Social studies and monitoring
Sipunova, N.V. (2024). Service design technology as a tool for the development of the Institute of social services. Sociodynamics, 9, 1–13.
The purpose of this study is to analyze the features of the service design technology in social services. The object of the research is the institutional features of social services for the population, the subject is the role and essence of service design technology as a tool for the development of the institute of social services. The author provides an analysis of the institutional features of the development of social services, examines the impact of the use of service design technologies in the provision of social services. Special attention is paid to the characteristics of innovative social service practices based on the implementation of service design technology, as well as to the analysis of the development and transformation of institutional functions of social services as a result of the widespread introduction of service design practices in the social sphere. Based on the data of the analysis of best practices of social services, the author also analyzes the processes of formation of new social institutions as a result of the implementation of the service approach in the social sphere, one of which is the institute of regional service commissioners. The main research method is the traditional analysis of documents, generalization of the research of the Institute of Social Services, experience in the implementation of service design technology, as well as analysis of its impact on the processes of transformation of social institutions. The theoretical and methodological basis of the research is the works devoted to the study of the peculiarities of the development of the institute of social services, the introduction of service design technology into the processes of service provision. The main results of this study are conclusions about the special role of service design of social services in ensuring the sustainability of public relations by balancing the implementation of public interests associated with the absence of excessive spending on social services and the interests of small groups meeting their needs at an optimal level through convenient routing and individual design of social services. The author's scientific contribution consists in analyzing the transformation of institutional functions of social services in the implementation of service design technology. The author concludes that the institutional function of social services for reproduction, distribution and exchange also changes with the implementation of the service design approach, becoming simpler and more effective, and the structure of public relations is changing under the influence of the need for new actors and institutional forms of social services with an increased role of interdepartmental interaction.
best practices, Service representative, social innovation, social technologies, public relations, nteragency approach, institutional function, social services, Social institute, service-design
People and work
Chaplashkin, N.V. (2024). Transformation of behavioral attitudes of young people in the labor and employment market: the impact of the pandemic and workers' reassessment of their freedoms. Sociodynamics, 9, 14–32.
The purpose of the work is to analyze the state and structure of the labor market using the example of the category of young professionals, to identify the main trends that have formed in recent years, after the end of the pandemic and with the beginning of a special military operation, to assess how the labor attitudes of employees have changed. Research methods: secondary analysis of the results of sociological research conducted by various research centers and recruiting agencies on remote employment, changing employee behavioral attitudes and changes in the labor market and employment. The article reveals some characteristic changes in the structure of the labor market and employment due to the transition to remote employment as part of quarantine measures during the COVID-19 pandemic, generational change, as well as the reassessment of their rights and freedoms by employees of organizations. The interrelation of the growing interest in remote employment of the younger generation under the age of 25 has been revealed for a number of interrelated reasons: Internet and information technology, remote employment, stability in life and great dependence on parents, a growing standard of living and the associated increase in self-esteem. Demographic problems and, as a result, a shortage of labor, partly related to the withdrawal of a huge proportion of the able-bodied population to the defense sector, the lack of competitive salaries leads to the fact that employers will have to adapt to new realities and rebuild their thinking, including for the younger generation, in order to fill the personnel deficit. The transition to hybrid work formats using remote employment allows us to solve both the problems of personnel shortage and to interest young workers who prefer remote employment and free working to other methods of non-material incentives.
personnel management, remote employment, free employment, flexible forms of employment, shortened workweek, four-day workweek, youth, remuneration of labor, demographic pit, ghosting
Social studies and monitoring
Polezhaeva, T.Y. (2024). Prospects and limitations of the implementation of the University's third mission. Sociodynamics, 9, 33–42.
Today, attention is focused on three main areas of university activity, which are called "missions". These areas include educational and research functions, as well as the transfer of innovations. The third mission of the university means its social responsibility to local communities, participation in the cultural and economic development of the state. The introduction of digital technologies and the processes of globalization have a significant impact on the fields of activity of universities, presenting both challenges and new opportunities for their development. The purpose of this article is to consider the scientific discussion about the third mission of the university, as well as to identify opportunities and limitations in its implementation. The increased use of digital technologies and globalization are leading to changes in higher education, affecting all three levels of university activity. In this work, general scientific approaches to the study of social institutions are applied, in particular, the method of comparative analysis was applied. A review of the literature on the topic is presented, the importance of involving different stakeholders in university education is revealed. Universities are facing new challenges, but there are also prospects for changing the educational process. At the turn of the century, universities were experiencing crisis and decline, and pressure was exerted on them to shift the focus of their activities from the main missions to the third mission, expressed in the wording "responsibility to local communities". Research in this field is often devoted to the traditional tasks facing the university, or they consider the third mission in a narrow sense. However, it is important to identify both the positive consequences and the contradictions that higher education faces at the stage of the emergence of new functions. The university community is also offered a number of measures that could be used to solve the problems that arise.
continuous learning, stakeholders, Entrepreneurial University, innovations, globalization, University functions, the educational process, the mission of the University, higher education, university
Social studies and monitoring
Makhova, K.B. (2024). Eric Cohen and his theoretical research in the sociology of tourism. Sociodynamics, 9, 43–51.
Israeli sociologist Eric Cohen is one of the founders of the sociology of tourism. This scientist proposed both his own developments in the field of tourism, including the typology of tourists, the classification of ways to obtain tourist experience, and analyzed the general path of development of this branch of knowledge, resorting to understanding the theoretical and empirical works of other researchers, and also outlined trends and main topics of modern research in this field of knowledge. The theoretical research of this scientist has become an important reference point for researchers studying global processes taking place in the world, as well as complex interactions between tourists and locals. This article is devoted to the analysis of Eric Cohen's theoretical contribution to the sociology of tourism, his conceptual approach and the significance of his works for modern research. The author explores the theoretical research of Eric Cohen using general scientific methods of cognition, as well as genetic, comparative historical and other methods that reveal the specifics of the scientist's approach. The scientific novelty of this topic lies in the systematization of the main ideas of Eric Cohen and the study of his contribution to the study of the phenomenon of tourism and the development of the sociology of tourism as an independent discipline. The works of the Israeli sociologist Eric Cohen, his conceptual apparatus and analytical tools testify to the high importance of his works for modern sociological theory. His works maintain high citation rates and are regularly consulted by modern researchers. These publications cover a wide range of topics: from typologies of tourists, concepts of tourist experience, research on authenticity to the analysis of the state of sociology of tourism as an independent science, identifying trends and the main topics dominating here, which makes him one of the most influential scientists in this field.
tourism role, types of tourists, mass tourism, tourism research, mobility, travel experience, typology of tourists, Erik Cohen, sociology of tourism, tourist system