Family and society
Gavrilova, I.S. (2024). Medical and social support for children with disabilities in hospitals. Sociodynamics, 4, 19.
Children constitute a special category among the disabled and people with disabilities. Restoration or compensation of impaired functions cannot be achieved in full, but thanks to medical and social support and technical means of rehabilitation, adaptation to existing living conditions, it is possible to achieve a higher level of quality of life. Medical and social support for children with disabilities is considered from the perspective of the available resource potential of the hospital system itself - the competent application of medical and social technologies and the functional capabilities of inpatient or semi-stationary type institutions. The leading criterion for evaluating the effectiveness of medical and social support for children with disabilities in hospital and semi-stationary care was the criterion of satisfaction of the medical and social needs of rehabilitators and their family members (parents/legal representatives). The author used analysis of documents, questioning of children with disabilities and parents (legal representatives) to identify needs, assessment of satisfaction of medical and social needs of children with disabilities and their parents (legal representatives) using comprehensive medical and social support (interviewing). In the course of the work, the purpose of the study was achieved a sociological analysis of medical and social support for children with disabilities was carried out. Based on the research data, it can be concluded that the most relevant in meeting the needs of children with disabilities in hospital and semi-hospital settings are the socio-pedagogical and socio-psychological components of medical and social support, while the medical and social components fade into the background. The explicit needs must be met not through a ready-made solution, but by teaching the child himself to accept and work with them until an optimal level of compensation is achieved, the use of medical and social support technology as a system in hospital and semi-stationary conditions, on the one hand, has stable invariance properties, on the other, has variability.
rehabilitation capacity, social changes, rent-seeking behavior, objects of law enforcement, social work specialist, social needs, medical and social support, children with disabilities, social institutions, interdisciplinary team
The heritage of transformation
Okulovskii, M.D. (2024). Youth and media: the impact of information technology on the political worldview. Sociodynamics, 4, 1021.
The subject of the research is the influence of information technology on the political worldview of young people. For example, young people who take an active life position or strive for it. Today's youth spend most of their time in the online space, receiving information from social networks, news portals and blogs. This makes the Internet the main source of information about politics for young people. The article examines such aspects as accessibility of information, media literacy of young people, as well as the possibility of forming public opinion through social networks and news resources. The research method includes analysis, surveys and interviews with youth representatives, as well as an overview of current news and political events. The scientific novelty of this study is to identify ways to form a political worldview among young people in the digital age. The availability of information and the ability to communicate with different people help to broaden the horizons and understanding of political processes, but you need to be careful and analytical so as not to fall under the influence of manipulation and fake news. Thanks to the Internet, youth can discuss political issues with representatives of different cultures and worldviews, which can significantly expand their horizons and help them better understand complex political processes. However, it is important to remember that distorted or one-sided data may be presented on the Internet, which can lead to the formation of incorrect or exaggerated political views. Therefore, a critical approach to information obtained from the Internet is extremely important. The main conclusions of the study are that modern information technologies have a significant impact on the political worldview of young people, however, it is important to develop media literacy and critical thinking among the younger generation for a more informed perception of information.
Youth, Fake news, Influence, Media, Digital literacy, Public opinion, Social influence, information technology, Worldview, Social network
People and work
Koval'zhina, L.S., Saitmametova, E.A., Yurko, V.A. (2024). Corporate culture: institutional regulation and practical implementation experience. Sociodynamics, 4, 2230.
The article presents a theoretical analysis of the sociological discourse on corporate culture. The role of corporate culture in the practical activities of the enterprise and its institutional features are discussed. The subject of the study is corporate culture, in particular, the specifics of the use of the term and the components of corporate culture are clarified. It is shown that culture is based on a value component, the development of which in the context of the company should form the value of work and the value of belonging to one's company, which, in turn, should be congruent with the company's strategy and development goals. The article reveals the differences between a developed corporate culture, such as educating and motivating employees to perceive work in the company as a way of life, ensuring staff commitment to the ideas and values of the organization. The article used a theoretical review of scientific literature in the field of sociology of culture and personnel management. The novelty of the research is the translation of the experience of a medical organization (Mayo clinic), which has a highly developed corporate culture based on the ideas of customer orientation, as well as the identification of the principles of its work and the features of building a culture. The importance of compatibility of corporate culture and strategy is also emphasized. It is noted that at the material level, corporate culture can be observed through visible signs (branded clothing, corporate symbols, organizational ceremonies and attributes, work environment, etc.), and at the level of spiritual culture values and norms that define and regulate the behavior of employees in the company. At the same time, values closely related to visual samples reflect the internal philosophy of the company. It is emphasized that norms, patterns of corporate behavior, through corporate culture are tools for personnel management, and corporate culture acts as an institutional management tool. The article concludes that it is necessary to purposefully form and develop a corporate culture in the process of which the primary should be the creation of a value component related to the company's development strategy.
motivation, personnel, Mayo Clinic, principles, strategy, norms, values, mission, corporate culture, culture
Family and society
Karas', N.M. (2024). The impact of biomedical and information technologies on women's social roles. Sociodynamics, 4, 3141.
The article examines the possibility of crisis phenomena in society as a result of the leveling of social roles caused by the development of biotechnologies, in particular reproductive and information technologies. In particular, the issues of changing women's social roles under the influence of ART (assisted reproductive technologies) are studied in the article in the context of the philosophy and gender. The author examines in detail the various forms of influence of technological inventions on social roles. Special attention is paid to the importance of preserving the social roles of parents for society. The need to maintain a special bond between parents and children, expressed in traditional social roles, is emphasized. Denial of social roles can cast doubt on belonging to humanity. The author pays special attention to the identity transmitted, in particular, through gender and social roles. The methodology is based on the study of currently known biotechnologies and information technologies, and a philosophical understanding of the impact of these technologies on the social structure of society. In the course of the work, a negative forecast was made: these trends may lead to the collapse of the social structure. The stabilizing role of women will gradually decrease, which will lead to a significant bias towards the male component of social roles. Also, new bioethics based on new reproductive technologies will gradually change social ties. Classical forms of social relations, such as the family, may die out. The author assumes that in the course of the gradual exclusion of women from the process of childbearing and reproduction of the population, society and social relations will be destroyed. The novelty of the research lies in the original focus of attention, in which the author examines the social roles of women in connection with the process of childbirth, as well as the perception of the social roles of women in the aspect of romantic relationships with a man.
technological progress, the concept of physicality, fatherhood, motherhood, virtual technologies, biotechnology, social roles, gender, reproductive technologies, virtual relationships
Family and society
Mukhamedzhanova, N.M. (2024). Transformations of the family institution: from the pre-modern to the metamodern. Sociodynamics, 4, 4252.
The relevance of the stated topic is due to the modern socio-cultural situation. On the one hand, the family is the most important social institution, the state of which determines the well-being of society. On the other hand, the modern family is experiencing a crisis, which finds its expression in a decrease in fertility rates, a narrowing of family functions, a growing number of divorces, etc. The purpose of the work is to study the relationship of the family as a mechanism for ensuring the translation and reproduction of culture with the processes taking place in society. The problems of the family are considered in the context of modernization processes in the world in the context of the transition from a traditional society to a modern one, from a pre-modern culture to a meta-modern one. The theoretical basis of the research is the works of Russian and Western authors exploring the problems of the family in a historical context. The interdisciplinary nature of the work determines the combination of socio-philosophical and cultural approaches to the problem of dynamics and possible prospects of the institution of the family. The paper examines the causes of family transformation, the consequences of the family crisis for the development of society and civilization, as well as possible options for the future of the family in connection with the changes taking place in the culture of the early 21st century. The author concludes that the fetishization of personal freedom and the spread of values of self-expression in postmodern culture contradicts the values of self-preservation of society as an integral, unique education. However, the crisis processes in the 21st century undermine the sense of existential security that was inherent in the postmodern era and caused the decline of traditional norms. In the culture of metamodernism, there is a turn towards transcendence and spirituality, which can become a turn towards traditional cultural values, including the family. And this, according to the author, is the positive significance of the modern socio-cultural crisis.
sociocultural crisis, metamodernism, civilization, postmodern culture, modern culture, family crisis, modernization, traditional family, family functions, social institution
Social studies and monitoring
Kovalenko, V.D. (2024). Theoretical and conceptual foundations of research on religious Conservatism as a social structure in the works of Karl Mannheim and Talcott Parsons. Sociodynamics, 4, 5362.
The article is devoted to the study of the theoretical and methodological foundations of the research field of religious conservatism. By itself, religious conservatism as a phenomenon of public life and social structure, since its inception, has had a great influence not only on the religious sphere of society, but also on the political and even economic spheres. The modern research field of religious conservatism is quite diverse, there are a large number of different directions and schools in it, but most of them borrow their methodological foundations from a certain number of classical works on sociology, formed within the framework of mainstream sociological secularism. In this regard, secularism attitudes continue to be reproduced quite often in modern sociological science. The purpose of this work is to examine the early, fundamental theoretical and methodological positions created in classical sociological works on the topic of religious conservatism as a social structure and social phenomenon. To achieve the goal, it was necessary to solve the following tasks: 1) To characterize the works of the early stage of the study of religious conservatism in sociology; 2) To identify and characterize the theories of society in which the main works were created; 3) To define the concept of religious conservatism as a social phenomenon or social structure; 4) Describe the impact of these concepts on further sociological discussion. The research materials were theoretical studies by foreign authors devoted to the conceptualization of the theme of religious conservatism. The research methodology is based on secondary analysis. The results revealed the main patterns of the theoretical foundations of religious conservatism in the works of the classics of sociology.
religion, conservatism, sociological theory, society, Talcott Parsons, Karl Mannheim, social process, social structure, religious conservatism, fundamentalism
Local self-government
Shalashnikova, V.Y. (2024). "City manager" in the municipal management system: problems of competitive selection and efficiency of activities. Sociodynamics, 4, 6371.
The relevance of studying the problems of implementing the "city manager" model is due to the high level of complexity in the activities of modern municipalities. This article analyzes the activities of a city manager in the current Russian conditions and identifies the reasons for the low efficiency of this model. The author considers such aspects of the topic as professional training of city managers, ensuring their high-quality selection, as well as making managerial decisions by a city manager in conditions of constant interaction with both regional authorities and the local community. Special attention is paid to the search for mechanisms to improve competitive events within the framework of the functioning of the "city manager" model in the municipal government system, taking into account existing legislative, political, methodological and personnel barriers. The results of the survey of heads of local governments are analyzed. The article uses methods of analysis, synthesis, generalization, comparison and classification, as well as systemic, situational and institutional approaches. It is concluded that there are destructive practices of "transition" (inversion) of positive elements of the "city manager" model into its disadvantages, which is due to an inadequate level of elaboration of key selection processes and preparation of candidates for the position of head of local administration. At the same time, the blurring of the criteria for evaluating a city manager leads to the replacement of the competence criterion by an assessment of the level of political loyalty, the presence of stable ties with the regional elite. In this connection, recommendations are offered on the formation of models for assessing candidates' competencies, the role of professional knowledge and analytical skills of a city manager is justified. Additionally, the expediency of taking into account the "residency qualification" in evaluating candidates for the position of city manager as a factor in supporting the actions of the municipal leader by the local population is considered.
management decisions efficiency, municipal reform, professionalism of management, territory management, local government, municipal administration, professional manager, city manager, competitive selection, evaluation criteria