Local self-government
Maykova, E.Y., Simonova, E. (2021). Development potential of the Institution of the heads of village community in modern Russian municipalities (on the example of sociological research in Tver Region) . Sociodynamics, 1, 1–15. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-7144.2021.1.34801
The subject of this article is the analysis of indicators that characterize development potential of the institution of the heads of village community (Starosta) in modern Russian municipalities. These indicators include the representations, opinions and attitudes of the residents of different types of municipalities regarding the institution of the headman. The conducted research allows determining the peculiarities of administrative and self-governing processes on the local level, as well as outline the development prospects for the Institution of the heads of village community in Russia. The object of this article is the residents of different types of municipalities in Tver Region. Using the method of structured interview the author provides the data of sociological monitoring carried out in Tver Region in the 2018-2019, as well as the results of sociological survey conducted in rural municipalities in accordance with a specifically developed toolset (2019). The article analyzes the attitude of the population of Tver Region towards implementation of post of headman (Starosta) in the rural areas; examines the awareness of rural residents on the institution of the heads of village community, their representations on the nature of social position of Starosta, legal status and social functions of the institution. The author’s special contribution consists in identification of characteristics that form social portraits of categories of citizens who gear towards the development of the institution of Starosta and participation in its functioning. The acquires results can be used by state and municipal branches aimed at engagement of population in the practices of self-governance.
social portrait of the elder, readiness to become an elder, activist attitudes, self-government potential, awareness of the elders, the attitude to the elders, institute of village elders, local self-government, enlarged municipalities, municipalities of the settlement level
Social studies and monitoring
Turkulets, S.E., Turkuletc, A.V., Listopadova, E.V. (2021). The impact of representations on social threats and risks upon creation of Russia’s image of the future . Sociodynamics, 1, 16–31. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-7144.2021.1.34843
The object of this research is the social threats and risks as the factors that impact the formation of Russia’s image of the future. The subject of this research is the public opinion of residents of the Far East – representatives of generations X, Y and Z on the current state and prospects of the Russian society. The goal consists in identification of peculiarities of the opinion among the representatives of different generations of residents of the Far East in determination of social risks caused by new external and internal threats in the context of creation of Russia’s image of the future. Leaning on the analysis of scientific theoretical sources and data of the own empirical research, the authors attempted to construct a universal image of the future of Russia, typical to the representatives of different generations of Russians. The novelty of this work lies in the analysis of public opinion of expressed by the representatives of different generations of residents of the Far East on the future of Russia, taking into account the risks and threats (in their perception), as well as in extrapolation of the results of empirical study upon the process of formation of Russia’s image of the future. The scientific value of the acquired results is defined by fact that determination of peculiarities of the worldview of different generations regarding Russia’s image of the future allows creating a generalized image that may become an integrating factor in the process of implementation of social activity of the Russian citizens. The practical importance is that the obtained result would help social scientists in their further theoretical research, forecasts and envisioning scenarios on the future of Russian society, and modern politicians – in elaboration of the projects of social reforms.
solidarity, social justice, construction, image of the future, generational theory, social threats, social risks, Russia's future, the trust, public opinion
Nikolaev, I.V. (2021). Verbal political symbols in the communication of society and government: the experience of typologization. Sociodynamics, 1, 32–43. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-7144.2021.1.34945
The object of the study is the phenomenon of verbal political symbols, which is understood as a key sign of political discourse that has lost its original meaning and, in the course of secondary signification, receives opportunistic meanings beneficial to political subjects in order to influence public consciousness. The subject of the study is the possible grounds for the typologization of verbal political symbols, as well as basic typological series, operationalized for use in empirical studies of political communications. The author examines in detail the methodological aspects of typologization based on the concepts of social constructionism and symbolic politics, as well as semantic, syntactic and pragmatic bases of typologization of symbols.  The main conclusions of the study are the identified basic bases of typologization of verbal political symbols: semantic (belonging to certain thematic conglomerates of concepts, belonging to political ideology, attitude to the state position), as well as syntactic and pragmatic (status and level of authority of the subject – creator of the symbol, channels of popularization, the duration of the life cycle of the symbol, universal functions of verbal symbols in politics). A special contribution of the author to the study of the topic is the analysis of thematic conglomerates of concepts peculiar to Russian political discourse. The novelty of the research lies in the application of a typological approach to the phenomenon of verbal political symbols, as well as the identification of the main features that can be used for the typology of discursive symbols in the future.
political communication, typological series, the basis of the typology, typology, type, discourse analysis, verbal political symbol, political symbol, symbolic politics, power
National security
Zotov, V.V., Vasilyeva, I.N. (2021). Law enforcement agencies as the stakeholders of ethno-confessional space of public communications . Sociodynamics, 1, 44–55. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-7144.2021.1.34756
The subject of this research is the ethno-confessional space of public communications as an assemblage of media channels and stakeholders engaged in the process of making socially important decisions aimed at harmonization of interethnic and inter-confessional relations and prevention of conflicts thereof. The goal consists in substantiation of the need for involvement of law enforcement agencies in arrangement of a dialogue and partnership in the ethno-confessional space of public communications as its stakeholder. In theoretical aspect, the research methodology leans on the concept of management of public values and managerial concept of stakeholders; in the empirical aspect – it is based on the results of expert poll and analysis of normative legal documentation, which regulates the activity of law enforcement agencies. Substantiation is made that the problems of interethnic and Inter-confessional relations should be resolved not only from administrative perspective, but also within the space of public communications through engaging the representatives of interested parties. The analysis of expert opinion demonstrates that law enforcement structures have a considerable influence upon the process of problem settlement in the ethno-confessional sphere, but do not play a noticeable role in arrangement of a dialogue and partnership in the ethno-confessional space of public communications. It is underlined that in order to improve performance of law enforcement agencies on harmonization of relations and conflict prevention in the ethno-confessional sphere, requires creating the corresponding legal framework for cooperation and partnership of the law enforcement agencies and other interested parties in the space of public communications.
conflict prevention, interfaith relations, interethnic relations, stakeholders, internal affairs bodies, public communications space, state national policy, harmonizing relationships, Police Act, expert survey
The Dialogue of cultures
Popov, E.A. (2021). Ethno-consolidating role of art in sustainable development of cross-border regions . Sociodynamics, 1, 56–63. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-7144.2021.1.34931
This article explores the capacity of art in consolidation of the society on ethnic grounds. This affects the sustainability of regional development, results of the exchange of sociocultural experience between the generations of culture bearers and, and overcoming severe socioeconomic and sociopolitical problems in general. The subject of this research is the ethno-consolidating role of art. The theoretical-methodological framework of leans on the trend of ethnic art studies. The article is based not only on the theoretical consideration of the indicated vector, but also on the results of empirical research, such as expert survey of administrative employees of the cultural, art and educational institutions (cross-border regions of Russia: Altai Krai, Altai Republic, Kemerovo Region, Kazakhstan: Pavlodar and East Kazakhstan Regions, n=120); expert survey of the government officials and local self-governance that are responsible for implementation of regional and municipal programs aimed at preservation and development of ethno-national cultural assets in cross-border regions of the Russian Federation and Kazakhstan (n=65). The following conclusions were formulated: 1) ethnic consolidation of culture bearers in cross-border regions can be effectively realized through the phenomena of traditional and indigenous art; 2) the current processes of assimilation of cultural values and norms, ethnic tension, intercultural dialogue, and the phenomenon of multiculturalism as a whole can blunt the effect of art upon ethnic consolidation of the society, although not affecting the pace of intergenerational interaction, in which the important role is allocated to art; 3) art carries out a consolidating role in the society based on continuity of values and norms.
anthroposocietal approach, knowledge system, regional sustainability, knowledge, the role of art, art, research culture, knowledge about society, society, cross-border art
Social studies and monitoring
Bakhtin, V.A. (2021). The role of ethnocultural factors in the development of medical tourism . Sociodynamics, 1, 64–74. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-7144.2021.1.34833
The subject of this research is the eth0culture of medical tourism. On December 17, 2020, during a large press conference, the Russian President Vladimir Putin emphasized the importance for the development of domestic tourism. There is much concern about the citizens’ health, which raises the question on the promotion of domestic and inbound medical tourism, which is many ways lags behind the outbound medical tourism. Attraction of foreign citizens to the healthcare centers in Russia is one of the priority tasks of the National Project “Healthcare”. In this regard, there are new approaches that are not yet implemented. It implies that medicine is a part of culture, thus cannot but be unaffected by traditions and national mentality. To a great extent, the development of positive attitudes towards medical treatment in Russia depends on ethnocultural adaptation of medical tourists. Moreover, there is a consistent group of patients oriented towards the services of ethnomedicine. There are virtually no research dedicated to ethnomedicine within the framework of sociological interest in Russian literature, which actualizes the projection of approaches presented in the foreign sources onto polyethnic diversity of Russia. The aforementioned arguments stress the need for scientific examination of the possibility of using ethnocultural factors in promotion of medical and healthcare tourism. In the categorical field of medical sciences it cannot be implemented due to the absence of the corresponding problematic and terminological apparatus. However, the sociology of culture allows studying the problem from medical, culturological, and ethnological perspective, since it possess the methodology of scientific synthesis of all listed areas of knowledge. The research of ethnocultural factors of medical domestic and inbound tourism, which suggests not only a geographical change, but a change of ethnic environment as well, defines the novelty of this work and actualizes the conclusions on the proposed measures with regards to utilization of ethnocultural component in this sphere.
focus group, wellness tourism, health tourism, inbound tourism, domestic tourism, ethnoculture, questionnaire survey, medical tourism, pandemic, traditional medicine