State and civil society
Spirina, A.S. (2022). Network corruption and social trust in the Altai Region (results of a sociological study). Sociodynamics, 6, 114.
The subject of the work is the characteristic of network corruption and social trust in the Altai Territory. The analysis of social trust is based on the characteristics of generalized, institutional and particular trust. Network corruption is analyzed through the experience of the population using personal connections to solve their problems in seven areas: education, medicine, housing maintenance/repair services, social protection, police, work and obtaining registrations/various licenses. The purpose of the work is to characterize social trust and network corruption in the Altai Territory and to determine the presence/absence of differences in indicators of network corruption depending on the level of social trust. The research method was a questionnaire survey of the urban and rural population of the Altai Territory aged 18-70 years (n = 1200). To confirm the logic of statistical conclusions, a comparative analysis and analysis of conjugacy tables were carried out. The classification analysis method "classification trees" was also used. As a result of the analysis, it was revealed that the experience of using personal connections in education, social protection and in obtaining registrations / licenses differs depending on the place of residence of the population and the level of social trust. In particular, in the situation of using personal connections in the field of education, the territorial place of residence of the population, generalized and institutional trust are significant; in the sphere of the social protection system, generalized, institutional trust and the age of the population; when solving issues of obtaining registrations / licenses, particular trust and the place of residence of the population. The novelty of the study lies in the analysis of the role of social trust on the indicators of network corruption in regional society.
Altai Region, using personal connections, classification trees, results of the sociological research, network corruption, corruption, social trust, institutional trust, particular trust, generalized trust
Migration and adaptation
Le, T.T. (2022). Vietnamese rural communities in the context of youth labor migration: current state and prospects. Sociodynamics, 6, 1527.
Migration is a process that has many positive and negative consequences not only for migrants themselves but also for their own families living in modern Vietnam. In the context of the migration of young people from rural areas to cities, changes are observed in rural communities, both in their physical and spiritual lives. In this vein, this article defines the state and prospects for the development of rural communities in the context of youth migration from rural areas to cities in modern Vietnam on the example of the commune of Vinh Trach Dong, Bac Lieu province, in order to more clearly see changes in the economic, cultural, social life and living space of rural communities. The main methods used in this study are a survey (N=811) of households with young people migrating from rural areas to cities, and in-depth interviews (N=10) among residents of rural communities to refine the analysis of available data to explain the changes characteristic of rural communities. This study uses quantitative and qualitative methods aimed at clarifying the characteristics of the rural community; in order to analyze the impact of young migrant workers on rural communities and assess the situation of rural communities in the province of Bac Lieu in the context of youth migration from rural to urban. Based on the results of the study, the author determines the prospects for the development of Vietnamese rural communities.
Vinh Trach Dong, Bac Lieu, the prospects, modern Vietnam, research, urban area, rural youth, migrant workers, migration, rural communities
People and work
Naberushkina, E.K. (2022). Empirical measurement of attitudes to new forms of employment in the era of "coronacen". Sociodynamics, 6, 2836.
The subject of the research of this article is the analysis of the remote form of employment scaled due to the pandemic of 2020-2021. The object of the study was the attitude of working Muscovites to the remote form of work. The use of qualitative and quantitative research methodology made it possible to find out the difficulties and advantages of remote work, to identify changes in the family and professional field that occurred as a result of the transfer of labor functions to a new format. The embedded indicators made it possible to assess the attitude to the new format of work, to identify the changes that have occurred between relatives and colleagues, to assess the prospects for further use of the remote format, to speak out about the acceptability of remote work. The COVID-19 pandemic has led to serious changes in the functioning of public systems, including employment. The Coronacen era triggered changes in the field of professional activity and everyday life of people, pushed states to act faster and promptly regarding the introduction of remote employment, exacerbated the need for social institutions to respond quickly on the entire spectrum of issues related to social guarantees and conditions for the development of new forms of employment. This necessitates a comprehensive study of the ongoing processes and forecasting their consequences. The results presented in this article may be of interest to researchers dealing with the transformation of the labor market and employment, as well as to government specialists who are involved in the implementation of state employment policy.
legitimation, market, Institute, profession, remote work, megapolis, busyness, coronavirus, risk, city
Family and society
Loboda, P.E., Prokudina, R.O. (2022). Interdisciplinary study of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on family and marriage institutions. Sociodynamics, 6, 3746.
The object of the study is the family. The subject of the study is the institute of divorce. The authors consider in detail such aspects of the topic as the role of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the institution of divorce. The analysis of the legislation of the Russian Federation on the directions of state development in the field of economics, demography, as well as regulation of family relations is carried out. The article reveals the content of the psychological aspect. In particular, it is said about the formation of psychological tension that arose due to the need to stay in a confined space for a long time. As a result, stress begins in subjects, which affects not only the psychological state of a person, but also the physical one, it can reduce immunity and resistance to coronavirus. A special contribution of the authors to the study of the topic is to establish the indirect role of the COVID-19 pandemic on the dissolution of marriages. The main conclusion of the study is that coronavirus cannot be considered as an independent cause of marital divorce, but it aggravates the negative trends that occur in every family. Despite this, an increase in the number of divorces is inevitable, so it is necessary to take measures to optimize this process. A significant contribution was made by innovative changes in the field of notary in 2021. One of the innovations was remote notarial actions. Thanks to this, the notary actively implements electronic technologies in its activities, allowing not only to speed up the passage of all stages of the procedure, but also to increase the security and reliability of legally important information. Such changes have had a positive impact on the existing system, since they have made it the most simplified and convenient.
Psychological tension, Notary Public, Technological changes, COVID-19, Dissolution of marriage, Family, Family law, Demographic development, Alimony, Notarial actions
Social studies and monitoring
Rudenkin, D.V. (2022). What the youth of a large Russian city knows and thinks about vandalism: the case of Yekaterinburg. Sociodynamics, 6, 4762.
The article is devoted to the analysis of the dominant public opinion of Russian urban youth about vandalism and its forms of manifestation. The author notes that the current practice of research in social and humanitarian science is mainly focused on the analysis of specific cases of vandalism and the motivation of its subjects, while the specifics of mass representations of young people about this phenomenon remains poorly understood. Referring to the data of his own sociological research, the author seeks to take a step in overcoming this imbalance and establish the dominant attitude of Russian urban youth to the phenomenon of vandalism. The hypothesis of the work is that the ground for the spread of youth vandalism is largely created by the superficiality and flexibility of the attitude of the mass youth audience to this phenomenon. The analysis carried out in the course of the study shows that this hypothesis turned out to be fair. It was found that vandalism as a phenomenon causes mass condemnation of young people only at the level of abstract judgments, while the real attitude of young people to processes in urban space turns out to be flexible. Many young people have an extremely narrow idea of what vandalism is, and do not consider a number of destructive activities in urban space to be its manifestations. This space itself is not perceived as inviolable: the possibility of unauthorized transformations in it does not cause mass rejection of young people. And already existing vandal damage is often simply not noticed. In general, the analysis showed that educational activities should be no less important vector of prevention of youth vandalism than the existing areas of such work.
russian society, youth culture, stereotype, street art, city, urban youth, young people, vandalism, sociological survey, deviant behavior