People and work
Vlasova, O.I., Shvetsova, A.V. (2023). Scenarios of STR Development in the Logic of Socio-Political Changes (Based on the Materials of Stakeholders' Assessment). Sociodynamics, 1, 115.
The system of secondary vocational education is of strategic importance for the economy, since the quality of training determines the potential of its development. The speed of the emergence of new technologies requires flexibility and structural complexity of educational mechanisms, which is reflected in the decisions of the federal project "Professionalism". The new reality dictates the need for a conceptual understanding of the logic of the development of PDF, the potential and risk-taking of the steps taken and the viability of initiatives. The authors' contribution to the solution of this problem consists in identifying possible scenarios for the development of STR based on the expectations and readiness of stakeholders. The purpose of this article is to analyze possible scenarios for the development of SPE and their assessment from the perspective of key stakeholders teachers and administrators of training institutions for SPE. Methodology, methods and techniques. The work consists of three main blocks: a theoretical analysis of research on the functioning of the SPO; an empirical part, presented by a description of the author's methodology and data from an expert survey; resulting conclusions containing formulations of basic scenarios for the development of the SPO. The scientific novelty of the research lies in the development of a methodology for analyzing the state and prospects of the development of SPO by a key stakeholder training institutions for SPO. Practical significance. Conceptual constructions and the obtained practical data can be taken into account when developing educational strategies, individual results are useful for optimizing the educational process in universities that train personnel for vocational education. Conclusions. Changes in the value basis of vocational education, as well as an increase in the motivation of teachers and masters (not only material, but also at the level of understanding and acceptance of ideas) determine the effectiveness of decisions and initiatives.
educational paths, educational challenges, stakeholders, education policy, personnel training, modernization of education, Professionalitet (vocationality), master, secondary vocational education, vocational education
Social organizations and movements
Kruglova, M.S., Kruglova, L.E., Shuvanov, I.B., Shuvanova, V.P. (2023). The Problem of Volunteer Motivation in Volunteering Management: A Sociological View. Sociodynamics, 1, 1627.
The article deals with the problems of analyzing the motivational component in the management systems of youth volunteering. The subject of the study is the totality of managerial relations that arise in the process of organizing the volunteer movement and the implementation of volunteer activities. The object of the study is the activities of volunteer, non-profit organizations. The problem lies in the possible outflow of volunteers after the first contact or event, without repeated or regular participation. It is important for managers and leaders of the voluntary sector to successfully involve young people in volunteer projects and develop their voluntary participation in the long term. The study of this issue will make it possible to form a holistic view of the significant aspects of the organization of the volunteer movement. The study is aimed at identifying existing approaches to motivating volunteers, finding the most effective ways to increase the level of volunteer motivation, developing tools to ensure a high level of motivation and involvement in projects of volunteer associations. To collect data on motivation in youth volunteering, the authors conducted a questionnaire survey, the participants of which were volunteers from Russian volunteer organizations based in higher educational institutions. The predominance of the non-material nature of the motivation of volunteers was revealed; a scale of motives was developed for testing volunteers and designing an individual route of volunteer experience in organizations. The unity and opposition of the types of volunteer participation in the concept of dual motivation of volunteers (altruism and selfishness) gives grounds for using a combined approach that takes into account various motives for participation.
motive scale, motivation, volunteer, management, non-profit organizations, volunteer organizations, volunteering, the youth, survey, sociology research
Family and society
Bikkinina, D. (2023). The Discourse of Family Policy in Sociological Research. Sociodynamics, 1, 2840.
The subject of the study is approaches to assessing the effectiveness and principles of implementing family policy in developed countries such as the United States of America, Germany, Japan, South Korea, Italy, Spain, Finland, etc. The main objective of this article is to compare the views of foreign authors and discourses of family policy, taking into account the diversity of approaches to family policy. Priority directions of family policy research in selected publications of foreign researchers were considered. For the analysis, the principles that allow to represent the discourse of family policy are identified. In this regard, the tasks were set to identify the concepts of family policy in the reviewed foreign articles for the formation of tools that allow: 1) to determine the general characteristics and features of various approaches to family policy of the modern welfare state, highlighted in the works of foreign authors, 2) to assess the unity of positions in the field of family policy. A methodological model called "semantic-structural" analysis was used, which is based on a combination of content analysis and the method of information-target analysis. The analysis of scientific articles by foreign authors allows us to conclude that there is a unified approach to family policy in the welfare states of Western Europe, Asia and North America. A common place in modern studies of family policy is the emphasis on the importance of economic measures associated with the work of family members, the possibility of strengthening the relationship between parents and children through the implementation of social policy measures. The conclusions of the study showed the ambivalence of family policy due to the lack of opportunity to form a unified doctrinal idea of evaluating the effectiveness of family policy measures. The question of assessing the effectiveness of appropriate measures, the priority of a "broad" approach in relation to solving problems within the family remains debatable.
semantic and structural analysis, socio-economic dimension, traditional family model, public service, model of family relations, content analysis, state support, social security, family policy, social policy
The Dialogue of cultures
Popov, E.A. (2023). Civilization and Culture: the "Centralization" of Values. Sociodynamics, 1, 4151.
In this article, the emphasis is placed on identifying some points of conjugacy of culture and civilization, while the problem is that quite often such a relationship is discussed at the level of generalization of certain research positions, but it still needs a more objectified reception. On this basis, the question of the relationship between culture and civilization is considered through the mechanism of "centralization" of values. Thus, it is through this mechanism that it is possible to establish the most clear criteria for the conjugacy of culture and civilization, while showing how value structures are subject to transformation as a result of such a relationship, the main conclusions of the study are the following: 1) some methodological possibilities of identifying the conjugacy of culture and civilization are analyzed; emphasis is placed on civilizational and value-interiorization approaches; 2) some nuances of value structuring of the modern development of culture and civilization are identified; 3) the mechanism of "centralization" of values is considered as the most effective way of differentiating values in the space of culture and the space of civilizational development; 4) under The "centralization" of values is understood as the redistribution of values in the conditions of cultural and civilizational development of modernity (the very concept of "centralization" of values was introduced by the Dutch researcher Annamaria Hagen); 5) in order to characterize value transformations, the results of the World Values Survey are used.
World Values Survey, civilizational approach, the system of norms, value system, civilizational development, cultural crisis, transformation of values, culture, civilization, values
Religion and politics
Anikin, D.A., Linchenko, A.A. (2023). The Russian Orthodox Church as an Actor of the Politics of Memory: the Study of Local Theological Discourses (on the Example of the Lipetsk Region). Sociodynamics, 1, 5267.
The article is devoted to the study of local theological discourses of the Russian Orthodox Church in the context of the specifics of the "young regions" of Russia. The application of the methodological ideas of P. Bourdieu, B. Latour and S. Jäger allowed to analyze the specifics of the interaction of the main actors of symbolic politics in the Lipetsk region, as well as to identify the place and role of the Lipetsk Metropolis with each of them. It was revealed that the Lipetsk Metropolis is striving not so much for competition and dominance in the symbolic space of the region, as it is trying to strengthen the religious dimension and interpretation of the history of the region, developing interaction with each of the actors of the politics of memory. This makes it possible to further strengthen the potential of the Metropolis in the rapid mobilization of resources to promote its own memorial projects, which in the region are primarily associated with the restoration of churches and monasteries. The study revealed five main discursive strategies of the Metropolis as an actor in the politics of memory, associated with the desire to present the history of the region as the history of the formation of Orthodoxy, to present the Lipetsk land as the defender of Russia, with active participation in military commemorations, the desire to interpret the important role of the era of Peter I in the development of Russian Orthodoxy, as well as selective criticism of the Soviet historical experience.
faith, historical knowledge, post-secular society, civil religion, Orthodoxy, discourse, theology, memorial practices, politics of memory, Lipetsk Mitropolis