Demography and statistics
Ponomarev, F.S. (2023). Surrogacy in Russia: Current Trends in Family Planning in Comparison with Western Countries. Sociodynamics, 3, 18.
The purpose of this study is to identify trends of surrogacy among the population of Russia in the XXI century. The relevance of the work is due to the interest of sociologists in family planning and the demographic situation in modern Russia, as well as the influence of Western culture on the domestic institution of the family. Methods of statistical and bibliographic analysis were applied. The work was carried out on the basis of a sociological survey. The object of the study is the socio-cultural sphere of Western and Russian society related to childbearing and family planning. The subject of the study is surrogacy. Special attention was paid to the attitude to this phenomenon, as well as modern trends related to surrogacy. The issue was considered both in the legal field and in the social sphere. The main conclusions of the study are: the need to improve the legal framework, the need to improve the protection of the rights of both surrogate mothers and people applying for this service. Nevertheless, in the course of the study, we found out that the sphere of family planning in Russia has not undergone any special changes and citizens still strive for independent childbearing. The scientific novelty of the work lies in the study of the assessment of citizens in relation to the possibility of having a child using surrogate motherhood. It is worth noting that this attribute of family planning is characteristic primarily for citizens of Western countries. The author's special contribution to the study is to establish the fact that there are no contradictions between the development of the traditional concept of family relations and innovations that are actively practiced in the West and form the entire financial industry.
surrogacy, gestational surrogacy, legal assessment, social institute, family values, family institute, traditional family, feminism, family planning, demographics
Social studies and monitoring
Fenvesh, T.A., Zabelina, E.Y., Kostyaeva, E. (2023). Study of Stigmatization of People with Mental Illnesses among Young People. Sociodynamics, 3, 921.
The subject of the study is the problem of stigmatization of people with mental illnesses. Currently, the problem of stigmatization of people with mental illnesses reaches a fairly high level. First of all, this tendency is expressed in a dismissive, and sometimes even contemptuous attitude towards neurodifferent individuals associated with fears, fears and prejudices regarding the behavior of persons with an established mental diagnosis. We are talking about attributing to mentally ill people the ability and willingness to commit various crimes, including serious ones, and vice versa, society often assigns to mentally healthy criminals the presence of a mental disorder that they did not have. The novelty of the study lies in a two-way process that aggravates the process of stigmatization: on the one hand, modern medicine allows more accurately diagnosing various mental disorders and selecting adequate treatment so that the life of an individual does not differ or almost does not differ from a person who does not suffer from similar disorders. On the other hand, the same modern world, the pace of life and the level of stress provokes the appearance and development of mental disorders, as evidenced by both twenty-year-old and modern studies. The main conclusions based on the results of the study in this paper: there is a fairly high level of interest in the student society to the topic of mental health in general, a relatively loyal attitude towards neurodifferent individuals. For people who treat mentally ill people less loyally, the main motive for stigmatization is fear, fear due to the "unpredictability" of the behavior of people with severe mental disorders. It is also important to note that a significant part of the respondents claim that in Russia the level of mental education, the quality of medical care and the level of support for people with mental illnesses, measures aimed at integrating such people into society are not of sufficient quality.
Mass culture, stereotype, questioning, students, deviant behavior, Irving Hoffman, Foucault, sociological research, mental health, stigmatization
Social studies and monitoring
Koblyakova, I. (2023). Comparative Analysis of the Audience of the Medical Organization's Communities in Social Networks and its Patients. Sociodynamics, 3, 2235.
Interaction with patients, the quality of communication with them by medical professionals affect the results of treatment. In the digital era, new formats and channels of interaction are emerging, which are successfully used by medical organizations in the process of communication with consumers of medical services patients. Among a wide range of online tools, social networks have become a phenomenon. The subject of the study is the communication of a medical organization with patients in social networks. The purpose of this article is to analyze the audience of medical organization communities in social networks using the example of a specialized federal medical center in St. Petersburg to determine how the characteristics of the audience of social networks correspond to real patients of a medical institution. This study is based on the analysis of cancer incidence statistics in Russia, content analysis of the communities of a medical organization specializing in Oncology in social networks. Author studies the role of social networks and online interaction in the era of digitalization. Using methods of analysis and synthesis, content analysis, systematization, generalization, a judgment is formulated on the compliance of the audience of medical organization communities in social networks with the real characteristics of patients. It was revealed that the audience of thematic communities of a specialized medical center in social networks corresponds to the characteristics of real patients of the institution, as well as morbidity statistics in the country. The results of the study can be applied by medical organizations in the process of building a communication process with patients. The novelty, uniqueness of the work and the contribution of the author to the consideration of the question posed consists in conducting a comparative analysis of the demographic and geographical characteristics of real oncopatients and subscribers of thematic communities in social networks.
communication in medicine, communication in healthcare, social media audience, audience of a medical organization, social network, doctor-patient communication, communication with patients, interaction with patients, digitalization, digital space
Social studies and monitoring
Akhmedova, A.R., Koda, E.A., Sterlyadeva, N.A., Lapteva, D.N., Oleinikova, E.P. (2023). Student Squads as Agents of Socialization of Student Youth (Based on Research in the Altai Territory). Sociodynamics, 3, 3653.
Student groups in sociological science are studied from the point of view of interaction with youth policy management bodies, the formation of specialists in the labor market, and socialization tools. It seems heuristic to consider student groups as agents of socialization, carrying out their activities through social practices. Within the framework of this work, we will focus on the movement of student detachments as an important agent of the socialization of student youth, since student detachments provide labor training and inclusion in the work of students, form patriotism and love for the Motherland, and also ensure the development of the potential of young people in various aspects of modern life. Student groups as agents of socialization of students perform a number of dysfunctions, including emotional and economic aspects, additional workload, negative interaction with other people. Despite this, the fighters of student squads highly appreciate the level of adaptability to professional activity and the level of leadership qualities acquired or developed in the student squad, this is confirmed by experts. Each student named a number of qualities that he acquired or developed thanks to student teams, including: responsiveness, openness, confidence, perseverance, patience, stress tolerance, diligence, determination, punctuality, sociability, responsibility for himself and others, the ability to solve conflict and problem situations, the ability to delegate, as well as make quick decisions.
social practices, labor activity, patriotism, sociological research, agents of socialization, student youth, sociolization, student squad, social institute, youth policy
The heritage of transformation
Kovalenko, N. (2023). Tolstoy as a Social and Religious Reformer. Sociodynamics, 3, 5462.
This paper examines the works of the great Russian writer, philosopher and socio-religious reformer Leo Tolstoy created in the late XIX early XX centuries. Tolstoy's social philosophy assumed and was based on the religious type of culture as its foundation. The Christian type of personality in its Orthodox sound was fundamental for Tolstoy. Although at the same time, he analyzed and criticized the contemporary Orthodox Church from unorthodox positions for its close connection with the power structures of the Russian Empire. As the historian of Russian philosophy V.V. Zenkovsky wrote at the time, Tolstoy's worldview was inseparable from the Orthodox faith. Tolstoy's teaching, in particular his philosophy of nonviolence, became quite widespread and contributed to the emergence of the socio-religious movement of Tolstoyites in Russia. Tolstoy's ideas were adequately perceived abroad, in particular, this is the ideology of Mahatma Gandhi's non-participation in India of the XX century. Tolstoy's philosophy of nonviolence corresponded both to Tolstoy's rejection of the hierarchical structure of intra-church life and to the traditions of Eastern philosophy with its reliance on the principle of non-doing and nonviolence.
writer, creativity, reformation, Great Russian writer, anti-ethatism, philosophy of non-violence, Tolstoism, religious reformer, Tolstoy, composition