Social studies and monitoring
Akhmedova, A.R., Vakker, P.A., Zheldakova, A.V., Medvedeva, M.V., Gomonov, D.I. (2024). Leisure practices as a factor of family conflicts (based on the materials of a sociological study in Barnaul). Sociodynamics, 1, 1–16.
The subject of this study is leisure practices as a factor of family conflicts. The relevance of studying the problem of leisure practices as a factor of family conflicts lies in the fact that family leisure has a significant impact on the relationships of family members, can improve relationships if properly organized, or aggravate conflict situations. The practical significance of the study is to increase the awareness of the adult generation about the importance of organizing family leisure, which will reduce the level of conflict in families. To study the influence of leisure practices on the occurrence of conflicts in the family, a methodology was developed and a sociological study was conducted among residents of the city of Barnaul. The study was implemented through a quantitative method of collecting information – a survey in the form of a questionnaire. In the process of scientific research, the following methods were used: descriptive method; categorization method; analysis method, as well as a survey. To study the influence of leisure practices on the occurrence of conflicts in the family, a methodology was developed and a sociological study was conducted among residents of the city of Barnaul. According to the results of the study on leisure practices as a factor of family conflicts, the following conclusions were made: Firstly, respondents prefer the consumption of different types of content as a form of family leisure. Secondly, respondents spend quite a lot of time organizing family leisure, it is logical that they are often interested in it. Thirdly, respondents believe that the main role of leisure is to strengthen and unite family members. They rarely argue about leisure, and when they argue, it is mainly because of its forms and content. Fourth, the level of conflict in the respondents' families is low. Respondents are more likely to encounter short-term and superficial conflicts, which indicates their desire to maintain close relationships.
social processes, student youth, sociological research, leisure practices, leisure, family conflicts, social problem, conflict resolution, conflictogens, public opinion
Social studies and monitoring
Boldysheva, N.O. (2024). The teacher of the future and the teacher’s future in a changing profession. Sociodynamics, 1, 17–27.
This article presents the results of a sociological study, the subject of which is the process of young teachers starting their professional activity in the context of changing conditions. The purpose of the research is to study how young teachers evaluate the teachers' profession and see their future in the context of ongoing changes. The results obtained during the study include: the impact assessment of the education on the process of entering the profession and the choice of secondary employment; identifying the characteristics of the social interaction of a young teacher with students and their parents, in the context of changes occurring in the profession; proposals for the development of a professional group of teachers; identifying gaps between the professional expectations of young teachers and actual professional activities. The method of this study is interviewing young teachers working in schools in the Moscow region. A total of 64 in-depth telephone interviews were conducted. The novelty of the research lies in the study of the complex social phenomenon of entry and retention of young teachers in schools in the context of the profession’s changes, as well as an acute shortage of teaching staff. Scope of application of the results: the results of the study can become an information base for updating educational programs of universities, creating mechanisms for solving problems of shortage of teaching staff at the regional level, developing the professional community and preserving the teaching profession. The main conclusion of the study is that preserving the teaching profession and teachers in the profession involves abandoning a narrow understanding of rationality based on an economic approach and focusing on the value of teaching work as such.
shortage of teaching staff, secondary employment, pedagogical education, school education reform, social change, professional group, profession, young teachers, teacher, region
Social studies and monitoring
Deriugin, P.P., Cimtikov, Z.K., Malinina, T.B., Glukhikh, V.A. (2024). The health of the population of the region as a systemic object of sociological analysis (results of the pilot study). Sociodynamics, 1, 28–40.
The purpose of the study was to identify and study the systemic links between the basic factors of health and mortality in Russian regions based on correlation analysis methods, i.e., to study the relationship between health, morbidity and mortality. The object of the study was the regions of the Central Federal District (16 regions). The choice of this district as an object of study is due, firstly, to the significant population of Russians living in them. Secondly, in the regions of this district, a significant number of social relations significant for the health of the entire Russian society are collectively represented. Thirdly, numerous statistical and scientific research data have been accumulated on the state of health, diseases and mortality in these regions. The subject of the study is to identify the degree of influence of both objective and subjective factors of health, morbidity and mortality in the regions. The article shows that the understanding of the category of health in sociology has gone through several stages of understanding the category: as a combination of intrapersonal physiological and mental phenomena; as a complex of bodily, social and natural living conditions; as a systemic object of research, understood as a result of the interaction of individual and social factors. The results of studies in which health is analyzed as a systemic object of study, as well as the principles of an approach to the study of health as a systemic education, are summarized. The obtained data of the theoretical part of the study were tested in a pilot study, during which, based on correlation analysis, a significant relationship between social factors of health formation, disease prevention and mortality was confirmed. The conclusions of the pilot study showed the expediency of a systematic approach to the analysis and diagnosis of regional health, both in theoretical developments of the problem and in management activities to promote health. The use of the results of the pilot study is relevant for the development of regional health research problems, as well as for the organization of health diagnostics in the activities of administrative and managerial health management organizations.
factors, correlation, regions, indicators, signs, system, health, medicine, sociology, control
The heritage of transformation
Dekhanova, N., Kholodenko, Y. (2024). Global social changes: risks for the welfare state. Sociodynamics, 1, 41–52.
The relevance of the chosen topic is due to the fact that globalization, being the most important factor in social dynamics, leads to tectonic shifts in absolutely all spheres of social life. These changes are ambiguous and dual in nature. The purpose of this work is to identify the contradictory nature of the influence of global transformation in the context of recent challenges (COVID 19, increased international economic competition, a complex of economic problems, sanctions policy, political instability) on the scale of inequality in the modern world, the functioning of the institution of the social state, consensus on issues of social cohesion, social justice and social solidarity. The theoretical basis of the article was the work of F. Fukuyama, I. Wallerstein, P. Rosanvallon, G. E. Anderson and others. The interdisciplinary nature of the research within the framework of the identified problems requires the use of both the results of sociological research and a significant amount of international economic statistics. The authors have carried out a comprehensive analysis of the factors of global socio-economic changes that most directly affect the functioning of the modern social state. Based on current sociological and statistical data, the authors prove the complex feasibility and partly even change in the basic principles of the “welfare state” associated with social justice, social cohesion and social solidarity in modern Western European countries, which until recently were considered a standard of high quality and living standards of the population, a developed social support system, and a large middle class. It is concluded that the negative trends of global social changes are unlikely to be changed in the foreseeable future, despite the measures taken by national governments and international institutions aimed at stabilizing the socio-economic situation.
modernization, westernization, liberalization, social justice, socio-economic inequality, global competition, welfare state, social change, globalization, digitalization
Freedom of thought, conscience, religion and opinion
Leontyev, G.D., Leontieva, L.S. (2024). Freedom of choice and network "echo effects" of information consumption. Sociodynamics, 1, 53–63.
The mechanisms of media personalization and separation in network communication on the principle of like-mindedness stimulate the formation of "echo chambers" and "filter bubbles". The social network phenomenon indicated by these metaphors is the subject of research, and the concepts themselves are considered as close, but not identical. The purpose of the study is to identify factors affecting the effectiveness of filtering algorithms, the user's ability to make informed choices and self–organization in the process of information consumption. The analysis of the causes and consequences of selective strategies of online information consumption is carried out on the basis of the communicative - activity approach, the theory of virtual reality Zh. Baudrillard, concepts of digital media by K. Sunstein, E. Pariser and R. Fletcher. The results of foreign and domestic studies of communication practices on various social platforms are used as an empirical basis. The research approaches presented in the scientific literature allow us to focus on the technological and logical-semantic perspective of the analysis of stable forms of network communication. According to the authors, the interdependence of filtering algorithms and value dominants of information consumption leaves the user with a chance to independently choose a "consumer basket". The duality in obtaining personalized content is emphasized: on the one hand, it is convenience, saving effort, on the other - the one-dimensionality of the world picture in the information bubble. Based on this, freedom of choice is characterized as the right to active choice and the right not to choose, consciously delegating it to neural network filters. In conclusion, the authors identified internal and external network factors for reducing the effectiveness of filtering algorithms: the interpretation of user behavior by artificial intelligence; the functioning of rational confrontational communication; the opportunistic conceptualization of echo effects; the availability of means of conscious counteraction. Incentives for reasonable information consumption, technological and cognitive ways of protecting and rationalizing user behavior are highlighted.
virtuality, online platforms, communication, echo chamber, filter bubble, confirmation bias, filtering algorithms, information consumption, choice, information