article explores the status of key definitions in constitutional law, including the basic constitutional concepts which define the purposes (therefore, values) of the Russian State. Among them are democracy, sovereignty, human rights, etc. The article considers the problems of the modern understanding of 'democracy'; the limits of state sovereignty; and the consequences of a lack of uniform interpretation of key constitutional-law definitions and their influence on the values component of domestic constitutionalism.
national self-determination, international law, national sovereignty, democracy, nation-building, constitutional alw, Constitution, Russian Federation, constitutional values, definitions
Ursul A.D., Ursul T.A..
Science and Education From Global and Noospheric Perspective
// Sociodynamics.
2013. № 2.
P. 161-222.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-0158.2013.2.439 URL:
The authors emphasize the importance of not only the spatial but also the temporal characteristics of scientific knowledge, especially more attention to the future of science. The main emphasis in the knowledge of the future should be given to the scenario of the global transition to sustainable development (SD) as adopted by the United Nations and its Member States of the international organization normative forecast from a major strategy for the survival of civilization, escape from looming global crises and disasters. Therefore, before science set new goals - goals of survival and exit anthropoecologic crisis, aims to address global challenges and to remove the negatives of globalization and other global processes through the transition to SD and the formation of the noosphere. Real turn to the future of science and the study can begin only when it is formed by a different mode (model) science as an integrated single system in its socio-natural and "leading" aspects. The basic features of the future of science, especially the noosphere - the process futurization. Discusses the globalization of educational space, finding the planetary integrity and unity, which is associated with substantial and qualitative changes that map the evolution of the global nature of modern man and the awareness of his place in the Universe. For the formation of a sustainable civilization need to create not just a new model of education, and a number of evolutionary models, which could satisfy the corresponding (non-vanishing) the needs of present and future generations of humans and humanity that is reflected in the name of the new types of global education (education for SD, noospheric education, etc.). Education is not just for learning, development and education in special educational institutions, and is seen as a wider process of information interaction between man and the world. In this sense, education - is not just a form of human activity, and the entire set of human activities, the full scope of information interaction of the individual with the social and natural being (i.e, not only one of the socialization process), the information displayed in the evolution of the individual. This wide - socio-natural vision of education is one of its many global processes in the global evolution of the flow and can be used as the basis of the most general concept of education as an open information space of global evolutionary process.
globalization of education, global education, global teaching, noospheric science, noosphere, advanced education, sustainable development, futurization of science, evolution of education, developmental approach
Ursul A.D., Ursul T.A..
Global World View and Global Studies
// Sociodynamics.
2012. № 1.
P. 137-173.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-0158.2012.1.46 URL:
The authors consider globalism as a way of seeing the world in which humanity lives as a global world in which all planetary features, including spatial-temporal precedence. It has been suggested that it is important to determine the status of globalistics, the place of the scientific exploration of global processes in modern science, and to build a common vision and assess the prospects for global studies. It is assumed that globalistics, regardless of the narrow or broad definition of its subject, is only part of a broader scientific field - Global Studies and the overall process of globalization of science. Shown that the change of subject fields and globalization continue to expand the field of global studies required not only historical, but also the evolution of vision as we learn about global processes and new applicants to the same "role", including global natural processes.
globalism, globalistics, global studies, global knowledge, global education, global world view, global processes, global evolutionism, historical approach, evolutionary globalistics