Social studies and monitoring
Troshkina, I.N. (2024). Family traditions of the titular ethnic groups of Southern Siberia (according to the 2022 study). Sociodynamics, 7, 1–13.
The subject of the study is the traditions of the southern ethnic groups of Siberia, the object is the family traditions of the titular ethnic groups. The predominant family tradition is hospitality (82.5%), among the significant ones are maternity (73.3%), funeral (69.2%). Among the self-identified values by the respondents: joint leisure activities (41.7%), meeting of relatives (6.6%), cooking national dishes (6.6%). It was found that hospitality occupies a significant place in the hierarchy of priority traditions of the surveyed Tuvans (80.1%), maternity (72.0%), wedding (62.5%) are important, joint work is significant among those independently identified by respondents; funeral (89.9%) are primarily valuable for Altaians, followed by wedding (88.8%), maternity (85.9%) traditions, reverence of nature; for Khakas – hospitality (94.1%), funeral (89.7%), maternity (67.6%), childbirth celebrating. The empirical basis of the study is the sociological survey conducted in May–June 2022 among the ethnic groups of Southern Siberia. The survey was conducted using a questionnaire based on a questionnaire compiled by the author. 1,000 people took part in the survey based on a quota sample. Based on the survey materials, typologies of traditions have been identified depending on the cultural foundations of ethnic communities. The scientific novelty of the research lies in the disclosure of modern family traditions of the Altaians, Tuvinians, Khakas. The author came to the conclusion that the predominant family tradition is hospitality (82.5%), among the significant ones are maternity (73.3%), funeral (69.2%). Among the self-identified values by the respondents: joint leisure activities (41.7%), meeting of relatives and relatives (6.6%), cooking national dishes (6.6%).
khakas, tuvans, altaians, republic of Khakassia, Tyva republic, Altai republic, family traditions, traditions, Southern Siberia, culture
Nemirovskaya, E.P. (2024). Generation Z media consumption practices in social media. Sociodynamics, 7, 14–23.
The subject of the work is the media consumption of generation Z in social media. Within the framework of the subject of the study, the author presents a brief theoretical and methodological justification, paying special attention to the aspects of research in the field of media consumption by Russian authors A.V. Sharikov, I.A. Poluekhtova, V.P. Kolomiets, M.M. Nazarova, T.E. Grinberg, and also focuses on how large companies study media consumption of the audience (Analytical Center "Video International", TNS Russia). The focus of the research object is on generation Z. The author examines the boundaries of the generation and outlines the basic values inherent in it, in particular, the value of content consumption in social media, which the author emphasizes, referring to previous research. The study used the in-depth interview method, since it is important to obtain qualitative, rather than quantitative, information to identify the media consumption practices of generation Z in social networks. As a result of the study, the following aspects of media consumption of generation Z were revealed: specific sources of consumption of entertainment, news, educational, humorous content, situations when representatives of generation Z turn to social networks on weekdays and weekends, conditions for abandoning social networks, the problem of choosing content, listing significant bloggers, the need for microinfluencers, openness of new information and boundaries the news feed. The main significant conclusion of the work is that the media consumption of generation Z transforms their usual daily practices: waking up and preparing for bed, cooking and eating, walking and exercise. We can say about the transformation of social networks from platforms for communication into platforms that informatively accompany centenials throughout the day.
media consumption research, zoomers, in-depth interview, media consumption practices, media, social media, social network, centenials, generation Z, media consumption
The heritage of transformation
Odegova, K.I., Moskvin, A.S. (2024). The attitude of the Tatars of the Kirov region (Russia) to religious rites. Sociodynamics, 7, 24–34.
In modern Russia, much attention is paid to the preservation of cultural traditions of different peoples and faiths, but at the same time many aspects remain undisclosed in research. A rich material for study exists in the multiethnic and multicultural Kirov region. Tatars occupy the second largest population in the region and have their own rich cultural traditions based on Islam and influencing the culture of the region. The purpose of the research is to study the attitude of Tatars to religious rituals on the example of the Kirov region. To achieve this goal, ethnosociological expeditions were undertaken in 2018-2023 to the Malmyzhsky and Kilmezsky districts of the Kirov region as one of the most representative areas where the Tatar population lives. Within the framework of the expeditions, methods of included observation were used, as well as interviews in the form of interviews. As a result, the attitude of the Tatars towards such religious ceremonial as the obligatory observance of prayer, marriage (nikyah), the prohibition on eating pork, as well as the special position of women was revealed. As the study showed, Tatars in the Kirov region do not have a canonical manifestation of the foundations of Islam, but a folk faith characterized by a simplified perception of these foundations: not all Tatars observe the fivefold prayer, some of them also eat pork. It remains important for the Tatar population to observe the nikyah rite at marriage, but at the same time there is a relaxation in choosing a partner – he can be of any nationality, but must be a Muslim or convert to Islam. There are certain changes in the situation of women: there are no restrictions on their rights and freedoms, and not all Muslim women adhere to a strict and closed style of dress. In addition, the Tatars' desire to combine the traditional way of life with the modern dominant culture, as well as with other national cultures of the region ("neighborly mutual assistance", holding various festivals of traditional cultures, assimilation of Tatars) was revealed. It was concluded that the attitude towards traditional confessional rituals in the Tatar community is softened and does not imply strictness in observance. The results of the study are useful for building intercultural communications between various stakeholders (government, business, non-profit organizations).
observation, interfaith interaction, Islam, Tatars, Kirov region, multiculturalism, confessional rituals, confession, interview, visual analysis
Social studies and monitoring
Demidova, A.V., Seiko, A.P. (2024). Consumer loyalty index of a higher educational institution: application, calculation methodology and factors influencing the indicator. Sociodynamics, 7, 35–44.
The consumer loyalty index is now widely used in various areas of the market to receive feedback on the assessment of satisfaction between companies and consumers of their goods and services. This allows the organization to more fully meet the needs of the audience that its activities are aimed at and, with a high degree of probability, receive certain advantages in its field of activity. This technique is most often used in marketing. At the same time, attempts to apply it in the field of organization management, personnel management and other areas of activity are not uncommon. The experience of empirical research actualizes the question of the correctness of the straightforward extrapolation of the discussed methodology without taking into account the specifics of the company's activities. This is indirectly indicated by the creators of the classical methodology and their predecessors (for example, Joseph Pine and James Gilmore). Having analyzed the data collected earlier, the authors of the article suggest a different look at the correctness of the applicability of this technique for social systems. The specifics of the social properties of the general population, the need for rapid data collection and the need for a wide coverage of representatives of the studied audience led to the use of the online questionnaire method. The selection of respondents was carried out by a continuous non-repetitive method. Based on the data obtained, the authors consider it advisable to look at the permissibility of direct application of the methodology widely used in marketing from a different angle, modify and supplement it with sociological indicators, such as, for example, the satisfaction index. The student society within one specifically chosen university is a relatively closed environment. It is influenced by many factors that have a specific, ambiguous character. The authors offer their own vision of the influence of these factors on the methodology of calculating the index. This will help to more adequately approach the formation of loyalty of university students in the context of the development of an educational institution, improve the quality of interaction with students and potential students. Work in this direction will provide an opportunity to further improve the status of the university, attract new applicants and diversify work with young people within the walls of the educational institution.
brand advocates, neutrals, detractors, critics, loyalists, satisfaction index, consumer loyalty, customer focus, NPS calculation methodology, consumer loyalty index
National security
Sedykh, N.S., Tsiku, R.S. (2024). The role of the spiritual administrations of Muslims in ensuring the social security of the region and the prevention of radicalism (on the example of the Spiritual Administration of Muslims of the Republic of Adygea and Krasnodar Territory). Sociodynamics, 7, 45–61.
The subject of the study is the peculiarities of the participation of Muslim spiritual administrations in ensuring social security and preventing radicalism. Object: The Spiritual Administration of Muslims of the Republic of Adygea and Krasnodar Territory (DOOM RA and KK). The article examines social security in the discourse of scientific research. In this regard, new risks associated with the spread of radicalism and extremism as its possible practical embodiment are revealed. The current directions of activities to ensure social security and preserve the traditional moral values of Russian society are outlined. Based on this, modern Muslim religious organizations are characterized and their social functions are revealed. The results of monitoring the official website of the DOOM of the Republic of Adygea and the KK and the forms of participation of this religious organization in ensuring the social security of the region are discussed. In the end, conclusions are formulated and recommendations are proposed for the development of relevant areas of activity of the DOOM of the Republic of Adygea and the KK. The methodological basis of the research is a systematic approach, as well as the principles of interdisciplinarity and polyparadigmality. The main method of empirical research was the sociological monitoring of the official website of the DOOM of the Republic of Adygea and the KK. The scientific novelty of the conducted research lies, firstly, in the fact that on the basis of an interdisciplinary analysis of scientific literature and normative legal documents, the peculiarities of the participation of Muslim spiritual administrations in ensuring the social security of the region are revealed. Secondly, based on the data of the sociological monitoring of the official website of the Duma of Republic of Adygea and the KK, the forms of participation of this religious organization in ensuring the social security of the region are shown. Thirdly, in order to further develop the activities of the Duma of the Republic of Adygea and the KK, which contribute to ensuring the social security of the region, recommendations are proposed to strengthen information and educational work. The practical significance of the study lies in the fact that the formulated conclusions and developed recommendations can be taken into account when further improving the forms and mechanisms of participation of Muslim religious organizations in ensuring the social security of the region. In addition, the research materials can be useful to public authorities in solving urgent problems of the development of state-confessional relations.
website, education, monitoring, studying, values, safety, religious organization, society, recommendations, activity