Religion and politics
Gavrilov, O.F., Zhukova, O.I. (2023). The sacredness of history as a subject of theoretical discussions and socio-cultural practice. Sociodynamics, 5, 114.
The subject of the study is the correlation between the variants of relation to the sacred as a phenomenon of perception of the past and the practical embodiments of these modalities in various sociocultural forms. As a methodological basis, the principle of separation of history (historical science) and collective memory, implemented in "memory studies", in particular, by M. Hvalbvaks and P. Nora, was used. The original application of this principle in this study made it possible to establish two interdependencies between internally differentiated value-ideological attitudes (secular/sacred) regarding the historical past and their objectifications in the norms of law and the scientific ethos, the features of the education and education system, in the development of art. The secular assessment of sacred involves its elimination from the field of being, the mechanisms of spiritual development of the past, and finds expression either in the use of strict, formalized tools of historical knowledge, in the requirement of maximum deideologization of the latter, or in such a relation to the past, in which it turns into a material of subjective interpretations. In the opposite setting, the sacred is understood as a necessary and irreparable part of collective memory, the source of which in one interpretation is the transcendental plan of being, and in the other - the transcendental universals of culture. This installation turns out to be an obstacle to the complete elimination of sacred and from the practice of specialized historical knowledge, which finds normative expression in the integration of theological discourse into the structure of scientific knowledge.
myth, theology, interpretation, historical knowledge, reconstruction, symbols, past, history, sacred, collective memory
People and work
Fedin, A.N., Kechaikina, E.M. (2023). Culture and law in the theoretical and methodological foundations of the study of social progress by domestic Marxists in the XXI century. Sociodynamics, 5, 1522.
In the present paper from the positions of dialectical method and comparative-historical analysis the problem of culture and law in relation to social progress and its study by modern domestic Marxists is considered. The authors prove that the study of social transformations at the level of theoretical generalizations or specific conditions of development of systems of social relations by modern authors is based on the original ideas of historians and philosophers of the 1960s. The paper focuses on the analysis of the interaction between culture and law in the spatial and temporal dimensions. Particular attention in the article is paid to methodological contradictions in approaches when analyzing social progress in the society of "real" socialism. The authors consistently prove why the conclusions of representatives of the neo-Marxist school of T. Adorno and H. Marcuse about the forms of human alienation of late capitalist society cannot be considered fair to societies at the legal level that deny private property. According to the conclusions of the article, culture and law in the idea of social progress in the theory of modern domestic Marxists develop on two levels. The first level is characterized by theoretical rethinking of the category of socio-economic formation and statement of social progress in the analysis of large historical epochs. The second level focuses on the development of Marx's humanistic ideas, which are based on the principle of identifying social progress with man's acquisition of full freedom.
Marxism, socio-economic formation, alienation, progress criteria, theoretical and methodological basis, social progress, regression, real socialism, freedom, culture and law
Social studies and monitoring
Popov, E.A., Akhmedova, A.R., Koda, E.A., Podyapolsky, A.D., Kozlova, V.A. (2023). Social practices of parents' participation in the life of the school (based on the materials of a sociological study in Barnaul). Sociodynamics, 5, 2340.
Education is currently one of the most popular services provided by both the state and private individuals. Moreover, school education is directly related both to the student himself and to the student's family as a whole. The family becomes a kind of controller of the quality of educational services, but gradually the education system is commercialized, which is why it is changing. The problem of social practices of parents' participation in school life finally identified itself after 2012, since the adoption of the new law on education, when parents became full-fledged subjects of school management at the legislative level along with the school administration, moreover, the powers of each component became clearly spelled out. It turned out that the schools of Barnaul are open enough for communication, parents evaluate the interaction with the school in a positive way and believe that all the issues and problems they address to the school are solved immediately or almost immediately. As for intra-family interaction, parents devote two or more hours to their children on weekdays. The time that parents can devote to their children directly depends on the work schedule. Parents help elementary school students with homework to a greater extent, participation in high school is minimal. Based on the above questions, it can be concluded that parents are sufficiently involved in the child's life and constantly keep in touch with them, so they can respond to difficulties that arise in the child at school. The most popular ways for parents to interact with the school are parent meetings and online communication.
pedagogical sciences, social monitoring, sociological research, social attitudes, instruments of influence, education, family, school, Social practices, social institutions
Local self-government
Malyshkina, D.A. (2023). Issues of public participation in the management of urban space development. Sociodynamics, 5, 4148.
The subject of the study is public participation in solving issues of urban environment development. The author examines in detail such aspects of the topic as: the role, significance and benefits of public participation in urban planning, forms of public participation in the development of the urban environment and factors that positively affect the level of involvement of residents, as well as restrictions on participation. The author notes that effective interaction between authorities and the population can help to qualitatively identify the main problems and tasks of management in the field of urban environment development, identify the needs of local communities, public sentiment and in the future minimize urban conflicts.The author's contribution to the research of the topic is to conduct a survey of residents in the city of Tyumen to study their readiness to participate in solving issues of urban environment development. The survey of respondents showed that more than half of the respondents are interested in participating in urban planning and landscaping. The survey also revealed the main reasons limiting participation, such as: uncertainty that the opinion of residents will be taken into account and will affect the final decision, misunderstanding of the forms and methods of participation. The difference between the real and potential activity of residents in relation to the improvement of their yard, area of residence is revealed. The factors that can contribute to an increase in the share of citizens participating in urban development and improvement projects are highlighted.
comfortable urban environment, citizens' activity, potential of residents, urban environment, public involvement, factors of residents activity, spatial planning, public participation, urban space development, spatial development of the city
The heritage of transformation
Samsitdinov, I.Z., Girfanova, I.N. (2023). Atypical aspects of social stratification and mobility. Sociodynamics, 5, 4956.
The authors attempts to highlight certain aspects of social relations and social movements that go beyond the traditional typology of social stratification and mobility. It is emphasized that the general vector of modernity, namely the information and digitalization in many areas significantly complements and changes the understanding of mobility. Separately, the social group of "remote workers" is analyzed, the number of which has been growing noticeably in recent years in connection with the informatization of society, as well as in connection with the geopolitical situation, the situation of "uncertainty". Structural-functional, axiological, activity-based approaches were chosen as the methodological basis of the study, the comparative method and the method of scientific analysis were used. The novelty of the research lies in the fact that the article identifies three social groups "remoters", "organizers", "fallacians", attention to which in classical literature, in our opinion, was not paid enough. In conditions of uncertainty, individuals who are able to design new forms of sociality, which have significant advantages over traditional projects, gain a noticeable advantage. The main conclusion is that social mobility acquires new indicators and is often not associated with the real movements of the subject in space and time. New research and analysis of this phenomenon are required, taking into account the conditions of rapid informatization and transformation of modern society.
status, society, virtualization of living space, fallacy, game structure, atypical, stratification, social mobility, qualifications, power