Humanitarian projects
Leontyev, G.D., Leontieva, L.S. (2023). Digital Techno-Democracy as a Post-non-Classical Praktopia. Sociodynamics, 4, 1–10.
The analysis of digital, socio-technological projects of the future is carried out in the context of post-non-classical utopian discourse based on a systematic approach, concepts of information society, dynamic information theory, K. Popper's ideas about social engineering. In order to identify the social effects of modern IT innovations, the current situation with universal ChatGPT is considered. It is argued that technology does not have an autonomous moral status, it is a projection of a person on the world. Their ethical burden, as well as the functionality and framework of self-organization are set from the outside. Artificial intelligence is a technology for simulating the reproduction of human reality, including patterns of social deviations. It means that not so much the virtual world as the actual reality needs humanizing correction. Information – technological, communicative mechanisms of overcoming social imperfections can be traced in the conceptually successive projects of "holotechnodemocracy" by M. Bunge, "information democracy" by M. Rocard, in projects of digital, cloud, electronic democracy. It is revealed that the modeling of an ideal digital future is based on a procedural approach, characterized by the authors of the article in the terminology of K. Popper as a "piecemeal" method, that is, "social engineering of private solutions". Therefore, digital techno-democracies are defined as a kind of modern praktopia, which evolutionarily and permanently forms an alternative social reality based on information and communication technologies and socio–network self–organization of a person and neural networks.
information, praktopia, techno utopia, digital democracy, artificial intelligence, technology, virtual reality, self-organization, ethics, social engineering
Religion and politics
Neznanova, V.S., Tret'yakova, M.O. (2023). The influence of Church membership on the socio-political consciousness of Russians. Sociodynamics, 4, 11–21.
The subject of this article is the process of the influence of churching on the socio–political consciousness of Russians. The purpose of the work is to reveal the role of the influence of religious values inherent in a believer and a church-bound person on his socio-political consciousness. Russian Russian Orthodox Church religious dogmas, sociological research, "Fundamentals of the Social Concept of the Russian Orthodox Church", data from the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation, the Public Chamber of St. Petersburg, etc. are used in the work. The following methods were used in the research: historical and philosophical analysis, comparative analysis, interdisciplinary approach. The scientific novelty lies in the fact that the role of the influence of churching on the socio-political consciousness of Russians is revealed. Today, the topic of the influence of religious freedom on the socio-political consciousness of Russians is little studied. As a rule, in this context, more general concepts such as humanity, morality and morality are considered without significant reference to religious principles and without proper understanding of this issue in the context of socio-political consciousness. In this study, the analysis is carried out from the historical and modern points of view. The main conclusions of the study are the following: 1. Professing religion, a person adopts the values and moral guidelines that are inherent in this religion. 2. The religious idea somehow begins to be projected onto the surrounding world, including in secular everyday life. 3. Based on the results of the study, it can be argued about the influence of church membership on the socio-political consciousness of Russians.
Orthodox Church, civil society, religion, churching, orthodoxy, faith, socio-political consciousness, Public Chamber of the RF, Public Chamber of St. Petersburg, non-profit sector.
Social organizations and movements
Kopaliani, V. (2023). Politics, publicity and social movements in the works of J. Habermas and P. Bourdieu. Sociodynamics, 4, 22–34.
Modern social movements should be considered in the context of the existing public sphere, the main theorists of which are J. Habermas and P. Bourdieu. The article analyzes various aspects of the functioning of the public sphere, examines the role of mass media in the formation of the public sphere and the orientation of public opinion. Using the example of social movements in France, the author examines how the public sphere affects the functioning of social movements. Nowadays, the media largely determines the agenda and controls public debate. Besides, the experience of each person is completely mediated by the communication means. At the same time the media is largerly influenced by politics and, as a result, the public sphere loses its functions. Nevertheless, the public of organized individuals could become an effective participant in public communication, through which it is possible to legitimize the achievement of political compromises. The author concludes that social movement's analysis should be focused not only on the political, economic and social causes of demonstrations, but also on the public sphere in which they exist. In addition, the discourse constructed by the mass media is not only imposed on society, but belongs to it. Each person contributes to its creation, and social media platforms play an important role in this. If public discourse is the result of the activity of many actors, then it is necessary to consider the possibility of interference in its construction.
social movements, public debate, communication, publicity, capital of a politician, politics, public opinion, public sphere, mass media, France
Morality and politics
Poluboyarinov, A.R. (2023). Ideology in Social Space: Characteristics of the Structure of the Ideological Field Based on the Social Theory of Pierre Bourdieu. Sociodynamics, 4, 35–43.
The article considers ideology as a certain kind of social field in a social space, and also presents an analysis of the contribution of Pierre Bourdieu's theory to the study of ideology. Based on the works of Pierre Bourdieu, concepts such as the ideological field and ideological capital are introduced. The ideological field is a system of objective social relations that ensure the production and reproduction of ideologies and their structures. In the article, the author establishes specific patterns of functioning of the ideological field and ideological capital. The main goals of ideological production are to increase and increment profitability, influence and power, as well as "surplus value". According to Pierre Bourdieu's theory, differences in social space and social fields are produced due to a certain distribution and uneven ratio capital. The ideological field, as well as other social fields, is a place of competition and struggle of multidirectional antagonistic social forces. The ideological space consists of "nodal points" and "floating signifiers", which are attached to "nodal points" depending on the "surplus value" allocated by them. The main incentive for the development of ideological capital, as well as economic capital and other forms of capital, is the desire for self-reproduction, self-growth and accumulation. Ideological capital is a set of self-reproducing and self-growing ideas and beliefs that claim to dominate society. So, the application and development of Pierre Bourdieu's social theory in relation to ideology opens up the possibility of analyzing the real social practices of agents and institutions, their strategies and interests.
capital, ideological field, ideology, social field, social theory, social space, social philosophy, ideological capital, philosophy, Pierre Bourdieu
People and work
Popandopulo, O. (2023). Professional orientation of young people as a factor of effective development of the labor market. Sociodynamics, 4, 44–53.
Professional orientation of young people, carried out by specialists of the state employment service, is one of the main tools for regulating the employment market. In domestic and foreign practice, there are many works devoted to the study of the peculiarities of the formation of the professional identity of young people and the impact of professional orientation on the labor market and society as a whole. However, one can observe the problem of the lack of a comprehensive socio-philosophical analysis of the effectiveness of youth vocational guidance technologies within the framework of the state employment service. In this regard, the subject of the study is the role of professional orientation of young people in the process of forming the employment market. Based on the results of the socio-philosophical analysis of the studied social phenomenon, the existing organizational and managerial problems in the process of providing public services for professional orientation were identified. Therefore, within the framework of the study, the factors contributing to the improvement of the managerial activities of specialists in the field of youth employment promotion were analyzed and identified. Thus, the results obtained can be applied by specialized specialists of state and municipal administration in order to increase the effectiveness of professional orientation of young citizens. The implementation of the results of the research into practical activities can contribute to a more rational distribution of labor resources and solve the problem of youth employment.
professional orientation, young people, labor market, youth policy, identity, professional self-determination, professional self-awareness, human capital, labor potential, personnel policy
The heritage of transformation
Gromakova, V.G. (2023). Institutional transformation of society in the light of the sociosynergetic paradigm. Sociodynamics, 4, 54–70.
The object of theoretical research presented in this article is society as an open non-equilibrium system capable of self-organization. The subject of the study are the factors and driving forces of the institutional transformation of the societal system. The relevance of the study is justified by the prolonged transformational period in the life of Russian society, as well as the increasingly widespread socio-structural crisis phenomena in the world. The scientific problem is determined based on such well-known facts as the low predictability and manageability of the processes of institutional transformation, on the one hand, and the need to reduce the risks associated with them, on the other. Accordingly, the question is raised about the mechanism of institutional transformation, which is proposed to be considered using the principles and provisions of sociosynergetics as a methodological basis. The main element of novelty in this article is the synthesis of neoinstitutional theory with the provisions of sociosynergetics. The study analyzes the process of institutional transformation from the standpoint of the sociosynergetic concept using such categories as energy dissipation, entropy, stationary and nonequilibrium state in their social expression. The characteristics of the evolutionary and crisis stages in the development of the institutional system are given. Attention is focused on the risks of the transformation period and the relationship of its results with the previous period of stability. As a result of the conducted research , the author formulates the following conclusions:1) Subjects of social relations act in accordance with the principle of minimum energy dissipation, as a result of which the foundations of any new order are laid in fluctuations of the previous structure.2) The course of the crisis (transformational) process is adversely affected by both excessive control actions aimed at preserving the previous order, and premature and ill-conceived reforms.3) The prolonged transformation threatens the complete degradation of the societal system due to the depletion of resources needed to reduce entropy.
stationary state, entropy, energy dissipation, sociosynergetics, institutional changes, social transit, social transformation, social institute, nonlinear dynamics, cumulative