The heritage of transformation
Pestereva, K.A., Khokholova, I.S., Kysylbaikova, M.I., Vasilyeva, A.P. (2021). The symbolism of urban space: socio-cognitive approach (based on the material of Yakutsk) . Sociodynamics, 2, 115.
This article is dedicated to the currently relevant direction in the humanities – the study of city monuments as the tools of commemoration that contribute to the formation of historical and cultural memory in the society. The author classifies the monuments and art objects of Yakutsk by designation, as well as presents the survey results of the citizens on perception of the city’s symbolic space of the city. An overview and analysis of the monuments of Yakutsk demonstrated that they reflect history of the city and the republic, as well as contribute to the formation of sustainable representation of the citizens on the historical events. The most remarkable component in the formation of collective memory and historical identity remains the Memorials of Military Glory. This article reviews an example of the memorial complex “Victory Square” as the major memorial site in the city. It is substantiated by the fact that due to the government’s policy of emphasizing and reconsideration of the role of the Soviet people in victory in the Great Patriotic War, the monument retains its functionality and reminds on the tough years of war experienced by the people. The acquired results indicate that the residents are familiar with the history of their city and support the strengthening of commemorative functions assigned to the monuments.
sociological questionnaire, urban space, collective memory, historical monument, multiethnic population, historical memory, memorial complex, urban population, commemoration, symbolic space
Social studies and monitoring
Boronoev, P.G. (2021). Manifestations of suicidal behavior among minors in the context of urban environment (based on the materials of Ulan-Ude) . Sociodynamics, 2, 1626.
The subject of this research is the social factors of suicidal behavior among minors in the urban environment. The author sets the goal to reveal the regional specificity of social factors that define the manifestation of suicidal behavior of minors in Ulan-Ude; and for this purpose, develops and tests the sociological methodology for the studying suicidal behavior among school students aged 12-17 in Ulan-Ude. The research results are based on the sociological survey of school students, expert survey of the personnel of public educational institutions, analysis of Rosstat official statistical information, as well as analysis of the documents of public educational institutions. The article demonstrates the clear correlations between the low standard of living of the population of the region, financial situation and the well-being of the family and the suicide risk among minors. The methodology of systemic analysis allowed determining most significant social factors of suicidal behavior and revealing the regional specificity of manifestations of suicidal behavior of minors. The novelty of this work consists in the comprehensive analysis and processing of empirical data of the sociological survey conducted by the author. The acquired results have social and applied value, and can be used by educational institutions and state authorities in assessing the risks of suicidal behavior among minors, as well as in developing the programs aimed at prevention of escalation of suicidal behavior. It is established that the manifestations of suicidal behavior among minors in the urban environment are substantiated by socioeconomic problems, low material wealth of the population, unemployment of parents, living in low-income and single-parent families, migration of the population of rural areas to the city, overall social ill-being.
urban environment, teenager, juvenile, social factor, suicidal behaviour, suicide, deviance, deviant behavior, autoaggression, deprivation
Questions of current interest
Ovrutskiy, A.V. (2021). Social aspects of the national brand (demonstrated on the brand of the Republic of Azerbaijan) . Sociodynamics, 2, 2737.
The subject of this research is the social content of the national brand of the Republic of Azerbaijan. Research methodology is based on interpretation of marketing as a new general social theory. In this context, the author examines branding and brand management technologies as social technologies of formation of the identity, integration, and social behavior management overall. Applicable to the national brand, the aforementioned provision is valid for both, domestic (citizens of the country) and external (citizens of other countries) target audiences. Structural components of the national brand include: ) the main message of the brand; 2) the components that form national identity (values shared by majority of the citizens); 3) national products; 4) gallery of the visual images, which on the one hand represent national values, while on the other – the unique visual “keys” for understanding the character, history and future of the nation; 5) brand discourse – a set of textual verbal forms of the national brand; 6) heroic spirit of the brand (persons who have the brand-building capacity); 7) audio discourse – a combination of audio brand-building characteristics; 8) event driven brand-building communications. The conclusion is made that the national brand of Azerbaijan is currently at the turn changing concepts, which indicates the transition of the country towards a new stage of development. The author highlights the four concepts of the national brand of Azerbaijan. The first is historical, which resembles the concept of “petroleum” and characterizes the industrial period of development. The second is ornamental, attributed to the archetypal branding (Azerbaijani rug ornaments). The third is “the Land of Fire”, similar to the ornamental by the nature of used symbols and the mechanism of influence. The fourth concept is referred to the postindustrial images. It is assumed that the national brands can be an interesting and heuristic object of analysis of the social processes of represented territories.
Logo, Target group, Marketing communications, Identity, Concept of the brand, National Brand, Branding, Brand Management, Azerbaijan, Image
Family and society
Ivanov, A.G. (2021). Family memory and Its mythology: from the theory to daily practice. Sociodynamics, 2, 3850.
This article is dedicated to examination of the dynamic aspect and mythological dimension of social memory. The structure of the latter distinguishes the two levels – “archaic” and ”conjunctural”. The “archaic” level plays a determinant role for the current functionality of mythology , including the mythology of family memory, which is interrelated with such spheres of everyday life as life, work, and recreation). The transformation of family mythology is viewed on the example of manifestation of myth-containing phenomena, such as the sacred leader (hero) and the victim, in everyday life. The following changes are indicated: the representations on causality and ratio between the part and the whole are imparted sacred meaning, while the representations on space and time are being rationalized. The systematic approach was applied towards studying the mythology of family memory. The theoretical conclusions are reinforced by the results of analysis of a series of narrative interviews conducted among the residents of Lipetsk Region about the history of their families. It is established that the basic (constitutive) events for the mythology of family memory indicate more abstract and profound phenomena (for example, hero or victim) than for the social memory. Special work is required for identification of these phenomena and further reconstruction of the mythology of family memory in each particular case. Special attention is given to observations of one of the respondents on the miracle as the phenomenon immanently inherent in life.
sacred events, narrative interview, everyday life, mythocontent phenomenon, archetype, sociocode, levels of mythology, social memory, miracle, transformation of mythology
Social studies and monitoring
Polyakova, A.G. (2021). Digital sociology and examination of social mechanisms on the Internet space. Sociodynamics, 2, 5164.
The distribution of new types of secondary sociological information actualizes the role of digital sociology and generates new opportunities for the analysis. Digital sociology, as a subject of research, is viewed as an interdisciplinary direction focused on the social effects, which are generated by the advancement of information and communication technologies and phenomena. The existence of such effects is predetermined by the development of a digital environment than involves various actors. Therefore, the computer modeling of social mechanisms receives increased attention, as the study of its results has considerable potential, and groundwork has been laid for monitoring of socioeconomic processes through reconfiguration of the existing information cascades. The methodological framework is comprised of the general scientific methods, including structural-functional and causal substantiation of the patterns, complementarity of the objective and subjective sides of the social processes. Special methods are presented by the analysis of social networks. The research aims to determine the possibility and prerequisites for creating the information system based on the principles of digital sociology and big data, as well as on the network analysis of the processes and phenomena. Thus, the solution of such task, as the examination of social mechanisms projected on the Internet space, prompted the creation of information system founded on the principles of digital sociology, synergy of the authorities and society, as well as contributed to establishment of the basis for the new model of administrative decision-making, which observes the interests of its subject and characterized by the comprehensive operating information support.
social process, social mechanism, network analysis, digital technologies, monitoring, socio-economic policy, Internet space,, social mechanisms, digital sociology, digital modeling
Social studies and monitoring
Popov, E.A. (2021). Basic options of studying cities in the modern sociological science. Sociodynamics, 2, 6572.
This article reviews various possibilities of studying cities and urban environment employed by the modern sociological science. Emphasis is placed on identification difficulties typically encountered by sociologists in the context of analysis of the relevant issues of urban development. The major challenges are associated with the adequate choice of appropriate methodological framework. Assessment is given to the possibility of using the anthroposocietal approach. The author determines the key urban issues that sociologists may turn attention to and obtain valuable scientific data, Attention is given to disclosure of the concept of “urban person”, which is important for sociology of the city and corresponding research practices. The main conclusions of the conducted research are as follows: 1) the possibilities of using various methodological approaches towards examination of the specific or “universal” cities are outlined; 2) the concept of sociality of the city alongside the options of its application in the sociological and interdisciplinary research are discussed; 3) social component in the development of modern cities – from the largest to monocities is analyzed; 4) the need for using anthroposocietal approach in urban research and analysis of social relations formed therein is substantiated; 5) major challenges faced by sociologists when in studying urban space and sociocultural characteristics of the cities are outlined.
anthroposocietal approach, knowledge system, city space, megapolis, the sociality of the city, urban environment, city, knowledge about society, society, global city
Social studies and monitoring
Barinov, D.N. (2021). Media virus of fear: the peculiarities of representation of COVID-19 pandemic by the Russian media during the first wave (January June 2020) . Sociodynamics, 2, 7386.
This article reviews the peculiarities of representation of COVID-19 pandemic by the Russian media. The theoretical-methodological framework is comprised of the philosophical and sociological concepts of fear, social emotions, social feeling, as well as information and mass communication theory. The empirical basis employs media content of the Internet resources, media discourse of news broadcast, and the nationwide sociological surveys. The article traces the dynamics of information materials related to coronavirus infection for the period from January to June 2020, which indicates the escalation of fearfulness of the media content. Such dynamics is compared to changes in in social emotions of the Russians, which reflect increase of anxiety and concerns, including the fear of getting infected with coronavirus. It is noted that the leading role in development of the fear of coronavirus is played by the traditional media, such as television. Characteristic is given to the information entropy in mass media, emerging as a result of the absence of accurate scientific records on the novel coronavirus infection. The author highlights the key contradictory theses of the Russian mass media related to coronavirus during the first wave of the pandemic. It is underlined that information entropy is a psychotraumatic factor that promotes mass fears and anxieties, and simultaneously, distrust in the official information provided by media. The peculiarity of representation of COVID-19 pandemic in the Russian media is also viewed in the context of interaction between the traditional media and Internet resources. It is demonstrated that the materials on coronavirus posted on the social media are used by the traditional media as a factor of increasing the validity of media content dedicated to coronavirus infection, and as proof of actual threat of the outbreak of coronavirus disease.
pandemic, coronavirus fear, information entropy, news sociology, social fears, Mass communication, COVID-19, coronavirus, social media, Russian media