Local self-government
Roslyakova, M.V. (2023). Social networks as a tool for involving citizens in governance (using the example of the official pages of local administrations of cities in Central Russia). Sociodynamics, 7, 118. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-7144.2023.7.43708
Social networks are considered by the population as the leading way of communication, therefore public authorities use new technologies to inform and involve citizens in management. The purpose of the work is to evaluate the interaction of citizens and authorities using the official pages of local administrations on the VKontakte social network. The subject of the study is social networks as a tool of interaction between authorities and citizens. The article analyzes the official pages (state publications) of 7 large cities, which are the administrative centers of the subjects of the Central Federal District. Main research methods: analysis, comparison, generalization, methods of descriptive statistics. The author examines the work of Russian and foreign researchers on the problem of the use of social networks in the activities of public authorities. The indicators reflecting the effectiveness of official communities were studied: the activity of citizens on the pages, the level of involvement, the publication activity of the administration, content formats. The data was collected and processed manually and with the help of specialized services. There are few studies in which a comparative analysis of the interaction of local governments with citizens in social networks is carried out, so the article complements the current literature on digital communications in the public sector. An analysis of the indicators that characterize the activity and involvement on the official pages of local administrations shows that the practice of using social networks in the regions is different. All official pages are active, page owners (local administrations) and subscribers (citizens) are looking for ways to interact online. The results will help to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the official pages and offer recommendations for improving the participation of citizens in the management process through social networks.
comment, repost, like, communication, local government body, official page, public administration, gosplik, public participation, social network
Religion and politics
Silantieva, T.S. (2023). Axiological and cultural specifics of the interpretation of the concept of "sin" in modern Catholicism (on the example of digitized sermons of the Russian Catholic clergy). Sociodynamics, 7, 1929. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-7144.2023.7.43979
The object of the study is the process of communication of social groups, considered from the point of view of its value bases. The subject of the study is the conceptualization of the concepts of "sin" in the (digitized) sermons of Russian Catholic pastors, which are texts that are precedent for the environment of Russian Catholics. The purpose of the work is to establish the dominant trends in the interpretation of the concept of "sin" that exist in this community. To achieve this goal , the following tasks were set: 1) identify specific religious groups whose discourse analysis will clarify the existing interpretations of this concept; 2) select a relevant methodology that allows you to begin analyzing these interpretations; 3) correlate the results obtained with the basic text that establishes framework interpretations (in this case, it will be the catechism of the Catholic Church). The research methodology is based on the application of a comprehensive philosophical and cultural method based on axiological, anthropological and hermeneutic approaches. Content analysis and discourse analysis are used as specific methods. The scientific novelty of the work consists in establishing the possibilities and limits of the axiological "extensibility" of the concept of "sin" on the example of specific materials with a potentially wide audience (in addition to representatives of the community of Russian Catholics, any Internet users can enter it). Introducing the concept of "sin" as one of the cultural constants of Christianity as a whole, the considered sermons broadcast its stable canonical interpretations. There were no value reversals associated with possible responses to the transformation of social relations and the reflection of this process in the value consciousness of the authors of the studied sermons. At the same time, as a result of the scientific analysis of the collected material, unexpected results were revealed. Firstly, the sema "sin" is relatively rare in the digitized sermons of the Russian Catholic clergy. Secondly, while maintaining a negative assessment of sin, there is practically no meaningful analysis of this concept. Instead, a constellation of concepts built around "love" and "mercy" becomes a conjugate semantic field.
digitized sermons, semiotic content of the concept, sin, Russian Catholicism, transformation of the concept, values, cultural constants, cultural specifics of interpretation, semantic field, value content of concepts
Family and society
Kruglova, E.L. (2023). Economic stereotypes of Russian families through the prism of proverbs and sayings. Sociodynamics, 7, 3041. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-7144.2023.7.43831
Stereotypes and prejudices can influence our views and decisions in various spheres of life, including the economy. The author addresses the most important social group the family and examines the features of the economic behavior of all its members in comparison with the models and patterns of behavior described in Russian proverbs and sayings. The family, both nuclear and extended, is the main object of research. Being the foundation of the state, the family remains the most important source of information for understanding the economic and financial culture of the population, the conditions for its formation and identifying strong points for further development. Sociological content analysis is chosen as the main method of analysis. The article is written at the intersection of sociological, linguistic, historical and philosophical sciences. The scientific novelty of the presented research is both the problematic topic itself, which was not previously presented in the scientific field, and the unification of three time modes during the author's analysis: past, present and future. During the content analysis, the author identified five thematic groups of proverbs and sayings that have semantic references to finance, attitude to money and economic roles in the family. Each of the groups is accompanied by up-to-date data from secondary sociological research and statistics in order to compare, highlight common and different in the economic life of Russian families over the past centuries. The focus of the research is focused on analyzing the dynamics of changes in the attitude of members of the Russian family to finance and the strength of the influence of economic stereotypes on families of the XXI century, expressed through specific linguistic forms. The conclusions of this research are of interest to a wide range of readers whose professional or social interests include economic sociology, demography, Russian history and historical linguistics, as well as population issues.
famiy budget, economic culture, budget, saying, family values, proverb, family, financial behavior, financial literacy, economic stereotypes
People and work
Atlaskirov, A.R. (2023). Labor attitudes of graduates of higher and secondary specialized educational institutions of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic. Part 2. Sociodynamics, 7, 4252. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-7144.2023.7.43925
The changes taking place in the modern labor market, under the influence of information and technological progress, are fraught with significant risks for the sustainable development of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic. The process of introducing artificial intelligence into various sectors of the economy has begun, according to experts, will lead to the release of significant labor resources, which may result in an increase in social tension in society. In this regard, it seems necessary to conduct research on the identification of labor attitudes of the younger generation. The purpose of the presented work is to study the labor attitudes of graduates of higher and secondary specialized educational institutions of Kabardino-Balkaria. The conducted research showed that most of the graduates are going to get a job in their region. About a third of the respondents plan to go to work in other regions of the country. Most of the graduate students of the universities of the republic had already worked by the time of the survey, but a significant part did not work in their specialty. Low efficiency is shown by career guidance work. Many young people do not receive up-to-date information about the potential directions of economic and labor market development, and school career guidance lessons do not arouse their interest. Respondents consider IT industry and tourism to be the most promising areas of development of the republic's economy.
social risks, artificial intelligence, education, migration, unemployment, digital transformation, Kabardino-Balkarian Republic, labor attitudes, youth, progress
Social studies and monitoring
Valeeva, M.V. (2023). Ecological consciousness and behavior of modern students: a sociological analysis. Sociodynamics, 7, 5363. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-7144.2023.7.43907
The current environmental situation requires serious attention and active participation of every person. A special role in this process is played by the student youth an active and promising part of society, capable of making a significant contribution to the development of ecological culture and changing environmental behavior. The ecological consciousness and behavior of students are becoming the object of more and more in-depth study by specialists in various fields of knowledge, including sociologists. To assess the level of formation of ecological consciousness and behavior in 2023, a sociological study was conducted using two methods: a questionnaire, the object of which was the student youth of Yekaterinburg and an expert interview. The study revealed the attitude of young people to the environment, as this is an indicator of the formation of ecological consciousness. Next, the key environmental problems that, according to the youth, are most acute were considered, as well as real practices that students implement while taking care of the environment were considered. In addition, the research revealed the role of the university as an actor influencing the formation of environmental consciousness and behavior. As a result, it was concluded that modern youth in general show interest and awareness in relation to environmental problems, but in reality their environmental behavior is often uneven and limited.
environment, ecological culture, youth, student youth, sociological research, ecology, ecological behavior, ecological consciousness, environmental sociology, socio-ecological research