Social studies and monitoring
Akhmedova, A.R., Vakker, P.A., Zheldakova, A.V., Medvedeva, M.V., Gomonov, D.I., Gerakina, V.O. (2024). Tolerance in the student environment of the University (based on the materials of a sociological study in Barnaul). Sociodynamics, 3, 1–14.
The relevance of studying the problem of tolerance among university students lies in the fact that by now there has been a panoramic vision of the problem of tolerance. It should be noted that it is the youth who is the main subject of tolerance. Since it is during this period of human socialization that the norms of the worldview with which he will lead his future life in society are laid down for him through social institutions. In this regard, it is necessary to clarify the subjective attitude of students to tolerance as a social phenomenon, to consider the factors of tolerance formation among students, to identify the ideas of students about tolerance, to determine the awareness of students about the term "tolerance". This article presents an analysis of the ideas of the student youth of the city of Barnaul about the phenomenon of tolerance. The study was implemented through a quantitative method of collecting information – a survey in the form of a questionnaire. The general body of the study was made up of students from Barnaul. The sample size was 348 people. The type of sampling is targeted. The study used a selection method such as the method of spontaneous selection. The vast majority of students consider the topic of tolerance to be relevant, and also note the need for tolerance in Russian society. The prevailing part of the student youth believes that significant attention should be paid to the education of tolerance. For students of the city of Barnaul, such types of tolerance as political, interethnic, gender, interfaith and sexual orientation turned out to be the most difficult to manifest. In modern Russian society, the most necessary types of tolerance, according to students, are sexual orientation tolerance, interethnic tolerance, tolerance to various forms of self-expression. Physiological, religious and gender issues received a lower percentage of respondents' responses, from which it can be concluded that students do not consider these types of tolerance necessary. Most often, according to students, the topic of tolerance is raised on social networks. The majority of Barnaul students believe that tolerance is highlighted in a positive way.
student youth, modern society, social processes, social problem, social monitoring, sociological sciences, public opinion, conflictology, Sociological research, tolerance
Religion and politics
Qu, Z., Gao, S. (2024). The evolution of the latinization of the Uniate Church and its causes. Sociodynamics, 3, 15–27.
The object of the study is the Uniate church, founded by the Brest Union in 1596. Then the Orthodox bishops of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth decided to unite with the Pope, provided that Eastern traditions were preserved. However, after the Brest Union, the practice of the Latin Church quickly began to blur the Eastern traditions of the Uniate Church, and the phenomenon of latinization appeared. The subject of the study is the processes and causes of latinization and Delatinization of the Uniate Church. The founding and development of the Uniate Church had strong political factors, since the article also considered its latinization from both religious and political aspects. The author pays special attention to the motives of the delatinization of the Uniate Church over the past 100 years, associated with the spread of the Catholic faith among Orthodox peoples. At the methodological level, the author combines the historical and political background to analyze the materials related to the research topic. The main conclusion of the study is that due to the contradiction between Roman Catholic teaching and Eastern traditions, the union with Rome is doomed to lead to the latinizaition of the Uniate Church. In addition, the latinization of the Uniate Church has a strong political influence. The author's special research contribution to the topic is that he noticed a contradiction in the Uniate Church. Russian Uniate Church is a tool used by the West to spread Catholicism in the Russian land and separate the people from the Russian Orthodox tradition. Latinization lead to the fact that the Uniate church lose its appeal to Orthodox people and affected its spread. However, without latinization, the Uniate Church would not be able to separate its believers from Orthodoxy and the Russian tradition, and would not be able to perform its political functions.
Church history, Zamosc synod, Western Rus, Andrey Sheptytsky, UGCC, Church liturgy, Brest Union, delatinization, The Uniate Church, latinization
Social studies and monitoring
Gapeenkova, M.Y., Pesin, M.V. (2024). The specifics of digital media and the communication role of media content consumers in assessing the student audience (based on the materials of a sociological study). Sociodynamics, 3, 28–44.
The article highlights the results of a study, the subject of which was the student audience's ideas about the specific characteristics of digital media, the role and place of authors and consumers of media content in the communication process. The authors consider such aspects of the topic as awareness of the reasons that encourage the audience to turn to digital media content; the grounds and directions for evaluating relevant media phenomena; reflection on the activity or passivity of the role that the audience assumes. Particular attention is paid to the respondents' perception of social norms and rules that determine the forms and types of communicative behavior in the digital media space, since the dynamism of their development disposes not only to search for options for adaptation to innovative technologies for working with information, but also to search for a reliable value basis both in the field of media communications and in broader areas of social life. During the research, the questionnaire method, descriptive method and analysis method were used. The respondents included students majoring in Advertising and Public Relations. In analyzing digital media, the target audience relies on both their own individual experience and the experience gained from studying theories and practices relevant to specialists in the field of communication studies. In the process of reflection on the specific characteristics of digital media, students demonstrate primarily a value-based approach, choosing traditional moral values and norms as the basis for evaluating the studied phenomena. The main attention is paid to the problem of responsibility to society of both authors and consumers of media content, who must be guided by such requirements as honesty, conscientiousness and willingness to act in the interests of the majority of people. Analyzing the role of communicators, students, in addition to being involved in ethical issues, also demonstrate a desire to develop critical thinking and personal development. The activity of this role, however, is assessed in two ways: respondents record both the opportunity for digital media audiences to act as active figures implementing the function of co-authors of media content, and their exposure to media influence, in which the active role of co-authors is replaced by the passive role of addressees who act within the dominant code.
social roles, creative class, media city, digital literature, pragmatics of communication, blogosphere, social media, communicative behaviors, digital media, traditional values
Ravochkin, N.N., Popov, E.A. (2024). Informal practices in intellectual networks. Sociodynamics, 3, 45–56.
The functioning of society and its institutions is manifested in various practices that embody both officially established and a wide variety of socio-cultural norms. The subject of the study of this work includes systems of interactions and relationships in networks of intellectuals, which are formed in the process of habitualization of mechanisms of informal practices in the context of modern social development. The formal normative foundations of modern societies that ensure their stability and development prospects are studied. Guided by the concept of R. Merton, the authors emphasize the recognition of the permissibility of deviations from ideal normative designs. The object of the study is the processes of institutionalization of informal practices in the current conditions of social existence. The specifics of the design of intersubjective interactions between participants in networks of intellectuals in various informal institutions are presented, according to which their elements become generally accepted practice and in fact confirm their importance in the emerging relations, directing the development of modern social systems. The methodological foundations of the research are works on social philosophy, sociology, history and political science. The authors also addressed the methods and principles of the institutional, praxiological, network and system approach, as well as the theory of social interaction. The scientific novelty of the conducted research consists in identifying the ultimate foundations of informal practices, substantiating their heuristic advantages for modern social development in the theoretical and applied aspect, analyzing the regulatory capabilities of intelligent networks in relation to the normative foundations of specific spheres of social existence. The main conclusions drawn by the authors allow us to see that informal practices, including such socio-cultural concepts as activity orientations and attitudes, values and expectations, along with officially fixed and socially approved behavioral patterns, determine the effectiveness of intersubjective interactions and the attraction of additional resources. It is emphasized that in the realities of modern society on a global scale, the spheres of life are regulated by both formal norms and ideas introduced by intellectual networks, which contain informal rules.
values, norm, institute, idea, society, informal practice, intellectual, policy, economics, science
Social studies and monitoring
Gavrilova, I.S., Tokareva, Y.M. (2024). Sociological analysis of barriers to effective social HIV prevention in the Volgograd region. Sociodynamics, 3, 57–65.
The relevance of the issues under consideration is determined by the specificity of HIV infection, which is both a consequence and a cause of social deprivation, psychosocial crisis situations and social tension. In this regard, the aim of our study is to identify the level of awareness of citizens about HIV infection, diagnostic possibilities and measures of personal prevention before and after a comprehensive systematic application of medical and social work technologies in the framework of primary prevention. The object of the study is modern processes in society in relation to medical and social prevention of HIV infection. The subject of the study is the level of awareness of young people about HIV infection within the framework of using the best medical and social practices in HIV prevention. The author examines in detail the social effect of activities of various formats necessary to increase the level of medical and social literacy of both HIV-negative and HIV-positive people. In the process of research, general scientific (analysis, review of domestic and foreign professional literature) and special-scientific research methods were used: questionnaire survey (young people); method of focused interview and expert assessments of specialists dealing with HIV/AIDS (doctors, psychologists, peer counselors, social work specialists). The questions were related to the effectiveness of established medical and social methods (technologies) of HIV prevention. Comprehensive medical and social work, consisting in identifying gaps in medical and social literacy, conducting prevention activities with the target audience, assessing the expert opinion of specialists involved in HIV prevention, and proposing recommendations based on the results of the study, allowed to identify a number of social barriers that hinder effective medical and social prevention of HIV infection to determine the vectors for the development of new forms and technologies in the field of HIV prevention.
social tolerance, social barriers, social tension, social processes in healthcare system, digital technologies, interdisciplinary team, medical and social work, medico-social literacy, HIV social prevention, youth health factors
State and civil society
Kachurova, E.V., Streltsova, T.P., Medvedev, S.V. (2024). Barriers of subject-object interaction in the management of the region. Sociodynamics, 3, 66–75.
The relevance of the study of subject-object interaction in regional management is due to the need to use the constructive potential of management actors and substantiate optimal methods for overcoming the limitations of subject-object interaction of participants in the process. The article attempts to analyze the barriers of subject-object interaction in the management of the region. The paper examines the currently existing approaches to the study of the structural content of the concept of "region". The interaction of public authorities with local self-government bodies is studied, as a rule, either in the context of the problem of differentiation of competence between public authorities, or in the format of understanding the interaction between them. At the same time, the discussion in sociological science about the correlation of regional and municipal interests, about the delimitation, redistribution and transfer of powers between levels of public authority is far from over. The article uses a method of analyzing the processes of subject-object interaction based on the concepts of symbolic interactionism and social subjectivity. Overcoming the limitations of subject-object interaction requires developing effective strategies, improving communication, increasing trust between participants, reducing technical limitations, improving information security, expanding cultural dialogue, as well as developing organizational mechanisms, creating adequate management structures and allocating sufficient resources to implement management tasks. To do this, it is necessary to improve coordination and cooperation between different levels of government and subjects of the region, increase the efficiency of the management apparatus, ensure access to resources and financing, as well as actively develop information and communication technologies for data collection and analysis. It can be argued that the subject-object interaction in the management of the region depends on the political goals of the state, the effectiveness of its management apparatus, the level of development of self-government and resource capabilities due to interaction with the economic market and interference in economic processes.
interaction, object, subject, regional management, management, barriers, limitations, subject-object interaction, region, efficiency
Human and citizen
Dekhanova, N.G., Kholodenko, Y.A. (2024). Priorities of Russia's social policy in the context of global social changes. Sociodynamics, 3, 76–87.
The relevance of the topic chosen by the authors is determined by the very fact of global changes in the established social order taking place in the world, which create serious risks for the "welfare state" formed in the West after the Second World War. There is a transformation of the basic principles of the modern welfare state – the principles of social solidarity and social justice, the external and internal conditions for the modern state to perform its social functions are becoming more complicated. The ongoing global social transformations fully affect Russian society, especially since it was Russia that acted as their catalyst. Their socio–economic consequences for Russia are ambiguous. The purpose of this work is to analyze the identification of priorities of social policy in modern Russia in conditions associated with both risks and new opportunities in the context of global social changes. The main methodological basis of the research is theoretical scientific methods and a systematic approach. The interdisciplinary nature of the research within the framework of the identified issues requires the involvement of both the results of sociological research and a significant amount of data from domestic and international economic statistics. It is emphasized that in the field of social policy, which is initially based on the principles of redistribution of resources through the budget system, there are no solutions that provide all Russians with prospects for economic and social well-being. Given the complexity of developing universal government solutions capable of ensuring the realization of the social interests of all population groups, in order to preserve the solidarity of Russians in conditions of instability and resource constraints, it is necessary to identify the right priorities of social policy. Accordingly, the authors analyzed the main problems and prospects in the implementation of the main priorities of the social policy of the modern Russian state: overcoming inequality and poverty, support for the participants of the SVO and their families, family and demographic policy. The authors conclude that when developing and implementing social measures, the Russian state should avoid inflating "bubbles" of social obligations. In addition, it is necessary to keep in mind the limited budget resources and avoid "life on loan". Consequently, the authors substantiate the position on the need to implement the principles of rationality, targeting, and orientation towards solving the most acute social problems of modern Russian society in conditions of limited resources.
liberalization, social cohesion, social solidarity, social justice, socio-economic inequality, social policy, welfare state, targeted social support, Social change, categorical social support