Social studies and monitoring
Akhmedova, A.R., Chukanova, T.V., Lyubarskaya, M.A., Prohorov, B.A., Gomonov, D.I., Kolegaeva, E.A. (2024). Features of career trajectories of graduates of Altai universities (using the example of a sociological study in Barnaul). Sociodynamics, 6, 1–16.
Special attention was paid to the employment of graduates of higher educational institutions in Soviet times, when planned state policy distributed graduates to various state-owned enterprises depending on the education they received. It is important to note that on the periphery of the centuries there has been some shift in the idea of a career. If earlier a career was understood as moving up the career ladder, today a career is planned as mastering a variety of practices that complement and develop a person (self-development, a high level of extracurricular, additional activities). Thus, a logical question arises: how do graduates imagine their future careers and whether they think about it at all. How aware are graduates of their employment opportunities in principle and does the university contribute to students' awareness of careers and career opportunities. The selection method was a quota sample with elements of spontaneous selection of respondents. We selected two methods for the study: qualitative (in-depth interview) and quantitative (questionnaire). Together, these methods give the researcher the most accurate idea of the subject under study. Thus, the tools for conducting empirical sociological research were developed based on this methodology. Data analysis has shown that a well-chosen profession increases self-confidence, life satisfaction, and reduces problems related to physical and mental health. And the personal level of "quality of life", responsible for satisfaction, has a significant impact on social, objective indicators of quality of life. Theoretical approaches are analyzed to describe the formation and content of graduates' career trajectories. The psychological approach focuses on the study of self-perception, self-regulation of consciousness, and the process of choice. Pedagogical is based on the formation of certain professional interests and inclinations, the suitability of an individual for a particular profession. Sociologists and economists consider the career trajectories of graduates from the point of view of the need for this profession in society and taking into account the socio-economic relations of the specialized workforce within the organization. In this context, the scheme of professional specialization, types of career guidance and career growth, all kinds of careers of an employee and a graduate are considered. Personality-oriented, sociological, managerial-organizational, biomedical, pedagogical, legal regulation, complex (differentiated) approaches to career guidance are disclosed.
work experience, social problem, higher education, student youth, empirical sociological research, career paths, career, youth policy, social monitoring, social institutions
Social studies and monitoring
Makhova, K.B. (2024). Understanding the Tourist Gaze in John Urry's Sociological Theory. Sociodynamics, 6, 17–25.
Tourism as a mass phenomenon began to be actively studied by sociologists in the second half of the 20th century. A special place among the sociological approaches to this phenomenon of the specified historical period is occupied by the concept of tourism by British researcher John Urry, one of the most prominent representatives of modern sociological theory. The scientist considers tourism in the context of social and economic changes taking place in Western societies after the end of World War II: significant economic growth, very high rates of urbanization, increased consumption, improved transport infrastructure, transformation of social attitudes. The main work, which outlines the key provisions of the concept of the tourist gaze, is the publication "The Tourist Gaze". Subsequently, this book has been updated twice, taking into account new social trends, phenomena and processes. The author explores the concept of tourism by J. Urri using general scientific methods of cognition, as well as genetic, comparative historical and other methods that reveal the specifics of the scientist's approach. The author's special contribution to the research of the topic lies in the fact that the theoretical and methodological foundations of John Urry's concept of tourism were identified, its specificity and the evolution of the scientist's views were demonstrated. The article examines the key elements of this theory, reveals its heuristic potential, and highlights the strengths and weaknesses of the British sociologist's research approach. Despite the criticism presented, the approach developed by John Urry, his conceptual apparatus and analytical tools indicate the high importance of his works for modern sociological theory. The concept of the tourist view remains relevant, which is confirmed, in particular, by the presence of followers who continue to make a significant contribution to the expansion and deepening of the theoretical and empirical analysis of tourism, based on the ideas proposed by Urri.
mass tourism, mobility, tourism research, visual consumption, visual culture, perception of tourism, John Urry, tourism, tourist gaze, sociology of tourism
Anthropology and ethnogenesis
Dugarova, S.B., Kuchinskaya, T.N. (2024). Human development in China: cultural and value aspect. Sociodynamics, 6, 26–35.
Anthropologism as a universal characteristic of modern philosophical knowledge puts man at the center of multilateral socio-cultural transformations as their goal, driving force and primary condition. The modern anthropological crisis calls for the search for new value foundations for human potential development and actualizes the study of cultural regional and country specifics of its implementation practices. The successes of the People's Republic of China largely determine a new vision of the place and role of man in socio-cultural transformations. Human potential forms a dynamic, rapidly changing image of the socio-cultural environment in China, determining the speed and direction of internal and external modernization processes. The development of human potential in China is becoming a priority. It is associated with the main goal – to achieve the level of "average prosperity" (小康), and it logically fits into the cultural and value paradigm of the "Chinese dream" (中国梦). Acting as a key component of the "scientific concept of development" (科学观) in the form of a value setting "man is at the core" (以人为本), human potential is becoming one of the leading factors in the socio-cultural modernization of the People's Republic of China. A systematic approach in the research contributed to the analysis of the human potential development strategy of the People's Republic of China as an integral system of conceptual provisions and practices; an axiological approach helped to identify the value content of the strategy of the "power of human potential" of the People's Republic of China; the method of hermeneutic reconstruction contributed to the construction of a value model of a "comprehensive harmonious person" within the framework of the implementation of this strategy. The scientific novelty of this work consists in identifying the cultural and value components of the formation and development of human potential in China. The following results were developed by the author of the article : 1.The ideas of Chinese scientists about human development were made within the framework of cultural philosophy, social philosophy, economic theory, modernization and transnationalization theory. 2.The cultural and value component in the structure of human potential is revealed in the article , the characteristics of its individual elements are presented. 3.Based on the analysis of authentic sources, a hermeneutic reconstruction of the innovative axiological model of the "all-round harmonious person" in the context of building a "power of human potential" in the People's Republic of China was carried out. 4.The regional socio-cultural practices of the implementation of the concept of human development of the People's Republic of China, including comprehensive multi-level programs implemented at the national and supranational levels, are analyzed.
talents, traditions, strategy, development, values, Confucianism, human potential, China, culture, modernization
Social studies and monitoring
Zakharova, A.E. (2024). Look into the Future: Life Values and Orientations of Modern Youth in Yakutia. Sociodynamics, 6, 36–46.
The article contributes to the discussion about the values and life strategies of modern youth using the example of a study of students in the northern region of Russia. The article presents some results of a sociological survey aimed at studying the life world, social and political orientations of students of three federal universities of Yakutia (NEFU, ASICA, ChSIPhES). Special attention is paid to the peculiarities of the distribution of life values and orientations, factors of success and happiness, as well as the ratio of the respondents' civil and regional identities. The sociological study ‘Students of Russia: Civic Culture and Life Strategies’ was conducted by the Centre of Political Science of SPR FCTAS RAS in April-May 2023. The object of the study is Russian students. The study used a quota-proportional all-Russian sample with interdependent characteristics of the general population: gender, age, place of residence, level of education received and areas of higher education. The sample size is 6389 respondents, with 468 students in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). The data analysis revealed the priority of material-economic and socio-emotional life values in the individual matrices of young people. Material prosperity, interesting work, family stability, emotional ties with family members and friends, education, as well as autonomy, independence, individualism are the most significant in the lives of students. The spatial levels of identity and the degree of emotional attachment to local and global territorial communities, as well as the attitude of young people in Yakutia to Russia have been revealed. Student youth optimistically builds an image of the future of Yakutia and Russia, relying on traditional values and family, while being open to the global society, mostly relying on their own experience and competences.
sociological research, Yakutia, regional identity, success, happiness, homeland, value orientations, values, student youth, survey
Social studies and monitoring
Dbar, S. (2024). Environmental policy of Abkhazia: sociocultural essay. Sociodynamics, 6, 47–55.
The subject of the study is to analyze the environmental policy of Abkhazia through the prism of socio-cultural factors. Its implementation will allow for a deeper understanding of society's interaction with the natural environment and identify key aspects affecting the effectiveness of environmental initiatives. The relevance of this study is due to the increasing importance of sustainable development in the context of global challenges, as well as the need to adapt international standards to local peculiarities. The study considers various aspects such as socio-cultural values, legal and regulatory context, scientific capacity and the importance of community initiatives. The analysis of socio-cultural factors provides an opportunity to determine how historical context and socio-economic conditions influence the implementation of environmental policies, which in turn contributes to the development of more effective conservation strategies. The paper utilized methods of theoretical analysis and content analysis to provide a comprehensive view of environmental policy in Abkhazia. The result of this study was a comprehensive analysis of Abkhazia's environmental problems, which demonstrated the importance of socio-cultural factors in the implementation of its environmental policy. The author highlighted these factors and determined the need for their greening in order to solve the existing problems. Considerable attention has been paid to analyzing the legal and regulatory context in which environmental policy is implemented, which allows for a more accurate identification of existing obstacles in achieving sustainable development. The study contributes to broadening academic and practical understanding of the interdisciplinary approach in the field of ecology, promoting the integration of social and cultural aspects into environmental governance. The author offers recommendations on how to create a sustainable environmental policy by integrating scientific activities into the tourism infrastructure of PAs, which will solve not only environmental but also socio-economic problems.
sustainable development, environmental culture, environmental NGOs, Protected areas, greening of legislation, greening of education, greening of cultural values, sociocultural factors, environmental policy, Abkhazia
Demography and statistics
Nikolaeva, Y.A., Neustroeva, A.B. (2024). Migration sentiments of modern youth of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). Sociodynamics, 6, 56–65.
The subject of the research in this article is the migration sentiments of the modern youth of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). For Yakutia, both in Soviet and modern times, the importance of migration has always been enormous. Migration indicators are the most sensitive in relation to the socio-political and economic conditions of the development of the country and the region and require more careful research. The authors consider in detail such aspects of the topic as the socio-demographic characteristics of potential young emigrants from Yakutia, and preferred destinations for migration. Special attention is paid to the identification of the causes of migration that stimulate the active outflow of young people from Yakutia, the factors that shape migration moods among residents of the region. In addition, the article reveals the relationship between the potential migration activity of young people and satisfaction with the standard of living in the region, as well as the experience of traveling abroad. The main research method was a questionnaire survey of residents of Yakutia aged 17 to 35 years, conducted in October 2023. 239 respondents from 9 districts of Yakutia and Yakutsk took part in the survey. The study revealed a high level of migration sentiment among the youth of Yakutia, more than 90% of respondents plan to move to another locality in the future, either to another region or abroad. The share of those wishing to move to another country was 46.6%, to another region of Russia - 52.2%. Emigration sentiments were highest among men aged 17 to 25, single, unemployed and students. The main reasons that encourage young people to emigrate are the desire to improve the quality of life, unfavorable natural and climatic conditions in the north, the desire to travel and a more fulfilling life. Dissatisfaction with the standard of living among young people leads to an increased desire to move to other regions of Russia or abroad.
migration factors, sociological survey, willingness to move, emigration, reasons for migration, migration activity, youth, migration mood, population migration, standard of living
Social studies and monitoring
Notman, O.V., Shevchenko, N.G., Smirnova, O.G. (2024). Catering establishments in the everyday life of urban residents. Sociodynamics, 6, 66–74.
The article is devoted to the analysis of consumer preferences and behavioral practices of urban residents in the catering market. The conceptual framework of the study was the theory of "third places" – spaces outside home and work that create conditions for full communication of visitors. The empirical basis of the study was the results of an online survey conducted among the residents of Ekaterinburg in 2024 (n=610). The study tested the hypothesis about the significance of the socio-communicative function of catering establishments in the perception of citizens. The results of the study showed the important role of catering establishments in the everyday life of urban residents: the behavioral practices of urban residents indicate the regularity of visits to catering establishments regardless of the day of the week, the preference for evening visiting time, more frequent use of actual visits compared to the use of ready meal delivery services. Consumer preferences of citizens in the catering market are characterized by a clearly expressed communicative dominance, confirming the importance of the social function of catering establishments. The most significant motive for visiting catering establishments is communicating with friends and relatives. The most popular venues are those that provide the best atmospheric and spatial opportunities for "live" communication. Among the factors for choosing catering establishments, the leading ones are the "internal" factors of the establishment – food quality, hygiene and safety, service, menu and variety of dishes, and the atmosphere created. External factors – reviews on the Internet, ratings of establishments on specialized sites, recommendations of food bloggers – do not have a decisive influence on the choice of consumers. The results of the study can be used to improve the quality of service in the catering industry and to develop an effective promotion strategy of enterprises in this sphere.
megacity, urban residents, motives for choosing, behavioral practices, consumer preferences, socio-communicative function, public spaces, theory of third places, catering market, survey
People and work
Polezhaeva, T.Y. (2024). Higher education and graduates' success in the labor market. Sociodynamics, 6, 75–82.
This study reflects one of the aspects of social stratification; the relationship between education and economic remuneration is traced. The purpose of the study is to reveal the correlation of skills and competencies acquired during education and the graduates' employment. Over time, universities have begun to pay more attention to social and cognitive skills that are considered important for the modern labor market: critical thinking, teamwork, communication, problem solving without micromanagement. The data show the current state of affairs in higher education and in the labor market, where universities, to a greater extent, focus on competencies related to research and scientific activities, without relying on the opinions of employers. On the other hand, employers want to see graduates with a set of professional competencies that will allow them to perform their job duties without a long period of internal training. The work uses general scientific approaches to the study of the transformation of higher education, in particular, the method of institutional analysis was applied. The analyzed data allow us to take a look at the tasks that higher education faces at this stage. It was found that the link between diplomas and real skills, as well as economic rewards, is optional. Over time, universities have begun to pay more attention to social and cognitive skills that are considered important for the modern labor market: critical thinking, teamwork, communication, problem solving without micromanagement. At the same time, the problem of the slow response of higher education to the changing reality remains, in this regard, recommendations are given on monitoring feedback from graduates and employers (using quantitative and qualitative methods), so that universities will be able to adapt the courses taught more effectively. Especially important is the interaction of universities with public and private organizations that will immerse students in real work processes corresponding to the specialty.
university, communication, critical thinking, the labor market, the mass characterization of higher education, the educational process, employment of graduates, skills, competencies, higher education
Social studies and monitoring
Malshakov, A.A. (2024). The specifics of the monetary culture of students. Sociodynamics, 6, 83–102.
In modern society, monetary culture of students plays a significant role in the context of forming their competent financial behavior. The financial sphere is constantly changing and influencing money management, which makes it interesting to study money culture. Based on the existing studies of students' monetary culture, the author's sociological research aimed at studying the monetary culture of student youth was conducted. Students of the Financial University acted as the empirical object of the study. The subject of the study was the peculiarities of monetary culture of student youth. The purpose of the study is to identify the specific features of students' monetary culture. A questionnaire survey (n=434) was chosen for the sociological study. The scientific novelty of the research consists in conducting a study according to the author's methodology aimed at quantitative analysis of the characteristic features of monetary culture in the context of its structural components. The main result of the study can be considered the analysis of monetary culture in the context of its structural components: monetary knowledge, monetary values and monetary behavior. The main conclusion of the study was the identification of fragmented formation of students' monetary culture. The index of cognitive component formation was higher than the index of behavioral component formation. At the same time, a significant part of students has no demonstration of conscious, rational monetary practices and attitudes. Understanding the specifics of monetary culture allows us to analyze the problem areas of student youth in the field of financial management, in this regard, the practical significance of the research results, on the one hand, opens opportunities for further research, and on the other hand, acts as an information base for the creation and implementation of strategies and techniques to improve financial literacy of young people.
monetary knowledge, monetary values, youth, monetary practices, money, financial behavior, financial literacy, students, peculiarity, monetary culture
Migration and adaptation
Wang, Z. (2024). The history of migration in Northeast China in the XX-XXI centuries. Sociodynamics, 6, 103–122.
The subject of this article is the analysis of internal migration processes in Northeast China from the 20th century to the beginning of the 21st century. Special attention is paid to the dynamics of migration flows and their significant impact on the demographic situation of the region. The author examines the specific features of internal migration in different provinces: Liaoning with its subprovincial cities demonstrates a net influx of population, while Jilin and Heilongjiang provinces are characterized by a significant net outflow of population. The author explores the causes of these migration processes and their direct impact on the demographic development of the Northeast region of China. This allows us to better understand the significant changes taking place in underdeveloped regions of China and identify the main factors affecting internal migration. The study used statistical analysis of data on migration flows, demographic studies, as well as comparative analysis of data from various provinces of Northeast China to identify key factors affecting internal migration. The scientific novelty of this study lies in a detailed analysis of internal migration processes and their impact on the demographic situation in Northeast China, which has not been studied in depth before. The study revealed that the region is facing serious problems such as resource depletion and insufficient economic growth, which leads to negative population growth. Negative growth is characterized by significant regional imbalance: most prefectural-level cities, with the exception of Shenyang, Dalian and Changchun, show negative population growth. Especially high rates are observed in Suihua and Daxinganlin in Heilongjiang Province. The population of the border areas has decreased by almost a fifth. The findings of the study confirm that the population in Northeast China continues to decline, accompanied by a marked decrease in the birth rate. This steady decline requires effective measures to slow it down. The outflow of population from the northeast is increasing, while the departing population is usually younger and more educated, which leads to an acceleration of the aging process and loss of human capital. The main features of the region's demographic trends are net population outflow and migration, which makes it an excellent example for studying demographic changes in underdeveloped regions.
Internal migration, Demographic dynamics, Northeast China, Socio-economic structure, Demographic changes, Economic growth, Migration flows, Household registration policy, Population outflow, Sustainable development