Social studies and monitoring
Pankovskii, P.A., Ryabova, T.M. (2023). Dynamics of the development of the digital economy of small businesses in single-industry towns in the Orenburg region. Prospects and risks. Sociodynamics, 9, 117.
The article presents an overview of the dynamics of the development of the digital economy of small enterprises in single-industry towns, presenting an analysis of the impact of digital technologies on this area. For the purpose of the study, Gai and Mednogorsk were selected from seven single-industry settlements in the Orenburg region, since these cities have a similar specialization (non-ferrous metallurgy). The article provides a comparative analysis of digital dynamics in the selected single-industry towns against the background of all-Russian and regional statistics. The features of the number, employment of small and medium-sized enterprises, income, and other aspects of development are investigated, as well as the strengths and problems of each single-industry town are identified. The article presents an overview of the dynamics of the development of the digital economy at small enterprises in such single-industry towns of the Orenburg region as Guy and Mednogorsk with a focus on the analysis of the impact of digital technologies. The study showed that digital technologies have a significant impact on small businesses, contributing to their growth and development. It is important to note that, despite some differences, both in the quality of the Internet and the scale, in general, there is no significant difference between the single-industry towns of Guy and Mednogorsk - the number of enterprises is stable, the number of employees is decreasing, and turnover is growing at a rate similar to inflation. This analysis also revealed several nationwide and regional trends that can become the basis for developing strategies to support small businesses in single-industry towns and other regions. These trends include an increase in the number and employment in the SME sector, an increase in income and profits, while the growth rates of indicators in the Orenburg region exceed similar indicators for the country as a whole, thus, there is no clear link between the development of the digital economy of small businesses in single-industry towns and in the region as a whole.
medium-sized enterprises, national statistics, regional statistics, innovation, small enterprises, digital dynamics, digital transformation, single-industry towns, digital economy, small business
Family and society
Pereselkova, Z.Y., Zakirova, T.V. (2023). Family education as a process of translation of ideals and values of culture. Sociodynamics, 9, 1832.
In the article, the authors consider issues related to the family as a social institution of society, which through the education system is a carrier, keeper and translator of cultural ideals. The subject of the study is family education, interpreted as the process of translating the ideals and values of culture. The article examines the concept and functions of the family as a leading social institution, sacred and profane ideals of culture and their mutual influence, types of family education, distinguished depending on the characteristics of the transmitted cultural values. When writing the work, such general scientific and private scientific research methods as analysis, synthesis, classification, generalization, comparison, historical method, analysis of empirical and sociological data on the studied problem were used. The general methodology of the work was compiled by scientific works of both domestic and foreign scientists devoted to the family as a carrier of cultural values. The analysis of scientific literature on research issues has shown that the modern family performs not only reproductive functions, but also the functions of preserving and reproducing cultural values, allowing society and the state to maintain stability and develop in the conditions of globalization and active influence on society through the imposition of new cultural values. The scientific novelty lies in the proposed author's typology of modern types of family education, depending on the transmitted cultural values. As a conclusion, the statement is substantiated that the family broadcasting religious and traditional values most correspond to the spiritual and moral ideals of Russian society, its civic interests, at the same time, the values of initiative, independence in decision-making, broadcast to a greater extent in the family of liberal values, are most relevant for the modern system of public relations, for personalities of the post-industrial type.
deviation, spiritual and moral ideals, the bearer of cultural ideals, the younger generation, cultural ideals, cultural values, family education, typology of family education, family functions, family
History of political thought
Grigoryan, K.G. (2023). Institute of Concrete Social Research of the USSR Academy of Sciences. Development of the problem of the social structure of Soviet society. Sociodynamics, 9, 3341.
The genesis of the development of Russian sociology is a process whose complexity was caused by the political and ideological collisions of the Soviet period. At the same time, starting from the middle of the twentieth century, a qualitatively new stage begins in the development of sociology, which is called the "golden age" of Russian sociological thought. During these years, not only theoretical and applied methods of the pre-war period are revived, but also a powerful theoretical and methodological scientific base is being created, which laid the foundation of sociology as an independent science. One of the important moments was the activity of the Institute of Concrete Social Research (ICSI) of the USSR Academy of Sciences. Within the framework of ICSI activities, multi-scale work was carried out, including on the problems of the social structure of Soviet society. The development of sociological science in the Soviet period can be called the most ambiguous and, to some extent, tragic page in the history of scientific thought in Russia. On the one hand, sociological research, especially regarding the social structure of Soviet society, has become in demand from both a political and an economic point of view since the emergence of the Soviet state. In a relatively short period in the young Soviet state, an extensive network of sociological laboratories was created, in which large-scale research was conducted in various directions. The activities of ICSI and its predecessors - the Sector of Research on New Forms of Work and Life and the Department of Sociological Research of the Institute of Philosophy of the USSR Academy of Sciences allowed Soviet sociologists to unite into a team of like-minded people, and, despite ideological prohibitions and sanctions, to formalize sociological research into a multi-scale and complex theoretical and methodological basis of sociology.
Sociology, theory of sociology, empirical research, social structure, Soviet society, classes, social strata, social movements, theoretical and methodological, base of sociology
Religion and politics
Sankarov, A. (2023). The problem of the formation of Muslim identity in the Republic of Bashkortostan. Sociodynamics, 9, 4249.
The article analyzes the identity of followers of Islam in the Republic of Bashkortostan from the point of view of the discursive tradition.The purpose of this study is to establish the features of the formation of Muslim identity in the territory of modern Bashkortostan. The subject of the study is the formation of Muslim identity in modern Bashkortostan. The object of the study are individual residents of the Republic of Belarus who profess Islam. To conduct the study, a set of field research methods was applied: direct observation of the object of study, survey, questionnaire. In the course of the study, the author makes a distinction between different groups of Muslims in Bashkiria. The author of the article examines in detail the various types of religious identity of Muslims of Bashkortostan. The relevance of this study lies in the fact that in the conditions of modernization of Russian society, its religiosity is increasing. At the same time, there is a certain blurring of the religious identity of Russian Muslims due to the globalization of culture. The author of the article suggests the incompleteness of the formation of religious identity due to a number of objective factors, in particular, due to the lack of clear differentiation between religious and ethnic identity, as well as differences in the ideals and values of different generations. The novelty of the research lies in the establishment of new factors influencing the formation of the Muslim identity of the inhabitants of modern Bashkortostan.
Muslim identity, discursive tradition, Muslimness, Bashkortostan, nation-building, subjectivity, tradition of Islam, socio-cultural crisis, individual narratives, ethnic history
Religion and politics
Barinova, S.G. (2023). History of the development of theological schools in Russia at the beginning of the XVIII century (projects of theological schools and the influence of scholasticism). Sociodynamics, 9, 5056.
The article analyzes the history of the development of spiritual education in Russia at the beginning of the XVIII century. The opening of theological schools belonged to the era of Peter the Great and was important for the training of personnel for church positions. And if Ancient Russia had only elementary schooling, consisting in reading and writing, then in the second half of the XVII century Kievan scientists appeared in Moscow, who had a scholastic influence on the training of future priests. The opening of theological schools in Russia is traditionally associated with the name of Peter I, his ideas of planting European enlightenment and the influence of Kiev scientists who Latinized the learning process. Peter I's attempt to rebuild the system of spiritual education did not succeed immediately, but by the 30s of the XVIII century, a full Latin course was introduced in theological schools on the model of the Kiev Academy. Under the patronage of Peter I, a common goal was formed to raise the level of religious and moral development of the clergy. It was from the time of Peter the Great in the second half of the XVII century that scientists from Kiev appeared. The era of Peter I assumed steep reforms and innovations, which were directly followed by the spirit of the Kiev Collegium, and its students brought a completely new, modern ideal of education.
church, school, scholasticism, education, history, Russia, clergy, philosophy, spirituality, Orthodoxy