Questions of current interest
Akutina, S.P., Stolyarova, E.V. (2021). The phenomenon of loneliness among senior citizens: subject of discussion . Sociodynamics, 7, 1–12.
The subject of this research is the phenomenon of loneliness among senior citizens. The goal lies in examination of the problems of loneliness among senior citizens. The article reviews such aspects as alienation from the society, feeling useless and helpless; gives the key characteristics of loneliness – assessment of social status, type of inferiority, type of temporal perspective, models of loneliness. The types of loneliness are divided into situational, chronic, recurrent, as well as emotional and social isolation. Research methodology employs the ideas of phenomenological, systemic, and activity approaches in the context of studying the problems of loneliness among senior citizens and effective ways of their solution. The survey revealed that senior citizens quite often feel lonely, which is reflected in the distorted interaction with other people, experiencing psychological problems, difficulties in self-organization, and the need for assistance of the social workers. The author empirically proves that the developed program “Young at Heart”, through creating hobby groups, helps senior citizens to feel needed in the society, improves their psychoemotional state, and allows overcoming loneliness. The article examines the theoretical approaches towards comprehension of the problem of loneliness among senior citizens. The author formulates the original definition of the concept of “loneliness” in the context of socio-psychological aspect, determines the causes of the phenomenon of loneliness among senior citizens within the framework of their interaction with society, develops a questionnaire aimed at studying the factors of socio-psychological loneliness of senior citizens, offers the ways for overcoming loneliness through active social life, such as creation of the hobby group “Young at Heart”, which includes the three types of activity: leisure and creative-applied, health promotion, and garden therapy. It is substantiated that maintenance of zest for living among senior citizens would be effective by creating a socially favorable, psychoemotional and health-preserving environment in the society.
communication, hobby clubs, types of loneliness, characteristics of loneliness, problems, elderly citizens, recreational activities, garden therapy, leisure, conditions
People and work
Kolobaev, S.A., Katanskij, S.A. (2021). Overcoming the phenomenon of “closed doors” in career building within the framework of natural selection . Sociodynamics, 7, 13–22.
The economy and society currently pose a question of career building of in the significant social groups. Job market is characterized by the emergence of new professions along with a range of new competencies developed at the intersection of various disciplines. Educational institutions do not always prepare their students for real life, and therefore, a graduate or a person with work experience challenge to find employment. In light of the non-transparency and non-uniformity of the job market, as well as devaluation of the continuity of knowledge and experience from the university to the employer, quire ambiguous criteria are imposed upon the potential employee. As a result, large and complex projects can be completed with irrelevant specialists, and persons with work experience and a desire to continue their career building may be left out. Based on the socio-psychological analysis, the author proposes the term of the “closed door phenomenon”, which literally means subjective and objective obstacles in entering a significant social group and striking roots therein. The article offers a definition of the “closed door phenomenon” as a set of behavioral patterns of a person and responses of the reference social groups. The article explores the origin, phenomenology, and key aspects of career building problems, which are referred to as “closed door phenomenon”. Classification of the proposed solutions is carried out. The author describes the socio-psychological mechanisms of interpretation and correction of unfavorable psychological and professional phenomena in career building within the framework of natural selection.
upward mobility, social class, existential situation, natural selection, marginalism, natural professions, closed door phenomenon, professional identity, career, learned helplessness
Social studies and monitoring
Shtukarev, N.A., Strelets, Y.S. (2021). Axiological contradictions of the modern Russian Society and their impact upon professional culture of the future lawyer. Sociodynamics, 7, 23–33.
Modern Russian society is currently on the verge of shifting from the traditional (pre-modern) and new (modern) value system, and is characterized by intermediateness and transitivity. In this context, the identity becomes unstable, marginal, without a solid foundation of values. This actualizes the problem of determination of axiological contradictions of the modern Russian society and the degree of their impact upon the cultural institutions formed in accordance with the professional criteria, namely professional culture of the future lawyer. The goal of this article is to establish axiological contradictions of the modern Russian society and determine the degree of their impact upon professional culture of the future lawyer. Methodological framework is comprised of culturological and axiological approaches. Analysis is conducted on the key development trends of the modern Russian society, which explicates the value contradictions of the Russian society at the present stage. The author provides the original definition of professional culture of the lawyer, reveals the conceptual components of professional culture, as well as the depth and degree of impact of the existing axiological contradictions upon the value core of professional culture of the future lawyer. It is noted that the revealed axiological contradictions of the modern Russian society aggravate the ethical issues of professional culture of the future lawyer. In this regard, the author offers the measures of social support for the future lawyers aimed at minimization of ethical contradictions in professional activity.
professional ethics, moral qualities of a lawyer, professional qualities of a lawyer, professional culture, virtuality, consumerism, transitive society, contradictions, values, higher lawl education
Anthropology and ethnogenesis
Kannykin, S.V. (2021). “However, he did not switch to walking”: the experience of a philosophical research of collective endurance running . Sociodynamics, 7, 34–53.
The object of this research is the collective endurance running as a social phenomenon of the XX – XXI centuries. The subject of this research is the spiritual grounds of the person’s choice and the sociocultural components of the existence of collective endurance running viewed in their interrelation. The article leans on the scientific approach and general methodological principles of scientific study, dialectical method, as well as ideas and values of the concept of humanism. The author set the following tasks: determine the social grounds and factors of proliferation endurance running in contemporary history; explore the peculiarities of interaction between running locomotion and unconscious aspect of the personality of amateur athlete; explicate the impact of long-distance running upon metaphysical component of the spiritual world of a “running” person; outline the social needs fulfilled by cultivation and propaganda of the positive impact of long-distance running practices; determine the problematic field of the “philosophy of running”. The novelty of this work lies in description of the worldview foundations of running activity of the amateur long-distance runners. These foundations are viewed as the main reason for proliferation of endurance running in modern society, as well as the semantic core of the problematic field of the “philosophy of running”. The metaphysical component of mentality of the “running” person via a long running effort goes back to the transcendent beginning of its existence; amateur endurance running provides selection of the most effective adaptive skills; forms an autotelic personality oriented towards the mode of “being”, rather than “possessing”; serves as a component of environmental movements and charity campaigns, a form of socialization of people with impairments; has a powerful educational potential. Being the basis of most athletic movements, running can be viewed as the “initial cell” that determines the impact of sport practices upon the human mind and body, as well as the current stage of social development. In relation to a human, such impact can be described by the word “kalokagathia”, while in relation to society – by the terms “humanism” "and “democracy”.
transcendence, existence, humanism, consciousness, competitions, endurance, philosophy, running, adaptation, brain
Academic thought
Sulimin, A.N. (2021). Sociopolitical order and chaos in the classical and nonclassical philosophical paradigms: historiosophical analysis . Sociodynamics, 7, 54–64.
The subject of this research is the study of conceptualization of the phenomena of sociopolitical order and chaos in representations of the classical and nonclassical philosophy. In modern age, socio-philosophical thought viewed political order as the essence of government, which structures the society from top to bottom, eliminating all manifestations of internal chaos that emerge from the social subsystem. The author believes that within the framework of classical and nonclassical science, order and chaos as the essential phenomena were neither opposed to each other nor determined by each other. The study of society is based on the methods of exact sciences, which view the government apparatus as a machine mechanism built in accordance with certain procedures and norms. This scientific article relies on the historical-philosophical approach, which allows tracing the evolution of such socio-philosophical doctrines as rationalism, positivism, and post-positivism. Special attention is given to the systemic and synergetic approach. The goal of this research lies in examination of peculiarities of the evolution of socio-philosophical representations on sociopolitical order and chaos in the methodology of classical and nonclassical philosophy. The main results of the conducted research consists in following the development of representations on sociopolitical order and chaos from the linear-evolutionary paradigm towards the nonlinear paradigm. The conclusion is made on the need to explore the sociopolitical order and chaos in dialectical interrelation from the perspective of synergetic methodology.
postpositivism, positivism, rationalism, state, socio-political chaos, socio-political order, evolutionism, Darwinism, synergetics, self-organization