People and work
Karpikova, I.S., Baeva, O.N. (2021). Employment of senior citizens in the Russian Federation: characteristics of trends and opportunities for implementation . Sociodynamics, 6, 113.
Providing employment opportunities for senior citizens in the context of increasing life expectancy of the population is worldwide recognized as a necessary condition for active aging. Solution of this problem is mainstreamed due to raising the retirement age. The goals of this research is to describe the trends in the sphere of employment of senior citizens in the Russian Federation, which includes people of retirement and pre-retirement age, as well as assess the possibilities of implementing work activity of “age” employees. The problem of employment of Russian senior citizens is examined via analysis and systematization of the government statistics and secondary analysis of the data of monitoring and one-time sociological research (Russian monitoring of economic situation and public health, online surveys of employers and job applicants, local regional studies). The acquired results reveal the existing contradiction between the increasing motivation of senior citizens to continue work activity and inability of the system of social production to ensure necessary opportunities for its implementation. The steps taken by the government on providing legal guarantees for employment of the senior citizens, namely people of pre-retirement age, have not yet yielded the desired results. Having analyzed the factors that promote or impede the employment of senior citizens, the authors conclude on the need of the following issues to be addressed as a matter of urgency: interest of the employers in providing employment for senior citizens, and overcoming ageist stereotypes in the society that unreasonably reduce the value of labor capacity of “age” employees.
pre-retirement age, ageism, age discrimination, working pensioners, employment trends for the elderly, employment statistics for the elderly, retirement age limits, labor employment, population aging, senior citizens
The heritage of transformation
Kovalev, A.A. (2021). The idea of commonality and Western philosophical-legal concepts: history and modernity . Sociodynamics, 6, 1430.
This article discusses the idea of commonality within the system of philosophical-legal concepts through the prism of history and modernity. This problem is important for understanding the systemic nature of philosophical-legal concepts, considering that the philosophy of law throughout its conceptualization was often either replaced by the philosophy of politics or social philosophy, or veered off, virtually losing commonality with the “unified philosophy”. The research employs the components of comparative law, socio-philosophical, historical-logical, and political science analysis. The works of the foreign authors of the XIX – XX centuries served as the foundation for this research. The scientific novelty lies in the following: 1) the author establishes that the legal concept of commonality offers a means of reconsideration of the attitude of law towards the diversity of social groups and associations that characterize modern life; 2) an important trend is determined in studying the legal concept of commonality, developed for indicating the need for normative reflection of social relations based on trust; it recognizes the diversity of such relations and forms of their expression. This selected topic is relevant in modern world, as well as socio-humanistic knowledge, thus the author's approach allowed achieving the novelty of the formulated conclusions.
collective interaction, nation, legal consciousness, law, community, society, idea of community, social philosophy, legal concept, philosophy of law
Social studies and monitoring
Fatkullina, G.R., Karimov, A.G. (2021). Peculiarities, factors and trends of financial behavior of youth (on the example of the Republic of Bashkortostan) . Sociodynamics, 6, 3141.
The object of this research is the youth of the Republic of Bashkortostan. The subject of this research is the financial behavior of youth. Based on the results of online pilot study carried out in the Republic of Bashkortostan via Google Form, the authors analyze the relevant questions pf financial behavior of youth. The survey included the questions that allowed determining the process of formation of financial literacy, degree and level of participation of the key social institutions in teaching the younger generation the fundamentals of financial literacy, as well as financial behavior practices that exist in the families of respondents. Emphasis is placed on the analysis of financial literacy of youth, as it is largely determined by the financial literacy of the population, which includes knowledge, practical skills and skills, and attitudes of citizens in the field of personal finance. The research interest is also focused on the differences in financial behavior of Z generation (zoomers) and Y generation (millennials). The author determines insufficient level of teaching financial literacy at all stages of education, which entails irrational (risky) financial behavior among youth. Half of the respondents can be regarded as poor people; however, they do not seek for solution to change the situation, such as getting themselves a job. As a positive trend, the author notes noted that in a certain way modern youth is concerned about the future and tries to develop the strategies of financial behavior (mostly medium-term and short-term).
millennials, Generation Y, youth of the Republic of Bashkortostan, economic values, youth, financial literacy, Generation Z, financial literacy level, financial behavior, economic behavior
Questions of current interest
Balakleets, N.A. (2021). The actor of power in the conditions of modern warfare: David's strategy vs Goliath's strategy . Sociodynamics, 6, 4252.
This article is dedicated to solution of the crucial problems of the philosophy of war – the paradox of David and Goliath. The weaker, technically inferior side of military confrontation often defeats the stronger one, which is equipped with the latest technology by the world political actors. The author describes the heterogeneous and asymmetric nature of modern wars, which involve state and non-state actors, and combine regular and irregular combat practices. It is indicated that the mobile and flexible strategy of partisan war, which is more effective than the actions of regular army, is now being adopted by them. Therefore, if an irregular soldier, a partisan, in the conditions of classical inter-state war possessed the status of “unlawful combatant”, in modern wars, the soldiers of regular army must prove their superiority over the partisans. The scientific novelty of this research lies in determination of the two paradigms of warfare relevant to the current situation in the society, which correspond to the strategies of David and Goliath. The first is characteristic to high-tech societies, which have entered the post-heroic era losing imperative of sacrifice. The conclusion is made that the military activity of modern Goliaths is being transformed in accordance with transhumanistic and poshumanistic scenarios. The natural outcome of high-tech warfare of the future should become a post-human war waged by artificial intelligence. The response to high-tech challenges of the leading world political actors is the guerrilla warfare strategy of modern David, which is founded on the idea of sacrifice and willingness to take lethal risks, and debunks the key role of the factor of technological superiority in achieving victory.
transhumanism, military technology, modern society, politics, subject of power, violence, war, posthumanism, David and Goliath, post-heroic societies
Questions of current interest
Kosorukov, A.A. (2021). Advanced technological solutions in the sphere of establishing neuro-digital public administration . Sociodynamics, 6, 5366.
The subject of this research is the advanced technological solutions associated with the transition from digital to neuro-communication technologies in the sphere of public administration. The author explores the current stage of development of the NeuroNet, which is the new-generation information and communication network, which promotes the transition from the data-centrism of digital government towards the intelligence-centrism of neuro-digital public administration. The article also considers the possibility of connecting brain-computer interfaces in the sphere of interpersonal communication, contributing to the formation of neurocognitive level of mass communication, neuro-digital interaction between the government authorities and the citizens. At the same time, one of the crucial aspects of the neuro-communicative environment is the digital equivalents of a human, the Internet of things and objects of material infrastructure, which e shift the management processes to the sphere of virtual and augmented reality. The novelty of the this work consists in disclosure of the applied aspects of implementation of quantum communications in digital infrastructure of public administration, which ensure secure interdepartmental document flow, as well as dialogue with citizens, including on the level of neuro-communications, and allow effectively counteracting quantum hacking. Digital sensorics and technical bionics, combining the capabilities of control of unmanned transport vehicles and robotics, significantly impacting the development of a “smart city” based on the big data and predictive analytics, and reflecting the neural network structure of the digital state, make a considerable contribution to the scientific novelty of this research, and simultaneously actualize the aspect of neuro-communication as personal biodata and biosafety.
robotics, unmanned transport system, quantum technologies, digital twin, neurocommunication, digital government, Neuronet, digital sensor system, smart city, technical bionics
Anthropology and ethnogenesis
Kannykin, S.V. (2021). Olympic endurance running and the spirit of athleticism . Sociodynamics, 6, 6780.
The subject of this research is the metaphysical aspects of Olympic endurance running in relation to formation of an athlete as a harmoniously developed personality. The relevance of this topic is substantiated by the need for elucidation of spiritual grounds of running as the most universal form of physical activity of an athlete. As a meaningful movement that takes place in cultural space, running is considered a social phenomenon and has transcendental dimension, since it is derived from the mental attitudes of the agent, impacting the agent and the social group the agent belongs to, as well as humanity overall. Namely endurance running, which suggests high incidence and agonal duration, allows us determining certain mental and willed attitudes of athletic (i.e., humanistic-oriented, Olympic) sports activity. The novelty of this research consists in the review of metaphysical foundations of running through the prism of the ideological grounds of Olympism. It is noted that of all the Olympic sports, endurance running is existentially rooted in a human, as humans outstrip all mammals namely in long-distance running. Olympic endurance running translates such social value attitudes as patriotism, sacrifice, self-cognition, commitment to one’s avocation, nobility, and honesty. An athlete formed through the Olympic running practices is oriented towards achieving kkalokagathia, as endurance running requires durable, optimized motor action, which ensures stable psychosomatic concentration, i.e. harmony of the spiritual beginning with the bodily.
honesty, nobility, calling, self-knowledge, sacrifice, patriotism, athlete, Olympism, running, kalokagatiya